Chapter 62 – Damn, he’s showing off

“You can leave the same way you came in.”

Asho instantly understood, “Are you saying… a ship that transports death row prisoners?”

The medic nodded, “The Shattered Lake Prison is located in the center of the Shattered Lake. There is no transportation other than ships and flying, but the airspace nearby is a military restricted area. All flying objects will be scanned and verified, and any object without flight permission will be shot down by the prison’s Lex Rapid-Fire Cannon. And in the waters, there are large groups of finger sharks. Unless you are a merfolk, it is difficult for even a skilled defensive sorcerer to swim away.”

“The only way to escape is to leave on a ship that transports death row prisoners. Even we and the prison guards have to take that ship to go to the Shattered Lake Prison, without exception. The supplies for the prison are also delivered when transporting the prisoners.”

Although it was obvious that the ship was heavily guarded and it was impossible for death row prisoners to hide and escape, at least Asho had a correct train of thought, avoiding the embarrassing situation of thinking about digging through the sewer and disturbing the finger sharks during their mealtime.

“Are there really no exceptions?”

Asho asked casually, without any expectations. However, the medic pondered for a moment and nodded.

“There is one, according to the law, if the mayor is accused of extremely serious charges during their term but no key evidence similar to memory proof is found, the mayor must immediately step down from all positions and be temporarily detained in the nearest Blood Moon Prison – the only one being the Shattered Lake Prison in Camon City – for temporary isolation until the Falconer Hall investigation is concluded, and then they can either resume their original position or be imprisoned on the spot.”

Asho was somewhat surprised, “If no evidence can be found, doesn’t that mean they are innocent?”

The medic nodded and shook their head, “Generally, that’s how it is. But there are sorcery spirits among the sorcerers that can rewrite memories, such as ‘Override,’ ‘Cut,’ ‘Erase,’ and so on. Although memory editing is a serious crime, both the sorcerer and the recipient of the sorcery will be severely punished, corrupt politicians and lawmakers often tamper with memories. The Falconer Hall cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood for a while.”

“Therefore, when investigating important figures, they will generally search the memories of all close associates, and other people’s memories can also be used as evidence for conviction. If no evidence can be found, it means it’s a false accusation.”

“Has the mayor been imprisoned before?”

“It has happened three or four times in history, I only remember that each time the mayor returned to office, their reputation soared, and even won re-election.”

“Does that mean the mayor is innocent?”

“That’s generally how it is,” the medic said lightly, “After all, there are no loopholes in the process.”

“But no matter how good the system is, it is still executed by people.”

“Did you use this reason to explain when you were caught by the hunters?”

That topic quickly passed. It was too rare for the mayor to be imprisoned and isolated, and it couldn’t be included in their plan.

Asho came up with a few more far-fetched ideas, such as replacing the prison guards, hanging on the ship, or hiding in a garbage disposal bucket. The medic vetoed each of his ideas and expressed fear for his last idea.

During the conversation, the sound of a clock suddenly rang outside. The medic exclaimed, “It’s already midnight. You should hurry back to your dormitory. If you encounter a prison guard, just say that the treatment took longer. Don’t take detours at night, intentionally wandering around at night will deduct contribution points.”

Asho nodded and put on Nagu’s “Shadow King” series boots. He felt that these cool boots didn’t match the prison uniform. Since he was wearing such good boots, it wouldn’t be right without a cool outfit, right?

“Wait,” Asho suddenly realized something, “What time is it now?”

“It’s exactly midnight. The clock just reminded the sorcerers to enter the Virtual Realm. After midnight, the Blood Moon will strengthen the connection between us sorcerers and the Virtual Realm, allowing our soul energy to recover faster during exploration.” The medic shrugged, “But it doesn’t concern you.”

Asho blinked, and a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead.

He and the Sword Girl always agreed to enter the Virtual Realm around ten o’clock at night. But now…

Virtual Realm, Knowledge Sea, Inheritance Island.

