Chapter 55 – Shark Tiger

Waxing Crescent Island, with an area of approximately 6,000 square kilometers, is like a delicate crescent moon tip on the magnificent sea, embedded in the boundless blue curtain of the sea, shining in harmony with the bright crescent moon hanging in the night sky.

In the forest on the island, colorful flowers have grown into spectacular bushes, emitting enticing fragrances. They can flash various colors of light, swaying like elf fireworks. Under the night sky, Waxing Crescent Island appears magnificent, like a dream.

At the same time.

At the pointed position of Waxing Crescent Island, near the beach in the shallow sea area, shadows pass over the golden sand particles.

Dragon scales, like golden diamonds, spread their wings, covering the moonlight, casting a shadow on the beach. As the height decreases, the shadow gradually shrinks until the hatchling dragon’s limbs touch the beach and come into contact with the sand particles. The changing shadow almost overlaps with its body.

After Saga landed and felt the contact between his feet and the fine sand particles, he looked at the environment of the coast.

The coast is also dotted with various colored shells, conches, pebbles, and fine and smooth sand grains. Facing the sea, one can feel the sea breeze blowing and hear the sound of the waves. Not far ahead, there are several vaguely visible reefs.

The environment of Waxing Crescent Island is similar to that of First Quarter Island.

The three different island environments are generally similar, with only slight differences in land area, the population of living creatures, distribution of forest vegetation, hills, and peaks.

Saga originally wanted to observe the specific situation of Waxing Crescent Island, but the sudden fatigue from deep within his body and the slight pain caused by the Tremorboar made him abandon this idea.

The endurance and energy of dragons are unquestionable. In the human world, the term “dragon-like vigor” is often used to describe individuals with abundant energy.

However, strong endurance does not mean unlimited endurance. At least for now, Saga does not have unlimited endurance.

Continuously traveling without rest for several days, hunting for prey, and chasing pirate ships, coupled with the brief battle with the Tremorboar just now, made Saga’s body feel obvious fatigue. Now that he relaxed a little, drowsiness surged like waves, and even the hatchling dragon’s eyelids couldn’t help but tremble.

“Tired… I want to take a nap.”

“When I wake up this time, I should have made some progress.”

The hatchling dragon yawned widely, sat down on the beach, and raised its tail.

Scratch, scratch… Saga lowered his head, pondered for a moment, then bent down and dug open the sand particles with his claws, retracting his wings and gently swaying his tail. At the same time, his body covered with beautiful diamond-like dragon scales burrowed into the lower layer of sand particles… After a while, Saga disappeared from the original spot, leaving only a small section of his dragon tail on the beach.

The dragon tail swung left and right, smoothing the messy sand.

After everything was done, the dragon tail trembled against the sand particles and gradually buried itself under the golden particles like sand.

When dragons are in deep sleep, their perception of the surrounding environment decreases.

Although it does not completely disappear, when the opponent approaches a certain distance, the True Dragon will still be awakened. However, it is not as sensitive as when it is awake.

Therefore, without enough magic traps for alertness, hidden dragon nests, or the presence of clan guards, many True Dragons will burrow into the ground to sleep.

True Dragon scales can isolate most magic detection, especially when the True Dragon is sleeping, its breath is restrained and does not leak out, so it is unlikely to be discovered when hidden underground.

The moon hangs high in the night sky, casting the bright moonlight onto the beach.

The waves roll up and unfold, gently surging onto the beach.

At this time, the beach under the night sky has lost the trace of the hatchling dragon. Only a few hermit crabs and small blue turtles can be seen moving slowly. The atmosphere is peaceful and quiet, and the occasional roar of wild beasts from deep within the island does not dispel the silence, but makes it even deeper.

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the northern hemisphere of Saiga Planet, the temperature gradually rises. The cool spring transitions to the hot summer, and the temperature in Moon Bay reaches over forty degrees.

The dazzling sunlight is everywhere, making many creatures feel hot and bothered, sweating profusely.

Under the scorching sun, there are shady trees.

The clear chirping of cicadas rises and falls, and the heat waves in the air are faintly visible.

However, under the sunlight, the sand grains, which were originally a pale golden color, now appear more like gold, with a surface that shines with a dazzling light, hot and magnificent.

Step, step, step…

Suddenly, a series of fine and chaotic footsteps sound, accompanied by the friction and rustling sound produced by the collision between the creature’s limbs and branches. Behind a row of olive trees in a somewhat messy forest above the underwater beach, a cluster of shaking can be seen, indicating obvious movement.


A creature resembling a deer or horse leaps out from the dense bushes that are nearly two meters high and enters the scorching and bright sunlight.

It has sky-blue fur and deep blue antlers, emitting a faint, seemingly cool light. The fur covering its body is accompanied by faint blue wind patterns, and its long blue tail sways in the wind, exuding an elegant posture.

Tangible water flows like ribbons, surrounding its body, and the blue wind wraps around its limbs.The Wind Wave Deer, a low-level magic lifeform, can reach the third tier when mature, capable of harnessing certain wind and water elemental energies. Its meat is tender and delicious. The magic potion made from the wind attribute deer antler material possesses potent virility-enhancing properties. It was once heavily hunted, and now, only a certain population exists on remote islands.

Under the scorching sunlight.

A Wind Wave Deer, about four meters long, was running alongside the water, swift as the wind.

However, as a third-tier magic lifeform, it had a clear look of panic on its face. Its steps were fast but chaotic and unsteady.

The Wind Wave Deer was in bad shape.

A bloody bone arrow was lodged in its hind leg. The feather-made arrow tail trembled with its movement, emitting faint, visible electric arcs, causing the Wind Wave Deer’s body to become paralyzed, its movements gradually slowing down.

Rustle, rustle, rustle… The bushes behind it started to rustle again.

A tall and robust figure roughly pushed aside the bushes, striding towards the Wind Wave Deer.

It was a ‘shark’ about three meters and two tall.

To be precise, it was a half-shark, half-tiger standing upright.

As it ran with long strides, its colorful fur fluttered in the wind. The shark fin on its back was like a blade pointing diagonally to the sky. The saw-toothed fangs in its wide mouth resembled a meat grinder, and its tiger claws were sharp and cold.

All in all, it seemed like a fusion of a shark and a tiger.

An intelligent lifeform – the Shark Tiger.

The Shark Tiger clan had quite a history. It originated from the high-ranking shark casters of the Shark Empire who had inter-species relations with the Heavenly Tigers they summoned from the outer planes. Using magic, they broke the reproductive isolation, leading to the birth of the Shark Tiger.

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