Chapter 81 – Hidden weapon using stones

“By the way, Sect Leader, last time we had dinner, you left without paying. Are you going to pay now or do you still owe us?” Man Gu asked before leaving.

Lu Yang quickly stopped him, “Shut up! As cultivators of the demonic path, eating for free is only natural. Is Sect Leader the kind of person who pays for meals?”

Meng Jingzhou chimed in, “Exactly! Sect Leader said he was treating us, not paying for us. How can you not even understand the difference?”

Chu Sect Leader: “…”

One has to admit that he is not as good as these three when it comes to teasing people.

He gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to kill someone, throwing a gold ingot at Man Gu. “No need to look for change, you three get out of here!”

Man Gu looked confused. He was just asking for money, why did Brother Lu and Brother Meng seem to be defending him and Sect Leader at the same time?

As the three left, it was already late at night. Lu Yang looked up at the brilliant starry sky and sighed, “Who would have thought that the stars in the sky are all fake? Unexpected, unexpected.”

Meng Jingzhou scratched his head, “It’s not that surprising, my grandfather always told me that if I wanted something, he would give it to me. Even if it was a star in the sky, he could pick it for me. When I was seven or eight years old, I pointed to a star and said I wanted that one.”

“My grandfather went to space and when he came back, he put a small light spot the size of a fingernail in my hand and said that was a star. Coincidentally, there was one less star in the sky where the light spot came from.”

“I compared it with my grandfather and said that stars should be very big, bigger than our yard, not this small. My grandfather just smiled mysteriously and said that stars are just this small.”

“What happened next?” Lu Yang asked with interest.

“What happened next? The people from the Ministry of Justice came over. It seemed like a high-ranking official accused my grandfather of stealing natural resources and asked him to return the star. My grandfather returned the light spot, and another star appeared in the empty spot in the sky.”

“At the time, I felt something was off, but I didn’t figure it out. Over time, I forgot about it. It wasn’t until today that I realized what I had held in my hand was really a star.”

“It’s no wonder that the Meng family’s life experiences are different from ours since childhood,” Lu Yang shook his head and thought about what he did before he crossed over.

He remembered reciting ancient poetry, such as “The dangerous tower is a hundred feet tall, and the stars can be plucked by hand. I dare not speak out loud, for fear of startling the people in the sky.”

When he was a child, he could only pluck stars in poems, but Meng Jingzhou could really pluck stars. That’s the difference.

Recently, Lu Yang has been considering whether to write a book to make money, such as The Wandering Earth. But if it were in this world, it probably wouldn’t be planetary engines pushing the Earth, but powerful cultivators pushing it.

The three of them didn’t think about stars and continents anymore. Such things were too far away for them. With their cultivation level, they couldn’t even move stars, let alone big rocks.”Rest early, we will visit our fellow disciple locked in the prison tomorrow.”

The three of them yawned. They could meditate instead of sleeping since reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, but they still preferred sleeping.

Meditate? That’s for the Golden Core stage.

Early in the morning, Lu Yang found the captain of the guards and explained his purpose. The captain readily approved his request and gave him a pass to visit the prison.

As soon as Lu Yang entered the prison, he felt his spiritual power being suppressed, making him sluggish and unable to use any spells.

“This is the forbidden spirit formation the captain talked about?” Lu Yang was surprised by the extent of its power.

The captain warned Lu Yang to be careful of the forbidden spirit formation in the prison. It was a formation specifically designed to restrict cultivators, suppressing their cultivation and preventing them from using any spells to escape.

The prison’s forbidden spirit formation was powerful enough to suppress cultivators at the Golden Core stage, without exception.

Lu Yang arrived just as the day shift was ending.

The day shift guard was yawning, tears streaming down his face, looking as if he had not slept at all.

The night shift guard was about to rest and was in a good mood, teasing the day shift guard, “Old Zhou, you’re usually so energetic. Why are you so tired today? Did you do something shameful last night?”

Old Zhou yawned widely before he replied, “I don’t know what’s happening lately. I can’t seem to wake up in the morning. It’s not just me; my wife is the same. I even washed my face before coming here, but I’m still tired.”

The night shift guard laughed, “You must have done something last night that kept you up. Look at me; I’m not tired.”

Old Zhou sneered, “You’re a cultivator; it’s different for me.”

The night shift guard waved his hand dismissively, “I’m only at the Qi Refining stage. I don’t even know if I can advance to the second stage in this lifetime. What kind of cultivator am I?”

According to the prison’s rules, the day shift guard was a mortal, while the night shift guard was a cultivator at the Qi Refining stage. Cultivators did not want to be suppressed by the forbidden spirit formation like mortals, but having only Qi Refining stage guards was not enough. Therefore, there were also hidden cultivators stationed outside the prison.

After the shift change, Lu Yang presented his pass to Old Zhou for inspection. Old Zhou searched him and found only a lunchbox, so he let him pass.

As a notorious rogue cultivator in the nearby counties, Chi Xulong believed that joining the demonic sect would be his ticket to success. He thought he could establish a foothold and become a local tyrant.

Even though he was now imprisoned, he still held onto his ambition.

Since he was in prison, he decided to become the prison bully. The first obstacle he faced was that he could not intimidate anyone.He was locked in a cage that couldn’t be broken even in the Foundation Establishment stage. He didn’t even have a weapon in his hand. The person locked next to him was merciless with his words, either cursing or mocking, which made Chi Xulong very angry.

At this time, his cellmate Shen Jinyi came up with an idea. He held a stone in his mouth and spat it out like a bullet with a “pu” sound. The power was amazing, and it hit the person with great force.

As a killer, Shen Jinyi was good at using various objects as hidden weapons.

“We are brothers in adversity. We must work together sincerely at this time and venture together!” Shen Jinyi said very loyally. “If you learn this trick from me, you will be invincible in the prison. Let’s dominate the prison together!”

Chi Xulong was greatly encouraged and worked hard to learn how to shoot stones with his mouth as a hidden weapon.

Unfortunately, Chi Xulong was not talented in this area and could not learn it despite his great physical strength.

“You have to hold your breath in your mouth and spit it out quickly with a ‘pu’ sound!” Shen Jinyi was demonstrating and trying to teach Chi Xulong.

“I know, just spit it out with a ‘pu’ sound.” Chi Xulong was a little impatient.

“No, no, your mouth is too small like this.”

“Like this?”

Lu Yang stood outside the cage, watching Chi Xulong and Shen Jinyi pouting at each other, thinking whether to remind them or not. This scene could easily be misunderstood.

Let’s record it first with the camera ball.

(End of this chapter)

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