Vol.1 – Chapter 035 – Trial

With a crisp sound, Su He was interrupted from his internal observation and opened his eyes to see a golden token in front of him.

The token had the words “Trial” on the front and was shining on the back.

The fairy sword on Turtle Mountain emitted Su Huanian’s voice: “Participating in the trial can obtain the inheritance of techniques. There are three trials, do your best, and there will be rewards for each trial.”

Just as Su Huanian was meditating, Xia Dali’s flying sword letter arrived, bringing Elder Ge’s token. This was an opportunity for Su He to practice Elder Ge’s turtle techniques, which was considered compensation from the sect.

After the voice finished playing, the sword light on Turtle Mountain flashed, and the entire Turtle Mountain rose into the air, leaving the turtle shell.

Since he was participating in the trial, he naturally couldn’t rely on his fairy sword and Turtle Mountain.

He had to rely on his true abilities.

The fairy sword took Turtle Mountain away, leaving only Su He alone on the water’s surface.

After an unknown amount of time in internal observation, the sky had already turned dark. Tonight, there were clouds covering the moon, and the token was shining in the dark night.

Su He felt a sense of anticipation and nervousness, just like before a blind date in his previous life.

He swallowed the token and waited for the trial to begin. The night grew darker, and the deep forest was as still as water.

After some time, a hint of killing intent flashed through Su He’s hazy sleepiness, and he woke up and looked in the direction of the feeling.

A person in black walked out of the forest on the shore. The person was wearing a black mask and holding a fairy sword, staring at Su He with a hostile gaze.

A masked person with killing intent, similar to Qiao Ling. Was this part of the trial?

Su He couldn’t draw a conclusion, but he leaned towards the latter in his heart. No matter what, the Qingyuan Sect was a reputable sect and wouldn’t have too many unscrupulous individuals.

Especially after the commotion today, Su Huanian suppressed the Enforcement Hall with his sword, and everyone knew that this turtle had a powerful backer. Even if someone coveted the divine turtle’s flesh, blood, and essence, they would think twice before acting.

Unless it was someone from another sect who didn’t want the Qingyuan Sect to obtain a divine beast. They sent assassins.

But this possibility was small. If it were true, what was the difference between the Qingyuan Sect and a sieve?

Regardless of the situation, the water was Su He’s battlefield.

Su He lightly paddled the water and swam towards the center of the water. Suddenly, there was a sword sound behind him, and a sharp fairy sword stabbed towards Su He’s tail.

What a despicable sneak attack!

Su He quickly rolled to the side, using his turtle shell to block the sword, and at the same time, he flicked his claw, creating a water whip that lashed out behind him.

The person missed with their attack and immediately retreated, but they were still hit by the whip and flew out like a water driftwood, bouncing on the water’s surface twice before getting up and disappearing into the night.

The dark night couldn’t block Su He’s eyes. Night vision was a basic ability of his evolved turtle eyes.

With a sweep of his gaze, Su He realized that it wasn’t just one person in black, but three. They were positioned in three different directions, surrounding him.

Su He became more certain that this was part of the trial.

The black-clothed person he fought earlier wasn’t his match. Perhaps the black-clothed person had a higher realm, but Su He had unparalleled defense, immense strength, and water manipulation divine abilities. His combat power was not lower than theirs. The turtle and the person were evenly matched.

But in the water, Su He naturally stood in an unbeatable position.

Which family would send someone with similar combat power to assassinate him? Only a trial would do such a thing.

From the positions and movements of the three people, it seemed like they wanted to drive him to a certain place.

Was there an ambush ahead?

Hunting in groups often involved ambushes and driving.

Surrounding him with three people, was the missing side the hunting ground or the trial ground?


These three people didn’t need to use the tactics of hunting. Su He and one person could fight to a draw, and even facing two people in the water, he could still retreat safely. But with three people, especially the person on the shore, Su He felt a vague sense of threat.

He was more difficult to deal with than the other two!

They gathered together, and Su He knew that he was no match for them. There was no need to play the game of surrounding him with three people. This was a trial!

Should he escape to a safe area before they converged?

If they converged, he would definitely not be their match, and the trial would naturally fail.

How cunning! This trial was extremely simple, but the cleverness was making him understand the rules of the trial. Actually, this true trial was testing his spiritual intelligence, right?

