Chapter 67 – Ready

Seeing the blue mark on the door of the office, He Gu’s heart sank.

He couldn’t enter this office!

By now, He Gu had been standing here for several seconds. In order to avoid attracting the attention of the security guard, he had to turn around and leave first.

Coming out of the security department, He Gu returned along the original route, preparing to go to the cafeteria to eat something and get some medicine to hide on his body.

On the way, He Gu was still thinking about the matter of locker 315.

There was probably something very important in the locker, and He Gu couldn’t give up.

But now it was in a place where his job level was not enough to enter, and it seemed to have become a dead end!

Blue job level permissions…

As He Gu walked and pondered, his heart suddenly shook.

Perhaps… he had to figure out a way to put on the blue work clothes first in order to get the things in locker 315!?

Vaguely, He Gu seemed to understand the key to clearing this instance.

Thinking of this, He Gu couldn’t help but sigh to himself.

It seemed that he had to figure out a way to deal with the supervisor first.

Not only to obtain the blue permissions, but also for self-preservation.

Thinking of this, He Gu took advantage of the lack of people around, secretly took out the lens that Old Ma had left for him and hid it in the palm of his hand, opened the selfie mode on his phone as a mirror, and looked at his complexion through the lens.

Just as he took a glance, He Gu was immediately startled by his own appearance.

At this moment, almost half of He Gu’s face had turned a lifeless, bluish-gray color.

If you only looked at the left half, it was almost the same as a dead person!

The remaining right half of his face wasn’t much better, except for the bark-like brown spot from the cat scratch earlier, the rest of the area was a waxy yellow.

Looking at his complexion, He Gu couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

When he looked this morning, it was just a bit yellowish. How did it become like this after waking up!?

Old Ma had said that if the face turned completely bluish-gray, it meant it had been completely eroded.

It was only then that He Gu remembered that Old Ma’s note had mentioned that if he didn’t take any medicine or medicine skin at all, then he would be completely eroded in just three days.

Thinking carefully, He Gu had gone almost two days without taking any medicine or medicine skin!

No wonder the supervisor had deliberately reminded He Gu when he left work in the morning to try taking some medicine skin…

Putting away the lens, He Gu took a deep breath and walked quickly to the cafeteria.

If it didn’t work, he would have to take some medicine skin in a while, or he might burp before he was eaten.

As He Gu thought, he quickened his pace.

Before long, He Gu passed through the living area that he almost had to pass through every day.

Just as He Gu was about to walk through quickly, he suddenly noticed a small clinic in the corner.

Since there was a clinic… could he buy something like a syringe here?

After a moment of thought, He Gu walked over to the clinic.

If this were on Blue Star, this was probably a black clinic.

The door of the clinic was small, with a yellowed white curtain hanging on it.

He Gu lifted the curtain, and inside was a room no more than twenty square meters, a little larger than the single dormitory where He Gu lived.

The walls of the room were all medicine cabinets, filled with all kinds of medicines.

In the corner, there were two chairs, and two workers in green work clothes were sitting on the chairs receiving intravenous drips.

Seeing the two patients receiving intravenous drips, He Gu was almost scared to cry out.

These two people had pale faces, sunken eye sockets, dull eyes, and were leaning against the chairs with their eyes wide open. If it weren’t for the faint rise and fall of their chests, He Gu would even suspect that they were two corpses!

Just as He Gu was sizing up the two patients, a thin figure in a white coat suddenly stood up from behind the counter.


The thin man in the white coat pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

He Gu looked at him warily and got straight to the point, “Do you sell syringes here?”

The thin man glanced at He Gu indifferently and nodded, “Yes.”

“A syringe costs 1000 yuan, cash only, and comes with an extra surgical blade.”

Hearing this price, He Gu frowned slightly.

Thinking that this was a world of strange tales, money didn’t have much value most of the time, so he didn’t bother to haggle.

But He Gu was still curious and asked, “Why do you give a surgical blade as a gift with the syringe?”

The thin man didn’t even look up and said, “Because it can help you easily cut open the target’s brow chakra.”

Hearing this, He Gu’s back went cold, and the hairs on his body stood up.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” He Gu said calmly.

The thin man sneered and said impatiently, “If you don’t know, you don’t know.”

As he spoke, the thin man took out a syringe with a needle and a surgical blade wrapped in paper from the counter, “The things you want, 1000 yuan, cash only.”

He Gu roughly checked them, took out the cash that Zhang Chao had left for him from his pocket, counted out 10 bills, and placed them on the counter.

Then, He Gu carefully put the syringe and surgical blade into the large pocket of his work clothes and prepared to turn and leave.

Just as He Gu was about to leave the clinic, the thin man suddenly said, “Actually, if you don’t have full confidence, you don’t need to take the risk. Come here for an infusion, and it can help you escape that fate just the same.”

He Gu’s heart tightened, and he turned to glance at the man, saying coldly, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

The thin man didn’t mind at all and said indifferently, “Every month, many people come to me to buy syringes and surgical blades, but most of them have been taken care of.”

“Consider it, come here for an infusion, the risk is much lower.”

He Gu frowned and looked at the two patients receiving infusions in the clinic, then left the clinic without saying a word.

After coming out of the clinic, He Gu finally felt a little relieved.

He had accidentally bought a syringe and a surgical blade on the way, which was definitely a pleasant surprise!

Next, He Gu only needed the “medicine skin” and the black cat!He Gu hurried to the cafeteria, where the time had already reached 18:56.

The sun was gradually setting, leaving the last streak of twilight shimmering on the horizon.

As usual, He Gu got himself a meal with both meat and vegetables, six dishes in total, plus a serving of “medicinal skin.”

Since he hadn’t eaten breakfast, He Gu was famished and wolfed down his meal.

In less than ten minutes, a full plate of food had been devoured, and half of the “medicinal skin” was gone as well.

The remaining half of the medicinal skin was sneakily pocketed by He Gu when no one was looking.

After finishing his meal, He Gu stood up and left the cafeteria.

Now that he had the medicinal skin in hand, He Gu wanted to take a stroll before work to see if he could encounter another black cat by chance.

Coincidentally, as He Gu was preoccupied with the thought of finding a black cat, he had barely stepped out of the cafeteria when he faintly heard a cat’s meow.

He Gu immediately halted and looked around for the source of the meowing.

Soon enough, he spotted a black cat squatting by the flower bed across the asphalt road.

The spot was secluded, and He Gu could even use the flower bed as cover to draw blood!

It was perfect!

Joy surged in He Gu’s heart as he reached into his pocket to break off a small piece of medicinal skin, ready to cross the road.

But just at that moment, a strong hand suddenly pressed down on He Gu’s shoulder.

Turning around, He Gu was met with the smiling face of his supervisor…

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