Chapter 245 – Overlord Immortal Spear’s news

When Li Changqing was feeling curious, a mysterious voice suddenly emerged from the blood mist.


"Welcome to the Blood Mist Trade Fair. Let me explain the rules."


"When a door appears in front of you, you can enter and present your treasure, as well as the item you wish to trade for."


"Anyone interested in trading can also enter through the door. Each door opens for one person only. If the trade fails, the door will reappear. If the trade succeeds, the next person's trade will commence. The entire process is confidential, so please rest assured."


"Additionally, anyone causing trouble here will be killed on the spot."


The voice was calm, but the underlying killing intent was chilling.


No one doubted that the black market master had the ability to enforce this.


Li Changqing even suspected that the black market master might be a terrestrial immortal.


At that moment, the voice continued, "Will the first person wishing to trade a treasure please enter the door."


As soon as the voice fell, a door appeared in front of Li Changqing.


The door seemed to be hidden in the blood mist, looking rusty. Li Changqing didn't open it, preferring to wait and see, not wanting to be the first since it was his first time here.


The door soon disappeared.


The voice from the blood mist reappeared, but this time it was a different, unfamiliar voice, altered to avoid revealing its identity.


"Black Flame Staff, anyone interested in trading, come in. I want to exchange the Black Flame Staff for a high-level Painting Treasure, preferably one with trapping capabilities."


"Black Flame Staff?"


Li Changqing vaguely remembered that the Black Flame Staff was a Divine Weapon, ranked twenty-third on the Divine Weapon List.


It was a very rare treasure.


However, Li Changqing wasn't skilled in staff techniques and wasn't interested. Li Hengsheng used a spear; if it were a good spear, Li Changqing wouldn't mind getting it for his son.


The door reappeared in front of him.


But Li Changqing didn't enter, and after a while, the door disappeared.


It seemed someone had gone in.


"Trade successful."


The voice announced.


The door reappeared again.


It seemed the second person could now enter for a trade.


Li Changqing still didn't go in, wanting to see what others were selling.


He found this trading method quite interesting and started thinking about what he could sell and what he needed.


If possible, getting some Divine Weapons would be great.


Especially swords.


And maybe a spear for his son.


The door appeared in front of Li Changqing again.


This time, without hesitation, Li Changqing opened the door and walked in.


After entering, he found himself in a world of white mist, still unable to see clearly.


But he could vaguely see a black platform ahead.


Standing in front of the platform, a figure with a heavy mask on their face emerged, making Li Changqing feel like he was facing a machine rather than a person.


"You may start the trade."


The mechanical voice said.




Li Changqing spoke to the front, "I want to sell an Acceptance of Rings. Size, sixteen slots!"


Sixteen slots meant sixteen cubic spaces.


The announcement of a sixteen-slot Acceptance of Rings stunned everyone at the Blood Mist Trade Fair.


Even the Cangyuan Realm Master’s Acceptance of Rings only had eight slots, right?


Sixteen slots sounded too good to be true.


"I want to trade for a sword-type Divine Weapon, or a spear-type Divine Weapon."


Li Changqing stated his trade request.


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of a door opening and sensed someone entering the white mist, though he couldn't see their face.


"I don't have sword or spear-type Divine Weapons, but I do have a high-level Painting Treasure, painted by a master painter." The person said to Li Changqing.


"No need." Li Changqing rejected immediately.


He didn't need Painting Treasures; he could carve whatever he wanted himself.


The person sighed and left.


A sixteen-slot Acceptance of Rings was extremely tempting for everyone.


As soon as that person left, another came in.


"Do you have sword or spear-type Divine Weapons? If not, leave. I don't need anything else." Li Changqing said decisively, not wanting to waste time.


"I do."


The person took out a black spear and placed it on the stone platform.


The spear was black as night, with tiny stars twinkling on it.


It looked impressive, catching Li Changqing's eye.


"Divine Spear Starry Night."


The person said calmly, "Trade for your sixteen-slot ring."


Li Changqing was initially interested, but his face darkened upon hearing the name.


"Not interested."


Li Changqing rejected immediately.


Starry Night was indeed a Divine Weapon, but ranked ninety-sixth. Trading it for a sixteen-slot Acceptance of Rings was like getting something for nothing.


After that person left, another came in.


It seemed everyone was interested in the sixteen-slot Acceptance of Rings.


Li Changqing repeated, "No sword or spear-type Divine Weapons, no deal. Anything ranked below fifty, no deal."


A purple sword was placed on the black stone platform.


"Absolute Sword."


"Ranked thirty-fourth on the Divine Weapon List."


The person said coldly.




Li Changqing picked up the sword, feeling its lightness, and drew it.


Instantly, a terrifying killing intent emanated from the scabbard. The sword was missing its tip, broken a quarter of the way down.


A defective item.


But Li Changqing wasn't surprised. The Absolute Sword was a unique sword on the Divine Weapon List, broken two hundred years ago, known for its intense killing intent.


Countless souls had perished under this sword.


Its former owner was a Great Martial Sect master who defended the human borders, slaying countless Ghost Clan members.


