Chapter 19 – Lao Huang’s note; meat dishes are not allowed to be taken away

Zhang Chao… came here to pick up a package ten minutes ago!?

Looking at this record, He Gu suddenly felt a little uneasy.

According to Teacher Fang, Zhang Chao and six other roommates had already died last week.

Even if he hadn’t died, he shouldn’t be at school at this time.

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he shouldn’t have come to pick up the package ten minutes ago!

This is so strange!

“Why are you staring? Sign and leave!”

While He Gu was in a daze, the security guard beside him urged impatiently.

He Gu immediately snapped out of it and carefully asked the security guard, “Uncle, this Zhang Chao is my roommate, and he is not at school now. How could there be a record of him picking up the package here? Could it be that someone else claimed it?”

The security guard paused when he heard this. “What record? Today, you are the only one who came to pick up the package…”

As he spoke, the security guard also turned to look at the registration book. When he saw Zhang Chao’s record on it, a suspicious look appeared on his face. “Strange, when did this record appear?”

“Could it be that someone came while I was in the restroom just now?”

After a moment of hesitation, the security guard said impatiently, “Alright, why do you care about someone else picking up the package?”

“Sign quickly and leave.”

He Gu didn’t say anything more after hearing this, quickly signed, took the package, and left the guard room.

After leaving the guard room, He Gu felt that something was not right and took out his phone to call Zhang Chao.

“Hello, the number you dialed is either turned off or out of service…”

The phone still showed that it was turned off.

He Gu shook his head helplessly, feeling even more confused.

At this moment, He Gu looked at the package in his hand again.

He didn’t know who sent him this, maybe it really was an internship notice?

With this thought in mind, He Gu carefully looked at the sender’s information on the package.

However, after seeing it clearly, He Gu was stunned again.

The package was sent from Kant Medicine Factory in the neighboring city, and the sender’s name was Huang Yufei.

Huang Yufei was the dormitory leader of their dormitory, also known as Lao Huang!

At this moment, He Gu’s scalp tingled.

Teacher Fang said that everyone in their dormitory died in a car accident last week.

But all the information He Gu had encountered today seemed to contradict this statement!

He Gu took a deep breath, couldn’t wait to go back to the dormitory, and opened the package on the spot.

After opening the box, he found a small brown bag sealed with plastic inside, which looked like bird food.

At the same time, He Gu also found a note in the box:

[Has Lao He still not been assigned to an internship unit? Tsk tsk, poor guy hahaha…

Speaking seriously, the factory has made a new subsidiary product. It is said to be bird food made by mixing some usable medicinal residue, which can significantly improve the feathers of birds and so on.

Since you’ve been thinking about our baldy for the past few days, if you encounter it, send some back for it to taste.

By the way, don’t let it eat meat after feeding it this bird food.

Finally, let me tell you secretly, don’t ignore anything our baldy says, but listen to it in reverse for its content.

If it tells you to go left, you go right. There will be surprises.]

Baldy is the name of the parrot in the dormitory.

Simply put, this is the bird food Lao Huang sent to the parrot.

Of course, all of this is not important now.

What He Gu cared most about at this moment were the last two sentences in Lao Huang’s note.

Don’t ignore anything the parrot says, but listen to it in reverse?

And there will be surprises?

What does this mean!?

Is this some kind of hidden hint!?

He Gu felt like his CPU was about to overheat.

There were too many pieces of information today, and they were all so chaotic!

He Gu was at a loss.

It felt like he was in a fog, unable to see the road, and any direction he walked in could be a cliff.

And at this moment, a bunch of people were shouting in his ears, some telling him to go left, some telling him to go right, and He Gu didn’t know who to believe.

With a mind full of chaotic thoughts, He Gu unknowingly walked to the entrance of the cafeteria.

Shaking his head, trying to calm his thoughts for a moment, He Gu stepped into the cafeteria.

At this time, the cafeteria was still empty.

Behind the six windows were various dishes displayed in pots, and the variety of dishes was abundant.

What surprised He Gu was that none of the staff behind the windows were wearing red uniforms.

Including the chef who recommended lamb buns to He Gu in the morning was also not there.

This meant that He Gu could go to any window to get his food without facing the problem of the chef recommending dishes to him.

He Gu approached a window and looked carefully.

The rich variety of dishes included beef, pork, chicken, duck, fish, and even crabs, but there was no lamb.

Everything seemed to have returned to normal, just as the cafeteria rules said, there were no dishes related to lamb in the cafeteria.

It seemed that there was almost no risk of breaking the rules when coming to the cafeteria this time.

He Gu breathed a sigh of relief and started to get his food.

Thinking that his emotions and desires would be amplified in the dormitory, He Gu planned to stay outside as long as possible. So instead of taking the food back to the dormitory, he chose to eat in the cafeteria.After preparing a meal, He Gu casually found a spot and sat down, eating with relish.

Unspoken, the food in the cafeteria was indeed tasty.

However, as He Gu was wolfing down his meal, he suddenly noticed that a staff member behind the nearby window was staring at him intently.

She was a woman in her forties, dressed in an orange uniform, standing there expressionlessly, staring straight at He Gu.

Feeling uncomfortable under her gaze, He Gu decided to change his seat.

However, after standing up, He Gu noticed that not only the woman at the nearby window, but all the cafeteria staff behind the six windows were staring at him!

He Gu felt a chill run down his spine and quickly took his tray to a corner.

As He Gu moved, all the cafeteria staff behind the windows turned their heads expressionlessly, their gaze following him.

Even after He Gu sat down in the corner, they still didn’t take their eyes off him.

Being stared at by so many people, He Gu suddenly found his food less appetizing.

With no other choice, He Gu lowered his head and ate quickly, trying his best not to look at them.

A few minutes later, He Gu finished the food on his tray and bravely walked to a window: “Another meal, to go.”

Although He Gu wanted to escape from their eerie gazes, he still had to get a meal for Little Yin.

Upon hearing his request, the staff member took out a takeaway box, scooped a spoonful of rice into it, and asked in a stiff tone, “What dishes would you like?”

Throughout the process, her gaze never left He Gu, staring straight at him.

Feeling uncomfortable under her gaze, He Gu hurriedly said, “Um… a portion of chicken, beef, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes…”

Before he could finish, the staff member shook her head and said, “Takeaway meals can’t include meat.”

He Gu was taken aback, “What?”

The staff member mechanically repeated, “Cafeteria rules, meat dishes are not allowed for takeaway.”

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