Chapter 35 – Artisan Spirit Trading

“Suihu Prison, Treatment Room.

“If I keep quiet, will you assume I’m still asleep?”

Asho opened his eyes and stared straight at the medic who was fiddling with his face.

The medic had a badge with the number “222” on her clothes, clearly the same one as last time.

“If you don’t want your face messed up, close your eyes!”


After the medic fiddled with him for a few more minutes, she let go of his face. “Alright, you can get up now. Here, the apple you asked for last time.”

Asho quickly got up and felt his face, relieved. There was a plate of apple slices cut into the shape of rabbits on the bedside table, with toothpicks sticking out of them. Asho picked them up and ate them one by one.

“Thank goodness, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, not a single one missing. I thought I was going to contribute to species diversity.”

“I was helping you with surgery, how can you doubt me?”

The medic crossed her arms in an attempt to look angry, but she was wearing a crow mask and her voice was processed through the mask. Asho wasn’t afraid, and even reached out his hand.


“You said if I let you do plastic surgery on me, I would have to pay you, right?”

“Oh.” The medic obediently took out her wallet, but then realized something. “I said that yesterday, but you didn’t agree!”

“So did you do the plastic surgery on me or not?”

“Plastic surgery is very complicated, not as simple as you think–“

“So you did it?”

“I only did a little bit, it was a very small and simple surgery… how much do you want?”

“Give me a silver coin.”

The medic visibly relaxed and looked through her wallet. “Can I give you a gold coin? I don’t have any change.”

Asho, who had been living off the state, had no concept of the economic system in this world and was surprised: so in this world, a silver coin is treated like spare change for beggars?

One person dares to give, and the other dares to take. Asho took the gold coin and felt a surge of excitement in his consciousness.

As his palm heated up, Asho seemed to see a human infant in pajamas patting its chubby belly and falling asleep. He looked down at the gold coin and felt like it had shrunk a little bit. At this rate of consumption, it could last for about a year.

Feeding the Sorcery Spirit was pretty easy.

Although Asho was the kind of person who would hit someone with a stick for no reason, he had a reason for asking for money this time.

After all, Sword Girl had told him that the Sorcery Spirit needed money to be fed, and since he had no money, he had to find a way to get some from people with lower intelligence.

Asho put the gold coin in his bag and casually asked, “So what kind of plastic surgery did you do on me?”

“Druid’s Forehead Skin Expansion and Wrinkle Removal Surgery, in short, it removes forehead wrinkles.”The medical practitioner paused for a moment, straightened their body slowly, and looked down at Asho with a crow’s beak: “I am willing to perform this surgery for you, but you should kowtow to me. You should know that forehead wrinkles greatly affect one’s appearance. It costs a lot of money to use a Druidic spell to remove them outside…”

“What? You actually removed my most handsome and masculine forehead wrinkle?”

Asho was furious: “An unscrupulous medical practitioner destroyed a patient’s appearance while they were asleep, taking away their most radiant and beautiful face. Is there no justice here? This is a medical accident, this is murder for money!”

The medical practitioner was stunned by Asho’s counterattack and was at a loss for words for a moment before opening their wallet.

“How much do you want?”

“Hey, don’t be like this. I am not the kind of criminal who uses leverage to force others to do things for them.”

The medical practitioner thought for a moment.

“You sit here for a while, I’ll go find some news about you…”

“Bottom line!” Asho quickly pulled the medical practitioner back: “I just want to ask you a few questions.”

“Don’t ask for my name, don’t take off my mask, don’t touch my skin!”

The medical practitioner was startled and quickly pushed away Asho’s hand, crossing their arms to protect themselves, allowing Asho to finally feel the dignity of being a convict.

But Asho was also curious: “Why not?”

“This is the rule of the Broken Lake Prison. Medical practitioners are not allowed to communicate privately with prisoners. If they are found out, they will be dismissed from their position, and in serious cases, they may even be imprisoned!”

“Does that mean… we will soon be cellmates?”

“If you have any questions, ask them quickly and leave.”

The medical practitioner seemed to be indifferent to this rule. Asho felt that they wanted an unpaid vacation.

“That elf who fought me, is he still alive?”

“He was less injured than you and left earlier.”

“Less injured?”

“He just had his throat cut. What’s the big deal? Someone else healed him in a few minutes. I spent more than an hour just to make your flesh grow back.”

The medical practitioner spread their hands, looking like they weren’t lying.

Asho looked at his intact thigh and shoulder and wondered if the treatment cost was calculated by weight here. Is it harder to treat if more flesh is lost? Is having one’s throat cut or head exploded not a big deal?

