Chapter 2 – I will not like her anymore

On the other hand, Su Qianyi was dumbfounded by the busy tone on her phone.

Xie Shu hung up on her?

How…how could he hang up on her!!

She didn’t even say why she was calling him!

You should know that every time they talked on the phone before, he always let her hang up first!

“Qianyi, what’s wrong? When is Xie Shu coming?” Su Qianyi’s good friend An Tian came in from outside the gathering and saw her staring at her phone in a daze, but she didn’t pay much attention and continued, “Can you ask Xie Shu to bring an extra umbrella? I can’t reach anyone at the moment, and all my friends are in class.”

Yes, Su Qianyi called Xie Shu to ask him to bring an umbrella.

After the gathering, they went out and found that it was raining.

The gathering was in the university town, very close to the surrounding schools, just a few minutes’ walk from the schools, so as soon as it started raining, everyone contacted their friends for help with umbrellas.

The first person Su Qianyi thought of was Xie Shu.

In her mind, as long as she called him, he would definitely come right away.

Just like before, even if she posted a late-night update saying she was hungry, Xie Shu would have takeout delivered to her dormitory building in the middle of the night.

So, she called Xie Shu right away.


“He didn’t even listen to me and just hung up on me,” Su Qianyi said somewhat dazedly to An Tian.

Perhaps because something like this had never happened before, Su Qianyi felt a little aggrieved in that moment.

How could Xie Shu do this!

An Tian was stunned by her words and also felt a little shocked, but she quickly reacted and comforted her, “Don’t overthink it, Xie Shu might be on his way, and he can see that it’s raining, he doesn’t need you to tell him what to do. It’s raining, it’s nighttime, he has to hold an umbrella, watch the road, and pay attention to the traffic, answering the phone would definitely distract him, which is quite dangerous, he probably didn’t do it on purpose.”

With An Tian’s words, Su Qianyi was instantly comforted.

She felt that it should be like this.

Her worries dissipated, and Su Qianyi’s mood improved, “Well, let’s wait and see.”

So, the two of them waited.

Ten minutes later.

“Why hasn’t he come yet?” Su Qianyi looked at the gathering, which was already missing a large number of people, and she couldn’t wait any longer.

An Tian continued to comfort her, “Maybe when you called just now, he had just left the dorm, it takes a few minutes to walk from the dorm to the school gate, and it’s normal to be slower on a rainy day, should we wait a little longer?”


Another ten minutes passed.

Su Qianyi, looking at the scattered few people in the gathering, was completely anxious.

The school gate would close in another ten minutes, and they had to go back before the school gate closed.

So she called Xie Shu again to ask where he was, but this time, she called several times, and Xie Shu didn’t answer.

Now even An Tian was not calm, she frowned and said, “Xie Shu… is he delayed by something?”

But after saying this, even An Tian herself didn’t believe it.

Who doesn’t know that Xie Shu always puts Su Qianyi first in his heart?

Xie Shu insists on bringing her breakfast every day, no matter if it’s windy or rainy, and he takes every word she says to heart and takes it seriously, even in class, if Su Qianyi doesn’t feel well, he can ask for leave on the spot to go to the supermarket to buy her personal items.

But this time…

The school is not far from here, twenty minutes is completely enough, right? Why hasn’t Xie Shu come yet?

“By the way, when I came in just now, I saw you talking to Xie Shu on the phone, did he say anything to you at that time?” An Tian asked.

An Tian’s reminder made Su Qianyi remember that Xie Shu said a strange thing to her before hanging up.

She didn’t understand what it meant at the time, so she didn’t think much of it.

“He asked me to search for a video of a star looking for a job on Douyin.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know.”

Neither of them understood, so they took out their phones and searched for it.

After searching, the video played automatically, and then they heard the angry voice of the person in the video:

“You idiot!”


Xie Shu’s interest in the game was interrupted by Su Qianyi’s phone call.

After the game ended, he logged out and went to take a shower, and when he came out, he reluctantly opened his computer to watch a movie.

“Xie Shu, is it really okay for you to answer Su Qianyi’s call like that?” His friend sitting next to Xie Shu asked with some concern.

You know, that was Su Qianyi calling him first.

If it were at other times, no matter what he was doing, he would definitely put down what he was doing and ask Su Qianyi what was wrong.

But just now, not only did he not listen to Su Qianyi’s call, he also asked her to search for that video on Douyin.

When they searched for it while he was in the shower, they were scolded as soon as they entered.

They could already imagine that if Su Qianyi also searched for this video, Xie Shu would definitely make her angry.

It was already difficult enough for him to pursue Su Qianyi, and if he made her angry, it would be even more difficult!

However, Xie Shu was indifferent and replied, “What’s the problem with that? I was being very polite, okay? I didn’t ask her to search for ‘Feng Xiaogang press conference’.”

Xie Shu’s response stunned his roommates, and someone quickly went to Douyin to search for it, and as soon as they entered, they heard another sentence: “I want to slap you, do you believe it!”

Roommate: “…”

“Xie Shu, aren’t you afraid that Su Qianyi will be angry with you for doing this?” someone couldn’t help but ask.”She’s angry? We were just about to win, you know! Her call came in and caused our team to be wiped out. I’m not even angry, so what does she have to be angry about?” Xie Shu retorted indignantly.

Roommate: “……”

Is that really his point?

Besides, when he used to play games with Su Qianyi, even if she was dragging the team down every time, he would never say anything. Why is he reacting so strongly today?

“No, Xie Shu, what we mean is, don’t you like Su Qianyi? She’s already hard to pursue, and now you let her find that kind of video to indirectly insult her. It’s going to be even harder to chase her now.”

Xie Shu paused for a few seconds upon hearing this, and just when his roommate thought he was regretting his actions, Xie Shu slowly said, “From now on, I will no longer like Su Qianyi. Whatever happens to her in the future has nothing to do with me. From this moment on, I’ll take my own path, and she can cross her own bridge.”

His words stunned everyone, and all showed expressions of disbelief.

They all knew how much Xie Shu liked Su Qianyi.

Every day, he was the first to get up just to queue in the cafeteria to buy breakfast for Su Qianyi. To give her the most thoughtful gift on her birthday, he would watch videos every night to learn how to knit various small presents. If there was something Su Qianyi liked, no matter how expensive it was, he would save up his pocket money for months if necessary, just to buy it for her.

Everyone saw his affection for Su Qianyi. Throughout the college years, even though Su Qianyi had rejected him countless times, he still steadfastly stayed by her side. Now, he suddenly says he doesn’t like her anymore.

Who would believe that?

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