After the master passed away, the sword gained sentience and went on a killing spree.


It took the combined efforts of the strongest weapon forgers to subdue the sword, breaking its tip to suppress its killing intent, and storing it in the Divine Weapon Tomb. How it ended up here was a mystery.


If not for its broken state, it would rank in the top five.


Even as a broken sword, it ranked thirty-fourth.


"Deal." Li Changqing didn't hesitate. Even a broken sword had its merits.


He placed the Acceptance of Rings on the black platform.


The other person took the ring, amazed by its sixteen-slot space, and left.


"Please leave." The masked person said to Li Changqing.


Li Changqing nodded and left the space.


He couldn't put down the Absolute Sword.


After a few more trades, Li Changqing went back in.


He wanted to trade for more items.


But he couldn't use another Acceptance of Rings; having one sixteen-slot ring was already shocking, two would attract too much attention.


This time, Li Changqing took out a Painting Treasure.


It was a Nimbus Cloud he had carved.


After carving one for Mu Qingge, he made another.


"Painting Treasure Nimbus Cloud, can instantly escape eighty thousand miles in danger." Li Changqing announced.


"Trade for a spear-type Divine Weapon."


No one came in.


Li Changqing was puzzled but soon understood.


Famous Painting Treasures were well-known, but his, though useful, lacked reputation and couldn't be tested on the spot, making people skeptical.


As Li Changqing was about to give up and leave, the door opened.


"Do you have a Divine Weapon?"


Li Changqing asked.


Someone willing to trade for an unproven item?


"I haven't heard of your treasure." The person said bluntly, "I don't have a spear-type Divine Weapon, but I have information on one. If you're willing to trade, we can exchange."


"Information?" Li Changqing was surprised.


"Yes, information not even the Cangyuan Pavilion has." The person said seriously.


"What information?" Li Changqing asked.


"Overlord Immortal Spear." The person said, "Ranked seventh on the Divine Weapon List. You've heard of it, right? I have information on it, trade for your Nimbus Cloud."


Li Changqing's heart skipped a beat. Overlord Immortal Spear?


The Overlord Immortal Spear had been missing for many years, with no one finding it. This person had information?


Even the Cangyuan Pavilion had no information on it.


But Li Changqing decided to take a gamble.


Li Hengsheng used the Overlord Immortal Spear; finding it would make his son very happy.




Li Changqing traded the Nimbus Cloud for the information on the Overlord Immortal Spear.


He then left.


Nothing else caught his interest.


After two hours, the Blood Mist Trade Fair ended, and everyone left in order.


Li Changqing and Xue Qianbai met in the courtyard.


"The sixteen-slot ring was yours, right?" Xue Qianbai asked.


"Yes, I traded it for a sword." Li Changqing didn't hide it.


Xue Qianbai nodded but didn't ask what sword.


They each went to rest.


The next day was the battle between the Cangyuan Realm Master and Li Xuanxi, which everyone eagerly awaited.


Many couldn't sleep that night.




The next morning.


Wan Jie City was abuzz.


Even those still asleep were awakened by the noise outside.


"What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?" A disciple rubbed his sleepy eyes, lazily asking.


"Get up, the battle between the Cangyuan Realm Master and Li Xuanxi is about to start!"


A senior brother shouted.


"What!" The disciple instantly woke up, "This early?"


He thought it would be at noon or evening, but it was starting now?


Outside, he was stunned by the scene.


The streets were packed.


Even the sky was filled with people.


Some rode flying mounts.


Some stood in the air.


Experts rarely seen were everywhere.


Li Changqing and Xue Qianbai stood in the air. Li Changqing, familiar with his strength, no longer needed a sword to stand in the air.


Aerial experts drew attention.


Especially Li Changqing, who was being stared at.


Following the gaze, Li Changqing saw Su Shi Zhong.


Many experts from the Eastern Desolate Land greeted Li Changqing, indebted to him.


The Su Family glared, and Li Changqing glared back.


Xue Qianbai joined in, making it two against one, forcing Su Shi Zhong to back down.


But most eyes were on the higher sky, on Jiang Tianyun and Li Xuanxi.


Jiang Tianyun stood with hands behind his back, hunched.


Li Xuanxi, full of spirit, stood with a sword, ready to split the heavens.


Their eyes locked.


Li Xuanxi's eyes were full of battle intent.


The air was thick with tension.


"Jiang Tianyun, after all these years as Cangyuan Realm Master, you still haven't found that thing. What a pity." Li Xuanxi taunted, "Too bad you'll never find it now."


"Cough, cough."


Jiang Tianyun coughed, "No need for words. You were the top among the Four Saints of humanity. Let's see if you still have half your strength."


"Killing you is enough."


Li Xuanxi's Heavenly Maiden Sword flew out!


The sky twisted, sword energy filling the heavens. Li Xuanxi stepped forward, tearing the sky, making all experts feel insignificant.


Even Great Martial Sect masters felt powerless against a terrestrial immortal.


The gap was too vast.


Jiang Tianyun's eyes narrowed.


Facing Li Xuanxi, he had to be serious.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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