Chapter 16 – I’ll wait for you

Xie Shu had forgotten how long he had been drawing.

When he finished his homework, he looked up and saw that it was already dark outside.

He was the first to start his homework, so he was ahead of his three sons.

At this point, he was also hungry and ready to go out to eat something.

Considering that his sons still had homework to do, as a father, he naturally took on the responsibility of bringing them food. Before leaving, he also received a few respectful greetings from his sons.

Xie Shu originally planned to buy a boxed meal outside the cafeteria and go back, but on the way, he saw that the activity promotion point set up in the afternoon still had people on duty.

Some students who had just finished class or came to the cafeteria to eat would go up to inquire, and they would have to explain the content of the activity to them.

He was not sure how the activities in their college were arranged, whether they were short of manpower or what.

Why hadn’t Ruan Nianxi left at this point?

Yes, Xie Shu saw Ruan Nianxi still over there from a distance.

Were they so busy?

Thinking back to the afternoon, Ruan Nianxi chatted with him for a few sentences and then didn’t reply. He thought she was busy at the time, and he also had to do his homework, so he didn’t bother her.

He didn’t know if she had eaten yet.

Thinking about it, Xie Shu took out his phone and sent a message to Ruan Nianxi: [Have you had dinner?]

The other party quickly replied: [Not yet.]

Xie Shu: [There are quite a few people over there, are you too busy to come over? Or should we go eat first?]

After sending the message, Xie Shu looked up and saw Ruan Nianxi looking around over there, and finally saw him.

Then she quickly lowered her head, and in a few seconds, Xie Shu received a reply: [Everyone is here, I’ll leave, it’s not good.]

Xie Shu: [What do you want to eat? I’ll help you buy it.]

Seeing this reply, Ruan Nianxi doubted whether she had read it wrong.

He’s helping her…?

Didn’t he only help Su Qianyi buy food before?

Although she really wanted to agree, at this moment, Ruan Nianxi’s consciousness was terrifyingly clear.

Her fingers paused in the air for a long time, and finally she sent a message: [No need, we’ll be done here soon, I’ll go by myself later.]

Don’t be nice to her anymore…

If he continues like this, she really will think too much, she was already on the verge of losing control.

She had to keep a certain distance in order to think rationally.

Ruan Nianxi continued to introspect, but the next second, Xie Shu’s reply completely disrupted her thoughts.

Xie Shu: [Almost done? Then I’ll wait for you, I have nothing to do right now, let’s go to the cafeteria together later.]

Suddenly, her ears buzzed, and all her thoughts were instantly cleared.

Ruan Nianxi read these few words over and over again, then glanced at Xie Shu in the distance, and her desires were magnified once again.

Clearly wanting to refuse, clearly wanting to keep her distance to stay rational, but in the end, she still replied with a “okay.”

Xie Shu didn’t go to disturb Ruan Nianxi and their activity promotion, he found a place not far away to sit down and wait quietly. He was very patient and even sent a message to his sons in the dormitory group, saying that he might be back later.

The ones who bring food are always the dads, how could their sons dare to say “no”?

Xie Shu was in a very good mood waiting over there, while Ruan Nianxi was almost driven crazy by her own mental struggle.

Can’t hold back…

What to do…

Xie Shu is so good, he really belongs to her!

Su Qianyi came out halfway and took away everything from her, and she didn’t cherish it well. She really hated her!

She should take it back, by any means…


If her parents find out, they will take her away again and she won’t be able to see Xie Shu again.

It’s only been half a year since they last met, and she felt so bad that she wanted to die.

It’s been so long, she had gotten used to seeing him occasionally, but he appeared in front of her frequently.

Ruan Nianxi was conflicted in her heart.

She wanted to, but she was afraid of doing too much and being taken away.

She knew she had to keep her distance, keep her rationality, but Xie Shu kept coming to her on his own, how could she stay rational!

Ruan Nianxi felt like a long time had passed.

In the end, she was called back to reality by a classmate next to her.

The time was up, they could leave.

Ruan Nianxi nodded dazedly, then stood up and walked unsteadily towards Xie Shu.

After taking a few steps, her beautiful face suddenly sank.

She turned pale, and her steps stopped, stiff in place for a long time without moving.

The person next to her who hadn’t left yet looked at her and asked if she needed help, but she shook her head, and then the person left helplessly.

Xie Shu sat not far away, looking at his phone to pass the time, and occasionally glanced over at Ruan Nianxi’s situation.

When he looked up again, he saw Ruan Nianxi standing stiffly in place, not moving at all. She had one hand on her stomach, and although he couldn’t see her expression clearly, he could imagine that she was in a lot of pain.

Realizing that something was wrong, he quickly put away his phone and hurried over to her.

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Shu ran a few steps to Ruan Nianxi, asking her with concern in a low voice.

He half-supported her arm, giving her a point of support.


Ruan Nianxi’s voice was weak.

Seeing her in such discomfort, Xie Shu helped her to the table behind her and made her sit down.School activities usually have a few days of promotion, and the tables set up outside aren’t cleared away until the end.

After Ruan Nianxi sat down, her complexion improved slightly, but her hand remained on her stomach.

Seeing her gesture, the experienced Xie Shu instantly understood what was going on.

He bent over slightly, lowering his voice, “Do you want me to go to the supermarket for you?”

Ruan Nianxi understood what Xie Shu was referring to.

But she didn’t expect him to actually offer to go buy it for her.

She had told him not to be so nice to her!

Ruan Nianxi pursed her lips tightly and remained silent, enduring the discomfort in both mind and body.

Xie Shu, seeing Ruan Nianxi staring blankly at him, thought she was too embarrassed to speak, as girls are usually reserved about these matters.

So he straightened up, “Then wait for me, I’ll be right back.”

As he was about to leave, Ruan Nianxi quickly grabbed his arm.

Xie Shu stopped and turned around, looking at her puzzled.

Ruan Nianxi released Xie Shu’s arm as if she had been electrocuted, shifted her gaze away, and dared not meet his eyes, explaining softly, “No need, I came prepared.”


“Mhm,” Ruan Nianxi nodded lightly.

“Then… shall I take you to the restroom?”

“No need, I…”

A blush crept over Ruan Nianxi’s pale face, and the words got stuck in her throat, unable to come out.

Seeing her refusal, Xie Shu roughly understood that she must have been well-prepared in advance and that she was just in too much pain earlier.

“Is it very serious this time? Do you want to go to the infirmary to have a look?” Xie Shu asked again.

He had never seen Ruan Nianxi in such severe discomfort before, so he was still a bit worried.

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