Chapter 47 – Expert showdown

I was visiting the VIP room of the Sky Like Casino for the first time.

The space was large and luxuriously decorated.

Moreover, it was specially designed as a suite.

At the entrance, there was a circular mini bar.

Inside the bar, various drinks were displayed.

Next to it, there was a custom-made cigar cabinet.

There was even a special area for tasting cigars.

The room inside was the real gambling area.

A huge circular gambling table was placed, with various gambling tools on the side.

When we entered,

Zou Xiaoxian was already here.

The moment she saw me, she slightly furrowed her brows.

I knew that she was still upset about losing to me at noon and having to walk back with Su Mei.

Nine Fingers was already sitting by the gambling table.

Su Mei, with a smile on her face, politely said to him:

“Sir, since this is the VIP room, the bet should be correspondingly higher…”

“Sure, how much per round, you tell me…”

Nine Fingers still had a harmless look, like a kind old man.

“Five hundred thousand per round, what do you think?”

As soon as Su Mei spoke,

I couldn’t help but gasp.

Gao Zhiqiang, who was standing not far away, also frowned.

It wasn’t that I was surprised because the bet was too high.

Having been with Master Liu, I had seen games with mountains of chips.

I just didn’t understand why Su Mei suddenly raised the bet under these circumstances.

After all, the bright and dark lights in the gambling den had been losing to Nine Fingers.

Even Gao Zhiqiang, who was the best at dice in the gambling den, had already said that he might not be able to win against Nine Fingers.

Could it be that she had so much faith in me?

Did she place all her hopes on me?

Nine Fingers laughed.

He looked indifferent.

“Okay, five hundred thousand! If you think it’s too small, you can add more. But who will play with me this round?”

Su Mei immediately gave Gao Zhiqiang a look.

Gao Zhiqiang then sat down at the gambling table.

He still had that mournful expression.

He said coldly to Nine Fingers:

“As you said, six dice. Please check the dice…”

As he spoke,

Two casino dealers placed the dice cups in front of them.

When the dice cup was opened, six dice were placed inside.

Nine Fingers shook his head.

“No need to check, I trust that such a big gambling den wouldn’t cheat. Let’s start!”

Gao Zhiqiang’s face was serious.

He picked up the dice cup.

He gently pushed it flat on the table.

Then, with a “swish” sound,

The dice cup began to shake up and down in his hand.

I had gambled with Gao Zhiqiang before.

I had seen the way he shook the dice.

It was a technique from the Shandong province.

Especially his “Wind swirling around the willows” technique,

It was quite impressive.

But that time, he was shaking three dice.

This time, it was six.

The number had doubled,

But the difficulty had increased exponentially.

After shaking for a while,

Gao Zhiqiang finally put the dice cup down on the table.

Looking at Nine Fingers across the table, he was full of confidence.

Nine Fingers still had a smile on his face.

He glanced at the unopened dice cup,

And said leisurely:

“You used the ‘Wind swirling around the willows’ technique quite well, you do resemble Li Jianlu, the gambling king of Shandong province. Open the dice…”

As soon as Nine Fingers finished speaking,

Gao Zhiqiang’s face changed dramatically.

The dice cup was opened, and all six dice were six points.

36 points, the maximum points for six dice.

Zou Xiaoxian and Su Mei on the side,

And the few undercover agents who had come in with us,

All had joyful expressions on their faces.

After all, they wouldn’t lose this round.

Gao Zhiqiang should have been happy too.

But he didn’t look happy at all.

The fact that Nine Fingers could identify his technique and his lineage,

Was enough to scare Gao Zhiqiang.

It was Nine Fingers’ turn.

He picked up the dice cup.

With a casual flick,

The six dice fell into the dice cup.

In mid-air, Nine Fingers only shook it two or three times.

Then, with a “pop”, he put the dice cup down on the table.

The whole process took no more than ten seconds.

While Gao Zhiqiang had shaken for two to three minutes.

When the dice cup was opened,

Nine Fingers’ six dice were also six sixes.

It was a draw!

But anyone with discerning eyes knew.

In this round, Gao Zhiqiang was at a disadvantage.

At this point, I must mention some techniques about dice.

In nightclubs and online videos,

We often see dice experts.

Picking up the dice, shaking the dice, and dropping the dice.

All in one go, it’s smooth and impressive.

But I must say, their way of playing is fancy dice, purely for performance.

As for wanting to shake out a certain number of points,

It’s actually simpler.

“But they must follow the rule of six points and eight sides of the dice. Only by setting the points of the dice in advance can they achieve this.

If the dice are in disarray and they are not allowed to touch them.

Rest assured, they absolutely can’t do it.

Like some popular techniques such as the horizontal shake eight-character method, the one-breath-through method.

These are all juggling tricks.

They are worlds apart from the real Swindler techniques.

“This round is a draw, shall we continue to add dice, or compare who has fewer points?”

Adding dice means continuing to increase the number of dice.

Each addition multiplies the difficulty.

And comparing who has fewer points means seeing whose points are fewer.

Some people might think.

Since they can shake out six sixes, can’t they also shake out six ones?

In fact, this idea is wrong.

Shaking dice depends on strength, speed, technique, and hearing.

And each point requires different strength and speed.

These seemingly subtle differences.

But it’s a case of a miss is as good as a mile.

“Compare who has fewer points!”

Gao Zhiqiang said.

He did not choose to continue adding dice.

It seems that six dice.

Is already almost the limit for Gao Zhiqiang.

“Alright, please…”

Nine fingers made a gesture of invitation to Gao Zhiqiang.

Gao Zhiqiang’s face became more and more serious.

He held the dice cup in his hand.

His eyes slightly closed.

Slowly, he took a deep breath.

Then, his eyes suddenly opened.

He picked up the dice cup, and six dice were directly put into the dice cup at once.

This time, Gao Zhiqiang shook the dice cup in the air for a longer time.

Sweat also broke out on his forehead.

He wanted to defend his dignity.

After all, he is now the number one dice expert in the Sky Like gambling den.

He didn’t want to lose.

With a “pop” sound.

The dice cup fell on the table.

Gao Zhiqiang also let out a sigh of relief.

This feeling was like the relief of recovering from a serious illness.

“Open the dice…”

Before Gao Zhiqiang could speak.

Nine fingers said with a smile.

As soon as the dice cup was opened.

Su Mei and Zou Xiaoxian looked at each other and smiled.

Both of them were very satisfied.

After all, there were six ones in the dice cup.

The smallest points, six points.

Nine fingers still had a smiling face.

“Not bad!”

He commented like a mentor.

But, his face suddenly changed.

He stared at Gao Zhiqiang with a cold face and said coldly:

“But I tell you, you lost!”

“It’s impossible, I don’t believe it!”

Gao Zhiqiang widened his eyes and said coldly.

Six points is already the smallest number of points.

Of course, Gao Zhiqiang didn’t believe he would lose.

Nine fingers sneered and didn’t say a word.

He raised his right hand.

Six dice were instantly put into the dice cup.

This time the technique was different from before.

Previously, he mainly shook the dice from side to side.

But this time, he was shaking them up and down.

The technique was sharp, the movement was free and easy.

In just a few tens of seconds.

Nine fingers’ hand paused downward.

The dice cup was firmly placed on the card table.

Staring at Gao Zhiqiang, Nine fingers said indifferently:

“Do you believe it now?”

Gao Zhiqiang’s eyes were wide open, he said angrily:

“Stop talking nonsense, open it!”

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