Su He felt that he understood. He turned around and started to leave.

There were black-clothed people in the northeast, south, and east. His escape route was to the west!

Su He changed his direction and swam with all his might, using his water manipulation divine ability to increase his speed.

Behind him, the three black-clothed people exchanged glances and understood each other’s intentions: the divine turtle had the ability to leave an illusion of its cave mansion, so there was no need to waste their energy on it. They could directly chase after it and force it into Elder Ge’s courtyard.

One turtle against three people, fighting and fleeing.

The dark clouds dispersed, and the moon rose above the willow branches. Unconsciously, Su He had already left the water and could clearly see Elder Ge’s courtyard. They should have arrived, but for some reason, Su He had a feeling that this was the destination!

Sure enough, the token in his mouth trembled lightly, but he didn’t have time to look closely. Su He squeezed through the moment before they converged and rushed into the courtyard.

He spat out the token, and the front of the token still showed the words “Trial,” but the back had an additional line: First Trial!

Su He smiled. Would the token display change after passing each trial?

There was no mistake, the first trial had already been passed. He swallowed the token and crawled towards the courtyard.

After passing the first trial, should he receive the rewards or face the second trial first?

In the special space, the sloppy old Taoist’s eyes lit up. It had arrived!

The feedback from the token indicated that the turtle had entered the first trial and was in a hurry. It shouldn’t be long before he received the token, right?

It seemed like this turtle had pure bloodlines. Xia Dali and Madam Su couldn’t wait. He thought Xia Dali would argue with him and ask to lower the difficulty of the trials.

After all, he had already stated that he wouldn’t easily pass on his techniques, which was equivalent to refusing. But unable to withstand Xia Dali’s persistence, he agreed to the three trials.

But this turtle couldn’t pass all three trials. The trials were set up by him using the protective formation of the courtyard, and he knew this very well.

In the special space, the old Taoist couldn’t observe the trial situation in the courtyard but could sense it vaguely and make slight adjustments. At this moment, the turtle should be crawling under heavy pressure, being beaten by the puppets.

As soon as Su He entered the courtyard, he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his limbs, as if a mountain was pressing down on his back. The entire turtle was lying on the ground.

It was gravity! The gravity in this courtyard was at least three times stronger than outside!

There were puppets wielding hammers and sickles attacking from all directions. Their movements were agile and unaffected by the increased gravity in the courtyard.

Was this the second trial? Shouldn’t there be rewards first?

Su He felt a bit disappointed.

The three black-clothed people had already drawn their swords and rushed into the courtyard.

In the special space, the sloppy old Taoist sensed three new forces suddenly appearing. It should be the turtle’s water manipulation divine ability that Xia Dali mentioned.

What a great divine ability, as if it truly condensed into three incarnations. It was really agile!

If there were no surprises, this trial wouldn’t be able to stop it.

But to let it pass the trial so easily, wouldn’t it make my Taoist techniques seem worthless?

The sloppy old Taoist pointed his finger and remotely controlled the formation in the courtyard, instantly increasing the gravity fivefold.

In the courtyard, Su He had just adapted to the tripled gravity when he was pressed down again. He didn’t rush to resist, but stared at the three black-clothed people fighting the puppets, his attention focused on the fairy swords in their hands.

A dice fell from the sky and spun around.

Five points!

In an instant, it was as if he had suddenly realized something. The sword techniques that he couldn’t understand at all, he suddenly had some understanding. His claws swung, initially awkward but quickly becoming proficient.

A learning efficiency of five points.

The three black-clothed people were struggling in their fight, quietly encouraging each other: “Hold on! These puppets can’t be endless. After defeating them, we’ll force the turtle into the second formation. Once we pass the second formation, our mission will be completed.”

In the special space, the sloppy old Taoist closed his eyes and sensed the trial situation in the courtyard.

The child beside him couldn’t help but be eager: “Master, how is the turtle doing? Didn’t you cheat by increasing the gravity by a thousand times and deploying stone and bronze puppets?”

The sloppy old Taoist waved his hand: “Nonsense! How could the ancestor do such a thing?”

If I were to cheat, it would be in the third trial. How could a dignified divine turtle not be able to pass the first trial by relying on its turtle shell to withstand the puppet’s attacks?

The puppets were endless, and I was afraid that you couldn’t pass the first trial. It would ruin my reputation!

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