Vol.1 – Chapter 27 – Family traditions and education


"Then it's hard work for Luojing." Wang Shouzhe didn't want to delay any longer and let the Lu Clan suffer losses for no reason.


Moreover, Lu Clan's two uncles treated him and his sister Wang Luoyi well. Even if they could only meet once or twice a year, Lu Clan would usually send their family members to give gifts to Wang Shouzhe, Wang Luoyi, and even Madam Gongsun Hui's daughter Wang Luomiao.


"It's not hard work. I've eaten too much good food these past few days." Wang Luojing smiled lightly, "I have so much energy that I can't use it all." She even made a gesture to show how strong she was.


"Alright, don't show off in front of me with your skinny yellow hair, let's get on the road." Wang Shouzhe's heart warmed and he laughed, "You can drink some spirit wine later and get a good sleep on the carriage."


"Fourth brother, I'll grow up someday." Wang Luojing pouted, a little unhappy, "Don't underestimate me, fourth brother."


"I'm not underestimating you, I dare not." Wang Shouzhe held her small hand and got on the carriage, "My Luojing will be a great spirit insect master in the future. Maybe I'll have to rely on you to protect me. How can I underestimate you?"


"Okay, okay, whatever you say. Now go to sleep."



The carriage slowly moved along the flat road.


Wang Shouzhe rode a black horse and guarded the carriage with several other family members. There were two main routes to get to the Lu Clan in Yingxiu: one passed through the sunny side of Longji Mountain, and the other went around the shady side of Longji Mountain.


It was impossible to go to the Liu Clan on the shady side of the mountain now, so they naturally had to take the sunny side.


This was also one of the main reasons why Wang Shouzhe prioritized helping the Gongsun Clan in Shanyin to stabilize the crisis.


Originally, Gongsun Qiang was supposed to come and send them off, but Wang Shouzhe refused. First, he couldn't stand Gongsun Qiang's low emotional intelligence, and second, the Gongsun Clan was busy with disaster relief and there were already few people.


In addition, Madam Gongsun Hui also voluntarily stayed in Shanyin temporarily, saying that she wanted to accompany her parents. In fact, she was aware of her identity and it was not appropriate for her to go to the Lu Clan.


As the horse team went on, they entered a dense forest, and the road gradually became bumpy and rough.


"Wang Zhong, this road is not easy to walk, how far is it to Yingxiu?" Wang Shouzhe frowned slightly.


"Master, this forest is the boundary between Shanyin and Yingxiu, it's about seven or eight miles wide." The family member Wang Zhong was very familiar with the road, "After crossing the forest, we'll reach the famous Yingxiu Lake. You haven't been to Yingxiu in several years, and you've only traveled on the road on the shady side of Shanyin before, so you might not be familiar with this side."


"Everyone, the forest is usually more dangerous, so be alert." With his shout, the family members all became more vigilant.


"Wang Zhong, is there anything wrong with this forest?" Wang Shouzhe became even more cautious, "Is there a rumor about a fierce beast?"


This world was not a game world, and if a powerful fierce beast appeared, it could cause casualties to the team.


"Master, in places like this, the Xuanwu Clan in Shanyin and Yingxiu take turns to patrol. Some of the more powerful wild beasts are all cleared out, let alone fierce beasts." Wang Zhong shook his head, "It's just that as guards, we have to do some training on terrain with poor visibility and be more cautious, just in case."The team walked calmly for several miles, passing by a small stream that flowed over the road.




Wang Zhong's face changed, and he raised his hand to signal a stop.


The coachman, Wang Laoshi, hurriedly stopped the carriage, and the other family members drew their weapons, alert and ready.


Wang Zhong dismounted and walked to the side of the stream, picking up a small piece of cloth fragment. His face suddenly became serious as he said to Wang Shouzhe who followed him, "Master, this piece of cloth was cut by a sharp blade and has some blood stains on it. There are also some blood stains on the stones by the stream."


Something did happen.


When traveling in the wilderness, the worst thing is encountering unexpected situations. Wang Shouzhe's expression was solemn as he asked, "Wang Zhong, tell me your judgment."


"From the fabric, this is a high-priced gray fine-patterned cotton cloth. Ordinary peasants, commoners, hunters, etc. cannot afford to buy such expensive fabric clothes. Even if they bite the bullet and buy them, they only wear them during festivals and celebrations." As a family member, Wang Zhong was trained by the elders of the family and was familiar with this aspect. "Therefore, this person is likely to be a relatively high-status Xuanwu clan member. But his status is not too high, just like you, Master, who usually uses more expensive brocade fabric."


