Chapter 82 – Report truthfully

“Long time no see, I brought food.” Lu Yang spoke warmly, all learned from practicing at the barbecue shop.

After more than a month of training, Lu Yang’s fake smile had reached the point of being indistinguishable from a real one. Meng Jingzhou even praised Lu Yang’s smile as genuine.

When Chixu Long, who was pouting, heard Lu Yang’s voice, he suddenly turned his head with a fierce look in his eyes. If it weren’t for this kid calling the constable to eat, he wouldn’t be in this situation now.

“Why are you here?” Chixu Long’s tone was unfriendly. He pretended to be an examiner and deceived him. He even dug a pit during their last meal together. He was full of bad intentions. Now he was pretending to be nice and bringing food, he definitely didn’t have good intentions!

Compared to himself, a ruthless executioner who had killed countless people, Chixu Long felt that Lu Yang was more despicable!

Lu Yang did not have the intention of playing with Chixu Long in prison. They would still need to help each other in the future, and there was no need to make their relationship so tense. This was also the meaning of the sect leader.

However, Lu Yang’s hearing was not good, and he heard Chixu Long ask if he had become a steward. “What? How did you know I became a steward? But don’t get too excited, as long as you perform well, you can also become a steward.”

Lu Yang did not expect Chixu Long to have such a good source of information in prison.

After speaking, Lu Yang even showed off his waist badge with the word “steward” very prominently displayed. Chixu Long was so angry that he was about to explode. “God is blind!”

Lu Yang comforted him, “Don’t be angry. The leader also asked me to pass a message to you.”

When Chixu Long heard that it was a message from the sect leader, he calmed down a bit and thought that the leader still valued him. He asked, “What did he say?”

“He said you’d better get to know me better.”

Chixu Long was furious. “I’ll never befriend you even if I die!”

Lu Yang sighed and left some food before leaving.

The prisoners smelled the delicious food and drooled. They couldn’t get such delicious food in prison.

Lu Yang’s attitude towards others was very good, encouraging them to reform in prison and strive to become better people after they were released, to benefit the Central Continent. He showed concern in his words.

If they didn’t know better, they would think they were going to be locked up for ten or eight years.

After coming out of prison, Lu Yang reported the work situation to the sect leader truthfully. “I brought food to the prison to visit Chixu Long and said there were some misunderstandings between us. We are all fellow cultivators and will inevitably have dealings in the future. Having a good relationship will be convenient for future work. I emphasized that this was the leader’s intention and said that as long as he performs well, he can become a steward like me.”

“Unexpectedly, Chixu Long became furious and cursed me, saying that whoever made me a steward must be blind. I can’t remember the exact words, but that was the general idea.”

The sect leader’s eyes suddenly became cold. “Who said I was blind?!”

Lu Yang quickly bowed and looked up at the sect leader cautiously, fearfully replying, “That person’s status is too high. It would be very disrespectful for me to say.”

The sect leader already had an answer in his heart. “Okay, I know. You can go back now.”

Lu Yang sighed. He thought Chixu Long had no filter and would say anything. “Please don’t say that I said those things, Sect Leader. Maybe I remembered it wrong.”

The sect leader impatiently waved his hand. He knew about this matter already.

During the day, Meng Jingzhou went shopping as usual, Man Gu exercised in the backyard, and the Ghost Hall was busy with their activities. Lu Yang was doing laundry.

Lu Yang’s clothes were ordinary and couldn’t be spotless.”Damn it, why can’t I learn the Clean Clothes Spell?” Lu Yang grumbled as he vigorously rubbed his clothes. Out of the three of them, he was the only one who needed to do laundry. “I’ll definitely buy a piece of clothing that doesn’t need washing once I have the money.”

He had learned the Clean Clothes Spell from Meng Jingzhou a while ago. Although Meng Jingzhou himself didn’t know the spell, he had a book called “Daily Life Spells,” which his sister had secretly given him before he left. The book contained a spell called the Clean Clothes Spell, which could make clothes clean and was easy to learn.

The three of them gathered together to learn it, and Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu learned it first. With a refreshing aura descending from the sky, their dirty clothes instantly became snow-white and new-looking.

Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu were both very happy. Working at a barbecue restaurant made their clothes easily dirty and troublesome to clean. With Meng Jingzhou’s worth, he naturally had clothes that had been refined to become magical tools and didn’t need cleaning. However, the quality of this type of clothing was too high, and it was clear that he came from a powerful background, which was not conducive to infiltrating the demonic cult.

Lu Yang’s talent in spells was evident to all, and he also learned it, but the effect was somewhat unexpected. After he cast the Clean Clothes Spell, with a twist of space, a brand new piece of clothing appeared out of nowhere.

At that time, Lu Yang was silent for a long time, wanting to curse but not knowing where to start. In terms of order, this was the first space-type spell that Lu Yang had learned, which was significant. In terms of innovation, this was an innovation of the Clean Clothes Spell, equivalent to creating a new space spell. In terms of logic, it made no sense.

Looking at the label on the collar that read “For So-and-So,” Lu Yang knew that this clothing was probably made by a tailor shop, and the person who ordered it had not yet arrived but had been summoned by his space spell.

“Why did my Clean Clothes Spell directly summon a new piece of clothing? What would happen if I cast the Clean Body Spell?” Lu Yang angrily asked, feeling that the heavens thought he was talented and were deliberately restricting his spell talent.

This type of clothing could not be worn, as it belonged to someone else. However, Lu Yang didn’t know who the owner was and couldn’t return it. Meng Jingzhou kindly offered to cast the real Clean Clothes Spell to help Lu Yang wash his clothes, but after a while of trying, it ended in failure. The Clean Clothes Spell could only wash the clothes on oneself. Lu Yang couldn’t take off his clothes to give to Meng Jingzhou just to wash them, and then have Meng Jingzhou take off his own clothes to wear.

There was no other way but to wash his clothes himself. After washing his clothes, Lu Yang wanted to hang them outside the window to dry. Accidentally, the clothesline slipped and was about to fall on someone’s head.

“Watch out!”

Who knew that the passerby had excellent reflexes and dodged the clothesline with a side step. Lu Yang hurried downstairs and found that the passerby was a new acquaintance, Lan Ting, a disciple of the Laurel Fairy Palace who had helped him fight the tiger in Songshan. It had been over a month, and he didn’t know why she was still here.

Lan Ting lowered her head, looking at the clothesline that had fallen to the ground in silence, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if pondering a problem. Lu Yang curiously asked, “What are you thinking about?”

Lan Ting blurted out, “I’m thinking about why the clothesline didn’t fall upwards towards the sky but towards the ground. Is it possible that there is an invisible force pulling everything in the world?”

Lu Yang: “…”

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