Chapter 60 – The trial comes to an end

How long has Asho known Wakas?

One day, actually less than an hour in total.

How was their interaction?

They got along well. Asho was covered in blood from being slashed by Wakas, while Wakas had his throat cut by Asho.

Asho suddenly remembered Wakas’ intriguing response when he asked, “What trouble will you have if you lose to me?”

“You’ll find out tomorrow,” Wakas had replied.

In theory, losing to Asho should have been no big deal for Wakas, considering his contributions. Just like Igura, who lost to Asho even more and was now enjoying wine and steak in his dorm.

Therefore, Wakas being chosen for the trial list was not because of his low contributions, but because it was arranged by someone!

After all, the trial list does not require contributions to be arranged in order. There are too many rules that can be used, and the person in charge can send Wakas to his death in a completely legal and compliant manner!

But why was it arranged this way?

Because he lost to Asho. This was the consequence of his incompetence, the punishment from Xilin!

And not only that.

The treatment that elves receive in the Blood Moon Trial is almost predictable. As long as Wakas appears in the live broadcast of the trial, the outcome is almost certain.

So when this arrogant and sarcastic elf, just before being smashed into minced meat, noticed among the death row inmates someone who not only cut his throat yesterday but also caused him to end up in such a state…

What would he do?

Fate is an inevitable inevitability.

This is really a bonus… Asho smiled bitterly, greatly admiring Professor Xilin, who planned everything.

This is truly a plot that understands human nature. If Wakas hadn’t joined the trial, Asho would naturally not be able to escape, but who knows what unexpected events might occur.

However, with Wakas joining the trial, not only did it eliminate the possibility of a surprise in the voting process, but because of his inner resentment, it was inevitable that Asho would be buried with him!

When Asho agreed to fight Wakas to the death, his fate had already been written by Xilin—

Either he would be crushed into mud by Wakas on the death battle stage.

Or he would die together with Wakas on the trial stage!

Now no one would save him. In prison, everyone knows about the grudge between him and Wakas. Now, anyone who approaches him is voluntarily helping the prison free up a dormitory.

Harvey looked at Asho with a mix of regret and anticipation, as if he was sorry that this great material would be wasted by the Titan Executioner. Now they could only pray that the Titan Executioner would only go berserk on one death row inmate.

The cheers in the air suddenly became excited and stirring. Wakas, within the sword barrier, let out a roar that was contrary to his appearance. A visible wave spread from him, and Asho and the others felt their bodies become numb and weak, even the purifying flames on the Titan Executioner’s body slightly subsided.

“A very beautiful sound resonance!”

Nagu introduced to the audience while tiptoeing to get a better view. “I can’t determine the specific type of artisan, but it should be an artisan from the sound art faction. Due to the characteristics of sound art, artisans prefer to use it to inflict negative status effects on enemies rather than using it for direct attacks, reducing the enemy’s resistance.”

“First, use sound art to deter and weaken, then use sword art for a fatal blow. This was Mr. Ur’s usual battle strategy!”

“The Heartless Finale, which is mainly sword art, is a composite miracle that combines multiple factions!


With a sword cry, the world suddenly fell silent.

All sounds disappeared, the sound of waves, the sound of wind, Nagu’s voice, the vibrations, the heartbeat. In an instant, silence descended, as if the sense of hearing had been completely blocked.

In the extreme silence, Asho watched as Wakas leaped high into the air, like a shooting star piercing through the Titan Executioner, the dazzling sword light overshadowing the crimson moonlight.

When the tip of the sword touched the body of the Titan Executioner, all the sounds returned, but everyone would rather be deaf!


As if all the sounds that had disappeared just now erupted at the same time, indescribable noise erupted from Wakas’ sword. Intense vibrations pierced through the air, creating a pressure like a storm, even the light became distorted and chaotic!

Even the Titan Executioner’s defense was pierced, and it stopped moving forward!

“The Second Wing… Miracle… To be able to reach this level…”

Nagu’s voice came intermittently.

But no one was watching the screen anymore. All the death row inmates had their eyes wide open, admiring this dazzling moment.

Wakas’ sword strike was undoubtedly powerful, but the death row inmates had seen even more magnificent miracles. For example, when a storm affected a large company’s outdoor promotional activities, weather artisans would collectively cast spells to disperse the rain clouds and restore clear skies. That was much more spectacular.

What truly fascinated everyone was Wakas’ courage to attack the Titan Executioner. Even though the death row inmates were released from their restraints, most of the redeemed either resisted hysterically or completely gave up and waited for release.

The prison allowed them to use force, but it was only to add some interest to the show. No one believed they could resist the Executioner, and no one would allow them to survive the trial. Redemption was the only outcome for death row inmates.

Everyone knew that Wakas’ resistance was futile.

But they were all hoping for a miracle, hoping for a hero.

Even villains wanted a hero who could save villains.

“Just being able to delay the Titan Executioner is enough to show the value of this miracle. If Mr. Ur releases this miracle, he will undoubtedly be the winner of this year’s Camon Academic Award.” Nagu said, “Unfortunately…”


The purifying flames on the Titan Executioner suddenly began to rotate, and each flame moved like a sharp blade. Wakas was hit by a blue flame, and his sword barrier instantly shattered. His body flew out like a kite with a broken string!

