Chapter 32 – God of Food’s review, suggest steaming

Lin Baici: We should arrive at the train station around 3 pm.


Little Fish: I'll pick you up at the station!


Lin Baici: No need, it's too much trouble for you. Besides, the school arranged a bus to pick up new students.


Little Fish: Humph, I bet you want to hook up with the senior sister, right?


Lin Baici: …


Little Fish: Senior sisters in their fourth year are all wolves. You have to protect yourself!


Hua Yueyu thought that with Lin Baici's face and figure alone, he would definitely not lack a girlfriend in his four years of college. If he was a scumbag, he could easily five-kill a semester.


Time passed quickly with someone to chat with.


"Attention passengers, the G1955 train from Guangqing Station to Haijingnan is now checking tickets. Please go to the A12 ticket gate or B12 ticket gate for ticket inspection and board the train at platform 16!"


"When riding the escalator, please stand firmly and hold on!"


"When boarding the train, please mind the gap between the platform and the train!"


The train station broadcast sounded, and the passengers who were sitting still were like a school of fish in a pond, attracted by tourists' feeding, and all moved towards the ticket gate.


Four long lines immediately snaked out.


Lin Baici looked at his phone.


9:37, the train was about to depart.


Lin Baici: Ticket inspection!


Little Fish: Be safe! Followed by an embrace emoji.


Lin Baici put away his phone, stood up, and packed his backpack. He saw that everyone was carrying a lot of luggage, at least a suitcase and a handbag, which made him feel a sense of happiness.


Instead of immediately joining the queue, he walked towards the programmer with dark circles under his eyes.


After the programmer put away his laptop and hurried to join the queue, Lin Baici stood behind him.


"Hey, handsome, why don't you go get a physical check-up?"


Lin Baici knew that this kind of pick-up line was very abrupt and could get him punched if he said someone was sick. But saving a life is more important than building a seven-story pagoda, so he decided to say it.


The programmer turned around, looking puzzled.


"Your complexion and condition don't look good. You must be sick!"


Lin Baici said earnestly.


"Thank you!"


The programmer politely thanked him but didn't take it seriously. He had been feeling unwell recently, but with 996 work and staying up every night, only a ghost could be healthy.


When this project was done, he would take a year off and maybe he would feel better.


Seeing the programmer's expression, Lin Baici knew he didn't take it seriously and told a white lie.


"I'm a medical student, and my grades are pretty good!"


Lin Baici smiled, showing eight white teeth, with his handsome face, sunny and gentle, making people feel good.


The programmer took Lin Baici's words seriously when he heard he was a medical student.


"Thank you!"


The programmer decided to go to the hospital for a physical checkup when he finished his business trip. He was not afraid of ten thousand things, only afraid of something unexpected.


"You're welcome!"


Lin Baici was just doing a good deed and accumulating good karma.


"Young man, can you check me out? Do I have any illness?"


Suddenly, a middle-aged woman in her fifties next to him spoke up.


Obviously, she wanted a free check-up.


[As a diabetic patient, you should watch your diet and not overeat. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences in two years!]


"Auntie, you have to watch your diet. Diabetes requires attention to diet!"


Lin Baici advised.


"Oh my god, you're amazing!"


The middle-aged woman looked surprised. "I was diagnosed with diabetes less than five months ago. How did you know?"The passengers in the queue nearby didn't pay attention to this side at first, but now they all looked over when they heard the old lady's words.


The programmer was also surprised.


Lin Baici smiled.


The God of Food is amazing!


This must be some kind of powerful divine grace!


"Young man, can you leave me your phone number? Where do you study medicine?"


The old lady thought Lin Baici's medical skills were good, so his teacher should be even more powerful and she could visit him.


"Handsome guy, can you take a look at what illness I have?"


"Young man, I haven't had much appetite lately, what's wrong with me?"


"I've had a headache for several months, and even after doing a CT scan, they couldn't find anything wrong. Can you help me take a look?"


All the people who talked to Lin Baici were older, not wanting to freeload, but feeling that they had encountered a powerful doctor, which was a rare opportunity.


After all, who doesn't want to be healthy and live a long life?


Lin Baici was overwhelmed, regretting that he had said too much.


Fortunately, the ticket inspector was very fast, and it was only a few minutes before it was Lin Baici's turn. He swiped his ticket and quickly walked towards the platform.


The high-speed train entered the station, causing a gust of wind.


When the train slowed down and was about to stop, Lin Baici immediately ran towards Carriage 07.


"Please stand one meter away from the yellow line!"


The station attendant held a loudspeaker and reminded everyone to be careful.


The train door opened, and after the passengers getting off the train had left, the people who had been waiting for a long time rushed towards the train door like a school of sardines fighting for food.


Most of them had a lot of luggage, and the train door was not wide, so it was quite difficult to get on.


