Chapter 63 – Items in the storage cabinet

Old Ma’s words made He Gu feel suffocated.

“Eat…eat him!?”

A sense of despair flashed through He Gu’s mind. Not to mention whether he could overcome the psychological barrier and eat it.

With the monstrous strength of the supervisor, He Gu wouldn’t even have a chance to eat him.

On the other hand, if the supervisor wanted to eat He Gu, He Gu probably wouldn’t even have a chance to resist!

Just as He Gu was about to say something, he suddenly noticed Old Ma squatting down in pain.

“Quick…give me back my glasses!”

Old Ma shouted urgently.

He Gu’s heart jumped, and he quickly took off his glasses and handed them to Old Ma.

Trembling, Old Ma took the glasses from He Gu’s hand and hurriedly put them on, his voice filled with pain as he said, “I can’t give you these glasses. If they find out my glasses are missing, they will find you no matter what.”

As Old Ma spoke, he suddenly began to gasp for air, looking extremely pained.

“342…342 storage locker…I left something for you…”

“Before dawn…you must…take it!”

Old Ma seemed to be suffocating, clutching his neck in pain and collapsing to the ground, struggling and using his last bit of strength to speak.

As he spoke, Old Ma struggled to throw a key: “I…can’t go on…run!”

After saying this, Old Ma began to struggle and wriggle on the ground, his skin even starting to peel off…

Watching this horrifying scene, He Gu dared not delay any longer, picked up the key from the ground, turned and ran.

As He Gu was about to run into the stairwell, he heard heavy panting and footsteps behind him.

Old Ma was coming after him!

As he entered the stairwell, He Gu glanced back.

At this moment, Old Ma’s body was contorted, with patches of festering blood on his face, drooling and charging towards He Gu with a ferocious expression.

However, Old Ma’s movements were too large at this point, and the insulation layer under his feet was frequently being trampled, hindering his movements.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Gu hurriedly closed and locked the rusty iron door, then immediately ran down the fire escape.

After running down a few steps, the rusty iron door immediately made a heavy “bang” sound, as if something heavy had collided with it.

Following that, a series of “bang bang bang” sounds of the door being pounded on.

Even though He Gu had already reached the fourth floor, he could still hear the door’s unbearable sound, as if it could be smashed at any moment.

Each bang seemed to hit He Gu’s heart.

The commotion was so great that it could probably be heard throughout half the building!

He Gu didn’t dare to stop for a moment, stumbling down the stairs.

Before long, He Gu finally reached the ground floor and ran out without looking back.

After running a distance, he suddenly heard a muffled sound from behind, as if something had fallen from a height.

He Gu’s footsteps involuntarily paused, and he turned back to look.

Below building 17, Old Ma’s contorted body lay there.

Several unknown stray cats pounced on it, greedily feasting…

Not far away, a group of people in white hazmat suits were rushing towards the body.

He Gu took a glance and dared not linger, running back without stopping.

After leaving the area where building 17 was located, he gradually encountered more workers on the road.

By this time, it was already past seven o’clock, and a hint of dawn was appearing in the sky, getting close to daylight.

After blending into the crowd on the road, He Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

Finding a corner to stand in, He Gu took out the worker’s manual and began to look at the map.

Old Ma said he left something for He Gu in storage locker 342, emphasizing that it must be taken before dawn.

But where was storage locker 342?

After hesitating for a moment, He Gu made up his mind and stopped a passing worker in a green uniform. “Brother, I’m new here and not very familiar. Do we have storage lockers in our factory besides building 4?”

The man gave He Gu a strange look and said impatiently, “Except for building 4, don’t all the dormitory buildings have storage lockers downstairs?”

With that, the man gave He Gu a disdainful look and walked away.

He Gu was slightly stunned by this statement. Except for building 4, all the dormitory buildings have storage lockers!?

No wonder, since entering the factory until now, He Gu had only been to building 4.

Although there were many residential areas, they were probably family welfare houses and not considered dormitories.

In that case…storage locker 342 should be near building 3?

Thinking of this, He Gu picked up the map again, found the location of building 3, and immediately ran in the direction of building 3.

Building 3 was northeast of building 4, and He Gu hadn’t gone in that direction while wandering around yesterday.

From where He Gu was now, it would take at least twenty to thirty minutes to get there, even if he ran!

Seeing the sky getting brighter, He Gu felt anxious and began to run with all his might.

From the time perspective, this was He Gu’s only chance.

If he didn’t find storage locker 342 near building 3, then He Gu definitely wouldn’t have time to search elsewhere before dawn.Upon seeing that all the locker numbers here started with “3,” He Gu let out a slight sigh of relief.

Then, following the numbers, He Gu quickly walked forward and soon spotted a locker with the label “342.”

He Gu took out the key Old Ma had given him and successfully inserted it into the keyhole.

With a gentle twist, the locker opened.

The locker was empty except for a paper box the size of a cellphone.

Without time to think, He Gu quickly stuffed the box into his pocket and then closed the locker door again.

It wasn’t until this moment that the tension He Gu had been holding finally eased somewhat.

Having sprinted all the way here, a deep sense of fatigue washed over him, and He Gu felt an urge to just sit down on the ground and rest for a while.

Of course, the sense of vigilance in his heart still compelled He Gu to catch his breath and turn around to leave after a few moments.

After walking a short distance from the lockers, He Gu suddenly noticed that a streak of sunlight had somehow spilled across the sky.

Dawn had broken.

Soon after, He Gu saw a black van speeding towards him, screeching to a halt in front of the row of lockers at Building 3.

Immediately, a group of people dressed in white hazmat suits got out of the van and, without a word, started prying open the lockers with tools.

Watching them forcibly open each locker as if searching for something, He Gu quickly lowered his head and hurried away…

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