Chapter 25 – Dreaming of a strange face, grooming in front of the mirror

"Chronicle Brother, have you found that guy?"


After a few more seconds, Chen Yuan couldn't help but ask.


"Not yet." Chronicle shook his head. "Your girlfriend not only runs fast, but also knows how to hide. With my current mental power, it's difficult to find her."


"Ah!" Hearing this, Chen Yuan's face instantly changed. "What should we do then?"


Chronicle chuckled and asked in return, "Isn't it good to have someone coax you to sleep every night?"




Chen Yuan didn't say anything, and the atmosphere gradually became gloomy.


Seeing this, Chronicle couldn't help but shake his head and laugh. He stopped teasing him and turned to the window.


He raised his hand and completely opened the dark and heavy curtains.


Then, he controlled Osiris to stick his head out of the window, while he himself used the shared vision to search for the trace of the ugly ghost.


But even after carefully searching the courtyard below from a bird's-eye view, he still found nothing.


After a brief moment of thought, he roughly guessed where the ugly ghost was.


So he looked up at the ceiling.


In the next moment, Osiris, who was standing beside him, completed the transformation from solid to virtual.


The rolling dark clouds spread under his feet.


In an instant, his body became like an ancient artifact that had been buried for a long time and weathered as soon as it was unearthed.


Illusory and mottled.


"Go, Seven Brothers," Chronicle said in his heart.


Osiris immediately turned into a white shadow, dragging gray particles and a faint blue flame, and headed straight for the roof.


At this time, he re-entered the shared vision through the sea of consciousness.


In the black and white world with simple lines, a bulky and obese dark green figure was running on the roof with both hands and feet.


The speed was so fast that even he, a Card Craftsman, couldn't react in time.


Seeing this situation, he decisively activated the "Auto Battle Mode".


Then he saw the dark green ghost in his field of vision getting closer and closer, and he could faintly hear the mournful wailing of the Mourning Staff cutting through the night wind.


After a moment, the stick fell straight on the "shoulder" of the ugly ghost, causing its ghostly body to collapse and cracks to appear all over it.


It looked like a porcelain bottle on the verge of breaking…


"Perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as a water tank."


Chronicle silently commented in his heart.


"Chronicle Brother, have you found him?"


Seeing the faint joy on Chronicle's face, Chen Yuan quickly asked.


Chronicle wanted to tease him, but thinking that it was not appropriate to be distracted during the battle, he just nodded and said, "Hmm."


Then he shifted his attention back to the shared vision.


He saw Seven Brothers stretch out a slender and thin hand and easily lift the back of the opponent's neck, controlling his fate.


Seeing this, he decisively closed the shared vision that consumed a lot of mental power.


He felt a slight pain in his temple, gently pressed it, and when he opened his eyes again, Osiris had returned through the window.


Even though he was holding an ugly ghost several times his size, his movements were as elegant as ever, with a somewhat eerie and mysterious beauty of the underworld.




Chronicle turned his head to look at Chen Yuan. Before he could say anything, a very faint sound of electricity passing through the room rang out.


At the same time, a disposable skill card called "Seal Door" buried somewhere in the courtyard also shattered with a "crack" sound.


The wooden bars that had firmly locked the kitchen and bathroom turned into a pile of black ashes and dissipated without wind.


But Chen Yuan, at this moment, did not feel any joy from the power being restored.


Looking at the appearance of the ugly ghost in front of him, and then thinking about the photos in Chronicle's phone, he felt his stomach churn and rushed out of the broken door, covering his mouth.


Chronicle was first stunned, but after reacting, he quickly shouted, "The bathroom is on the second floor."


Chen Yuan couldn't reply, but his actions showed that he had heard what Chronicle said.


He rushed into the kitchen across from the bedroom without lifting his head, and vomited violently, spewing out everything.


Chronicle, who was speechless, didn't bother to pay attention to him. He turned his head and skillfully took out a blank card from his pocket, and put the "ugly ghost" into it.


Looking at the green-framed card, he felt both delighted and carefully looked at the card face.


Only then did he notice that the ugly thing's real name was "Dream-Crafting Phantom Face".


"Not bad," Chronicle commented, then threw the material card into the cloth bag he carried with him.


"Let's go."


Looking at Chen Yuan's back, who was questioning his life choices in front of the sink, Chronicle greeted him and quickly went downstairs.


Walking out of the yard and facing the rows of "tombstones" in front of him, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


"Li Baitian, Lu Youyou, Ginger Tea, Yao Yuan… Who should I go find next?"


After a brief moment of contemplation, he decided to go find Lu Youyou, who had the best relationship with him.


And so, he walked all the way to the little girl's yard.


Then, with the help of Seven Brothers, he opened the door and the familiar layout came into view.


"Why do I have a feeling of being a flower thief…"Muttering to himself, Chronicle calmly observed his surroundings, finding nothing out of the ordinary.


He then quietly made his way to the second floor.


Unlike before, the second floor of Lu Youyou's house was only sealed off by wooden bars in the kitchen.


The bedroom door was tightly closed, while the bathroom was wide open.


Seeing this, he couldn't help but turn his head to glance inside.


He saw a slender woman with long hair, her back to him, silently combing her hair in front of the mirror.


Her movements were extremely gentle, yet large amounts of hair still fell through the gaps between the wooden teeth of the comb.


The black hair fell onto the tiles, moving like a snake on the ground as if it had a life of its own.


Seeing this, Chronicle quickly retreated a few steps, waving his hand to signal Osiris to take action.


Unexpectedly, the ghost woman who had just been combing her hair suddenly turned her head with a "crack".


Her eyes were pure black, her gaze mournful, and two lines of dark red tears hung on her delicate, pale face.


Seeing this eerie scene, Chronicle felt as if his heart was about to give out.


Fortunately, after these days of experience, he had gradually adapted to these ugly, bizarre things giving him sudden "surprises".


After a moment, he came to his senses and channeled some of his spiritual power into Osiris.


The ethereal white figure immediately sprang out.


However, the combing ghost seemed to have no intention of attacking them. Her slender body leaned slightly forward and entered the mirror.


The next moment, the Mourning Staff that was swiftly approaching with the wind missed its target and, under Osiris's exquisite control, stopped in mid-air.


The resulting wave of Yin energy did not stop there, but passed through the mirror and continued forward.


In the unknown realm within the mirror, it transformed into a blade of cold, gleaming light, directly beheading the combing ghost.


Dark red, viscous blood immediately flowed out of the mirror.


But it did not die.


The long hair that hung down from its head seemed to come alive, moving to pick up the severed head, then turning into black threads to sew it back on.


Watching this disgusting scene, even with Chronicle's strength, he was momentarily unable to keep his composure.

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