Chapter 34 – With nothing to fear, what can He Ju possibly indulge in?

Liu Jia walked to the kitchen door, looking at He Ju’s busy figure, hesitated for a long time, and finally spoke hesitantly, “He Ju, I want to talk to you about something…”

He Ju’s body stiffened slightly at Liu Jia’s words, then quickly returned to normal.

Liu Jia is very virtuous, very cute, very youthful, and very concerned about his feelings.


He Ju really has no mood for love right now.

He Ju smiled, “Jia Jia, what do you want to say? Wait for me to finish washing the dishes.”

Liu Jia bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and then gradually became firm, “He Ju, I think… you are a very good person.”

He Ju: “Is that so? Many people say that… but some people don’t think so…”

Liu Jia was slightly excited, “That’s because she doesn’t have good taste.”

He Ju silently put the washed dishes into the cupboard without saying a word.

Liu Jia seemed to realize that she was getting too excited, and quickly restrained herself, “He Ju, have you completely let go of Su Ran?”

Has he completely let go?

Sometimes, something you think is difficult to do, but when you actually do it, take that step, you’ll find that it’s not as difficult as you thought…

He Ju gave up on Su Ran, and he himself didn’t know exactly when it started.


It was when Su Ran said to him, “Brother He Ju, I’ve always treated you as a brother…”

Or maybe, it was the words Fang Yuxue said at the school gate, which made him realize that Su Ran had never cared about his true feelings, she had been trampling on his unknown dignity.

She discarded his heartfelt love.

Or perhaps, it was on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang, Yunnan, when he sincerely said to the snow-capped mountain, “This year, He Ju will no longer love Su Ran.”

Or maybe it was today at the hospital, when he saw Su Ran rushing to Qiu Shaoze.

Or… when He Ju found out that Su Ran wanted to continue to entangle with him, but was unwilling to openly love him.

But no matter when it started…

At least now, when He Ju thinks of Su Ran, there is no longer the anticipation and joy of the past.

But He Ju said to Liu Jia, “Ten years, how can you just let go?”

Liu Jia’s eyes dimmed for a moment, and the courage she had finally mustered was diluted.

Seeing that Liu Jia didn’t continue speaking, He Ju spoke again, “Jia Jia, I hope you will meet someone in the future who loves you wholeheartedly.”

He Ju’s words were sincere. Although Su Ran and Liu Jia were good friends, He Ju knew that Liu Jia was completely different from Su Ran.

Liu Jia is introverted, and even somewhat self-deprecating, but she is also very beautiful, a top student, and comes from a well-off family. Although not as wealthy as the Su family, the Liu family in City A is also well-known.

Only he, He Ju…

Has nothing.

What can He Ju, who has nothing, indulge in?

He Ju didn’t know if there was anyone in this world who could love him as passionately and generously as he desired.

He longed for someone who would love him explosively until death, understanding that death and love are equally important.

“Liu Jia, you have a bright future, don’t love someone like me.”

Tears seemed to flash in Liu Jia’s eyes, and she didn’t continue the topic, “He Ju, you will definitely become better and better. You’re only in your early twenties, you can become anyone you want to be.”

Liu Jia didn’t dare to say one more thing: she would wait for him, just like the way He Ju waited for Su Ran in the beginning. She would wait until the day when He Ju no longer loved Su Ran.

He Ju was stunned, and turned to look at Liu Jia.

He saw Liu Jia standing in place, her eyes seemed a little red, but she still smiled sweetly at him.

As if she truly believed that one day in the future, He Ju would also become a star that many people looked up to.

He Ju smiled back at her, and thanked her solemnly.

He would try, try to forget the past, try to move forward, try to become anyone he wanted to be.

He Ju saw Liu Jia off.

In this old house, although Liu Jia didn’t say the words she had wanted to say to He Ju for a long time, she would never forget the shy and sincere smile the young man gave her.

She wasn’t greedy, she received He Ju’s unguarded smile, and cooked a bowl of noodles for him with her own hands. She was already very satisfied.

He Ju saw Liu Jia off and then returned home. After taking a shower and changing into casual clothes, he sat down and checked his messages.

Bai Yan: Heard you’re back, when are you free to go out for a drink?

Fatty: Bro, are you having fun? Is Sister Si Hua back too?

Motor: It’s good that you’re back, bro. I’m off to find my girlfriend. After seeing you and Su Ran, I realized that my girlfriend is really a treasure. Bro, there’s no pain without comparison~

He Ju replied to everyone’s messages, but when it came to Motor, he only replied with ellipses.

Soon, Bai Yan sent He Ju a file, it was an interview notice for an internship at Starlight Company, next Friday morning.

He Ju couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least he had a week to recover from his injury. By then, covering it with foundation to meet girls shouldn’t be a big problem, right?

At that moment, Si Hua also sent a message: I’ll be home in two hours, I’ve brought something delicious for you.

He Ju smiled slightly and replied, “Okay.”

He Ju was about to get up to pack and leave when Su Ran sent a message: Brother He Ju, how’s your injury? Have you taken any medicine?

Su Ran: Brother He Ju, have you found an internship yet? If not, I can help you get a job at my dad’s company.

Su Ran watched the chat box show “the other party is typing…” but after waiting for a few minutes, Su Ran didn’t receive a message from He Ju.

This made Su Ran feel a little frustrated.She was already coddling He Ju so much, why was he still acting like nothing could affect him? How had she never noticed before that He Ju was so petty?

By now, He Ju had already put on his coat and taken his keys to leave.

He needed to return to his rental apartment and take advantage of the next few days to properly prepare for the interview.

Starshine Group was one of the top conglomerates in City A. If he could get in, even if he couldn’t stay, he would at least accumulate some work experience, which would be beneficial.

What He Ju didn’t know was that at this very moment, his good buddy Bai Yan was chatting with the helmsman of Starshine Group.

Bai Yan sat in the car, glancing sideways at Si Hua: “Sis, won’t you pull some strings for He Ju? Just transfer him directly to the tech department?”

Si Hua was currently resting with her eyes closed, her demeanor graceful and composed, nothing like the shy young lady she was in front of He Ju. She simply said indifferently, “He Ju doesn’t need to pull strings to succeed in the interview.”

She always believed that someone as capable as He Ju would shine no matter where he was.

She would give him a hand, but there were some paths He Ju needed to forge on his own.

The two of them were bound to meet at the summit.

Bai Yan leaned back lazily in his seat, chuckling: “That’s not necessarily true. There are plenty of old stick-in-the-muds in the group. Are you so sure they won’t give your precious Ju Ju a hard time?”

Si Hua lifted her eyelids, giving Bai Yan a cool glance.

Bai Yan hurriedly fell silent…

Why did he feel like Si Hua was about to devour him alive?

Si Hua’s voice was as cold and clear as her persona: “Not only can He Ju not pull strings, but you can’t either. Start from the beginning and learn honestly.”

Bai Yan was instantly dumbfounded and began to wail: “No way, sis… don’t be like that, I’m begging you…”

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