Chapter 53 – Pig fighting

This is a pig.

But it’s not an ordinary pig.

Its body length is a full sixteen meters, and its shoulder height is eight to nine meters. Its body is massive, like a small hill, exuding a strong sense of oppression in the dim night.

Its body is covered with a layer of fine, short, but needle-like black and yellow thorns.

Underneath the thorns are layers of bulging muscles, as hard as steel.

On its fleshy pig face, two tusks, as long as eight meters, protrude from its mouth like spears. The tips of the tusks gleam with a cold light, sharp and intimidating.

Every time these tusks come into contact with a mountain cliff, they leave deep marks, like a red-hot iron rod touching snowflakes. Even its fur is like a steel drill, leaving a chaotic pattern of intersecting marks on its body surface.

Every friction and collision causes the unnamed mountain peak, hundreds of meters high, to tremble slightly. The point of impact has already created a pit several meters deep.

Aval Thornback Tremorboar.

This is a fully developed high-level magical lifeform with a body length that can exceed twenty meters and weighs hundreds of tons. It is omnivorous and proficient in using earth element magic. It has strong defensive and offensive capabilities and possesses strong regenerative abilities. It does not possess effective communication intelligence and relies mainly on wild instincts. Exceptional individuals have a small probability of becoming legendary creatures… The Dragon’s Legacy provided Saga with relevant information about this giant pig.

“Tremorboar… with a body length of sixteen meters, it still falls short of being a high-level lifeform, but it’s already very close.”

“It should have the strength of a top-tier intermediate lifeform. If we break it down further, it would roughly be a sixth-tier lifeform, level 13.”

“As for me, I should currently be considered a newly promoted third-tier lifeform, roughly at level 6… There’s a big gap.”

Saga entered stealth mode and stared at the Tremorboar in mid-air, silently contemplating.

In the gravitational field that Saga could perceive, any object with mass would cause slight changes in the gravitational arc. The greater the mass, the greater the curvature of the gravitational lines, forming larger or smaller depressions in the gravitational field. Saga could use these depressions to determine the target’s position, body outline, and even estimate its weight.

This Tremorboar’s body is harder and heavier than rocks. It is sixteen meters long from head to tail and weighs over two hundred tons, several times larger than the young hatchling dragon Saga.

Simply based on size, Saga is still a small creature, just one step away from being a medium-sized creature. This pig is already a large creature. If its size were to exceed twenty meters, it would be considered a giant creature.

Although size cannot represent true strength, it has significant reference value.

“To think there’s such a big guy… and it occupies the nearby territory.”

“According to the Red Dragoness, Moon Bay shouldn’t have any creatures that can threaten me… No, in the eyes of the Red Dragoness, as long as it doesn’t pose a threat to my life, she shouldn’t be concerned.”

“The Tremorboar, even in its fully developed state, cannot fly and poses no threat to my life.”

Saga silently pondered.

He could see the traces of the Tremorboar’s activities all around the unnamed mountain peak. The ground was covered in trampled depressions, and the surrounding trees were mostly broken and collapsed. Olive trees and redwoods were left with only half of their trunks, scattered all over the place. The ground was littered with dead branches, leaves, and tree debris, as well as rock fragments.

“If I want to occupy Mid-Chord Island, I definitely have to deal with this big guy, either by killing it or subduing it.”


Although he was reluctant to admit it, Saga estimated that he was currently not a match for the Tremorboar.

If the Tremorboar were just an ordinary intermediate magical creature, at the fourth or fifth tier, Saga would have the confidence to challenge it even if it were a higher tier. But its aura clearly indicated that it was approaching the high tier, reaching the peak of the sixth tier.

“I’m still too young, not even three years old.”

“…Not even ten years old. Based on my growth rate, if I were five or six years old, just entering the young dragon stage, I should be able to easily deal with it.”

“I should leave this place for now and avoid its sharpness. I won’t seize its territory and come back in a couple of years… or should I try now?”

The night wind blew, and the moonlight was cold.

Saga silently stared at the Tremorboar, lost in thought.

“The most rational approach would be to leave now and wait until I become stronger… but I refuse!”

As a “Red Dragon” who was inherently proud and looked down on other creatures, Saga couldn’t allow himself to be scared off by a Tremorboar without even trying, even if it was powerful.

At the very least, he wanted to give it a try.

Dragons have the courage to face any creature without fear.

Of course, dragon courage does not mean recklessness. If the target is a legendary creature with an insurmountable gap, Saga would not hesitate to run away. However, while fleeing, he would remember the opponent and wait for the opportunity to become stronger and regain his dignity.

Similar things have happened many times in the history of Saiga Planet.

For example, when an underage Evil Dragon encountered a powerful Transcendent, it was beaten and fled in embarrassment. Then, a hundred years later, when the Transcendent had already forgotten about the incident, the adult True Dragon descended from the sky, following the scent of the opponent’s bloodline, and directly exterminated the opponent and their bloodline.

Being resented by a dragon, whether it is an Evil Dragon or a benevolent one, is never a good thing.

An Evil Dragon would directly exterminate its target.

As for a benevolent dragon… it would find a reason to label you as evil and then exterminate you.

In the eyes of the True Dragon, extermination was not cruelty, but a full respect for the enemy. Being exterminated by a dragon meant that one had gained the dragon’s attention. In the dragon’s mind, the other party should feel proud or even honored.

The Hatchling Dragon squinted slightly, the reflection of the massive and robust Tremorboar mirrored in its golden dragon eyes. It maintained the operation of the distortion force field, silently flapping its dragon wings, inching closer to its target.

The Tremorboar was engrossed in the comfort of scratching its itch, oblivious to the abnormality around it.

A dozen seconds later, the invisible and silent Hatchling Dragon quietly approached above the head of the Tremorboar.

The reflection of the Tremorboar in Saga’s golden pupils suddenly became vertical, turning dangerous and indifferent, filled with the Red Dragon’s brutality and desire for battle.

Super Gravity Field – Double State!

More accurately, it was 2.6 times.

The effect of Saga’s super gravity field was gradually increasing with his growth. Now it was just a multiple of gravity, but he believed that he could control the super gravity field more subtly in the future. For example, he could concentrate this area-type skill on a single point to inflict more efficient damage on a single target, not just using it in such a crude way.


The entire Tremorboar was enveloped by the super gravity field.

The larger the body weight, the stronger the impact of the super gravity field.

The robust and massive Tremorboar was now bearing a terrifying pressure in the super gravity field. Caught off guard, its four limbs softened and it directly knelt on the ground.

The Tremorboar had a strong resistance to magic.

But against Saga’s super gravity field, it had no exemption at all.

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