Chapter 21 – In place

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

As the third morning class was nearing its end, Xie Shu felt that his drawing was almost complete.


After reviewing it and finding no issues, he approached the teacher to ask if he could leave early for the print shop to print his drawings.


The journey from the residential to the academic area took some time, but the teacher agreed, so Xie Shu left the classroom.



The print shop was near the cafeteria, and Xie Shu headed straight there with a clear goal in mind.


Before entering the print shop, he noticed someone sitting on a bench by the greenery near the cafeteria.


It was nearing noon, and the outdoor temperature was quite high. Even in the shade, it was hot, and since it wasn't mealtime, there were hardly any people around.


At first, Xie Shu only gave the seated figure an extra glance, but that glance made him feel that the person looked familiar.


It seemed… to be Ruan Nianxi.


She seemed to be wearing the same clothes as this morning.


Uncertain, Xie Shu called out tentatively from across the street.


"Ruan Nianxi?"


The person on the bench looked up.


Their eyes met, both filled with surprise.


Xie Shu crossed the street to the greenery and asked, "What are you doing here?"


Ruan Nianxi hadn't expected to see Xie Shu during class time; she thought she'd have to wait until noon…


She stood up and took a few steps towards him. "Aren't you in class?"


"I am, but I'm out to print some drawings. I need to show them to the teacher next period. But what about you? It's so hot, why are you sitting out here?"


"I…" was waiting for you.


Ruan Nianxi didn't finish her sentence.


She dared not initiate contact with Xie Shu, but she fantasized about seeing him again at noon and even having lunch with him.


Unable to contact him yet longing to meet, she decided to wait here, hoping he would see her when he left class at noon.


But she didn't expect him to come so early.


She didn't complete her sentence, and Xie Shu didn't press further.


He had business to attend to and couldn't afford to waste too much time outside, so after a few words with Ruan Nianxi, he told her to go back to the dormitory first, and he prepared to head to the print shop.


Ruan Nianxi hesitated for a few seconds but couldn't help following Xie Shu's pace.


"Xie Shu, are you… thirsty? I can go buy you some water?"


After catching up to him, she awkwardly broached the subject.


Seeing Ruan Nianxi following, Xie Shu slowed down to match her pace.


"A little," he said.


"Then I'll buy you water! Wait for me!"


Ruan Nianxi's tone was a bit anxious as she headed to the nearby supermarket.


Xie Shu smiled and entered the print shop, sending the file to the clerk. With no one else there, the printing was done quickly, and in less than a minute, he was out again.


As he left the print shop, he saw Ruan Nianxi hurrying towards him from the supermarket entrance.


One might think she was worried he'd run off.


Xie Shu waited for her, and as she approached, she handed him the water with a sense of accomplishment.


"Thank you."


Xie Shu didn't refuse, taking it and even opening it to take a sip.


Ruan Nianxi also breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Xie Shu would reject her as he had in the past.


In the past, even if it was difficult, he would eventually accept what she bought for him after her insistence. But since Su Qianyi appeared, he would refuse anything she bought him.


From a bottle of water to designer clothes, he would not accept them, rejecting her in every way.


She was also worried about secretly topping up his meal card yesterday, fearing he would find out and stop her.


Xie Shu screwed the cap back on and started walking forward again.


After a few steps, he felt something was amiss, stopped, turned around, and saw Ruan Nianxi still standing there foolishly. "Aren't you coming?"


Ruan Nianxi's expression froze for a moment before she followed.


Xie Shu led her to a milk tea shop and bought a hot milk tea.


Most people would choose iced milk tea at this time of year, but it was better for Ruan Nianxi to have something hot now.


Taking the milk tea from the clerk, he turned and handed it to Ruan Nianxi.


"Drink something warm."


Ruan Nianxi was pleasantly surprised; she hadn't expected Xie Shu to buy it for her.


She nervously thanked him and carefully took it.


Xie Shu glanced at the time; there were only a few minutes left before the end of class, and he needed to hurry back before the next class started.


After explaining to Ruan Nianxi, he prepared to return the way he came.


The sun was blazing, and the bright daylight was like fire.


Ruan Nianxi stood under the eaves of the milk tea shop, watching Xie Shu walking in the distance along the shadows of the roadside trees, then glanced at a couple walking together with an umbrella and felt a pang in her heart.


The sun was so intense.


Holding the somewhat hot milk tea in one hand, her gaze shifted to the supermarket entrance.


After some reflection, she finally entered the supermarket.


Xie Shu had walked a short distance when his phone buzzed. He looked at it out of habit and saw a message from Ruan Nianxi: "Can you wait for me?"


Xie Shu sent back a question mark.


Ruan Nianxi: "The sun is so strong, I'm buying an umbrella at the supermarket, I want to walk you there."


Xie Shu looked back but didn't see Ruan Nianxi's figure, guessing she hadn't come out of the supermarket yet.


It was indeed hot, but he was used to it and felt it was unnecessary.


He was about to refuse, saying there was no need to trouble her, but his gaze shifted and he saw a couple with an umbrella passing by him.


After a moment's thought, he replied: "Okay."




Ruan Nianxi had already bought the umbrella.


But she didn't dare to go out, nor did she dare to chase after Xie Shu.


She feared that if she caught up with him, he would reject her again.


That would be very upsetting.


So she tentatively sent a message first.


After receiving Xie Shu's affirmative reply, her worries turned to joy, and the tender feelings in her brows slowly spread to her heart.


She quickly put away her phone and stepped out of the supermarket.


After a few steps, she saw Xie Shu waiting for her under the shade of the trees.


She opened the umbrella and quickened her pace towards him.


As she approached, her face flushed as she slowly moved closer to Xie Shu.


Sharing an umbrella meant they had to be closer than usual.




"Let me hold the drawings for you, and I'll hold the umbrella," Xie Shu said, seeing Ruan Nianxi's face turning redder and standing together with her.


He handed the drawings to Ruan Nianxi, took the umbrella, and walked with her towards the academic area.


They were very close, occasionally brushing arms.


It was a normal occurrence, but Ruan Nianxi's heart raced every time she touched Xie Shu.


They didn't speak the entire way.


Upon reaching the academic area, the bell for the end of class rang.


In a few minutes, many students emerged from the various buildings.


Ruan Nianxi had never been to the Art Institute and didn't know which building Xie Shu's specialized classes were in, so after arriving at the academic area, Xie Shu led the way.


Together under the umbrella, they walked against the flow of people on the roadside.


In the crowd, someone took out their phone and snapped a photo of the two of them.

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