Chapter 77 – The final preparation

Looking at the few words on the phone, He Gu’s brows furrowed tightly.

He Gu had already known about “being eaten” and “how to avoid being eaten.”

However, He Gu also gained something from this password, such as “the radio has a recording function,” which is an important new clue.

Did 424 record important information on the radio?

Or did he tell He Gu that the recording function has a special purpose?

He Gu was not sure for the time being, but he would know when he went to check during the night shift.

What made He Gu vaguely uneasy was the last sentence: “If you can see these words, then I am probably already eaten, which means, if you follow my instructions completely, the end result will probably be the same as mine.”

From the known clues, it is not difficult to see that 424 has discovered many secrets and has been looking for a solution, and has even found many clues.

But he was still eaten in the end.


Is it because he missed some important information?

Or is it because the information he obtained was wrong?

The more He Gu thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

So far, the information He Gu obtained is basically consistent with 424’s.

If 424’s clues are wrong or missing… then He Gu will probably encounter the same problem.

No wonder he said, “If you follow my instructions completely, the end result will probably be the same as mine”!

There is also something that makes He Gu equally uneasy.

That is, the few sentences he deciphered are not the entire content of the password left by 424!

There is another part of the password that cannot be found in the corresponding text.

In other words, it is very likely that 424 left not only these two notebooks, but there may be another notebook that He Gu has not discovered!

Thinking of this, He Gu immediately got up, carefully searched his bed again, and then checked every corner of the dormitory.

However, the result disappointed He Gu, there was no other notebook in the dormitory.

Perhaps it’s in the storage room?

He Gu sighed wearily and lay back heavily on the bed.

At this time, the excitement in his body gradually faded, and He Gu, who had not slept all night, finally began to feel drowsy.

Although there are still many questions to be answered, He Gu also knew that staying up all night is not a good idea.

Adequate sleep is essential to keep the mind clear.

After a moment’s thought, He Gu set several alarms on his phone and then lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

He Gu slept soundly.

4:05 PM.

The alarm on the phone had been ringing for a full five minutes before He Gu slowly opened his eyes.

After turning off the alarm, He Gu lay on the bed for a while before getting up with sleepy eyes.

It wasn’t until he washed his head with cold water that He Gu fully woke up.

After a simple wash, He Gu wiped his hair and took out the lens left by Old Ma to take a look in the mirror.

When he looked in the mirror, He Gu was startled.

At this moment, the right half of He Gu’s face was still similar to the morning, with nearly a quarter of the area turning into a dark brown color like tree bark.

However, almost the entire left half of He Gu’s face had turned into a white color like plaster!

The entire left half of his face, except for a small area on the chin, had turned white!

After just one sleep, the white area had increased so much!

Looking at himself in the mirror, He Gu felt a little heavy in his heart.

Old Ma had mentioned that once more than half of the face turned white, it meant that the “fruit” had already begun to mature.

At this stage, when the supervisor would take action against him completely depended on how patient he was to wait for He Gu to mature.

And He Gu knew that the supervisor must have already become suspicious of him and would not have the patience to wait any longer.

If the white color on his face continued to spread… the supervisor might take action tonight!

After wiping his hair, He Gu took a deep breath in front of the mirror and then quickly left the room.

The reason why he set the alarm to wake up at this time was because He Gu still had some preparations to make.

After leaving the dormitory building, He Gu headed straight to the nearby living area.

Soon, He Gu found the small clinic where he had previously bought the syringe and scalpel.

Originally, He Gu wanted to see if he could buy another scalpel blade, but this small clinic was closed.

He Gu stood at the door and knocked for a long time, but there was no response, so he had to leave helplessly.

Afterward, He Gu found a shop similar to a convenience store.

The shop owner was an old lady with only three front teeth, wearing a pair of reading glasses on her face.

Seeing He Gu come in, the old lady smiled warmly and said, “Young man, what would you like to buy?”

He Gu tentatively asked, “Do you have a paper cutter here? Or the kind of small knife used for sharpening pencils.”

After hearing He Gu’s words, the smile on the old lady’s face instantly disappeared, and she waved her hand coldly, “No, no! Get out quickly!”Seeing the old lady’s change in attitude, He Gu’s heart tightened. Not daring to linger, he casually covered his work badge with his hand and quickly turned to leave.

Over the next hour, He Gu visited several residential areas nearby, entering any shop that sold goods to inquire within.

He Gu came up with numerous excuses, asking about everything from razor blades to fruit knives, and even inquired about kitchen knives at small restaurants.

However, without exception, all the shop owners turned him away immediately after hearing that he wanted to buy a knife.

Some even became angry and wanted to see the number on He Gu’s work badge.

Fortunately, He Gu had been cautious from the start, putting away his work badge into his pocket after leaving the first convenience store.

After making the rounds, He Gu completely gave up on the idea of preparing any more knives.

Thankfully, he had prepared a small piece of sharp glass in advance, which he would have to make do with.

Afterward, He Gu checked the time and quickly headed towards Building No. 3.

Arriving at Building No. 3, He Gu first went to the restroom on the first floor to retrieve the syringe filled with black cat blood that he had hidden the night before, then hurried towards the inner storage area.

17:50 in the evening.

He Gu jogged to the inner storage area.

At this time, the day shift workers were preparing to leave work, and the whole area was bustling with people coming and going.

He Gu waited outside the entrance of the inner storage area for a while.

At 18:00, the day shift workers clocked out on time, closing doors and leaving one after another.

He Gu waited a bit longer, and when he saw that most people had left, he stepped through the gate.

As he passed the gate, He Gu noticed a security guard sitting on a rocking chair at the entrance, back facing the gate, holding a bowl of food and eating heartily.

Wasn’t this the night shift security guard from last night?

He Gu took a glance and quickly walked towards Warehouse No. 44.

After making sure no one was paying attention to him, He Gu lifted the rolling shutter door of the warehouse slightly, bent down, and slipped inside.

Once inside the warehouse, He Gu immediately closed the door, then used his phone’s light to walk over to a chair. He stuffed the syringe, a piece of mirror, glass shards, half a piece of medicinal plaster, and the fake pill he had created into the old sponge cushion on the chair…

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