Chapter 33 – Ignorance leads to the grave

Kassandra predicts the future uncontrollably.

Sometimes she sees things that will happen in a few minutes, and sometimes she sees the end of someone’s life. However, she cannot predict the constantly changing future for one person too frequently.

Clark wanted to predict his own future to see if his firm determination to prevent his brother from going down the wrong path had any effect, and if the future had changed. However, he couldn’t do it.

“I’m tired, children.”

Listening to the sound of the clock ticking, Kassandra smiled with satisfaction. Clark was a bit confused as he hadn’t started reading with the respected elder in front of him.

“Do you really think that Ms. Kassandra needs someone to accompany her while she reads?”

David patted his shoulder and got up to leave.

The old woman could read Braille, and all she needed was someone to help her see the colorful world through the future of others.

“Excuse me, ma’am.”

Clark realized and looked at the clock on the wall. He felt that it was time to leave.

“I’ll come back to see you this afternoon.”

“Child, I can only help you see fragments of the future. Sometimes you don’t know the whole picture, so don’t make judgments easily.”

Finally, as Clark was about to close the door and leave, Kassandra kindly reminded him while sitting in her chair.

“Be patient and trustful when facing your family.”

“I understand, thank you, ma’am.”

After a moment of hesitation, Clark nodded and closed the door, lost in deep thought. He had originally planned to accompany David to another room downstairs and play chess with another elderly person to fulfill his community service hours. But after two games, the old woman didn’t want to play anymore because she could tell that David was letting her win and trying to make her happy. After seriously losing one game, she quickly defeated him.

Playing chess with someone who had a significant difference in skill level was not fun, especially when you were the weaker player.

“You guys can go. I will tell the nursing home that you played chess with me.”

The defeated old woman touched her forehead and waved her hand in frustration.

The two had no choice but to leave. It was almost lunchtime, and compared to eating in the nursing home cafeteria, they preferred to go home and taste Martha’s famous seafood stew.

As they went downstairs, they saw Pete’s car parked downstairs.

But they didn’t see Pete. They didn’t know where he had gone, maybe he was still looking for his keys.

“Are you going home like this, Clark? What will your father and mother think if they see you?”

Leaving the nursing home, Clark couldn’t shake off the worry between his eyebrows. He walked absentmindedly, and David lifted his eyelids and smiled.

“What did you see me do in the future that made you so worried? Did I lock you in a coffin made of meteorites? Or did I steal Lana, who you’ve been thinking about?”

“No… nothing.”


“You can’t even fool a child with that sentence.” David said helplessly to the Kryptonian, who was not good at lying.

“Let me think about it and decide whether to tell you, David.”

Clark couldn’t decide whether it would be beneficial or harmful to tell his brother what he had seen, so he decided to take some time to think about it.

He turned his head and looked at the nursing home.

His original intention for coming here today was to spend time with Lana, such as chatting in the cafeteria. But with what had just happened, he temporarily lost his mood.

“It’s your future anyway.”

David shrugged and didn’t insist on asking.

Curiosity aside, he wouldn’t be constantly worried about a future predicted by an ability user.

The future was under his feet, in his hands. He was steering his own life.

“The ship of life goes wherever you decide.”

In this world, there were many people with the ability to predict and divine. If someone casually said something that made him worry, he wouldn’t have time to do other things in the future.

“Compared to that, there is something else I am more concerned about now.”

Walking on the road, regardless of Clark’s absent-mindedness, David squeezed his hand.

Since the fusion degree of the template exceeded ninety, he felt a strong energy circulating in his body, filling every cell. The higher the fusion degree, the greater the energy.

“But I can’t release it.”

This made him think of Thanos in the comics.

“Thanos in the comics can emit powerful cosmic energy from his hands or eyes, but he couldn’t do it at first.”

After Thanos left his hometown of Titan and embarked on the path of the Dark Lord, he killed the leader of the space pirates and took his place. He then led the space pirates to plunder scientific and technological research throughout the universe for his own body.

“To fully tap into the potential of his body, Thanos created a suit of armor for himself and underwent biological modification surgery to release the immense energy within him.”

The golden armor worn by Thanos in the comics seemed simple, as if it had been hammered, but it actually contained various top-notch cosmic technologies. One of its functions was to assist him in concentrating and releasing energy.

David knew that he should fuse with the template of the movie version of Thanos.

“But maybe Thanos is just Thanos, and some things about him won’t change.”

He speculated in his heart.

“Perhaps in the movies, Thanos was too obsessed with finding the Infinity Stones and being the director of the universe’s family planning office, so he didn’t have time to explore his own potential.”

Even without energy rays, Thanos was powerful enough to dominate the universe with his strong body.

“If he found the Infinity Stones that could control the universe, having the ability to emit energy wouldn’t make it any easier for him to snap his fingers.”

David shook his head, unsure of what to do with the energy in his body.

He currently didn’t have the means to create a high-tech cosmic armor or undergo biological modification on himself.

“It seems that this extra ability is temporarily useless?”

On the way back home in the suburbs, David raised an eyebrow.

“What a coincidence, David!”

A voice filled with resentment and triumph suddenly sounded.

A figure slowly walked out at the intersection, blocking the path of the two. His skin was covered in a layer of icy white, his lips were blue, and his face looked somewhat hideous.


Clark looked up and looked at Shawn, whose skin had an abnormal color and seemed to be trembling. He looked surprised and couldn’t help but ask, “Are you okay?”

“Am I okay?”

Upon hearing this question, Shawn opened his arms and laughed wildly, “I couldn’t be better!”


He abruptly turned to David, his voice stern and harsh. The grass on both sides of his palm was frozen and shattered. As the wind blew, snowflakes danced in the air.

“Kneel and beg me, and I might consider sparing your life, David.”

Walking through the town to this point, his ability to absorb heat emerged again.

“Ever considered applying for a circus?”

Upon hearing this, David’s face turned icy cold.

From Sean’s appearance, it was not hard to see that he had undergone a genetic mutation due to Kryptonite radiation.

“With your current freakish look, you’d surely be a sell-out.”

“Your ignorance will lead you to your grave.”

Mocked, Sean was enraged and leaped forward to throw a punch, “You have no idea how powerful I am now!”

“Sean, stop!”

Clark rushed forward, trying to prevent Sean from getting close to David, to protect his brother, and also to protect him.

But as soon as his hands touched Sean’s body, his body heat was uncontrollably drawn away.

A burst of sunlight-like radiance was born at the point of contact between the two, which was absorbed into Sean’s body.

“How can the heat in your body be even greater than a small power station!”

The massive heat surged into his body, Sean’s physique was rapidly strengthening, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

“I’m becoming stronger!”

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