Chapter 31 – Skeleton

A necromancer cannot achieve long-term success without exploring the mysteries of living beings’ bodies and souls.

Who would willingly be studied, whether alive or dead?

Some necromancers, in order to obtain advanced experimental subjects, would even dig up ancestral graves. How could they not be condemned by everyone? Of course, spells themselves are neither good nor evil, but those who are willing to study necromancy are not usually normal people. Because necromancy can also erode oneself, most necromancers end up looking neither human nor ghostly. Over time, even if they were originally kind-hearted, they would gradually become mentally twisted and deformed.

The large-scale disappearance of residents caught the attention of the guards of the Rosen Kingdom.

Alfred, a general of the kingdom, led an elite army of a thousand soldiers to besiege the necromancer’s laboratory.

Attacking a territory that a caster has managed for a long time is not easy.

With the leadership of the necromancer, there were dense necromantic arrays, flesh golems, pale souls, stone gargoyles, and other undead guardians. They engaged in a seven-day and seven-night battle with the kingdom’s general.

In the end, the heavily wounded Alfred pierced the necromancer’s chest with a great sword, piercing through his heart.

The necromancer, unwilling to die, used his remaining life force and soul to cast a death curse on Alfred and his entire army. The exhausted army could not resist the curse and turned into undead creatures that hated all living beings.

The general of the kingdom, still retaining a trace of sanity, restrained the undead soldiers under his command, never stepping out of the ruins of the necromancer’s domain.

Afterwards, considering the various merits of the kingdom’s general and the fact that the undead in the ruins would not actively leave to harm others, the Rosen Kingdom stationed an army around the ruins to prevent accidental intrusions by island residents, but they did not make efforts to clear the undead nest.

After all, it would require a certain cost to eliminate the undead nest.

Moreover, in the highly negative energy environment of the undead ruins, it was also conducive for the Rosen Kingdom to conduct some spells that were not suitable for the public eye.

After the Red Dragon Queen occupied Thorn Isle, the garrison of the Rosen Kingdom on Thorn Isle no longer existed.

The undead ruins lost their guardians.

Compared to the Undead Empire located in the northeast of the Black Europe Continent on the Saiga Planet, the undead ruins on this small island were insignificant. The Red Dragoness, who took over this place, did not care about the presence of undead creatures in her territory as long as they paid her protection fees on time.

It is worth mentioning that there are many undead creatures on the Saiga Planet.

There are even powerful undead creatures that have established empires, and even a small Thorn Isle has an undead creature force.

As for why undead creatures are so rampant—Saga knows the reason through the Dragon’s Inheritance.

The existence of a being known as the Lord of the End of All Things, an ancient death god, who controls ultimate death.

Many years ago, this being conspired to overthrow a magic empire, but failed and instead had its death godhood taken by a mortal caster of that empire, with the assistance of the magic goddess, Mistress. In the short interval of the change in death godhood, many worlds were affected, leading to the destruction of living beings and the resurrection of the dead.

The Saiga Planet is one of the worlds affected.

One of the six continents, the entire Black Europe Continent became a paradise for undead creatures.

The mortal who took the death godhood has now ascended to become the current god of death, named Kalsas, also known as the Death God Karl. He became a partner with the magic goddess and they advance and retreat together.

The Death God Karl is the object of admiration and longing for infinite casters. Because he took the death godhood and became a god in one step, and also because of his glorious deeds of becoming the partner of all casters’ dream goddesses, he is regarded as the greatest, wisest, craziest, and luckiest mortal caster.

In addition, there are some more secretive rumors in the Dragon’s Inheritance, but their authenticity is unknown.

Besides the crucial assistance of the magic goddess Mistress, it seems that there is also the figure of a true dragon known as the Dragon of Eternity and Time behind the mortal who took the death godhood. It is said that this true dragon was the mentor of the Death God Karl and guided him in his early years of spell learning together with the magic goddess.

On the Saiga Planet, there is a Time Church that believes in the Dragon of Eternity and Time, but it is not large in scale, and it is rare to encounter apostles of the Time Church.

“The Dragon of Eternity and Time, there is no such dragon god among the dragon gods.”

“This title… it sounds so grand. It’s probably a false god pretending to be someone else. Quite audacious.”

Saga restrained his mind and silently pondered.

At the same time, the young hatchling dragon landed from hundreds of meters in the air to avoid being tainted by the filthy and decaying death aura. It then walked steadily across the broken steps in front of the undead ruins.

The ground was pockmarked with traces of hacking and chopping.

Broken stones and withered branches were scattered everywhere.

Crooked and incomplete stone pillars were scattered around.

In many places, faint and ineffective twisted magic runes could still be seen.

Woo woo woo…

A cold wind blew, passing through the gaps between the dilapidated buildings in the undead ruins, emitting a mournful and gloomy sound, as if the dying creatures were wailing in pain.

Before taking a few steps, subtle vibrations caught Saga’s attention.

At this moment, the black snow around him trembled.

Crack, crack… the rough sound of bones rubbing against each other rang out.Amid the sporadic falling snowflakes, pale skeletal hands clawed through the black snow covering the ruins.

Under Saga’s gaze, dozens of skeleton soldiers gradually appeared in his field of vision, with new ones continuously emerging from the black snow.

They held rusty iron bows or half-broken sword blades, some even wore tattered armor that barely covered their bones.

Clusters of soul fire flickered in their eye sockets, conveying a hatred for the living.

These low-level, mindless skeletons staggered towards Saga.

Their fragile frames, which seemed as if they would topple over with a gust of wind, showed no fear of the five-ton Hatchling Dragon.

These skeletons were the lowest level of undead creatures, devoid of intelligence.

They were attracted by the overwhelming vitality emanating from Saga. Driven by the instinct of the undead, they awakened, completely oblivious to the disparity between them and Saga. They sought to kill Saga, to fill their eternal emptiness and bloodlust with the blood and souls of the living.

Watching the skeletons sway in the cold wind, their frailty apparent, Saga couldn’t help but worry for them.

Against these lowest-level mindless skeletons, even an ordinary adult human, as long as they didn’t fear the undead and had a decent weapon, could easily handle them.

Saga ignored the mindless skeletons here.

He took a step forward, moving deeper into the ruins of the undead.

Meanwhile, the skeletons approached Saga in droves.

They raised their rusty axes and broken swords, striking them against Saga’s dragon scales.

Ding, ding, dong… Amid the crisp and pleasant sounds, the skeletons’ arms were repelled by the hard dragon scales. They could barely leave a white mark on Saga’s scales, let alone create the slightest crack.

One skeleton, swinging its axe at Saga’s back, used too much force.

With a crack, the skeleton dumbly raised its head, watching its broken arm spinning in the air. The soul fire in its eye sockets flickered chaotically in the wind.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, it picked up its broken right arm with its left hand. The right arm still clutched the rusty axe, stubbornly continuing to hack at Saga.

To be honest, these skeletons were so weak that their stubborn attempts to kill Saga not only posed no threat in his eyes.

They were even somewhat adorable.

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