Chapter 52 – New message; busy command center

Upon reading the first sentence, He Gu felt a chill down his spine.

The handwriting was the same as the notebook He Gu found in Warehouse 44, which meant that this notebook was also left behind by the former storekeeper with the code 424.

He Gu continued reading:

【…Be careful, it’s watching you and will take the opportunity to strike at any time.

It could be anyone, anyone!

Don’t give it the chance to be alone with you!

Also, remember, never eat anything given to you by others, especially if it’s related to medicine, absolutely do not eat it!

The contradiction is, you have to disguise yourself carefully, absolutely cannot let it know that you haven’t taken the medicine!

Pretending to take it and then finding an opportunity to spit it out is a good method, but be careful not to let anyone find out.

Also, it can see you where there are people.

And in places where there are no people, you are mostly safe.

By the way, I left something in Warehouse 44, I hope you’ve seen it.】

After reading the content on the first page, He Gu felt like he was in an ice cave.

The hidden message of Rule Two said: 【The cure for you might also be poison】.

Zhang Chao gave He Gu a note: Absolutely do not take the medicine!

Now, the notebook left by 424 also emphasized that you should not eat anything given by others, especially medicine!

However, what made He Gu’s heart race was that he had already taken the medicine once, and even ate a piece of “medicine skin” from the cafeteria.

What would be the consequences of taking the medicine?

He Gu felt uneasy and panicked the more he thought about it.

Taking a deep breath, He Gu patiently opened the second page.

【No one can find me, my fur can blend perfectly with the night, hahaha, that cat’s horn was broken…1114; The bird I ate yesterday tasted good, but unfortunately today I only caught a moth, it hardly had any meat…3528;】

Seeing the content on the second page, He Gu frowned and sighed helplessly.

Here we go again.

It’s the same kind of nonsensical sentences as before, like gibberish.

What’s different this time is that this “gibberish” is mixed with some numbers.

Seeing these numbers, He Gu instinctively wondered if there was some kind of code hidden in the “gibberish”?

Or is it someone’s code?

But all the codes He Gu has seen so far are three-digit numbers, or just a letter followed by two digits.

And these numbers in the “gibberish” are almost all four or five digits.

Clearly, it doesn’t match up.

Or is it the code for certain buildings?

For example, the warehouse where He Gu works the night shift has the code “44”.

Following this logic, there should be quite a few buildings in this factory with codes.

But even so… the building codes shouldn’t be four or five digits, right?

Maybe He Gu is overthinking it, and this is just the “gibberish” written by 424 in a state of mental confusion, with no special meaning at all?

As He Gu thought about it, he continued to flip through the notebook.

However, to He Gu’s disappointment, from the second page onwards, it was all this kind of “gibberish”.

Every page was filled with it, but each page was either nonsensical phrases or sentences that didn’t make sense, interspersed with groups of numbers.

Flipping to the last page, He Gu suddenly brightened up.

There was no gibberish on the last page, only a lonely sentence: 【Friend, please believe that at least when I wrote this sentence, I hadn’t gone crazy.】

Seeing this sentence, He Gu’s heart skipped a beat.

He said he hadn’t gone crazy?

But what about the almost full notebook of “gibberish” before this!?

What is he trying to express!?

He Gu’s thoughts were in a mess, and he vaguely felt that he was getting close to the truth, but he couldn’t understand it.

After thinking it over, He Gu took out the notebook he brought back from Warehouse 44 from his work clothes pocket and compared the two notebooks to see if he could find any clues.

However, after fumbling for a long time, He Gu still found nothing.

And so, He Gu held the two notebooks in his arms, deep in thought, and fell asleep without realizing it.

While He Gu was asleep.

Lanxing, Paranormal Event Command Center in China.

Twenty-four elite members were also busy and frantic.

One group of members was tormented by the numbers on the notebook.

“We’ve tried various password languages, but we still haven’t found any useful information from these number combinations.”

“I think these might be some kind of codes.”

“I input all these number combinations into the system for comparison, and initially, there are almost no duplicates among these number combinations.”

Considering that this factory likes to use codes to refer to people and buildings, we suspect that these are the corresponding codes for certain people or buildings, and he should be trying to remind the challengers to pay attention to these people or buildings.”

“But these numbers are all four or even five digits, and so far in the live broadcast, we haven’t seen any codes with more than three digits.”

The second group of members was comparing and identifying various locks from the live broadcasts of paranormal events from different countries on a computer screen.

“So far, we have retrieved a total of 872 locks from the live broadcasts of challengers from various countries, but most of them are ordinary locks, and a few are password or fingerprint locks. We have not yet found any locks that require a four-sided key to open…”

The third group of members were responsible for monitoring the live broadcasts of paranormal events from other countries and compiling all valuable information.

“The time now is 8:12 in the morning. In the past ten hours, 79 challengers from various countries have died, 16 of them died after responding when someone called their name, and 19 died after signing their real names on the handover form.”

“The remaining 44 people all died because they didn’t take their medicine on time. They first seemed to have hallucinations, and then were sent into the receiving port by 441, who came to pick a fight, and were sent into the warehouse conveyor belt.”It’s worth mentioning that He Gu once grabbed a person wearing a blue work uniform on his way back to the dormitory after breakfast and called him Old Ma, who is suspected to be his roommate. The other challengers, having not experienced the previous instance, do not possess memories of their roommates and did not recognize Old Ma. This situation could potentially interfere with the direction of the instance’s storyline.

Up to now, He Gu and the other challengers have had several different experiences. Firstly, it’s worth mentioning that he brought Little Yin’s red towel with him, which caused a violent reaction from it. Secondly, after arriving at the factory area, he had contact with Teacher Fang and the HR department. Lastly, there was the recent encounter with Old Ma… These could bring additional opportunities or risks, and these factors must be considered during analysis…

The information we can provide to He Gu at the moment is: not taking medication on time will not result in instant death, but it will trigger a chain reaction that ultimately leads to death, and “never stick your head into the loading dock” is an instant death rule.

In the command center hall, an elderly man with graying temples listened to the reports from various team members with his eyes closed. After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

“We’ve discovered an instant death rule; it’s necessary to remind He Gu of this.”

“Like this, compile the above information and send it to He Gu. Also, remind him that if conditions allow, he should try to walk around more, to get as many locks as possible into the live broadcast frame. We’ll help him find the lock that can be opened with that quadrangular key!”

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