"So he is a common member of the Xuanwu clan, a family member," Wang Shouzhe nodded and said, "or some traveling merchants."


"Traveling merchants usually travel in groups," Wang Zhong shook his head and said, "Master, look at these footprints. They should be from the same person, and they went deep into the dense forest, um, like they were evading pursuit. Therefore, this person is highly likely to be a wandering fugitive or a traitor from some family. He probably heard our voices and hurriedly rushed into the deep forest without even covering his tracks."


"Can we catch him?" Wang Shouzhe said solemnly, "We came from the direction of Shanyang and have not heard of any fugitives or traitors. So this person is most likely coming from the direction of Yingshu. No matter what the situation is, let's catch him first."


"Master, rest assured," Wang Zhong's eyes flashed with cold light, "This person is already injured, and his movements are hasty and difficult to conceal. I will take two brothers to catch him."


"Wang Yong, Wang Wu, follow him," Wang Shouzhe ordered, "Safety is the top priority. If there is any danger, call for help immediately."


"Yes, Master."


The three family members followed the footprints and searched in a zigzag pattern. In less than the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, a miserable cry came from deep in the forest.


Soon, the three family members of the Wang clan carried a man who was tied up like a pig back to the carriage.


"Master, we have fulfilled our mission," Wang Zhong threw the captive to the ground and said, "This thief seems to be at the fourth level of Qi Refining Realm. Judging from his appearance, he should be a wandering cultivator."


"Uh, uh, uh~" The man's eyes were full of fear, his mouth was stuffed, and his whole body was tied up, only able to struggle to catch Wang Shouzhe's attention.


"Listen to what he's saying," Wang Shouzhe ordered.


"Yes, Master." Wang Zhong took away the torn cloth ball from his mouth."This young master… no, sir." The slightly sleazy middle-aged man immediately begged for mercy. "I was just passing by your precious land and did nothing wrong. Please spare me. I have some Top Gold and a Xuanwu cultivation technique on me, consider it as my life-saving money."


"Whether or not you did something wrong, you should know." Wang Shouzhe gestured to Wang Zhong.


Wang Zhong quickly searched him and found a total of 5 Top Gold, 17 big coppers, and 56 small coppers on him. There was nothing valuable in his personal belongings except for a worn-out Xuanwu cultivation technique.


"The Small Circulation Qi and Blood Transporting Method." Wang Shouzhe frowned as he looked through it. This was just an ordinary cultivation technique. The Wang Clan already had a copy in their collection for their servants and guards to lay a foundation in early cultivation, but this technique had several errors and omissions.


However, it was still in line with the state of a destitute wandering cultivator. Wandering cultivators focused on improving their cultivation. Whenever they had some money, they would buy cultivation resources.


"How did you get injured?" Wang Shouzhe saw a deep knife wound on his shoulder.


"I encountered bandits." The wandering cultivator said honestly, "I fled into the woods in a panic and just wanted to clean up my wounds when I met you, sir."


"Lies. This is the border between the Gongsun and Lu Clans in Shanyang. What bandits would dare to commit crimes here?" Wang Zhong angrily accused him. "Confess, or I'll cut off your head."


"I'm innocent, sir, I'm innocent." The wandering cultivator screamed, "Those bandits disguised themselves as traveling merchants and usually bully wandering cultivators. They wouldn't dare to attack the Xuanwu Clan like you, sir."


"It sounds reasonable." Wang Shouzhe was unmoved. "Take him to Yingxiu and ask the Lu Clan to investigate. If what you said is true, you are not a criminal. I'll return your things and let you go."


The Xuanwu Clan had its own code of conduct. Even if he had more Top Gold, Wang Shouzhe would not rob or even kill him for immediate benefits. This was a matter of family traditions and education. Once he did so, he would bury a huge hidden danger for the family. What would the guards and clan members think? Would it lead to a bloody and cruel bandit-like mindset? Would their values be distorted?


A clan or force that prioritized interests over everything else could be rampant for a while, but it could never be rampant forever. Any Xuanwu Clan that could be passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years must have good family traditions and education, a high reputation and credibility, and strict codes of conduct and style of behavior for its members.


However, when Wang Shouzhe said this, the wandering cultivator's face turned ashen, and he screamed, "Sir, I was wrong. Please don't take me to Yingxiu. I have hidden something, and it's all yours if you let me go."

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