Chapter 7 – Teeth

The Golden Crow chases the Jade Rabbit, the Azure Moon replaces the White Sun.

As time passed, Su He slept longer this time and didn’t dream. He slept deeply, like hibernating.

He didn’t expect to sleep so deeply and for so long, otherwise he would have prepared better.

Fortunately, the water in the pool on the mountaintop had tides, rising and falling twice a day. When the tide rose, Su He sank in the water peacefully, and when the tide fell, he changed his breath in his sleep.

The wind on the mountaintop was strong and blew away the scent of the Demon Morphing Fruit. Until now, no wild animals had climbed up.

The mountain was not high, only more than twenty zhangs. It was full of strange rocks and grass, and only a patch of green bamboo grew around the pool on the mountaintop. Except for Su He, there were no large animals on the mountain, not even mice.

The lotus flowers at the foot of the mountain had already bloomed, and when viewed from the top of the mountain, they were a beautiful red. There were only three or five green lotus plants in the pool on the mountaintop, still in bud.

The climate here was abnormal, and it was unknown whether it was summer or autumn.

Another day passed, and the sky darkened. There was no moon tonight, and the dark clouds were dense. Lightning and thunder had been flashing since nightfall, and lightning bolts cut through the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

Birds returned to their nests, and wild animals went into their dens.

The wind on the mountaintop stirred up waves on the pool, and the tiles on the pavilion rattled.

Rain was coming, and the wind was full of the building.

Suddenly, the wind turned into a gale and blew down the green bamboo, hitting Su He’s Turtle Shell and knocking off a piece of his shedding Turtle Shell. Su He didn’t notice and slept soundly in his shell.

The wind blew for most of the night, and the thunder lasted for a while. It wasn’t until the latter half of the night that heavy rain poured down.

The dense raindrops fell with a pattering sound, and there were even hailstones mixed in between. The temperature suddenly dropped.

During the summer and autumn every year, there would be heavy rain or even hail, and the temperature would drop sharply.

Three to five days before the heavy rain arrived, the Hundreds of Beasts could sense it and would prepare for it.

This year, Su He’s sleep had been delayed.

Su He didn’t move in his Turtle Shell, even though he was a cold-blooded animal. When the temperature was too low, his movements would become sluggish.

Fortunately, where he was was safe, and he didn’t have to worry about his livelihood while in deep sleep.

This heavy rain had been brewing for a long time and was thorough. The pouring rain lasted for seven days in a row.

The water in the pool on the mountaintop had already risen to cover half of the pavilion, and the green bamboo had not escaped and was completely soaked in the water. In two more days, the water would flow down the mountaintop and form a waterfall.

After several gloomy days, the sun finally tore through the clouds and shone on the water, making it warm and shimmering.

After the rain, everything was refreshed.

When Su He woke up leisurely, he heard the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

After sleeping for a while, the world had changed. Had there been a heavy rain?

He swam to the edge of the mountaintop and looked down. Listening Sea Lake had spread to the foot of the mountain – no, the mountain had become a towering solitary island in Listening Sea Lake. The lake water beat against the mountain rocks, making a rumbling sound.

A mountain flood?

Su He looked into the distance. The pool where he had originally lived had disappeared and had completely merged with Listening Sea Lake.

Su He was cold.What was the point of all this? If he hadn’t done anything, he would have been at Listening Sea Lake by now.

Indeed, turtles are not as active as other animals.

Experience is the best teacher. In the future, he will be as immovable as a mountain, as stable as an old turtle.

Su He withdrew his gaze and looked at his reflection in the pool.

He didn’t know how long he had slept, but that half of the snake was really powerful. Its snake heart and courage were absorbed, providing great nourishment.

Su He had transformed again.

He had been thinking about a large well cover, and now he had achieved it. At this moment, his single turtle shell was only slightly smaller than an Eight Immortals table. His entire body was black and shiny, as if carved from ink jade.

Most importantly, he had grown teeth!

At this moment, his turtle head was slightly different from before, with the bird’s beak-like hook disappearing and small pointed teeth growing. If these teeth grew larger, they would be much more ferocious.

He needed to eat more shrimp to strengthen his teeth. Even the turtle the size of an Eight Immortals table could not be called a giant turtle if it only had baby teeth.