Zi zi zi—

Thunder, entwined with the iron whip, roared wantonly. The iron whip that controlled the thunder was invincible, and the air was filled with free electric arcs. The sandy ground was split into crystallized glass!

“Adhere to righteousness and be fierce, communicate through dreams and psychic.”

The Thunder Wielder chanted with a hoarse voice, his upper body bare. His brown skin was covered in black tattoos resembling mathematical patterns. There was no hair on his face, and his bloodshot eyes were filled with blood vessels. He wielded the rotating thunder iron whip with both hands, like two thunder barriers protecting him from left and right!

Sonia gasped heavily, propping herself up with a wooden sword. Ashes from burnt hair remained on her face, and she was exhausted and terrified. Her figure was blurred and dim, as if she would be swallowed by the white mist in the next second.’To think I have to hand over my virtual realm initial death so soon, but Felix hasn’t died once yet. Won’t I be overshadowed by Professor Teluozan? But according to Senior Leonie, she handed over her initial death on her second entry into the virtual realm. I wonder if it’s true…’

Sonia is not afraid of death. Artificers are destined to die in the virtual realm. Even the legendary Artificer “Binder” Metas from the Starry Kingdom claimed to have died twenty-one times in the virtual realm and was proud of it – “I died relatively less among the Four Wings.”

For Artificers, virtual realm death is like taking a day off. Although you don’t want to encounter it, if you do, there’s nothing you can do but accept this bad news and think about how to spend the upcoming vacation time without having to clock in to the virtual realm.

Sonia also knows that her initial death won’t affect Professor Teluozan’s evaluation of her. Early death is just bad luck, and late death may not necessarily be a good thing.

Some losses, some lessons, Artificers must personally experience them to gain experience.

But young people, who haven’t had such fantasies?

“Perhaps I can become the first Artificer in history to not die in the virtual realm.”

Seeing this achievement about to fail, Sonia is not discouraged. After all, she was able to persist until her fourth entry into the virtual realm before handing over her initial death, which means she has surpassed 99% of Artificers.

The majority of Artificers experience their first death on their first entry into the virtual realm, with drowning being the most common cause – although countless Artificer notes repeatedly emphasize not to dive into the Sea of Knowledge, Artificers who immerse themselves in the water can hardly resist the temptation to take a look at the seabed.

Entering the virtual realm promptly at 11 o’clock this time, Sonia found that the Observer did not come, so there was naturally no small boat. She had to immerse herself directly in the water.

When sitting on the boat, she didn’t feel anything, but when she was in the water, Sonia couldn’t help but think about everything under the water – Are there fish? Is there an underwater world? Are there treasures?

Curiosity is what Artificers lack the least.

So after suppressing her longing for the seabed, Sonia turned her gaze to the surrounding white mist.

She shouted several times in the water, but the Observer did not respond. Sonia had to accept the fact that the Observer did not explore the virtual realm with her this time – this is the normal situation. Exploring the virtual realm alone is the daily routine of every Artificer. Being able to explore the virtual realm with the Observer is already a miracle, just like a student bringing the teacher as a reference tool for an open-book exam.

But Sonia is not worried. Instead, she feels like a child who has escaped parental supervision, eagerly exploring the virtual realm alone.

However, Sonia soon became lost. Without the guidance of the Observer, her vision was blocked by dense white mist, and she had no idea where to go. She could only swim in a random direction.

Swimming consumes more soul energy than sitting on a boat. After swimming for over an hour, Sonia felt more tired than when she used to help her mother harvest wheat as a child. She even wanted to voluntarily exit the virtual realm.

But it seemed that the virtual realm didn’t intend to let Sonia leave empty-handed. Even though she was swimming aimlessly, she unexpectedly discovered an inheritance island.

Sonia naturally hurriedly went ashore to accept the trial. She is very confident now, holding the “Water Moon” miracle that can even counterattack Senior Leonie. She even feels that there is no place in the Sea of Knowledge that she cannot step into.

Then she was beaten miserably.

