Chapter 3 – Being proactive for a long time can be tiring

Si Hua suddenly leaned in, and her stunningly beautiful face immediately caught his eye.


Wait, how did Bai Yan's sister know his name?


He Ju was taken aback for a moment. Besides Su Ran, he had never been so close to anyone else.


Fortunately, Si Hua quickly stepped back two steps and turned to twist Bai Yan's ear, "You little brat, how dare you badmouth me outside?"


Bai Yan cried out in pain, but didn't dare to lay a hand on Si Hua. He could only bend over and awkwardly grab He Ju's clothes, wailing, "Brother, brother…"


So the scene formed with Si Hua pulling Bai Yan's ear, and Bai Yan tugging at He Ju's clothes, the three of them walking in a strange posture.


Many people's eyes fell on the three of them.


It would be false to say it wasn't awkward. This comical scene even made He Ju feel somewhat helpless.


Caught off guard, Bai Yan suddenly slipped away, and his speed was so fast that he almost knocked Si Hua over. He Ju was scared and quickly reached out to support Si Hua.


When He Ju stood firm and regained his senses, Bai Yan had already run far away, and even turned back to give him a mischievous smile, "Good buddy, I'm counting on you to take care of my sister!"


With that, Bai Yan disappeared in a flash.


He Ju's face turned green.


Goodness, Bai Yan, you're unbelievable!


While He Ju was still thinking about how to handle the situation, the person in his arms smiled and spoke, "Little brother, how long are you going to hold onto sister? There are quite a few people around, you know."


He Ju suddenly came to his senses and found that his hand was still on Si Hua's shoulder. He Ju lowered his head and saw that beautiful face with a hint of teasing expression.


He Ju felt embarrassed and flustered as he let go of Si Hua and took two steps back, "Sister, I'm… I'm sorry."


Si Hua just smiled faintly, brushed her hair behind her ear, and then, stepping lightly in her high heels, said, "Keep up, He Ju."


He Ju could only hurry to catch up while dragging the suitcase and constantly calling Bai Yan, but Bai Yan had already turned off his phone.


He Ju: "…"


He Ju didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say what it was.


After leaving the airport, He Ju intended to take a taxi, but Si Hua didn't say a word and just pulled He Ju towards the intersection. He Ju: "Sister Bai Yan, should I take a taxi to send you home first?"


Si Hua smiled and didn't say anything. Soon, a red Ferrari stopped in front of them, and a driver got out of the seat, wearing a black suit, respectfully addressing Si Hua, "Young lady."


He Ju watched in amazement as Si Hua coldly responded with a "Hmm," and then the driver took the suitcase from He Ju's hand.


He Ju's eyes widened. Bai Yan had always been taking advantage of him, eating and drinking at his expense, crying poor to him every day. How come his sister was so rich?


Could it be that Bai Yan is an illegitimate child? Has he been mistreated since childhood?


Si Hua said something to the driver from a distance, and the driver left. Before He Ju could react, Si Hua was already sitting in the driver's seat, calling out to him, "He Ju, what are you waiting for? Get in the car quickly."


So, He Ju got into the car in a daze.


He didn't even have time to feel sad before he was confused by the situation in front of him. Wasn't he here to relax? Why did he have the feeling that he was about to be kept or maintained?




The red Ferrari raced on the highway, and the wind blew Si Hua's golden curly hair, making it impossible to see her expression clearly. But anyone with eyes could tell that Si Hua was a great beauty.


He Ju suddenly felt a little restrained. Although he and Bai Yan were best friends, Bai Yan's sister was a legendary figure. It was their first meeting today, and it was inevitable that there would be some awkwardness.


He Ju didn't know what to say, so he could only turn to look out the window, feeling the scenery constantly retreating and the feeling of the night wind on his face. For a moment, he felt very relaxed.


Suddenly, the phone rang, and He Ju subconsciously looked at the caller ID: My Little Princess.


If it were before, He Ju would probably have answered without hesitation, but today, at this moment, he hesitated.


Si Hua glanced at He Ju's phone screen and then withdrew her gaze, "Answer it. There has to be a resolution."


As if under a spell, He Ju followed Si Hua's words.


When the familiar voice came through the phone, as sweet and apologetic as ever, "Brother He Ju, I'm sorry. I was wrong the other day. Can I treat you to a meal to apologize?"


If it were in the past, Su Ran's proactive approach would have softened He Ju's heart instantly, and he would have wanted to rush to her side immediately to accompany her.Even Su Ran herself believed this. Standing in the school corridor, her pure features and flowing ink-black hair gave her the appearance of a swan, her neck slightly raised. The corners of her lips curled into a carefree smile, like a proud little princess. She was certain that He Ju would not reject her.


But in the next second, the smile on Su Ran's face stiffened slightly, her breathing slowed for a beat. After a silent pause, she asked incredulously, "What did you say?"


He Ju took a deep breath and repeated himself, "I said, let's forget it, Su Ran. I'll be moving away in a couple of days. I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused you in the past. It won't happen again."


With that, He Ju immediately hung up the phone.


Su Ran was usually very good at managing her expressions, but at that moment, her facade faltered momentarily.


Liu Jia looked at Su Ran with a hint of pity in her eyes.


She had stayed by Su Ran's side because of He Ju, intending to help him pursue Su Ran. Yet, over the years, Su Ran had turned a blind eye to He Ju's feelings, enjoying his devotion but never willing to respond directly.


Su Ran was a good friend, never playing mind games with her friends, which is why Liu Jia had remained close friends with her for so many years.




Su Ran was really only suitable to be a friend, nothing more.


Liu Jia watched as Su Ran dialed He Ju's number again, but the response she got was the cold, mechanical voice of the operator: "Hello, the number you have dialed is currently busy…"


He Ju had hung up on Su Ran's call.


The He Ju of the past would have his phone on standby twenty-four hours a day, and if it was Su Ran calling, it would never ring more than three times. But this time, it seemed different.


However, Su Ran quickly regained her composure. "Jia Jia, he's sulking with me, isn't he? Just because I rejected him in public?"


Liu Jia sighed, perhaps out of reluctance to see He Ju's years of deep affection go to waste, she still kindly reminded Su Ran, "Ran Ran, this time, it's different."


Su Ran: "What's different?"


Liu Jia: "A person can only take initiative for so long before they get tired, that's true for anyone. He Ju has already taken ninety-nine steps towards you. If you're not willing to take even one step towards him, he might really give up."


Liu Jia had given her warning with the best of intentions.


But Su Ran was momentarily confused, then quickly came to her senses: "It's not like that, Jia Jia. You underestimate his feelings for me."


Liu Jia wanted to say: Have you ever considered that you might be overestimating yourself?


But Su Ran didn't give Liu Jia the chance to speak her mind; she turned and walked away.

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