Chapter 241 – Li Xuanxi was harassed

Mu Qingge found it hard to accept such a revelation.


The revered Medicine Immortal, Yao Fengchen, who had once saved countless lives, was actually the founder of the Longevity Sect.




Seeing the shock on Mu Qingge's face, Mu Hengsheng sighed deeply and continued, "Our lord founded Medical King Valley, but he also realized that saving the world was beyond human capabilities, especially when a poison from the Black and White Forbidden Zone spread, against which even the lord himself was powerless."


"Later, our lord resolutely consumed the Three Lives Flower to live another life and laid the foundation for the Longevity Sect, wishing to grant immortality to all."


"However, after two lifetimes, our lord still found it impossible. Time was insufficient. It was then that our lord finally found a way, discovering immortals, whose power could achieve eternal life. As long as our lord was immortal, he would have endless time to devise a way for everyone to achieve longevity!"




Mu Qingge couldn't listen any longer and angrily rebuked, "Father, how can you be so foolish? What 'granting immortality to the world'? What has the Longevity Sect done to make people immortal? Haven't they always been harming people? Countless have died at their hands!"


"It's nothing but a facade!"


Mu Qingge was furious.


Such sanctimonious words were simply nauseating.


"Their sacrifices are beneficial to their descendants!"


"For the future of our human race, their sacrifices are not in vain!"


"Such significant matters surely require some to pave the way, some to sacrifice. Isn't that the case with any historical change?" Mu Hengsheng was also angry, slamming the table and glaring at Mu Qingge, unable to comprehend how his daughter could be so obstinately naive!


Mu Qingge, unfazed by Mu Hengsheng's roar, looked at him with eyes filled with sorrow.


"Father, you've changed."


Mu Qingge shook her head, "Since childhood, you've taught me to remember the ancestral teachings of Medical King Valley, to value every life. But now you're telling me that for one person's illusory dream, countless must sacrifice. Have you asked those who sacrificed if they wanted this? That so-called 'immortal' you trust so much!"


"Father… you weren't like this before." Mu Qingge still couldn't believe it.


Mu Qingge couldn't help but step back, shaking her head as tears streamed down, "Father, just for that, you're willing to help the Longevity Sect kill continuously, even saying…"


Mu Qingge pointed at the Seventh Elder, "Even at the cost of turning everyone in Medical King Valley into what they are now."


"Even the disciples of Medical King Valley, they're all dead, aren't they? Although I don't know how your Longevity Sect made them seem alive, I guess they're no different from walking corpses, right?"


Mu Hengsheng sighed lightly, then shook his head, "This was an accident, and our lord is also heartbroken. He didn't expect it to go berserk suddenly, causing such a disaster. But believe me, Qingge, they didn't die in vain. Once we rescue the immortal in the future and achieve immortality, it will surely benefit our human race!"


"Father, you're delusional," Mu Qingge shook her head frantically.


"You're just a lackey of the Longevity Sect, chasing after that illusory immortality!"


Disappointment filled Mu Qingge's eyes.


She felt very estranged looking at Mu Hengsheng.


"The greater the power, the greater the responsibility!" Mu Hengsheng seemed to give up persuading Mu Qingge, simply saying, "To bear greater responsibilities, one needs greater power. So now, our lord just wants more time, stronger strength. The higher one stands, the farther one goes, the better one can serve the world. What's wrong with that? Qingge, why are you so stubborn!"


"Our paths diverge, and we do not scheme together."


Mu Qingge took a deep breath, calmed her emotions, and said, "From today on, I, Mu Qingge, sever ties with Medical King Valley. I also sever the father-daughter relationship with you, Mu Hengsheng. From this moment on, we have no relation!"


After speaking, Mu Qingge turned to leave.


But just as she took a step, the Seventh Elder blocked her path.


"Qingge." Mu Hengsheng stepped forward, "Today, I've told you everything, so naturally, I can't let you leave easily. Since you don't want to join the Longevity Sect, I've thought it through. I won't force you, but don't hinder my affairs."


"Stay by my side, and I'll take good care of you. You're my only daughter; of course, I won't harm you. Just stay obediently in Medical King Valley, and there will be no issues. Once our Longevity Sect's plan succeeds, you'll understand that everything I've done is right, all for the human race!"




Mu Qingge scoffed coldly, "I have no interest in your plans, and I don't think you'll succeed. It's just your delusion."


"Father, you want to keep me, but I insist on leaving. Not only will I leave, but I'll also tell the world about the nonsensical deeds of your Longevity Sect!"


Upon hearing this, a cold glint finally appeared in Mu Hengsheng's eyes.


"Qingge, don't force me," Mu Hengsheng said with a frown, "You've always been an obedient child."


"From childhood, you were a kind father, but I never expected you to be so disgusting beneath your mask."


After saying this, Mu Qingge turned to leave.


But just as she turned, she felt a shadow flash before her. Mu Qingge quickly retreated, flinging out several golden needles with a wave of her hand.


