Chapter 70 – The Second Test

"Who fights mantis boxing like this?!" The deputy headmaster widened his eyes. He had heard of mantis boxing, which was a martial art that imitated the movements of a praying mantis.


It was a martial art that imitated the movements of a praying mantis, not a martial art that turned one into a praying mantis!


In order to meet the expected standard for this test, he had repeatedly deduced and even asked the clever minds of the higher-ups in the sect to confirm that there was no other solution except for the standard answer he had given.


Now, there were suddenly two answers that were beyond the standard, and he could not accept it!


The sect leader, on the other hand, was more open-minded: "Think about it from a different perspective. He just glanced at the praying mantis and understood the mantis boxing. Even the general of the Jin State in history did not have any martial arts talent. This shows that this martial artist named Lu Yang has extremely high martial arts talent. He has reached the realm of using martial arts to enter the Dao, and has achieved the profound realm of turning martial arts into spells. This is an extremely rare genius!"


The deputy headmaster was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at the sect leader who was very serious, and asked, "Are you serious?"


The sect leader thought to himself that of course he was just making it up. In fact, he didn't understand how he had turned from a human into a praying mantis, but as the sect leader, he couldn't appear ignorant in front of his subordinates.


The sect leader nodded and said, "Of course I am serious."


After the sect leader said this, the deputy headmaster's mood improved a bit. Since he was a rare genius, it was reasonable to accidentally find a solution to the problem.


It was reluctantly acceptable.


"Those who pass have already passed. Let's end the first test here." The deputy headmaster said. There were tens of thousands of images on the water surface, recording everyone's performance.


Only a small number of people understood perseverance from the spider, a very few understood strategy from the praying mantis, and most people were discouraged in the cave and became deserters. They were killed by soldiers of the Liang State in the chaos of war, dying namelessly. The soldiers of the Liang State did not even know that the people they killed were once full of vigor and vitality.


"The second test begins."



"The second test is to make the examiner sincerely keep you."


Everyone had this sentence in their minds, forgetting the cause and effect, only remembering to find ways to pass the second test.


Prince Yan's head was a little dizzy. He had no memory of what had happened before, but vaguely remembered a very familiar person asking him where he was from. He said he was from Huangyue City.


"I am Prince Yan, and I am currently applying for a position at the Ludi Money Chamber. I need to pass the interview. The interview requires that I cannot tell others about the interview questions." Prince Yan sorted out the information he currently knew.


Even if it was not required, Prince Yan would not tell others about the interview questions. This was just helping others, and there was no benefit to himself.


Prince Yan found himself sitting in the first seat, next to a big man in a Confucian robe.


"My name is Man Gu, what's yours?" Man Gu asked.


Prince Yan did not answer, because the examiner was calling his name.


As soon as he entered the room, Prince Yan noticed a piece of paper under his feet, which he casually threw into the trash can before preparing for the interview.


The examiner was chubby and barely able to fit into his clothes. He always had a smiling face, "Prince Yan, right? Can you go to the market and see if there are any potatoes for sale?"Yan Wangsun left honestly and wandering around the market. There was only one stall selling potatoes and he came back saying, "There are some."


The fat examiner asked, "How many potatoes are there?"


Yan Wangsun had no choice but to go out again and came back saying, "There are 80 jin of potatoes."


"What about the price?"


Yan Wangsun cursed in his heart, "Why didn't you ask earlier, it's 3 wen per jin." He ran out for the third time to ask about the price.


"The quality of the potatoes matches the price?"


Yan Wangsun went out for the fourth time to check the quality of the potatoes, "The quality is average, about 3-4 wen, and the price is not too high."


The fat examiner smiled and said, "You failed."


"Why?!" Yan Wangsun was angry. He had been run around by the fat examiner four times, running back and forth, and after all that hard work, you tell me I failed?


The fat examiner shrugged, "You ran out four times just to ask about potatoes. How can I trust you to do the job properly?"


"Why didn't you ask all the questions at once then?"


"It's because you didn't do a thorough job. You need to learn to read between the lines in your work, young man."


"Ha, who do you think you are, the emperor? Talking about reading between the lines."


The fat examiner was not angry, "Although you failed, you can stay."


Yan Wangsun looked at the fat examiner suspiciously, afraid that he was playing a trick on him again, "Really?"


"Do you remember the piece of paper you picked up at the entrance? I deliberately threw it on the ground to see who would pick it up."


Yan Wangsun was happy, thinking that this was a test of his sense of responsibility and observation skills.


"We happen to need someone to do the cleaning. You can stay and be responsible for cleaning."


Yan Wangsun: "…"


Yan Wangsun wanted to curse, but he didn't say anything. After all, being able to stay was a good thing.


"Next." The fat examiner called out.


Man Gu walked into the room, and Yan Wangsun looked at his simple appearance with disdain, thinking that this person was sure to be played by the examiner like himself.


"Go and see if there are any stalls selling potatoes at the market." The fat examiner asked the same question.


Man Gu left with an "oh" and came back after more than ten minutes.


"There is an old man pushing a cart selling potatoes at the market. There are 80 jin of potatoes, 3 wen per jin, the quality matches the price, and the old man said that if you buy more potatoes, the price can be reduced by ten percent…"


Man Gu's answer was extremely detailed, and he even asked questions that the fat examiner hadn't thought of. Yan Wangsun, who was standing next to him, was stunned.


Despite his appearance, Man Gu was a meticulous and thoughtful person who was good at learning humbly, especially from Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.


Judging from the current situation, there is still a long way to go before graduation.


"Congratulations, you passed."



"You see, how about what I said? Man Gu is a good seedling." The deputy headmaster was very happy to see Man Gu pass the test again, which proved that his way of setting questions was correct.The others answered the examiner's four questions after running two trips, barely passing.


Only Man Gu perfectly met his expectations.


The sect leader nodded, "It seems that the second test is to see if you are thorough in your work and if you can consider your superiors."


Those in the demonic path must be cautious and leave no traces, lest they be caught by the righteous path.


Moreover, only by considering your superiors can you show your potential for advancement, and higher-ups will promote you.


The vice sect leader designed the second test based on various considerations.


"There should be no other method this time." The vice sect leader smirked proudly.


The sect leader did not speak, but looked at the two who performed well in the first test.


His intuition told him that there might be another way.


(End of this chapter)

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