Chapter 60 – He Ju is not afraid to prepare to return to his old profession

When Si Hua arrived in London, it was 22:36 in City A and 15:36 in London.

Si Hua only sent a message to He Ju to let him know she was safe before hurrying to the company.

In the past, Si Hua would work tirelessly for 24 hours without complaint, but now things were different. She wished she could grow wings and fly back as soon as possible.

He Ju was also busy. After putting down his phone, he ordered takeout and sat in front of his computer.

Since he had already decided to give Si Hua a future, he couldn’t continue living a stagnant life. He had to return to his old profession.

Thinking of Si Hua’s tempting lips, He Ju felt ecstatic and worked even harder.

Sitting in front of the computer, He Ju looked through his previous design sketches. In the past, for Su Ran, he had designed many wedding dresses, from Western to Chinese styles. He couldn’t even remember how many sets he had designed. He had never been willing to sell them because they were all designed with Su Ran in mind, and he had put all his effort into them, to a degree that even Su Ran didn’t know.

He dreamed that one day in the future, Su Ran would wear the wedding dress he had designed with his own hands. But now…

There were many unfinished jewelry design sketches, all gathering dust in He Ju’s computer.

He Ju wasn’t very good at jewelry design and hadn’t tried making them himself. Coupled with the heavy workload of his studies, he didn’t have much time to research and had taken many detours in learning. So, he gradually gave up. But from now on, he had to seriously consider this path.

He had casually posted a design sketch online, and someone offered a high price to buy it. He thought about perfecting it before selling it.

When he needed money, he would sell some of the initial drafts he had just started practicing, earning a few thousand yuan as extra income.

But now things were different. He had to pick up all these neglected design sketches and gradually bring them onto the international stage. This was the first step to his success.

He Ju was so busy that the sky was beginning to lighten. He took his keys, drove to the bank, and counted his money with his ID and bank card.

The money he earned before was divided into three parts: one part for fixed assets, one for himself, and one for Su Ran. The part for Su Ran was the largest, and his own was the smallest.

He Ju looked at his savings, 58,800 yuan.

Adding the two thousand yuan he could currently use, it was almost 70,000 yuan.

Not enough, far from enough.

He Ju looked up at the sky, which was clear and cloudless. The surrounding area was full of people rushing around, working hard for their lives day after day, year after year, until they grew old.

There was very little time in one’s life to live for oneself.

He Ju thought, give him another ten years, and he would stand at the top of the world, trampling on all those who had looked down on him before.

He Ju smiled, took out his phone, and dialed the number he had never called before. When the call connected, an excited and elderly voice said, “Little friend He Ju, have you figured it out?”

Looking at the bustling crowd and the tall buildings of City A, He Ju thought of Si Hua’s sincere eyes and the words she had said to him on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

He Ju smiled, “Elder Jiang, if you have time, come to City A. I have a lot of things you want here. Let’s talk when you’re free.”

The old man in a distant country immediately stood up from his chair, excitedly saying, “I understand your concerns, Little friend He Ju. Tomorrow morning, I will definitely come to City A. You don’t need to contact anyone else. I know you have almost no complete sketches on hand, but it doesn’t matter. I will bring professional designers to help you perfect them. Little friend He Ju, you must not rush to sell them.”

He Ju agreed and hung up the phone.

This was originally just He Ju’s hobby, just something he did for fun. He never expected that in the future, he might have to rely on this to make a living.

He Ju wasn’t just good at drawing design sketches; he had met Elder Jiang through a gambling stone.

He seemed to have a natural sensitivity to this thing and helped Elder Jiang win a few times, thus getting to know him.

Elder Jiang was the one who was willing to buy He Ju’s design sketches at a high price.

Elder Jiang immediately called his assistant, “Book a plane ticket for me and bring our best clothing and jewelry designers.”

After making the call, Elder Jiang turned to look at the unfinished wedding dress design sketch hanging on the wall, unable to hold back the tears. “Finally… this stubborn mule has finally come to his senses.”

When He Ju returned home and organized his drawings, he sent a greeting message to Si Hua and then fell into a deep sleep.

When Bai Yan came to find He Ju, he was still groggy as he climbed out of bed.Bai Yan dragged He Ju out and immediately got to the point: “Our internship department assignments are out, and both of us are going to Investment Department One!”

He Ju’s eyes widened in surprise: “Investment Department One?”

Bai Yan nodded frantically: “Yes, yes, yes! The investment department at Xingyao is completely different from those small companies. A big project usually involves tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. There are many big shots in the investment department, and to compete for projects, people are willing to do anything. Although it’s a great place to gain experience, I’m really afraid I’ll end up dead without a trace.”

Something about Bai Yan’s words didn’t sit right with He Ju.

He Ju: “So what are you trying to say?”

Bai Yan chuckled twice: “That’s why I’ve applied to transfer to the administrative department. I won’t be with you anymore.”

He Ju frowned: “Do you really not want to learn anything?”

Bai Yan shook his head: “Same old, I just want to coast through life.”

After saying that, Bai Yan turned and left the bedroom: “Come on, my sister ordered takeout for you.”

He Ju immediately got out of bed: “She’s back?”

Bai Yan: “How could she be back so soon? She’s probably swamped with work lately…”

Just as He Ju sat down, he noticed the documents on the table: “What’s this?”

Bai Yan smiled: “It’s something my sister is dealing with right now. Take a look and see if you can find a solution.”

He Ju was shocked: “Bai Yan, isn’t this a trade secret?!”

Bai Yan rolled his eyes: “What trade secret? It’s just a matter of a few hundred million. My sister said if it can’t save her, she can’t be bothered with it.”

He Ju: “…” Is this the world of the wealthy?

Poverty limited his imagination.

While Bai Yan was eating the takeout, he suddenly mentioned: “By the way, Su Ran seems to be investigating you.”

He Ju’s gaze turned cold for a moment, and he couldn’t help but curse: “Is she sick?”

Bai Yan nodded: “Probably too much free time on her hands.”

He Ju was utterly speechless. Why was this never-ending?

For the first time, He Ju felt the urge to teach Su Ran a lesson. She was overstepping her bounds.

Bai Yan: “Oh, and that Jia Jia is also in the investment department, but in Investment Department Two. You guys will be competitors from now on.”

He Ju was visibly taken aback: “Does it have to be such a coincidence?”

Bai Yan was speechless too, but that’s life for you—the more you fear something, the more it comes after you…

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