Chapter 72 – Mind Warlock Six Ability System

Saga didn’t know about the collision between pirates and necromancers.

He was stationed inside the Dragon’s Nest, quietly searching for knowledge about Mind Warlocks recorded in the inheritance.

[Powerful fists, dazzling sword light, mysterious magic, all pale in comparison to the Mind Warlock’s thoughts.

Psychic abilities arise from long-term self-examination and the cultivation of mental abilities through mental training.

Those who have overcome their inner demons and various unexpected difficulties have learned how to awaken the hidden power within themselves.

Knowing oneself, knowing the world—this is the motto of a Mind Warlock, and also the path to great power.]

The above is a general introduction to Mind Warlocks in the Dragon’s inheritance.

“The key to being a Mind Warlock lies in the mind.”

“Extracting powerful psychic power as spiritual energy allows one to influence the mind, even distort reality, and display various incredible supernatural abilities.”

“Psychic talents are unpredictable and innate. The vast majority of creatures do not possess psychic talents.”

“Even among the true dragons, who have naturally strong spirits, only one in ten possesses psychic talents. However, the powerful spirit of a true dragon can be transformed into psychic energy. If they insist on embarking on the path of the mind, they can stimulate their psychic talents through appropriate means.”

As Saga actively explored the Dragon’s inheritance, he learned more and more about Mind Warlocks.

“I wonder if I have psychic talents.”

Psychic talents are rare, which is why Mind Warlocks are considered a relatively special Transcendent system. On the Saiga Planet, Casters hold the highest status and often look down on other Transcendent systems, considering warriors, knights, priests, and others to be beneath them. However, it is interesting that many Mind Warlocks also look down on ordinary mages and warlocks. A considerable number of Mind Warlocks believe that magic is nothing more than a projection of the mind. The appearance of a Gnoll with three psychic talents in the Xitail family is extremely rare. If it weren’t for meeting Saga, the Xitail family would have had a chance to make a name for themselves.

“Even if I don’t have psychic talents, there are methods in the inheritance to stimulate them. This is not a problem. The powerful spirit of a true dragon can be transformed into psychic energy.” He continued to delve deeper.

“Psychic energy emphasizes the mind over matter and values the exploration of one’s own potential in the mind.”

“Strengthen the mind, strengthen the spirit.”

“Extract the mind, unleash psychic energy.”

“Mind Warlocks extract power from their souls. However, just like the various branches of spells for Casters, the supernatural abilities of Mind Warlocks are divided into different basic energy systems based on their uses.”

Saga turned over and rested his head on his tail. As he gained a deeper understanding of Mind Warlocks, he became more and more curious about this Transcendent path. As one of the more special and rare Transcendent professions among the various systems of Casters, Mind Warlocks were undoubtedly powerful and suited him well. Saga needed powerful mental calculation abilities to control basic forces, which was his foundation. Psychic energy could serve as an auxiliary. The reasonable use of abilities was also important.

For example, when playing a game, with the same hero, equipment, and skills, some people could rampage and kill, while others were easily killed. Moreover, without discussing other things, this could probably help Saga discover the electromagnetic force. He speculated that there was a certain connection between psychic energy and the electromagnetic force. Or rather, everything had some connection to the electromagnetic force, as it was omnipresent. It’s just that the connection between psychic energy and the electromagnetic force was deeper.

“All the supernatural abilities of the Mind Warlock system are divided into six basic energy systems.”

Although Mind Warlocks were rare, they were still a relatively complete Transcendent profession. The knowledge recorded in the Dragon’s inheritance was quite detailed, as there were dragons within the Dragon Kind who were born with psychic talents. For example, the Spiked Ancient Dragon, who specialized in psychic energy, and many Gemstone Dragons liked to dabble in psychic abilities and possessed psychic talents.

The six major energy systems of Mind Warlocks are:

Psychic Prophecy System.

Psychic Creation System.

Psychic Transformation System.

Psychic Self-Formation System.

Psychic Teleportation System.

Psychic Enchantment System.

If there is a Mind Warlock who specializes in a certain energy system, they are called:

Insightful: They can explore prophetic and perceptive abilities to assist their teammates in battle or collect information in various ways.

Creator: They can extract spiritual energy or other materials from the Stellar Realm and combine it with their own psychic energy to create semi-solid or solid objects. The created objects can be weapons, armor, or living star matter constructs that obey the commands of the Creator.

Manipulator: They can manipulate energy and transform matter through their minds, capable of launching powerful energy attacks.

Shapeshifter: They possess the ability to change the metabolism of themselves or nearby creatures through their psychic abilities. They can heal or transform into various monsters according to their own desires.Spirit Traveler: Able to push or move objects in time or space, such Mind Warlocks are the rarest and often die from uncontrollable backlash of temporal and spatial energy.

Here is a specific warning from the Dragon’s Legacy – Teleportation psychic abilities are extremely dangerous.

Mind Communicator: Able to make mental contact and control other conscious beings, they can easily deceive, control, or destroy the will of their enemies.

“Seer, Shaper, Energy Manipulator, Shapeshifter, Spirit Traveler, Mind Communicator.”

“Correspondingly, these are the Mind Prophecy, Mind Creation, Mind Transformation, Mind Self-shaping, Mind Teleportation, and Mind Enchantment.” Saga pondered.

“By this calculation, the old Blue-Scale Gnoll who enslaved the Yellow Crystal Earth Dragon should belong to the Mind Communicators, that is, the Mind Enchantment.”

“If I were to become a Mind Warlock, which psychic ability should I choose? Or should I study all of them?”

“Both focusing on a single ability and studying multiple abilities have their pros and cons.”

“Restricted by talent, in order to go further on the path of a Mind Warlock, most Mind Warlocks will choose a single ability. Only those with extraordinary talents dare to study different abilities.”

“In that case, I want them all! Study all abilities!”

The Hatchling Dragon raised its head proudly.

Choosing a single ability is the choice of the mediocre, Saga wants them all. This is not arrogance or conceit, Saga has a clear self-awareness. He won’t consider himself ordinary when he is clearly excellent. He knows he is powerful, knows he has extraordinary talent, knows that all his attributes are strong, including spirit and mind.

“Mainly focusing on basic power, supplemented by the study of psychic abilities through the path of a Mind Warlock, to enhance my understanding, research, and control of basic power.”

Saga temporarily determined his development path. The first problem that lay before him was.

Awakening psychic talent, becoming a Mind Warlock.

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