Chapter 21 – The quality of the brand is like the character of a person

Centipede was indeed furious.

He pounded his fist on the card table several times.

Still not venting his anger, he viciously tore up the three zero-point cards and threw them aside, cursing:

“What the fuck kind of garbage cards are these! Where’s the person, get me a new deck of playing cards!”

The people at the mahjong parlor immediately brought a new deck of playing cards.

I also took out 1,500 yuan and handed it over.

Here was the 1,350 yuan from the last round, and the rest was for tips and the cost of the playing cards.

I also gave Old Hei 9,000 yuan. He had invested 4,500 yuan in the last round and won as well.

“I’m going to keep betting against you!”

Centipede threw the playing cards in front of me and said viciously.

As I opened the playing cards, I calmly said:

“You can bet against me, but it seems like you don’t have enough money on the table…”

Centipede had brought a total of 50,000 yuan. He lost 27,500 yuan in the last round, leaving only 22,500 yuan.

After deducting the money for the house and what I gave to Old Hei, I still had over 40,000 yuan.

“Get the money!”

Centipede stretched out his hand and said to his underling behind him.

The underling hesitated for a moment, then leaned over and whispered something in Centipede’s ear.

It seemed that they were out of money, having only brought 50,000 yuan.

Sure enough, Centipede cursed under his breath.

Then, he slapped the remaining money on the table.

“I’m going all in with this round, that’s it!”

Saying this, he still seemed unsatisfied, and turned to the other spectators and said:

“Come on, you guys bet too, bet big. Let’s try to crush this bastard in this round!”

In the gambling world, there are many people with poor manners who curse and swear.

My goal was to win money, so I didn’t care about his insults.

These people, out of respect for Centipede, had no choice but to place their bets.

However, the bets were not large, mostly 200 or 300 yuan.

Old Hei, on the other hand, placed a bet of 2,000 yuan, deliberately provoking Centipede.

“This money was won in the last round, no, it should be said that it was picked up. I’ll just bet 2,000 yuan…”

Centipede glared at him, too angry to speak.

I shuffled the cards, and Centipede asked to cut the cards.

He cut the deck six or seven times, almost the same as reshuffling.

I sneered inwardly.

Facing a professional swindler, even if you cut the cards to pieces, it would be useless.

He had cut the cards, and I was about to deal.

“Hold on!”

Centipede suddenly interrupted me.

He pointed to the card table and said:

“Put the cards down!”

I didn’t understand what he meant, but I put the cards on the table anyway.

“I’m afraid you’ll cheat, so you can’t hold the cards in your hand. You have to deal them from the table. Also, you can only use one finger to deal…”

Centipede, who frequented casinos, was not a swindler.

But he was an old hand among gamblers.

He also knew some ways to guard against swindlers.

Unfortunately, his tactics might work against ordinary swindlers.

But they were useless against me!

I slightly tilted the cards on the table.

Using one finger, I slid the top card.

Centipede had already stood up, and he and his two underlings were staring intently at my hand.

Their three heads were almost touching my hand.

They didn’t even dare to blink.

I sneered inwardly.

A fool is always a fool.

He thought his method could prevent cheating.

But he didn’t know that I had already completed the cheat.

During the shuffling process, I had already stacked the deck.

Although Centipede had cut the deck six or seven times.

When the cards returned to my hand, I had quickly restored them.

Of course, even if I didn’t restore them.

Even if I dealt the cards with one finger as he requested.

Centipede would still not be able to see any tricks.

The Swindler Sect techniques are all about force and speed.

A top-level Swindler Sect expert.

When moving fast, not only human eyes.

Even surveillance cameras wouldn’t be able to detect anything.

The cards had been dealt, and I didn’t wait for others to reveal their cards.

I confidently flipped over my own cards.

The cards were small, 9, J, 2, one point.

As soon as I revealed my cards.

The other three who had placed bets all revealed their cards.

Their cards were all larger than mine, they all won against me.

One of them who had bet 200 even had eight points, double.

I paid off the three people’s winnings.

Only Centipede and Old Hei hadn’t revealed their cards.

Old Hei didn’t reveal his cards because he liked to slowly reveal them.

When we played Three Card Poker, he would slowly reveal the cards bit by bit.

As if doing so would change the points inside.

Also, he was worried about me.

Because my points were too low, only one point.

Centipede could win against me with any points.

As for why Centipede didn’t reveal his cards, it was entirely because he was nervous.

He lost to me in the last round with zero points against zero points, and he was still traumatized.

Seeing that Old Hei didn’t reveal his cards, Centipede glanced at him and asked impatiently:

“Why aren’t you revealing your cards?”

Old Hei stiffened his neck and shouted:

“You mind your own business, you go first!”

Centipede also realized that he couldn’t outstubborn Old Hei.

So he picked up the first card and revealed it directly.

It was a K, zero points.

Seeing that it was zero points, Centipede couldn’t help but frown.

The zero points from the last round had left a psychological shadow on him.

For the second card, Centipede didn’t reveal it directly, but started to slowly reveal it.

He first lifted a thin crack in the card.

Then, he turned the card horizontally.

And started to slowly reveal it bit by bit.

And his two underlings behind him started to shout:

“Three sides, three sides…”

“Three sides” refers to the 6, 7, 8 in the deck of playing cards.

Gamblers who usually play Baccarat like to shout like this.

After a while.

Centipede slammed the card down.

It was a diamond 6.

Now Centipede’s two cards added up to six points, while I had one point.

Statistically speaking, he had a high chance of winning.

As long as the third card was not a 4 or 5, he would definitely win.

Centipede rubbed his hands on the gambling table.The most crucial part began, the third card.

Old Hei was clearly nervous as well. He stood up, leaning over to watch Centipede reveal his card.

He muttered softly, “Edge, edge.”

In playing cards, the edge refers to 4 and 5.

As long as these two points appear, Centipede will definitely lose to me.

Meanwhile, Centipede and his two underlings were also shouting non-stop.

“No edge, no edge!”

No edge cards are A, 2, 3.

Centipede had six points. If these three cards appear, he would surely win.

The three of them were shouting loudly, and the onlookers seemed to be getting nervous as well.

But gradually, the faces of the three turned ugly.

One of the underlings, somewhat guiltily, shouted:

“Blow, blow, blow!”

Centipede’s eyes grew wider and wider.

Even his breathing became gradually heavier.

Suddenly, he slammed the playing card hard on the table.

He turned around and cursed at his underling:

“Blow your MGB, it’s all because you fucking blew it…”

Centipede started to lash out like a mad dog, while his underling looked innocent.

The onlookers, seeing the card that had been crumpled by Centipede, couldn’t help but gasp in a low voice.

But no one dared to speak, after all, they were somewhat afraid of Centipede, the local bully.

Centipede’s third card turned out to be a 4.

6 plus 4, Centipede’s hand was zero points again.

I won again!

Old Hei also relaxed, he laughed heartily and said:

“Now it’s my turn to reveal the cards, give me a big one, to kill my Master Chu Liu!”

Killing me was just a joke from Old Hei.

He didn’t shuffle the cards this round.

While talking, he had already slammed the card onto the table.

Holy shit!

Except for Centipede and his underlings, the onlookers couldn’t help but gasp.

Even Old Hei himself widened his eyes, looking incredulous.

Old Hei’s card turned out to be a Leopard 3, ten times.

He bet two thousand, I need to pay him twenty thousand.

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