Nagu calmly continued to introduce, “When the Titan Executioner appeared, it incorporated the purifying flames into its own miracle system, integrating them into the ‘Miracle: Counterattack Storm’.”

“Any sinner who challenges justice and resists judgment will receive the same amount of damage as they inflict on the Executioner.”

“When you harm others, be prepared to be harmed. Sinners often don’t understand this.”

Wakas rolled on the ground, covered in wounds, vomiting blood.

Even so, he still held the sword in his hand and never let go.

But suddenly, multiple artisan spirits emerged from his body. Each spirit was full of cracks and looked damaged. After escaping, they quickly turned into dots of light and dissipated!

“To be able to shake the Titan Executioner with the body of a Second Wing Artificer, the price paid for this miracle is not small.”

Nagu said, “The scene just now, where space turned into a realm of silence, had almost the same power as a Third Wing Holy Domain miracle. But the price was that most of Mr. Ur’s sound art artisan spirits were overloaded and destroyed.”

At this moment, the Titan Executioner spread its eight arms, its six eyes wide open, emitting a bloody light that illuminated the shattered lake for miles, dispelling the darkness of the night!

When it looked at Wakas, it was as if the whole world was collapsing!

Its eight arms were not arms but wings made up of the world, covering the sky and earth!

“It’s over.” Nagu applauded lightly. “Let us bid farewell to Wakas Ur as he ascends to the Blood Moon Kingdom. May he continue to serve the Blood Moon Supreme in the distant heavens.”


Wakas coughed up blood with fragments of his internal organs and broken teeth. His legs seemed to be shattered, and his lower body could hardly move. He could only support his body with the long sword.

He had never been so miserable before, with half of his ears torn off, one eye burst, covered in filth, his face twisted and hideous, blood flowing from his face, escaping…

Xilin Dor was enjoying this scene…

Alyss was also watching this scene…

No, he wasn’t watching. He was only seven years old and couldn’t watch the Blood Moon Trial… That’s great…

But it was so close, just a little bit more, and he would be able to leave this city and start a new life…

And the reason he ended up in this situation was because…

Wakas didn’t look at the Titan Executioner, but scanned the entire platform, his gaze following Asho’s figure.

Under the cover of blood and filth, the remaining eye of the elf revealed a complex emotion that no one could understand.

“Asho Heath…”

He called out through gritted teeth.


Lightning, flames, freezing, acid, shock, dissolution, voiding, chaos—eight different powers roared from the Titan Executioner’s weapons, creating a scene that seemed like the end of the world in an instant.

The shattered lake boiled, and the night trembled!

Wakas seemed unaware. Holding the long sword, he struggled to open his only eye wide, staring at Asho, as if his eyeballs were about to fly out and bite Asho!

Multiple artisan spirits appeared on the sword, their light flickering!

When the judgment fell, Wakas also threw the long sword!

Asho tried to dodge, but the crimson chains restricted his movement, and Wakas’ flying sword was enhanced by artisan spirits, moving as fast as lightning and even changing direction!

After throwing the sword, Wakas seemed relieved, but blood tears suddenly welled up in his murky eyes, and he murmured softly:



In the moment when he was swallowed by the light of judgment, Wakas completely disappeared from the world, not even a trace of remains left.


The long sword pierced Asho’s throat, the powerful force almost tearing his neck apart!

In the Red Mist Internet Cafe’s screen, Asho, with his throat pierced, was held up by the chains, so he didn’t fall to the ground but knelt on both knees, looking up at the Blood Moon, a sword stuck in his neck, creating a scene like that of a saint suffering!

The customers were slightly stunned by the impact of this scene, until an elf Blood Saint stood up and laughed loudly, “Haha, I bet that Asho would be killed by Wakas, and I was right! I’ll pay for tonight’s expenses!”

“Great!” Others stood up one after another. “To Mr. Bell’s generosity, to the justice of the Blood Moon Trial, cheers!”

Lawrence also stood up and raised his glass.


He saw the snake boss at the bar with an expression of watching a good show and couldn’t help but ask, “Boss, you lost a lot of money, why are you still so happy?”

“Hiss, he won this time, but he’ll lose next time. Besides, the cafe is mine, so the money will come back to me. And…” The snake boss glanced at the screen. “Hiss, who said he won the bet?”


The long sword pierced Asho’s throat, and the powerful kinetic energy almost tore Asho’s neck apart!

In the Red Mist Internet Cafe’s screen, Asho, with his throat pierced, was held up by the chains, so he didn’t fall to the ground but knelt on both knees, looking up at the Blood Moon, a sword stuck in his neck, creating a scene like that of a saint suffering!

The customers were slightly stunned by the impact of this scene, until an elf Blood Saint stood up and laughed loudly, “Haha, I bet that Asho would be killed by Wakas, and I was right! I’ll pay for tonight’s expenses!”

“Great!” Others stood up one after another. “To Mr. Bell’s generosity, to the justice of the Blood Moon Trial, cheers!”

Lawrence also stood up and raised his glass.


He saw the snake boss at the bar with an expression of watching a good show and couldn’t help but ask, “Boss, you lost a lot of money, why are you still so happy?”

“Hiss, he won this time, but he’ll lose next time. Besides, the cafe is mine, so the money will come back to me. And…” The snake boss glanced at the screen. “Hiss, who said he won the bet?”

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