Chapter 17

When two warriors attacked him, Saga’s power essence was running low.

He was still young, and this body could only store a limited amount of energy.

But using the super gravity field was still no problem.

The super gravity field extended and once again enveloped the two warriors.

However, this time they were prepared. The blood vessels under their skin bulged, and their magic power flowed and burst, resisting the super gravity field with all their might.

They roared and howled… and slowly approached Saga with sluggish and stiff movements.

Yes, sluggish and stiff.

Although they were prepared for the super gravity field and used magic to resist, the effect was obviously not satisfactory and they couldn’t ignore it.


The attacks from the mechanical warlock continued, and magic stone bullets hit the hatchling dragon’s back, chest, and tail…

Under the influence of the force field, the imprecise magic bullets posed less threat, and Saga only protected the vital areas, ignoring the rest. Sparks were generated as the dragon scales collided with the magic bullets, and each scale seemed as strong as steel.

Saga slightly tilted his head, avoiding the slow slash from the warrior on the right.

At the same time, he stood up, supporting his body with his hind legs, and swung his front claws explosively.


The warrior on the left, along with his sword, was sent flying more than ten meters away. With precise control of his strength, Saga smashed him towards the female mechanical warlock who had been attacking him, forcing her to dodge and temporarily halt her assault.

At the same time, the hatchling dragon’s body lowered and turned, its long and powerful dragon tail, as strong as metal yet flexible as a whip, struck the waist of the warrior on the right. With a crisp sound of bones breaking, the warrior was also sent flying, crashing into a rock on the ground before finally stopping, his blood staining the moss on the surface of the rock.

This warrior who was sent flying was quite unlucky. His fragile back of the head hit a sharp protrusion on the rock, instantly ending his life.

In this intense battle, an abnormal energy fluctuation gathered, catching Saga’s attention.

The hatchling dragon immediately turned its head, and in its already majestic golden pupils, the figure of a priest was reflected.

This priest wore a badge on his chest.

The badge depicted seven stars swirling in a blue galaxy.

This was the holy emblem of the Magic Goddess, which Saga recognized through the knowledge passed down by the dragons.

Obviously, the fair-skinned and tender young priest was a member of the Magic Goddess Church.

The knowledge passed down by the dragons was triggered, and Saga gained more information about the Magic Goddess.

Mistriel, the Magic Goddess, was a divine being with a special status even among the countless gods. She was respected by all the gods and was also the companion of the death god Karsas. Her followers were dedicated to covering all the dimensional worlds in the multiverse with the Magic Web, a magical energy network. However, only a few areas on the Saiga Planet had the Magic Web.

As for the death god Karsas… He was not a naturally born god, but a mortal arcanist who rose to become a god, a legendary experience among the countless beings.

However, Saga didn’t have time to examine the information about the death god Karsas.

“Praise the Magic Goddess, may the light of magic shine like stars.”

“Praise the Magic Goddess, the everlasting light of magic protects me. Under the grace of my main deity, it will keep me away from pain, disease, and death…”

In a low murmuring prayer, the priest’s palm gathered a ball of intense white light, melting the snow on the ground due to the high temperature.

The priest was ready to use the only offensive divine spell she possessed.

As if a flame, the white light surged out, spreading towards Saga.

Divine retribution!

Saga spread his wings and flew upwards, narrowly avoiding the surging white light.


The white flame exploded on the ground, splashing soil and rocks, creating a crater with a diameter of more than three meters and a depth of about one meter.


A pillar of flame breath spewed out from Saga’s mouth, descending from the sky and engulfing the priest.

The sound of wailing arose but quickly faded away.

The dragon breath was powerful, even though it came from a hatchling, it only took a few seconds to turn the priest into ashes.

Saga folded his wings on both sides of his body, without hesitation, changed direction, and covered his vulnerable eyes with a dragon claw, stirring up a gust of wind.

The hatchling dragon pounced directly towards the female mechanical warlock.

Behind the female mechanical warlock was another warrior who had been sent flying by Saga’s claw and was already half-dead.

The mechanical warlock’s beautiful face tightened, showing great nervousness. She didn’t have time to heal her companion and raised her magic-infused left revolver to shoot while moving agilely in the forest.

Her slender and powerful legs stepped on tree trunks, rocks, and the ground, constantly changing direction and position, while her shooting never stopped.

“Great and noble spirit of the Imperial Machine, bear witness to me and grant me precision and firepower.”

In her eyes, a faint glimmer resembling a crosshair appeared.

The Eye of Firearms!

Muttering, the mechanical warlock tried to calm her mind. With her eyes locked onto the hatchling dragon like a hawk, she tightly gripped her revolver and poured all her magic power into it, manipulating the elemental energy floating in space. With just two small enchanted revolvers, she created a dense storm of bullets.

Like a storm of bullets, it swept over and covered the hatchling dragon’s body, creating a scene of metal clashing and sparks flying.

Time seemed to slow down.

The golden and radiant hatchling dragon, with its already majestic face mask, narrowed its golden pupils vertically. Under the sunlight, it looked like a cluster of burning flames.

“Dance with your guns and fire for me.”

He said.

The female mechanical warlock swiftly moved and changed direction.

Just like a graceful and powerful dance accompanied by roaring, it was full of dynamic gunshots.

Her hands trembled as she fired a barrage of bullets from different directions, sweeping and covering the hatchling dragon’s body.

Ding ding dang dang… Amidst the crisp and pleasant sound of metal clashing and the splattering sparks, after meticulous ballistic analysis, many magic bullets still accurately hit the hatchling dragon’s face mask under the super gravity field.The faceplate was somewhat weaker than the chest and back plates, thus, the dragon scales were deeply embedded by the magic bullets.

The sharp bullethead touched the skin beneath the dragon scales, a kind of tough, leather-like tissue, which also had considerable defensive power.

Saga felt a sting, a faint trace of blood appeared under the dragon scales, but his spirits were actually lifted.

The Golden Dragon roared lowly.

Diamond-shaped scales on Saga’s body shone brilliantly, reflecting the sunlight.

With a fierce flap of his wings, the gravity from the earth weakened again. The Hatchling Dragon was like a golden lightning bolt, its wings casting a dragon-shaped shadow on the ground, streaking across the space.


When the Hatchling Dragon and the female Mechanical Warlock were less than ten meters apart.

The female Mechanical Warlock paused her intensive bullet attack, her two enchanted revolvers clashed harshly, click, click… accompanied by the constant twisting, disassembling, and reassembling of the metal structure… the two revolvers turned into one, resembling a small hand cannon.

All her magic power was poured into the ‘hand cannon’.

Hum… In front of the dark muzzle, there was a halo of light, forming a miniature magic array.

The magic array was ring-shaped overall, with two equilateral triangle imprints overlapping inside. In the center of the equilateral triangle, there was a deep blue inner ring pattern. At the same time, the edge of the ring and the edge of the triangle were adorned with tiny, glowing magic runes.

The precise geometry and mysterious runes together gave a special aesthetic of magic and machinery combined.

Explosive Magic Bullet!

The magic array at the muzzle burst into dazzling light, and at the same time, a large amount of elemental energy gathered, forming a special magic bullet in the gun chamber.


A thunderous roar sounded from the small revolver, the female Mechanical Warlock’s arm snapped with a crack. As the gunfire roared, her arm was fractured due to the tremendous recoil.

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