Chapter 11 – Clearance conditions

Seeing this scene, He Gu suddenly felt a chill as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Wang Tao sleepwalking, the uniformed janitor… He Gu encountered both dangerous situations mentioned in the rules at the same time!

Especially Wang Tao sleepwalking, the rules say that if you see him sleepwalking, you must not disturb him and immediately return to the dormitory.

Obviously, He Gu had just violated this rule.

Fortunately, this rule should not be fatal, otherwise the live stream would have been filled with blood when He Gu pushed Wang Tao.

But even so, He Gu almost got dragged into the neighboring dormitory by Wang Tao.

Now that he thinks about it, He Gu still feels a lingering fear.

He Gu closed the dormitory door and leaned against it, taking a long breath.

The struggle and fright just now consumed a lot of his energy, and he felt weak at this moment.

To have such an “opening kill” early in the morning was really too exciting.

At the same time.

Blue Star.

In the live stream room of China.

After seeing the thrilling process just now, the barrage became extremely lively.

“Damn, that was close! If He Gu had been dragged into the neighboring dormitory, he would have been done for!”

“It’s fortunate that this rule is not fatal, there is still some room for maneuver.”

“Damn, it’s so terrifying. Who would have thought that Wang Tao would sleepwalk so early in the morning? And he was standing at the dormitory door!”

“That janitor in uniform is quite scary. By the way, did he drag away Wang Tao in the end?”

“Damn it! The player from China clearly violated the rules, why is he still alive! This is unfair!”

“Hey, where did these guys come from? Go back to your own live stream room!”

“Their live stream room was blacked out yesterday / dog head”


While the barrage was fiercely discussing, the surviving players from Australia and Dubai, apart from China, also notified their own players of the information they saw in the live stream room of China, so that they could avoid encountering the “opening kill”.

On the other side of the Strange Tales World.

He Gu leaned against the dormitory door and took a while to recover.

At this moment, He Gu realized that he was still tightly holding the birdcage, and the parrot inside the cage was looking at him with its head tilted.

He Gu carefully stared at the parrot for a while and suddenly noticed that the parrot in the cage seemed to be different from yesterday.

He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was different, but he felt… its gaze seemed more human-like?

He Gu held the birdcage and stared at the parrot for a while, but couldn’t figure out the reason.

At the same time, He Gu noticed that the bird food in the feeder was empty, and there was a lot of bird droppings on the paper under the birdcage.

He Gu hung the birdcage back and refilled it with bird food.

At this moment, the parrot suddenly flapped its wings and shouted, “Wow – meat! Meat!”

“Wow – meat! Meat!”

After shouting twice, the parrot quieted down and began to lower its head to peck at the bird food.

However, He Gu was no longer calm.

How could this parrot say so many words!?

Just now, it welcomed him outside the door, and now it’s shouting about meat…

Thinking about the two hidden messages that mentioned the parrot, He Gu suddenly had a bold idea: this parrot can communicate with people!

Thinking of this, He Gu tentatively said to the parrot, “Hello?”

The parrot tilted its head and looked at He Gu, seeming a bit puzzled.

He Gu continued, “Hello, my name is He Gu.”

The parrot continued to tilt its head and look at He Gu.

He Gu: “What’s your name?”

The parrot seemed to lose interest in He Gu, turned around, and stopped looking at him, focusing on pecking at the bird food.

He Gu:…

Well, maybe this parrot can’t directly communicate with people.

But the words it just shouted, could they have any special meaning?


Is it saying that it wants to eat meat?

Or is it reminding He Gu to eat meat?

He Gu shook his head, feeling a bit confused.

In the end, He Gu gave up on the clueless speculation and took out a clean piece of paper from the cabinet, ready to replace the paper in the cage that was covered in bird droppings.

After pulling out the paper from the bottom of the birdcage, He Gu suddenly discovered a folded piece of paper underneath.

“What is this…”

He Gu took out the paper and opened it. It was an A4 paper with a paragraph written on it:

[Clearing condition: 1. Survive in the dormitory for a week and wait for someone from the internship unit to pick you up (clearance rating: A); 2. Obtain the internship notice and actively contact the internship unit to pick you up (clearance rating: S); 3. Obtain the internship notice, investigate the truth, and then contact the internship unit to pick you up (clearance rating: SS-SSS)]

Clearing conditions!

The clearing conditions for this instance were actually hidden in the parrot’s cage!

Seeing this piece of paper, He Gu was overjoyed.

There are two types of instances in the Strange Tales World.

One type is considered cleared if you survive and experience the plot, with a relatively low level of danger and a death rate of less than 50%.

The other type has specific clearing conditions, and only by meeting these conditions can you clear the instance. The death rate in this type of instance is often terrifyingly high.

Based on the danger he had experienced before, He Gu had already guessed that this instance should have specific clearing conditions.Such instances, where the challenger needs to solve a certain degree of puzzles to see the clearance conditions, are quite rare.

It’s a pity that the paper only stated the “clearance conditions”, not the rules, so it couldn’t trigger He Gu’s talent, The Eye of Truth, and thus no new hidden information was obtained.

He Gu carefully read the content on the paper twice and fell into deep thought.

There were three clearance standards in total, and the condition for each was to be “taken away by the internship unit”.

In other words, the only way to clear the game was to leave school for an internship.

However, in He Gu’s memory, all his classmates had already been assigned to internships and left school, only he and Zhang Chao were still waiting for their internship notices.

They had asked several times before, and the school’s response was always “limited cooperation units”, asking them to wait patiently.

Perhaps, he should ask the counselor again?

With this thought, He Gu took out his phone, found the counselor’s number from his contacts, and dialed it.

“Beep… beep… Hello, the number you dialed is on another call…”

The call was hung up after only two rings.

He Gu frowned slightly. Was the counselor unable to answer the phone?

Just as He Gu was thinking about calling back later, his phone suddenly vibrated.

He Gu looked down and saw that the counselor had called him back.

He answered the phone, and the counselor’s voice came from the receiver: “Hello, who is this?”

Didn’t Teacher Fang save all the students’ numbers?

Why would he ask “who is this”?

He Gu was puzzled and politely said, “Teacher Fang, it’s me, He Gu.”

However, as soon as He Gu spoke, the other party immediately hung up the phone again.

Was the signal bad?

He Gu, puzzled, dialed again.

This time, the phone rang for a long time before Teacher Fang answered again.

However, as soon as the call was connected, He Gu heard Teacher Fang yelling angrily and anxiously, “Who are you! What’s the point of this kind of joke! What do you want to do!”

He Gu: “Teacher Fang… I don’t understand what you mean.”

Teacher Fang continued to yell, “I don’t care who you are, please respect the deceased and stop your prank immediately! Or I will call the police!”

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