Lin Baici was over 1.8 meters tall and had gained even more strength after eating the meteorite and divine remains, being able to bench press 100 kilograms like it was nothing.


But he didn't go to squeeze in.


Everyone was afraid of not being able to get on the train, so they moved quickly.


Lin Baici didn't wait long before he was the only one left on the platform. He lifted his foot and stepped into the carriage.


The passengers had not settled down yet, and the aisle was crowded with people putting away their luggage. Lin Baici waited for a while at the connection between the carriages.


The train started moving.


People gradually quieted down, and most of them started playing with their phones.




When Lin Baici found his seat while holding his ticket, he frowned.


The woman wearing a denim skirt, beige studded high heels, whom he had seen in the waiting hall before, was sitting in his seat.


Lin Baici wasn't disgusted because she had HIV, but because it seemed like she had taken his seat.


Seats C, D, and F, and F should be by the window.


Lin Baici lowered his head and glanced at his ticket, then compared it to the seat number on the train.


"Miss, it seems like you're sitting in the wrong seat!"


Lin Baici showed his ticket, "I'm 18F, by the window!"


"Handsome guy, my name is Song Li. Can I take a look at the scenery outside and switch seats with you?"


The young woman saw Lin Baici and a hint of surprise appeared on her face.


She didn't expect to be so fortunate as to sit next to this handsome guy.


Lin Baici didn't mind and put his backpack on the luggage rack, sitting in 18C by the aisle.


The passenger in 18B was a boy, about 18 or 19 years old, sandwiched between Lin Baici and Song Li. He looked like a college student about to travel far.


Song Li was very beautiful and dressed very sexy, making 18B feel cramped and excited, fantasizing that something good would happen on this trip."Thank you, handsome!"


Song Li smiled and asked, "Are you a college student? What's your name?"




Lin Baici nodded, showing no interest in telling his name to a stranger.


The guy from class 18B thought this guy was sick for being indifferent to a beautiful woman who took the initiative to talk to him.


"If it were me, I would tell her everything about my family for the chance to talk to a beauty like her."


Lin Baici's coldness made Song Li feel embarrassed, but her competitive spirit rose, and she smiled at 18B.


"What about you? You're a college student too, right?"


18B was thrilled to be noticed and immediately nodded, "Yes, I took the college entrance exam in June and got an acceptance letter from Haijing Normal University!"


"Wow, that's amazing!"


Song Li showed an envious expression.


"It's nothing special."


Although 18B said that, he was already very proud.


"What university are you from, handsome?"


Song Li teased Lin Baici.


If his university was not as good as Haijing Normal University, he would definitely be upset.


[This woman is PUA-ing you. I suggest steaming her!]

A murderous intent filled Lin Baici's mind.


"Song, please understand. If he doesn't want to say, then don't ask!"


18B looked at Lin Baici and smiled, "Many people in our class didn't do well on the exam and don't want to talk about it."


As a teenager who had just entered puberty, he couldn't resist a fashionable and charming woman like Song Li. He was like a male peacock fighting for mating rights, wanting to show off his most beautiful feathers.


Lin Baici was not someone to be trifled with, especially after experiencing life and death in the God's Ruins of Longchuan Temple. He had become sharp and angular.


If you want to pursue girls, that's your business, but don't try to use me as a stepping stone.


"No offense, but is Haijing University of Science and Technology not as good as Haijing Normal University?"


Lin Baici asked seriously.




18B was speechless.


What a joke, Haijing University of Science and Technology was one of the top five universities in Haijing City, with an admission score line more than sixty points higher than Haijing Normal University.


Song Li didn't know much about university rankings, but it seemed that 18B was inferior and not just by a little.


"Gosh, he's so handsome, smart, and rich. Is there no justice in the world?"


Song Li was getting angrier and angrier, and most importantly, why wasn't he paying attention to her?


"Song, do you want some potato chips?"


18B took out a bunch of snacks from his Nike backpack and handed them to Song Li.




Song Li was absent-minded.


Normally, if 18B was this nice to her, Song Li would chat with him and even add him on WeChat. It wouldn't hurt to have a lapdog, but with this cold guy around, she wasn't interested.


Wait a minute…


Is this guy playing hard to get?


Song Li suddenly got excited.


You want to play this game with me?


You're not experienced enough!


Song Li began to chat and laugh with 18B.


An hour passed, and that cold guy was still looking at his phone.




It was the newest and most expensive iPhone.


Wait a minute…


That watch on his left wrist was a Rolex!


He's a rich guy!Song Li felt that she might have judged wrongly. The other party was not playing hard to get, but simply not interested in her at all.


Lin Baici had limited mobile data and didn't want to waste it on videos. Reading novels also made him tired, so he decided to rest and take a nap. However, just half an hour after he closed his eyes, hunger pangs struck, causing his stomach to spasm.

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