Chapter 35 – Humans and Succubus

After leaving the territory of the troll clan, Saga went to the only human town on Thorn Isle.

This is an area surrounded by tall stone walls, with houses scattered inside, where many humans live.

Because Thorn Isle is occupied by the Red Dragoness, most humans have fled, leaving behind many monster clans.

But not all humans have left.

There are still some humans who are attached to their homeland and have stayed behind with courage. After discovering that the Red Dragoness does not have a hobby of slaughtering humans, they gradually settled down on Thorn Isle and continued their daily lives.

Whether under the rule of the Red Dragoness or the former noble rulers of the Rosen Kingdom, there is no difference for these lower-class Rosen Kingdom citizens.

In fact, under the rule of the Red Dragoness, they are oppressed even less and their lives have become more comfortable.

After all, the Red Dragoness only demands taxes.

The Red Dragoness generally does not kill for pleasure those who do not resist and obey her will.

But the former noble rulers here… almost exploit every drop of blood from these humans, and there are even rumors of hunting activities among some nobles.

As soon as Saga arrived at the human town, an old man asked when he saw Saga landing, “Excuse me, are you here to collect taxes for the Queen?”

Saga nodded and said, “Since you know, hand over the taxes.”

The old man smiled slightly and, seeing the hatchling dragon without fear, said, “They have been prepared in advance, please accept them.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the boxes stacked on one side of the stone wall.

Compared to the three monster clans before, the humans here can be said to be the most cooperative, even calculating the tax collection time and preparing in advance.

At this moment, the arrival of the hatchling dragon also attracted the attention of many other residents.

Old people, adults, children… many figures looked through the windows of their houses, casting various curious or fearful gazes at Saga.

Saga frowned.

He found that he disliked being scrutinized with curious eyes, and he was sensitive to the gazes that secretly looked at him.


Saga showed a fierce expression, bared his teeth, and shouted towards the place where the gazes were concentrated.

Some timid children were immediately scared and started crying.

Feeling the dissipation of the prying gazes and hearing the crying voices, Saga relaxed his frown.

“If you keep peeking at this prince, I will eat you all!”

“Especially children, I love eating the tender flesh of children the most.”

Saga roared again, using the common language to shout in a menacing voice. His voice was loud and almost spread throughout the human town.

After a moment of silence, the crying voices resounded one after another in the town, becoming even more intense and concentrated.

Hearing the cries, Saga finally showed a satisfied expression, then collected the taxes and left the human town.

By influencing the force field, Saga can reduce some of the gravitational pull he experiences. However, he still cannot control the super gravity field. Even so, he has demonstrated flying abilities far surpassing hatchling dragons of the same size.

Not long after, Saga arrived at the third place where he had to collect taxes.

– For male creatures, it was like entering the tiger’s den for the Succubus territory.

In the dense forest covered with frost and snow, there was a dark and deep cave where thousands of Succubi lived.

After arriving at the location of the Succubus cave, Saga folded his dragon wings and landed on a not-so-tall coniferous tree. His weight of over five tons made the old tree creak and groan under the pressure.

As soon as he arrived here, Saga saw several Succubi playing in the snow.

These Succubi had graceful figures and almost no clothes, with a layer of delicate black fur covering their bodies.

They had humanoid bodies, but instead of arms, they had a pair of huge bat wings with hooked claws at the tips. On their bodies, which were protruding in the front and curving in the back, they had bat heads that looked fierce and terrifying in the eyes of ordinary humans.

As a True Dragon, Saga had a universal aesthetic.

In his eyes, the appearance of these Succubi was quite beautiful, each one was beautiful and looked very alluring.

“Hey, little Succubi over there, go and inform your leader.”

“It’s time to pay taxes.”

Watching the attention of several Succubi being drawn to him, Saga cleared his throat and said.

This attitude was much better than dealing with the troll clan during group activities.

The several Succubi glanced at each other, then opened their lips with sharp teeth and let out a series of coquettish laughter.

“Prince Saga, you are so young and already here to collect taxes. Do you want to come inside the nest and have some fun?”

The Succubi flapped their wings and gathered around Saga, surrounding him, their gazes sticking to the little hatchling dragon like glue.

Saga shook his dragon tail, pushing away the Succubi, and said, “Ladies, you should know that I am just a hatchling dragon.”

“In some sapient kingdoms, your words and actions like this would be considered a violation of the law.”