That means the buttocks are a high-risk organ here? Are they more important than the head?

“Do you have any more questions? Hurry up.”

“I also want to ask if there is a place to trade with Sorcery Spirits in the prison. As a solitary man, I feel a bit lonely and want to keep some pets…”

The medical practitioner stared at Asho.

“I’m going to report you for plotting to escape.”

“I’m already a convict. Even if you report me, can you extend my sentence?”

“Yes, I can. After you die once, I’ll revive you and let you die again.”

“What? There’s such a thing!?”

“Of course not. It’s too wasteful of taxpayers’ money and it’s not humane. This kind of repeated death penalty has been banned for a hundred years.””So you mean a death row inmate from a hundred years ago might have to die many times…?”

“Anyway, I won’t answer that question.” The medic said, holding his hands. “A death row inmate like you should just become our medical material honestly. When you can’t be used anymore, just die honestly.”

“Your morals are unexpectedly correct…”

“How did you know my morals are not correct?”

“After all, you’ve been chatting with a death row inmate like me for so long, I thought you were the kind of rebellious child who would be curious about criminals.”

“I, I’m not curious. If I were really curious, I would just read the news reports.”

The medic packed up the medical equipment while speaking, and Asho jumped off the bed and swung his thighs and shoulders.

The operation was very successful, except that the skin color of a certain piece of meat on his thigh and shoulder was noticeably whiter than the surrounding area, there was no major problem.

“If I say I’m innocent, do you believe me?”

“Don’t think I’m so easy to fool.” The medic sneered. “Since the memory evidence system was introduced, there have been no wrongful convictions. The Hunting Hall must have found evidence of your crime from your memories–“

“No, the Hunting Hall didn’t take memory evidence from my brain.”

“How is that possible–“

“You can check the reports, but the Hunting Hall really didn’t take my memories. I’m really innocent.”

Asho stood tall and confident, not to mention that the criminal was Heath, not him, but more importantly, he didn’t even have Heath’s memories, so he said this without any psychological burden.

The medic looked at Asho suspiciously.

“You’re not lying to me?”

“If I lied to you, I wouldn’t get overtime pay for the rest of my life.”

“If you dare to lie to me, you’re dead. You’d better pray that you don’t get injured again, otherwise when you fall into my hands, I’ll change your race and gender!”

This sentence from the medic caused a huge impact on Asho’s young mind–he still wanted to see the healthcare industry of various races in different worlds, but he didn’t expect that the medical technology in this world had reached the point where even race and gender could be changed!

Can he still trust a beautiful girl he meets on the street like this? Is there still trust between people?

“But even if you say that, I still can’t answer you.”

The medic shrugged.

“The Artificing of death row inmates is restricted. The first step in trading an Artisan is for the seller to release the Sorcery Spirit with their Artificing, and the buyer to reactivate the Sorcery Spirit with their Artificing. Without the ability to use Artificing, you can’t release or reactivate the Sorcery Spirit.”

Artificing actually has an effect similar to key authentication. Asho increasingly felt that Artificing was really an omnipotent energy source. When he heard that Artificing had Bluetooth function, he wouldn’t be surprised.

No wonder the prison doesn’t block their Sorcery Spirits. On the one hand, the Sorcery Spirits may not be bound, and on the other hand, as long as their Artificing is restricted, they can’t cause any trouble.

Asho still didn’t give up. “Is there really no hope? Is there no place like the Death Battle Society where we can unlock the Artificing restriction?”After experiencing a Virtual Realm exploration, Asho realized that finding the Sorcery Spirits he needed in the Virtual Realm was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. If he had enough time, it might not be impossible to achieve, but the problem was that Asho didn’t have much time left.

Although Asho didn’t hate taking risks, he was willing to gamble on probabilities, but he didn’t want to do so without hedging his bets. Just like how the company made them work overtime with a 996 schedule while also providing health insurance for them, the company would win either way, regardless of whether the employees died suddenly or not. As an outstanding employee of the year, Asho naturally understood this excellent corporate culture and was always prepared for a backup plan.

If he could find a Sorcery Spirit trading platform, even if all he picked up in the Virtual Realm were garbage, he would still have a chance to recover.

“Oh, you don’t know about it?”

The healer’s answer was beyond Asho’s expectation, “Why would I know?”

“Because it’s an experience that all death row inmates will go through at least once… Oh right, you’ve only been in prison for a few days, so you haven’t had the chance yet.”

Asho immediately understood her implication.

“Blood Moon Judgment?”

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