Chapter 19 – Spoils of war

Saga lowered his head and looked at the injuries on his body.

Most of them were caused by the Mechanical Warlocks. Because Saga didn’t specifically target them at the beginning, and Mechanical Warlocks were considered a decent profession among low-level Transcendents, they were able to inflict effective damage.

The most threatening to Saga were the Elemental Mages.

All dragons had decent elemental resistance, but the strength of their resistance depended on their age. Saga was still young, equivalent to a human baby Hatchling Dragon, so he had some elemental resistance but not enough to ignore a powerful spell that an Elemental Mage had been preparing for a long time.

However, Saga quickly dealt with them before they could unleash their effective damage.

If he were hit by a powerful spell constructed by a Wind Mage… Saga would be heavily injured.

As for the Mechanical Warlocks, although they were also casters, they were not traditional casters and did not have the same intimidation as traditional mages. Because of this, they were able to survive for a while and leave Saga with some injuries.

Ordinary low-level magic bullets could not be stored for a long time.

On Saga’s body, there were only some faint bullet holes and cracks. The magic bullets formed by earth elemental energy had already dissipated. The most serious injury was on the back of his right claw, where a blood pit caused by an exploding magic bullet had shattered the surrounding dragon scales, revealing a deep wound.

However, for a powerful True Dragon like Saga, it was just a minor injury that would almost fully recover after a nap.

To single-handedly confront an entire adventurer team and only sustain these injuries at Saga’s current age was something to be proud of.

“My beautiful dragon scales.”

Saga looked at his mottled dragon scales, feeling a slight heartache, but also sensing his own growth.

Scars were the achievements and honors that True Dragons loved.

Dragon scales had the ability to repair and regenerate, so they could heal. However, if a True Dragon wished, they could also retain battle-damaged scales, which would give them a more mature and charming appearance.

The Red Dragoness had many cracks in her scales, but they were just residual surface marks. Her injuries had already healed.

At the same time, the Red Dragoness in the Dragon’s Nest opened her eyes.

She used her magical power to witness the scenes of Saga fighting against the adventurer team.

Saga quickly dealt with an invading adventurer team in a short period of time. Although the level of this adventurer team was not that great, under normal circumstances, it would still be difficult for a young Hatchling Dragon like Saga to handle.

But her dragon offspring still had spare energy.

“Little Saga…”

The Red Dragoness showed an appreciative expression.

From Saga’s performance, it was clear that this Outsider dragon had unlimited potential and possessed special and powerful innate abilities.

If he were an enemy, he would definitely be called a terrifying dragon and would not be allowed to live.

The Red Dragoness greatly admired power and could be said to be the dragon kind that admired power the most. After realizing that Saga had extraordinary talent, she became even more fond of this little Hatchling Dragon.

As she thought about it, the Red Dragoness turned her head to look at Yekaterina, who was still sleeping.

The bright red dragon scales and the little Hatchling Dragon covered in radiating golden threads caught her eye.

“Yekaterina, compared to Saga, who has stronger abilities… Both of my dragon offspring seem to be extraordinary.”

Yekaterina’s abilities were not weak either.

However, after careful consideration, the Red Dragoness still felt that Saga’s performance was superior and he was more obedient, attracting her love and affection.

Yekaterina, whose personality was somewhat similar to the Red Dragoness, instead made her somewhat dislike her.

After Saga easily dealt with the adventurer team that invaded the Red Dragoness’s territory, he began to loot his own spoils.

As a dragon, even a Hatchling Dragon like Saga, naturally had an innate desire for shiny treasures.

However, all the wealth in the Ashen Territory belonged to the Red Dragoness, the Crimson Flame Empress, the True Dragon Lord.

The Red Dragoness had always treated Saga well.

But there was one time when Saga, in a spoiled manner, requested some gems and coins from the Red Dragoness, which was sternly and mercilessly refused.

Dragons highly valued their own treasures.

Even for her beloved dragon offspring, the Red Dragoness treated them all equally and would not allow them to touch her treasure trove.

“I defeated these adventurers.”

“The treasures on their bodies are my spoils.”

Saga’s eyes sparkled as he happily ran over to the remains of the casters.

The casters, whose flesh was mangled by the vortex of wind blades, looked extremely miserable.

Saga couldn’t bear to look at them.

He turned his head away in disgust, and his long dragon tail wrapped around in front of him, starting to pick and choose among the corpses.

A dragon’s tail had countless muscles and nerves, and its flexibility was even greater than that of human fingers. It was fully capable of looting spoils.

After a simple search, Saga placed the items he obtained aside and continued to search the remaining bodies, gathering all the spoils together, and then examined them.

A broken wooden staff made of ordinary magical material, Willowwood, with some simple magic patterns engraved on it, emitting a dim light.

Two fine steel greatswords.

Two magical revolvers.

Some iron shoulder and chest armor and other protective gear.

Several blood-stained and dirt-covered leather bags, many of which were torn open.

Saga sat down next to the spoils, with his limbs close together.

He extended his claw, covered in diamond-like dragon scales, licked his lips, then closed his eyes and slowly cut open several leather bags.”Mother of Evil Dragons, Platinum Dragon God, Dragon God of Destruction, Dragon God of Judgement… all the Dragon Gods above.”

“Please bless this outstanding Hatchling Dragon of mine, may the first spoils of war I reap include shiny gold coins and Magic Gems!”

The little Hatchling Dragon closed its eyes, murmuring softly.

This is a world with gods, after all, it doesn’t cost anything to believe a little, just in case it works… Saga thought to himself, even though he knew that faith was not something that could be achieved by mere words.

In the midst of his speech, the beast skin bag had already been fully opened by Saga.

The little Hatchling Dragon carefully opened a small slit in its eyes, looking over with anticipation.

“Oh ho.”

A few faint glimmers of gold and silver emerged, reflecting into Saga’s eyes.

The little Hatchling Dragon suddenly widened its eyes, impatiently lifting the beast skin bag, taking out the items that were faintly glowing gold.

Thirteen gold coins in total, twenty-five half-gold half-silver coins, and over forty silver coins.

Looking at these beautiful, round little things, the little Hatchling Dragon swayed slightly, letting out an intoxicated dragon hum, its face full of happiness, almost ready to fall backwards.

Many species do not understand the dragon race’s obsession with treasure.

This is an innate nature of the True Dragon.

True Dragons worship power, and wealth often forms part of that power. The scale of a True Dragon’s treasure hoard can reflect the dragon’s strength, as the weak simply cannot guard their treasures.

In fact, all Sapient Beings crave treasure, valuable things, power, and have desires similar to dragons. It’s just that dragons unabashedly display this greedy desire, nakedly exposed.

Dragons do not pretend to be merciful, they do not care about worldly rules, they do not wear the hypocritical mask of civilization.

This is also why dragons can become a synonym for strength.

Dragons do not hide their desires.

Especially the Five-Color Dragons, particularly the Red Dragon among them, they do whatever they want, without any taboo.

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