Chapter 15 – Can food cure everything? Lamb dumplings

He Gu didn't dare to pay attention to the noise behind him and quickly rushed up to the third floor.


By this time, He Gu still felt dizzy and uncomfortable, as if he was hungover.


Back in his own dormitory, He Gu immediately locked the door after entering and started to breathe heavily.


Little Yin was still in bed, wrapped in a blanket and playing with her phone.


"What's wrong with you?" Little Yin curiously asked.


He Gu waved his hand, "It's nothing, just a little dizzy."


After taking a few breaths, He Gu said again, "I bought the meat buns you wanted. Do you… want to get up and eat something?"


Realizing that Little Yin hadn't put on any clothes yet, He Gu felt a bit embarrassed and looked away.


Little Yin smiled playfully, "I'm not afraid, why are you? Really…"


Although she said that, Little Yin didn't continue to trouble He Gu. She quickly put on the light purple nightgown from yesterday and came out of the bed.


He Gu handed a small steamed bun and a large meat bun to Little Yin. Little Yin took them and smelled them, pleasantly surprised, "They smell good!"


After saying that, Little Yin sat on the bed and started to eat the meat bun.


At this time, He Gu still felt dizzy and uncomfortable. He originally wanted to lie down on the bed for a while.


However, seeing Little Yin enjoying the food so much, and feeling hungry himself, He Gu couldn't resist and picked up the small steamed bun in his hand and started eating, despite the dizziness.


He didn't know if it was because he was too hungry, but He Gu found the bun unusually delicious!


Especially when he took a bite of the meat filling, He Gu even felt a wave of comfort throughout his body.


Was this really from the school cafeteria!?


After tasting the delicious food, He Gu quickly finished the small steamed bun in his hand and ate a few more bites of the large meat bun.


He was barely satisfied.


And at this moment, He Gu suddenly realized that the dizzy feeling in his head had disappeared!


What was going on?


Could it be that he felt uncomfortable earlier because of low blood sugar from not eating?


But the recovery was too fast!


He Gu thought back to the feeling just now in astonishment. It seemed… that his discomfort started to diminish when he began eating the small steamed bun…


Was it really that effective!?


At this moment, He Gu suddenly remembered the hidden information he saw in the cafeteria rules: food is always good at any time, especially delicious food, which can cure everything.




Could it be that this hidden information… actually had no metaphorical meaning and was purely literal!?


Delicious food has a healing effect on people!?


While He Gu was pondering, Little Yin quickly finished eating the two large meat buns and a few small steamed buns.


Then, Little Yin rubbed her stomach contentedly, "I'm full. There are a few small steamed buns left. Do you want them?"


After a moment of consideration, He Gu nodded, "Give them to me."


He took the remaining small steamed buns from Little Yin and then rummaged through the cabinet to find a paper cutter left by one of his roommates.


Then, He Gu picked up the paper cutter, bit his finger lightly, and saw a little blood oozing out of the wound. He quickly ate one of the small steamed buns.


After eating, He Gu immediately examined the wound on his finger carefully.


However, after a while, He Gu was disappointed.


Obviously, he was overthinking. Even in this strange world, food couldn't heal wounds.


It made sense. Healing wounds with food seemed a bit far-fetched.


He Gu shook his head self-mockingly and stood in place, eating the remaining small steamed buns.


But at this moment, the parrot hanging on the bed suddenly seemed to smell the aroma and flapped its wings rapidly, shouting at He Gu, "WOW – meat! Meat!"


"WOW – meat! Meat!"




The parrot's appearance seemed a bit impatient, as if it wanted to break free from the cage and fly out.


Seeing its restless behavior, He Gu tentatively raised the last small steamed bun in his hand, "Do you want this?"


The parrot immediately quieted down, sticking its head out of the cage, as if it wanted to reach for the small steamed bun in He Gu's hand.


He Gu was surprised by this. The parrot really wanted to eat meat!


But… Rule 7: Please do not feed the parrot anything other than bird food.


After hesitating for a moment, He Gu quickly dismissed the idea of feeding the parrot the small steamed bun.


It would be foolish to violate the rules without complete certainty.


Thinking this, He Gu, in front of the parrot, stuffed the last small steamed bun into his mouth.


The parrot's eyes instantly dimmed, as if it had suffered a great grievance, and it turned around to face the wall, seemingly reflecting on its actions.


Seeing this scene, He Gu almost burst out laughing. How come this parrot seemed more and more human-like?


While He Gu was playing with the parrot, Little Yin walked towards the bathroom with a bunch of bathing products in her arms, saying, "I'm going to take a shower."


He Gu looked at Little Yin's back and couldn't help but feel strange.


What's wrong with this person? Why does she love taking showers so much?


He Gu shook his head and ignored her. After all, it didn't violate the rules.


Just as Little Yin entered the bathroom, someone knocked on the door of the dormitory.


There were hardly any people left in the entire school, so who would come knocking on the door?


He Gu felt suspicious and nervous at the same time.


After all, this was a world of strange tales, and anything dangerous and bizarre could happen.


Unfortunately, there was no peephole on the door of the dormitory, so He Gu couldn't see who was outside without opening the door.


After a moment of hesitation, He Gu asked, "Who is it?"


The voice of the dormitory administrator came from outside the door, "It's me, the dormitory administrator."


He Gu's heart tightened when he heard this, "What's the matter, sir?"


The dormitory administrator shouted, "You dropped something, and I'm here to deliver it to you."


Upon hearing this, He Gu became even more nervous.


He was certain that he hadn't dropped anything.But the dormitory manager did have a master key. Even if He Gu didn't open the door, he could let himself in.


And he said he was delivering something… Could it be the legendary internship notification letter?


With this thought, He Gu braced himself and opened the door.


After the door was opened, the dormitory manager stood at the entrance with a big smile, wearing his vintage red vest.


Seeing this, He Gu let out a slight sigh of relief: "Uncle, what's up?"


The dormitory manager handed over a greasy paper bag from the cafeteria, inside which was a large bun.


"Young man, is this bun the one you just dropped at the door of Room 212?"


He Gu shook his head: "This bun isn't mine."


But the old man insisted: "I only saw you buying buns this morning. If it's not yours, whose is it?"


"Young man, we can't waste food. Your bun is in the bag, it's dirty, but it's still warm!"


He Gu insisted: "Uncle, it's really not mine. I've eaten all the buns I bought and didn't drop any outside."


Even if the rules say that a dormitory manager without a uniform can be trusted, He Gu would not accept something that wasn't his. Who knew if this was a trap?


Unexpectedly, the dormitory manager got anxious: "What's the matter with you, young man! This is food!"


Just then, the parrot in the dormitory suddenly started squawking: "Wow—meat! Meat!"




Seeing this, the dormitory manager glanced inside the room, his tone softened a bit: "If you don't want to eat it, you can take it back and feed it to the parrot. It's better than throwing it away!"


Upon hearing this, He Gu immediately became alert.


Something was off about this dormitory manager!


After a moment of thought, He Gu relented: "Alright, uncle, give me the bun."


Only then did the dormitory manager nod in satisfaction and handed the bun to He Gu.


"Young man, every grain is hard-earned, we can't waste food!"


The dormitory manager reminded him again before turning around and leaving.


After the dormitory manager left, He Gu immediately closed the dormitory door and carefully tore open the still warm bun in his hand.


The white dough was torn open, revealing the juicy meat filling inside.


At the same time, He Gu smelled a unique aroma of lamb.


It was a lamb-filled bun…

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