The Artificer on the inheritance island was a Thunder Artificer wielding two nine-section steel whips. In terms of faction restraint, both Thunder Art and Sword Art are known for their fierce attacks and have no restraints against each other.

However, as soon as they made contact, Sonia was whipped like a spinning top by the Thunder Wielder.

The Thunder Wielder didn’t use many Artisans, but his combat system and experience completely overwhelmed Sonia. He attached thunder to the nine-section whips, using them as spear-like thrusts from a distance and as iron chains for horizontal strikes up close. His attacks were as fierce as thunder, and his defense was as solid as a thousand-jin barrier.

When he twirled the Thunder Whips, Sonia didn’t even dare to get close.

The Sword of Ripples was neutralized by the whip shield, and the Moon Threads were easily torn apart by the Thunder Whips. Even Sonia’s highly anticipated counterattack miracle, “Water Moon,” was easily broken by the Thunder Wielder’s nine-section whip thrust – although Water Moon has immense power and speed, its attack range is still too short.

No wonder they say the virtual realm is the best teacher. Sonia had to admit that she had learned something. She used to think that swordsmanship was just a medium for casting Artisans, but seeing the Thunder Wielder’s flawless nine-section whip technique, she realized that she still had a long way to go – truly powerful swordsmanship should be able to adapt to any situation, rather than being at a loss like she is now.

However, Sonia is not just waiting to be defeated.

She glanced at the sea surface behind her with the corner of her eye. The edge of the island was not far away.

As long as she seizes the opportunity, she might have a chance to escape.

The Thunder Wielder will definitely pursue her, but he will never leave the island. Sonia can only hope that the seawater can block his attacks and buy her some time to escape. Once she reaches a safe area, she will have time to find the truth gate in the Artisan and directly exit the virtual realm, returning to reality.

She secretly vowed to enroll in a swimming class tomorrow. Doggy paddle swimming is just too slow.Sizzle—

The nine-section whip in the Thunder Wielder’s right hand suddenly transformed into a spear, piercing through like a thunderbolt!

Now’s the time!

Sonia unleashed a wave sword and retreated, intending to jump into the sea.

However, the Thunder Wielder seemed to have anticipated this. He swung the nine-section whip in his left hand, making it spin and dance in the air like a thunderous boomerang, slashing towards Sonia’s lower body!

It’s over.

Sonia had to jump now, or else the spinning nine-section whip would wrap around her legs and trip her on the spot. Moreover, the thunder above was not just for decoration; the strong current would be enough to immobilize her for several seconds!

But if she jumped, she would fall right into the Thunder Wielder’s trap. His thunderous spear would continue to extend, piercing through Sonia’s chest!

She could only bet that she could jump faster than his spear!

Sonia gritted her teeth and leaped back with all her might, almost escaping the maximum attack range of the thunderous spear. At this moment, the Thunder Wielder suddenly flicked his wrist, and a spiral thunderstorm erupted from his wrist to the front end of the spear. The foremost section of the thunder whip suddenly burst open, accelerating like a hidden weapon flying towards Sonia!

“Damn it!”

Sonia’s eyes widened in disbelief, and she couldn’t help but curse, secretly praying for a miracle to happen.

And indeed, a miracle did happen— with a “plop,” Sonia found herself hitting something with her back, stopping her in mid-air!

How could there be something on the surface of this vast sea?

Could it be that a mudfish dragon just happened to jump out for a breath of air and had a water traffic accident with her?


Faced with the imminent thunder whip, Sonia was overwhelmed by the fear of death, her mind going blank as she instinctively closed her eyes.



After waiting for two seconds, Sonia realized that she hadn’t left the Virtual Realm yet. More importantly, she found herself standing on solid ground instead of falling into the sea. She opened one eye to assess the situation.

She saw a sword-like barrier of air appearing in front of her, with the thunder whip creating ripples on it but never managing to break through.

Looking down, she saw the familiar little boat.

“With me here, you’re really lucky.”

Turning her head to see the Observer emerging from the white mist, Sonia had only one thought left in her mind:

Damn it, he got to show off again.

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