Chapter 39 – Such treatment

“Soul Loss Syndrome? What kind of disease is that?” Bai Bing had never heard of it before and felt quite astonished.

Ye Qiu explained, “As the name suggests, Soul Loss Syndrome refers to the loss of one’s soul.”


Had these words come from anyone other than Ye Qiu, Bai Bing would have scoffed at it as feudal superstition. What era were they living in to still believe in such things?

Ye Qiu continued, “According to ‘Yun Ji Qi Qian’, humans possess three souls: the ‘Corporeal Soul’, the ‘Fetal Essence’, and the ‘Ethereal Spirit’. Additionally, there are seven spirits, each with its own name. The first spirit is called ‘Corpse Dog’, the second ‘Subduing Arrow’, the third ‘Sparrow Shade’, the fourth ‘Swallowing Thief’, the fifth ‘Non-Poison’, the sixth ‘Expelling Filth’, and the seventh ‘Stinking Lung’.”

“When all three souls and seven spirits are present, it indicates that a person is normal. If one loses a soul or a spirit, they become abnormal. Mild cases result in illness and mental instability, while severe cases can endanger life or even lead to death.”

Seeing Ye Qiu’s serious demeanor, Bai Bing began to doubt her own beliefs.

Could it be true that humans have three souls and seven spirits?

“How can it be treated?” Bai Bing asked.

“Summoning the soul!”

Hearing these words, Bai Bing’s expression turned odd. As a doctorate in Western medicine, she shouldn’t believe in these supernatural claims, but Ye Qiu’s earnestness made it seem like he wasn’t spouting nonsense.

Then, under Bai Bing’s curious gaze, Ye Qiu took out a piece of clothing belonging to Elder Li from the wardrobe, hung it on the door, and started drawing symbols in the air with his finger while muttering something under his breath, looking every bit the charlatan.

Is this really a treatment?

Bai Bing couldn’t help but deeply doubt the effectiveness of Ye Qiu’s methods.

Could this really work?

Time ticked by, second by second.

Five minutes later.

Ye Qiu’s voice suddenly rose, chanting, “Soul, return! Soul, return…”

Seeing his act, Bai Bing almost wanted to interrupt him. It didn’t seem like he was treating a patient, but more like a Taoist performing a ritual.

After a while, Ye Qiu finally stopped.

However, Elder Li on the bed remained unresponsive, just as before.

“Strange!” Ye Qiu furrowed his brows.

“What’s wrong?”

“Logically, Elder Li should have awakened by now. Why is there no reaction at all?”

Bai Bing rolled her eyes internally, thinking to herself that after all Ye Qiu’s charade, he really expected to wake a vegetative patient? Who was he trying to fool?

Ye Qiu crouched in front of the bed, closely observing Elder Li’s facial expressions, only to see him looking peaceful without any change.

“Why is this happening?”

“I performed the soul summoning technique exactly as described in the ancient texts. Why is there no effect?”

“What went wrong?”

Ye Qiu was at a loss. Logically, after performing the soul summoning, Elder Li should have immediately awakened, but now there was no sign of life.

“Could it be that I misdiagnosed, and Elder Li doesn’t have Soul Loss Syndrome? Otherwise, why would the soul summoning have no effect?”

Ye Qiu fell into self-doubt.

Bai Bing spoke up, “From a Western medical perspective, a vegetative state maintains vital signs but lacks thought and consciousness, existing in a vegetative state, usually due to severe brain and nerve damage.”

“While there’s a chance of awakening, it’s very slim.”

“Don’t rush it, take your time,” Bai Bing consoled.

Ye Qiu said, “I’ve reviewed Elder Li’s medical record. Before he became like this, there was no damage to his brain or nervous system. I’ve also taken his pulse just now, which is steady and strong, indicating that all bodily functions are normal. Therefore, I suspect he’s not vegetative but suffering from Soul Loss Syndrome.”

“Why not try acupuncture?” Bai Bing suggested.

“In Elder Li’s condition, acupuncture would be ineffective. Only soul summoning… Eh!” Ye Qiu suddenly exclaimed, his eyes fixed on Elder Li’s right hand.

“What is it?” Bai Bing asked quickly.

“Just now, it seemed like Elder Li’s fingers moved,” Ye Qiu said.

Bai Bing hurriedly looked at Elder Li’s right hand, and after watching for a while, saw no movement. She said, “Ye Qiu, are you seeing things?”

“Maybe… Director Bai, look quickly, Elder Li’s fingers moved again!”

Bai Bing looked down.

Indeed, Elder Li’s fingers were trembling slightly.

“There’s really a response! This is unbelievable!” Shock filled Bai Bing’s beautiful face.

Both of them stared at Elder Li’s right hand.

Half a minute later, Elder Li’s fingers stopped trembling and became still again, just like before.

“Why is this happening?” Ye Qiu’s face showed disappointment.

He had thought Elder Li would wake up, but unexpectedly, Elder Li returned to the same state as before the soul summoning, lying motionless on the bed with his eyes closed.

Could it be that the soul summoning was useless?


If the soul summoning had no effect on Elder Li, then his fingers wouldn’t have trembled. So why didn’t he wake up?

What part of the process went wrong?

Ye Qiu bowed his head in thought.

“What are you thinking about?” Bai Bing inquired.

Ye Qiu replied, “I’m considering what method to use to awaken Elder Li.”

“Don’t rush. Now that Elder Li has shown a response, it’s a good start. Think of another way, and maybe Elder Li will wake up.”

“Alright, I’ll examine Elder Li again.”

Ye Qiu bent over in front of the bed, about to check Elder Li’s pupils, when suddenly a stern voice erupted from the doorway, “What are you doing!”

Ye Qiu looked up to see a square-faced middle-aged man entering, glaring at him.

Guo Danu followed closely behind the man.

“Director Li, what brings you here?” Bai Bing was surprised to see the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man ignored Bai Bing and stared at Ye Qiu, demanding again, “What are you doing!”

“I’m treating Elder Li,” Ye Qiu replied, noticing the anger in the man’s eyes and asked in confusion, “Aren’t you Director Li? Didn’t you ask me to treat Elder Li?”

“Nonsense! When did I ever ask you to treat my father?”

Ye Qiu couldn’t help but look at Guo Danu.

“Ye Qiu, what are you doing? I only asked you and Director Bai to check on Elder Li. How could you recklessly proceed with treatment? Do you have no sense of discipline?”

Guo Danu then scolded Bai Bing, “And you, as the Director of Surgery, how could you go along with Ye Qiu’s nonsense?”

“Have you forgotten the hospital’s rules?”

“You’re well aware of Elder Li’s status. If anything happens to him, how will you explain it to Director Li?”

“Vice President Guo, you weren’t saying this earlier in the office. You said…”

“Enough!” Guo Danu rudely interrupted Bai Bing, his face stern, “Director Bai, I order you to go back and conduct an examination. As for Ye Qiu’s unauthorized treatment of Elder Li, I will convene a meeting with the hospital’s senior management later to discuss the outcome.”

Ye Qiu understood.

Director Li had never mentioned asking for his treatment; it was Guo Danu who had deceived him, aiming to use Director Li’s influence to kick him out of Jiangzhou Hospital.

Otherwise, Director Li’s arrival wouldn’t have been so timely, nor would he be so angry.

“Vice President Guo, I didn’t expect you to be so malicious, trying to use Director Li to get me out of the hospital. Too bad, man’s schemes are no match for heaven’s.”

“What do you mean?”


Ye Qiu suddenly slapped Elder Li’s face.

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