Chapter 30 – Do not fear ignoring her existence

Su Ran couldn’t argue, and He Ju finally hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, He Ju didn’t even think about how Su Ran would be, he was just thinking… how to tell Si Hua that he had to go back to City A tomorrow?

Would it ruin Si Hua’s mood?

Just as He Ju was thinking about it, there was a knock on his door.

He Ju went to open the door, and it was Si Hua.

Perhaps she had just taken a shower, Si Hua’s long hair was not completely dry, it was just scattered behind her head. She was wearing a camisole nightgown, revealing her fair and slender arms. She was completely natural without makeup, and up close, He Ju, with good eyesight, could even see the fine white hairs on Si Hua’s face.

He Ju had to admit that although Si Hua was older than him, she was in good shape, with the charm of her age and the innocence of youth.

She felt… different from anyone he had known before.

He Ju was a little surprised: “Sister Si Hua?”

Si Hua: “There’s something urgent at my company, I have to go back to City A tomorrow.”

He Ju felt that he and Si Hua were really destined: “I have to go back to City A tomorrow too. I was just wondering how to tell you.”

Si Hua’s eyes lit up: “Then we can go back together?”

He Ju nodded with a smile: “Yes.”

Si Hua was happy, and her eyes sparkled as she smiled: “I’ll book the tickets, let’s go back early.”

He Ju agreed: “Okay.”

Si Hua: “Oh, by the way, why do you have to go back early? As far as I know, the Starshine Group won’t have the interns start for a few more days.”

At this, He Ju frowned slightly: “My parents are in City A. My mom said my dad had chest pain, so she brought him in for a check-up. I should go back and see them.”

Si Hua nodded thoughtfully: “That’s important, you should get a thorough check-up.”

He Ju nodded: “I will.”

Si Hua: “Which hospital is your dad in?”

He Ju: “City First People’s Hospital.”

Si Hua nodded thoughtfully: “Okay, then get some rest, we’ll get up early tomorrow to go to the airport.”

He Ju nodded, and they bid each other goodnight, returning to their respective seats.

The next morning at six o’clock.

Si Hua and He Ju took a taxi to the airport on time.

It was still first class, but this time, He Ju wasn’t alone.

It took about three hours to fly from Yunnan to City A. Si Hua fell asleep as soon as she got on the plane, and she didn’t feel like chatting with He Ju.

He Ju was lost in thought when he suddenly felt a weight on his shoulder. He instinctively turned his head and saw Si Hua leaning against his shoulder, half asleep.

He Ju’s body stiffened for a moment, but after Si Hua leaned on him, her breathing evened out, as if she was sleeping soundly.

He Ju didn’t move again. For the three hours on the plane, all of He Ju’s attention was on Si Hua.

Si Hua had only wanted to get closer to He Ju by sleeping, to deepen their relationship a little, but she ended up… feeling so safe and comfortable leaning on He Ju’s shoulder that she actually fell asleep.

She was used to hugging something when she slept, so she unconsciously grabbed He Ju’s arm, snuggled against it, and slept even more soundly.

He Ju didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but in the end, he didn’t push Si Hua away.

When they were about to arrive in City A, Si Hua woke up. Her face had a slight imprint from He Ju’s clothes, and her cheeks were slightly red, her lips were pink and tender. He Ju quickly looked away, his Adam’s apple rolling slightly.

He Ju quickly pulled at his collar, for some reason…

It seemed a bit stuffy on the plane, and he was thirsty.

Si Hua didn’t notice, she just pushed her slightly messy hair back, revealing her skin as smooth as jade.

Perhaps because she had slept for a while, Si Hua’s voice was slightly hoarse, and when she called his name, it sounded very pleasant: “He Ju, sorry, I was so tired from hiking yesterday, and I got up early this morning…”

He Ju just moved his slightly sore shoulder and smiled, shaking his head: “It’s okay, it’s only natural.”

The two smiled at each other, and the plane landed safely.

They walked out of the airport together, and just as Si Hua was about to leave, He Ju called out to her: “Sister Si Hua, see you tonight.”

Si Hua clearly saw the faint blush on He Ju’s ears. She was supposed to go to a bidding meeting and might not be home until late, but seeing He Ju like this…

Si Hua felt her heart warm up, and she suddenly felt a strong desire to go back: “Okay, see you tonight. There’s a great late-night snack place next to my company. I might be home late, so I’ll bring you something to try?”

He Ju, who had been a little nervous, suddenly relaxed: “Okay.”

Si Hua: “Say hi to your parents for me. If I have time, I’ll go see them. Well, bye.”

He Ju: “Goodbye.”

They bid each other farewell, and Si Hua went back to the Starshine Group for an emergency meeting, while He Ju went to the hospital.

Room 3 on the tenth floor of the hospital.

After seeing the test results, He Ju’s heavy heart finally relaxed.He Ju’s father, He Yu, didn’t have any serious issues; the pain in his chest was probably due to excessive fatigue.

Thus, He Ju suggested, “Mom and Dad, why don’t you just stay here instead of going back? It’s comfortable here, we have everything at home, and I’m about to start working.”

He Yu replied, “Son, I’m teaching senior year students this year, and I can’t neglect the children’s education. I have to leave once school starts in a couple of days.”

He Ju’s mother, Tian Zhen, added, “Little Ju, you know your mom. Wherever your dad is, that’s where I’ll be. Your dad only took a week off, so we really need to go back.”

He Ju sighed. Both his parents were teachers; his father a high school math teacher and his mother an elementary school teacher. They had dedicated their entire lives to the field of education.

He Ju was proud of his parents.

He wouldn’t allow anyone to look down on them.

Just as He Ju was about to speak, there was a knock on the hospital room door. Turning around, he saw Su Ran standing at the entrance, dressed in a white dress, holding a basket of flowers and fruit, looking somewhat restrained.

For a moment, He Ju didn’t know what to say. In the past, he might have been overjoyed, right?

But now…

What He Ju was actually thinking was… he didn’t want to owe anything to Su Ran.

It was Tian Zhen who reacted first, hurrying forward to greet her, “Oh, Ran Ran is here, come in, come in—”

Just then, a little girl ran over, calling out, “Brother, brother—”

Su Ran turned to look but didn’t see anyone. However, she felt something dart past her feet, startling her into stepping back and nearly tumbling to the ground in a clumsy fall.

But He Ju, with quick reflexes, reached out and pulled her up in one swift motion, also taking the basket of flowers and fruit from her hands.

Before Su Ran could react, He Ju had already let go of her, arranged the fruit neatly, and bent down to pick up the adorable little girl: “He Yuxin, did you miss your brother?”

The little girl, cute and chubby with sparkling eyes, hugged He Ju and planted a big kiss on him, sweetly saying, “I missed you, brother! Yuxin really missed you!!! Will brother buy Yuxin some tasty treats?”

Su Ran was suddenly stunned. This was the first time He Ju had… ignored her presence like this.

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