The entire Succubi race is female.

So here comes the question.

How do they reproduce?

Whether the other party is willing or not, Succubi will capture male creatures of other races, even beasts, engage in pleasurable activities, become pregnant themselves, and then give birth to the next generation of Succubi.

Of course, if there are warriors who appreciate the beauty of Succubi.

The Succubi are very willing to invite them into their nests instead of forcibly capturing them. If the other party can satisfy them, they may even pay the warrior a sum of treasure.

“What does that matter?””The bodies of True Dragons are very robust, even a Hatchling Dragon is stronger than many adult Magical Creatures. Even if your growth is not satisfactory, Your Highness, we have special methods to…”

A succubus with bat-like features extended her moist tongue, lightly licking her lips, and spoke to Saga in a seductive tone.

For robust male creatures, especially True Dragons like Saga, the bat succubus had no resistance due to racial instincts.

“Don’t delude yourself.”

“I am a True Dragon that you cannot possess.”

Saga rejected her firmly.

Although these bat succubi were quite beautiful, they were not Saga’s type. Moreover, as a noble and proud True Dragon, Saga was not easily impressed by any creature.

Saga was not interested in ordinary little succubi.

At the very least, it would have to be the leader of the bat succubi… Only a one-and-a-half-year-old Hatchling Dragon, weighing several tons and over four meters long, thought arrogantly as it flicked its tail.

Just then, an old voice came from deep within the cave.

“Good day, Your Highness Saga.”

“I am the leader here. If you need anything, please tell me.”

Amid the sound of flapping wings, an elderly bat succubus with a restrained and steady aura walked out of the cave and into Saga’s sight.

Her bat-like head was full of wrinkles, and the delicate black fur on her body had become withered. Her aged appearance seemed as if one foot was already in the grave.

In Saga’s view, she was extremely ugly due to her advanced age.

Upon seeing this bat succubus, the little succubi that had been surrounding Saga quickly retreated.

This… The Hatchling Dragon blinked.

The leader arrived just as he mentioned her, but Saga had no interest in this old woman-like leader.

“Cough, I’m here to collect taxes on behalf of my mother.”

Looking at the incredibly old bat succubus leader, Saga quickly discarded his previous thoughts and spoke.

The bat succubus leader was very tactful, knowing the consequences of defying the Queen’s will on Thorn Isle, so she ordered the little succubi to prepare the taxes and brought them out of the cave.

During this process, the bat succubus leader kept giving Saga inviting looks, hinting that she wanted to invite him into the nest.

For a robust Hatchling Dragon, the aged succubus leader was equally covetous.

Most importantly, if they could give birth to a succubus offspring with Dragon Vein, their entire clan would flourish.

There is a bat succubus kingdom on the Cleis Continent.

The bat succubi there are proficient in transformation magic, able to transform into beautiful forms of many races. They have created the largest red-light district, or rather, red-light country, on Saiga Planet, attracting powerful creatures from various races to visit and optimize their bloodline through mating with the males of these races.

Among all the bat succubi with positive bloodline mutations, those with Dragon Vein are definitely the most outstanding.

After the taxes were brought out, Saga immediately stored them in a spatial crystal and left without lingering, under the sticky, clingy gaze of the bat succubus leader.

An elderly bat succubus could drain a male tiger dry in one go.

Saga, as a Hatchling Dragon, couldn’t withstand that.

Watching the Hatchling Dragon’s departing figure, all the bat succubi showed regretful expressions.

At this time, the sky was gradually darkening. The setting sun overlapped with the top of a mountain, like a bright jewel. As time passed, the brilliant sunset slowly faded, the sun quietly fell below the horizon, the moon rose, and night fell.

The stars illuminated the earth.

Frost and snow reflected the moonlight and starlight.

Thorn Isle was still bright under the night sky.

“The task is completed. Now it’s time to deal with the disobedient, brainless troll clan.”

“No clan that defies the majesty of the True Dragon is allowed on Thorn Isle.”

Looking at the sky, the Hatchling Dragon lifted its chin and murmured.

As the saying goes, revenge is a dish best served immediately.

All True Dragons have a strong vengeful mentality. The consequence of angering a dragon is often disastrous, especially for a five-colored dragon.

The day was not over yet, and Saga decided to deal with the troll clan that night.

He was going to keep his word and make sure the troll clan would not see the sun the next day.

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