Chapter 14 – Hallucinations in the dormitory?

He Gu stood in front of the door of Room 212 in the boys’ dormitory, listening to the noisy laughter inside. The look of confusion on his face became more and more complicated.

There were indeed the voices of Little Yin and Zhang Chao inside. He Gu was sure he hadn’t misheard.

But… how could they be here?

And is Zhang Chao… a human or a ghost?

A bunch of questions lingered in He Gu’s mind.

The door of Room 212 was slightly ajar and not closed.

After standing at the door and listening for a while, He Gu pushed the door open absentmindedly.

As soon as the door opened, He Gu froze.

In Room 212, seven or eight people were sitting together, drinking beer and playing board games. They even set up a stove and started barbecuing on the side.

But the main reason why He Gu was stunned was that he knew everyone inside.

Little Yin was indeed among them, sitting with Zhang Chao.

And besides Little Yin, the rest were classmates who lived in the same dormitory as He Gu.

They had left school for an internship a week ago and, according to Teacher Fang, had died in a car accident. But now they were sitting in front of He Gu, drinking beer and playing board games with smiles on their faces.

He Gu was a little absent-minded and even forgot what he was supposed to do.

After standing at the door for a few seconds, it was Little Yin who first noticed He Gu and stood up, smiling, “Why are you standing there? Come in and play together!”

As she spoke, the others also turned their heads and greeted He Gu warmly, “He Gu is back?”

“He Gu, we were just waiting for you. Come, come, sit down with us!”

“He Gu! Dad! Have a drink for me, these bastards are targeting me!”

Watching this lively scene, He Gu felt a trance.

Due to receiving the memories of the characters in the copy, He Gu’s inner self was disturbed by those memories that did not belong to him, and a sense of familiarity arose.

At this moment, Little Yin handed He Gu a roasted bird, saying, “Here, freshly roasted quail, just for you.”

He Gu subconsciously took it, but felt that something was off.

Why does this quail… look so small!?

He Gu blurted out, “Is this a quail? Why is it so small?”

Little Yin giggled, “This is a baby quail, the meat is tender. Try it.”

At this moment, the dormitory elder, Huang, laughed and said, “This was specially roasted by Little Yin for you. Zhang Chao didn’t even get to eat it.”

Zhang Chao also laughed and cursed, “Damn, I was wondering why I didn’t get to eat it. So it was meant for you?”

Little Yin rolled her eyes, “You left me here and ran away. Wasn’t it He Gu who took care of me?”

Listening to their conversation, something clicked in He Gu’s mind.

Take care of… Little Yin?

Vaguely, He Gu felt like he had forgotten something. It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t remember.

At this moment, He Gu suddenly noticed a white feather stuck to Little Yin’s clothes, resembling the feathers of a parrot.


A parrot!?

In the next moment, He Gu’s mind exploded.

He remembered!

The memories that didn’t belong to him receded like a tide, and He Gu instantly regained his clarity.

A parrot!

Looking at the roasted bird in his hand, which had already been cooked, this was clearly not a quail, but a parrot!

And now, when he looked up, everyone in the dormitory was smiling at him.

Their smiles were particularly eerie, sending chills down He Gu’s spine.

At this moment, Little Yin, who was standing in front of him, said again, “Why aren’t you eating?”

Inside the dormitory, Zhang Chao and the others urged, “Eat it! Little Yin made it specially for you, hurry up and eat!”

Elder Huang stood up and walked towards He Gu, his face sternly pressing on He Gu’s shoulder, “What’s wrong with you, He Gu? Eat it!”

As he spoke, something seemed to fall from Elder Huang’s hand and onto the ground.

He Gu glanced down and saw a bloody hand!

Elder Huang’s right palm had fallen off!

He Gu was shocked and looked up again. Everyone in the dormitory, except for Little Yin, was covered in blood. Some were missing arms and legs, and one even had a deformed head.

It was like a scene from a car accident!

He Gu was horrified, his body covered in goosebumps. He let out a scream and tried to run backward, but was grabbed by Elder Huang.

Then, everyone laughed sinisterly and pounced on He Gu, grabbing him and trying to pull him inside.

Just as He Gu was about to resist, he struggled and found that his own arm had been torn off…

Just as He Gu screamed in fear, about to be dragged inside by the others, a large hand pressed down on his shoulder from behind.

In that instant, He Gu’s body instantly relaxed, and the hands of the people in the dormitory who were pulling him also retracted.

He Gu turned his head and saw the face of the dormitory supervisor.

At this moment, the dormitory supervisor had a stern expression as he pressed on He Gu’s shoulder, “Which class are you from? Why are you trespassing in someone else’s dormitory?”

“Everyone in this dormitory has gone for an internship, and their things haven’t been completely moved out yet. If you trespass like this, who will be responsible if something goes missing!?”

Trespassing in someone else’s dormitory?

He Gu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look inside Room 212.

The room was empty, with no sign of anyone.

Was that… an illusion just now?

He Gu felt a bit confused, feeling that something was not quite right, but he couldn’t figure it out.

Was the scene just now a hallucination he created, or did something really strange happen?

If the dormitory supervisor hadn’t appeared in the end and he had been dragged into the room, would something dangerous have happened?

For a moment, He Gu felt a headache coming on.He Gu took another careful look at the dorm room. The curtains were tightly drawn, making the room dimly lit and giving off a gloomy and eerie atmosphere.

As He Gu looked closer, he suddenly saw a shadow flicker and disappear in the corner.

It looked like a black cat!?

Just as He Gu was about to take a closer look, the dormitory supervisor suddenly pulled him away from the door and forcefully shut the dorm room door.

“Considering you’re about to start your internship, I’ll let this slide today. Otherwise, I would have reported you to the student affairs office for a warning!”

The dormitory supervisor seemed to be in a bad mood today, completely different from his usual jovial demeanor, appearing rather fierce.

“Alright, go back to your own room and stop wandering into empty dorm rooms!”

With that, the dormitory supervisor gave He Gu a push.

It was only then that He Gu noticed that the supervisor was not wearing his usual red vest, but a uniform.

Looking further down, he saw that the supervisor was holding a thick newspaper in his hand.

One end of the newspaper was tucked into his sleeve, clearly hiding something.

Judging by the outline… it seemed to be a knife?

Recalling the sight of the dormitory supervisor in uniform holding a blood-stained machete in the morning, He Gu shivered and didn’t dare to say anything else, turning around and running up the stairs.

Just as He Gu had just entered the stairwell, he faintly heard the sound of a dorm room door being opened downstairs.

The next moment, a shrill cat’s cry came from the second floor…

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