Thinking of shrimp, Su He became hungry again.

He didn’t know how long he had slept, but he felt so hungry that his turtle shell felt empty.

There were no fruits on the mountain, so he had to go down. Below the mountain was the expanded Listening Sea Lake, which had everything he needed.

Just as Su He was about to move, a gust of mountain wind blew, carrying a faint smell of blood.

The smell of blood was mixed with a hint of decay, the taste of an animal that had been injured and infected. The smell was getting closer to him.

Something was coming.

Su He retreated half of his body into the pond, his turtle head slightly retracted, watching the direction of the approaching scent.

A huge wolf climbed up, its fur soaked, its eyes revealing a fierce light, its left hind leg curled up, torn off a large piece of flesh, soaked by rainwater, and its wound was covered in a horrifying white color.

It was the Wolf King.

Su He looked behind it and saw no wolf pack.

During this time, he didn’t know what had happened, but it had wiped out its own tribe, and there may have been a new Wolf King born, and it had been chased out of the wolf pack and became a lone wolf.

The Wolf King lowered its head and looked down at Su He, its wolf eyes full of madness.

Although this turtle had changed its appearance, it was recognized at a glance as the Fucking Turtle that had stolen its Demon Morphing Fruit. It was the Demon Morphing Fruit that gave it strength and allowed it to evolve.

This was originally his!

A wild wolf couldn’t think so much, but its angry thoughts were not much different.

The Wolf King roared and pounced on Su He.


Bite him to death!

His changed body made Su He more courageous. He stretched his neck and sucked in a large mouthful of water from the pond, spraying it in the face of the charging Wolf King.

The Wolf King’s breathing stopped, and it instinctively shook its head to avoid the water.

But at this moment, Su He’s retracted neck suddenly extended, biting its neck and dragging it into the pond.

The new teeth were extremely sharp, biting through the trachea, and the blood dyed the pool water red. Bubbles emerged from the Wolf King’s neck. It tried to stand up, but Su He stepped on it with all his might, preventing it from getting up.

Su He blinked.

So weak!Previously, a common wild wolf had exhausted all his strength, but now the Wolf King had no room to resist. Was it because the Wolf King was too weak from his injuries, or had he become stronger?

Su He skinned and deboned the Wolf King, and after eating his fill, he slowly crawled down the mountain after waiting for a while.

Regardless of what had happened to the wolf pack, they must have disappeared by now. The lake water had spread far and wide, with no boundaries in sight.

He didn’t know if the group of crocodiles was still there.

Su He didn’t know if he could defeat the crocodiles, but he figured they probably couldn’t harm him either. With his hard tortoise shell and massive body, they should not be able to hurt each other.

He could safely descend the mountain.

The smell of the Demon Morphing Fruit on his body had faded a lot, so he wouldn’t become a target.

Only by going down the mountain and fighting for food and resources would he have room to grow. Staying on the mountain might be safe, but it would block his path of progress.

With such a body, as long as he didn’t show off near those aquatic Exotic Beasts, he should be invincible.

And those beasts that had already embarked on the path of becoming Exotic Beasts were no longer able to sense the Demon Morphing Fruit, so they wouldn’t come looking for him.

He would focus on evolving and strive to subdue demons as soon as possible.

It would be even better if he could dominate the Listening Sea Lake.

Even when the water level was low, the diameter of the Listening Sea Lake was over a hundred miles. With the Qingyuan Sect nearby, there was no need to worry about the presence of powerful Exotic Beasts. It was indeed a good place to be.

Su He leisurely crawled down the mountain, and the lake water churned but was safe underwater. From time to time, broken tree trunks and shattered branches floated by, creating a scene of a flood passing through.

With a splash, Su He plunged into the water and swam towards the Listening Sea Lake.

The water here was too shallow, only about the depth of a person. The flood had passed, but it was still a shore, not a good place to settle down. Especially with the Qingyuan Sect nearby, cultivators might come to deal with the flood, and with a few spells, the flood might recede.

It was more appropriate to go to the old location of the Listening Sea Lake. Su He paddled with all four limbs, and half of his shiny black tortoise shell was exposed above the water.

He had only swum about half a mile when a faint sense of danger approached.

The water rippled, and something was swimming towards him.

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