Chapter 18 – Chaotic information, Zhang Chao’s delivery records

Upon hearing Wang Tao’s words, He Gu tentatively said, “How do you know that everyone in our dormitory went to Kant Medicine Factory?”

Wang Tao replied, “Of course, this morning the big shot in our dormitory showed off his night shift bonus to me on video call, and I saw the people in your dormitory.”

He Gu’s body trembled, “You saw the people in our dormitory this morning!?”

Wang Tao nodded, “Yes, especially that old Huang in your dormitory, he’s the dormitory leader, right?”

“I casually asked him, and he told me that everyone in your dormitory, except for you and Chaozi, went there.”

Suddenly, He Gu felt a chill running from his heels to the back of his head.

Teacher Fang told He Gu that everyone in their dormitory, except for him, died in a car accident last week.

But Wang Tao said that he saw Old Huang on the video call this morning, and even had a conversation with him.

Could it be that what he saw was a ghost?

Or maybe Teacher Fang was lying to him?

At this moment, He Gu suddenly remembered something.

It was only a little past 9 in the morning now, and Wang Tao said he woke up in the morning. When did he mean?

Could it be that he dreamt it while sleepwalking?

Thinking of this, He Gu asked, “When did you have the video call with Big Shot?”

Without hesitation, Wang Tao answered, “Around 8 o’clock? That guy called me on video call right after finishing his night shift and woke me up. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have woken up so early.”

He Gu asked again, “Around 8 o’clock, you were woken up by his video call on your own bed?”

Wang Tao laughed and cursed, “Of course, where else would I be? Do you think I have a luxurious room like you?”

He Gu fell silent.

When He Gu encountered sleepwalking Wang Tao in the morning, it was already close to 8 o’clock.

And at that time, He Gu saw the dormitory supervisor dragging someone away with his own eyes.

In He Gu’s memory, only He Gu and Wang Tao were still in the school on the entire third floor.

But Wang Tao claimed that he woke up after 8 o’clock, answered the call from his roommate, and even saw Old Huang…

His words couldn’t be trusted!

There must be something wrong here!

He Gu pondered silently, feeling that something was off, but he couldn’t figure it out.

Seeing He Gu’s silence, Wang Tao opened the milk that He Gu had handed to him and took a sip.

After drinking the milk, Wang Tao, who had been chatting with He Gu just a moment ago, suddenly fell silent, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Then, Wang Tao finished the milk in one gulp, turned around expressionlessly, and walked out.

At this moment, Wang Tao’s gaze was vacant, and his movements were stiff, as if he had lost his soul.

He Gu was about to call out to him and ask what was going on, but suddenly felt that Wang Tao’s current state was similar to when he was sleepwalking in the morning, so he didn’t dare to speak up.

It’s better to let him go, so as to avoid any trouble.

After Wang Tao left, He Gu carefully locked the dormitory door and his thoughts became a mess.

At this moment, Little Yin, who had been sitting on the bed silently drying her hair, suddenly spoke up, “I don’t like this person.”

He Gu was slightly taken aback, “Huh? You mean Wang Tao?”

Little Yin nodded, pouting, “I don’t like him.”

“If he comes again in the future, let me know in advance so that I can avoid him.”

He Gu couldn’t help but cry and laugh at her words, “But our dormitory is so small, how can you avoid him? Hide in the bathroom?”

Little Yin thought for a moment and said, “Is there a curtain… or an old bedsheet?”

He Gu was puzzled, “What do you want to do?”

Little Yin replied, “Make a curtain for me to cover my bed. If he comes again, I’ll pull the curtain.”

Hearing Little Yin’s words, He Gu felt a sense of joy.

This idea was great!

Not to mention a curtain, if the conditions allowed, He Gu wanted to build a wall to separate himself from Little Yin, so as to resist temptation!

Thinking of this, He Gu immediately rummaged through his belongings.

Soon, he actually found a clean old bedsheet from his own cabinet.

He Gu immediately got to work and hung the old bedsheet on Little Yin’s bunk bed.

Little Yin seemed quite satisfied and pulled the curtain after He Gu finished, sitting on the bed and playing with her phone.

Looking at the curtain that completely blocked Little Yin’s bed, He Gu suddenly felt something strange.

Today’s Little Yin… seemed completely different from yesterday, as if she had completely changed!

What’s going on?

He Gu couldn’t understand, but he felt slightly relieved.

This was also good, at least it wouldn’t constantly tempt him to make mistakes and break the rules.

Afterwards, He Gu climbed back onto his own bunk bed, lay down, and carefully sorted out his thoughts in his mind.

He had obtained too much information this morning, and it was all very chaotic and even contradictory.

He Gu had a feeling that he was about to touch the truth, but something was subtly hindering him.

In this way, He Gu lay on his bed, quietly contemplating for a long time, and fell asleep without knowing when.

After an unknown amount of time, He Gu was awakened by his phone vibrating.

Perhaps because he had something on his mind, He Gu felt dizzy and disoriented after waking up.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a call from an unfamiliar number.

After a moment of hesitation, He Gu answered the call, “Hello?”

A strange man’s voice came from the other end, “Hello, is this Mr. He Gu?”

He Gu replied, “Yes, who is this?”

The voice continued, “I’m from Tongtong Express. You have a package that the school doesn’t allow us to deliver, so we left it at the security office for you.”

After saying this, the person hung up the phone.

He Gu was puzzled.

A package?

Who sent something to him?

Suddenly, He Gu’s spirits lifted. Could it be the internship notification letter!?

Did it arrive so quickly?

No, did he sleep until the next morning!?

At this moment, He Gu finally remembered to check the time on his phone.

It was 4:43 in the afternoon now.

He Gu didn’t sleep straight through to the next morning, but he did sleep for most of the day, missing even lunch.Feeling groggy as he woke up, He Gu found that Little Yin had already drawn the curtains on the bed, but she was still nestled in bed playing with her phone.

He Gu jumped down from the upper bunk and said, “I accidentally slept for so long, I didn’t even go to buy lunch… You must be hungry, right?”

Without lifting her head, Little Yin replied, “I’ve had instant noodles, I’m not hungry.”

He Gu looked at Little Yin in surprise, feeling that she was becoming increasingly strange.

Shaking his still groggy head, He Gu said, “I’m going to pick up a parcel, and I’ll buy some food from the cafeteria on the way.”

With that, He Gu quickly stepped out of the door.

Since the school wasn’t large, He Gu quickly reached the school gate.

At this time, the entire school was deserted, and there was not a single person in sight at the school gate.

He Gu arrived at the entrance of the security room, deliberately scanning around, but unfortunately, he didn’t see any new rules.

Inside the security room, an uncle in a security uniform was watching TV. Seeing He Gu come in, he said expressionlessly, “Are you here to pick up a parcel?”

He Gu nodded, “Yes.”

The security guard took out a box the size of a brick from under the table and pointed to the register on the table, “Sign here.”

He Gu nodded, flipped open the register, and prepared to sign.

Since there were only a few people left in the entire school at this time, the register was blank, with only one record.

However, when He Gu glanced at it, he froze on the spot.

The only parcel pickup record in the register, the signature at the end was Zhang Chao.

And the time of registration was… ten minutes ago.

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