However, the shadow merely swept its sleeve, deflecting all the needles.


"Little girl, your Taiyi Xuan Needles are not yet perfected."


The newcomer spoke with a frivolous tone, revealing a fierce face, seemingly in his forties, but with formidable strength, likely at least at the Grandmaster level.


"Orient Loong God."


Seeing the person who appeared, Mu Hengsheng greeted him with respect.


One of the four great protectors of the Longevity Sect.


Not to be underestimated.


A true Great Martial Sect member.


Just standing there, he exuded an invincible aura.


"Orient Loong God?"


Mu Qingge nervously eyed the newcomer, fearing he was a Great Martial Sect member.


What to do?


At this moment, Mu Qingge took out the cloud-like wooden carving Li Changqing had given her. He had given her the Painting Treasure to use in dangerous situations to escape, but now Mu Qingge doubted whether it could really elude a Great Martial Sect member.


A Peak Innate Realm expert, such a master's strength was formidable.


If the escape wasn't far enough, it was very likely to be caught up.


"Mu Hengsheng, your daughter really has exceptional talent," the Orient Loong God said with a smile, "And she does resemble her mother quite a bit."


"By rights, since she's your daughter and the daughter of the Saintess, she should be the next to inherit the position of Saintess of the Longevity Sect. But now it seems your daughter is quite rebellious and doesn't seem to want it."


The Orient Loong God stroked his chin as he spoke.


"Orient Loong God, I will educate her well," Mu Hengsheng quickly said.


"But looking at her now, she seems to have no intention of being educated by you, but rather wants to run away," the Orient Loong God's gaze fell on the wooden carving in Mu Qingge's hand, even though he had no idea what it was.


But he knew it must be something Mu Qingge wanted to use to escape.


Seeing the Orient Loong God noticing it, Mu Qingge immediately channeled her true essence into the carving.


The next moment, Mu Qingge felt her body uncontrollably traversing space!


The wooden carving turned into a cloud, carrying Mu Qingge away from Medical King Valley.


Seeing Mu Qingge vanish from the Medical King Hall, Mu Hengsheng was shocked.


What kind of treasure was that?


But the Orient Loong God showed no panic, sneering, "Thinking of running away like that? You're underestimating me."




At that moment, a scroll appeared in the Orient Loong God's hand, and from it flew a golden rope.


The rope shot out instantly, disappearing into space, and at the same time, the Orient Loong God grabbed the other end of the rope and followed, vanishing as well!




North Cold City.


Li Changqing was at Qing residence, explaining the problems of two places meeting to Yin Qing.


Yin Qing was smart and learned quickly.


Li Changqing was watching Yin Qing solve problems, but at that moment, he suddenly sensed something.


He looked into the distance.


He sensed that his wooden carving had been used; Mu Qingge must have encountered trouble, but with that carving in hand, Li Changqing wasn't worried.


The carving depicted the somersault cloud.


Sun Wukong could travel 108,000 miles with a somersault on the somersault cloud. Li Changqing's somersault cloud wasn't that powerful, but after using it, it would quickly move a person far away.


The only downside was its unpredictability.


How far it could move someone, Li Changqing wasn't sure.


It all depended on luck.


But people can't always be that unlucky.


Besides, Mu Qingge herself was a Peak Innate Realm expert. Even if she was moved to a dangerous place, she could rely on her own strength to get out.


"Mr. Changqing, did I do this correctly?" At that moment, Yin Qing handed her written work to Li Changqing.


Li Changqing then returned his attention.


Meanwhile, Mu Qingge didn't expect the somersault cloud to be so powerful; she could feel herself flying far away in an instant.


"How do I stop this thing?"


Mu Qingge was a bit flustered.


Trying to control it seemed somewhat unmanageable, and at the same time, Mu Qingge sensed something. She looked back to see a golden rope chasing her, with the Orient Loong God following behind.


Mu Qingge was shocked.


She didn't expect the Orient Loong God to catch up.


How was this possible?


In her panic, the power of the somersault cloud seemed to be exhausted, breaking through space, and Mu Qingge fell out of the space, the somersault cloud shattering instantly, as if the Painting Treasure was one-time use.


Mu Qingge was shocked, but seeing a lake below, she was relieved. Falling into the water was better than crashing to the ground from a great height.


With a splash, Mu Qingge fell into the pond.


When Mu Qingge emerged from the water, she saw a young girl nearby looking at her.


The girl was calm, but when she saw Mu Qingge's face, she seemed surprised, "The Song Fairy of Medical King Valley, Mu Qingge?"


Mu Qingge then realized she had interrupted the girl's bath.


And the other party even recognized her.


"Sorry for disturbing your bath," Mu Qingge quickly apologized.


But the girl didn't say anything, just looked up at the sky. At that moment, a golden rope flew out from the void, with the Orient Loong God stepping out at the other end.


He stood in the air, looking down.


"Orient Loong God!" Seeing him actually follow, Mu Qingge was stunned.


She hadn't escaped after all.


"I told you, you can't escape," the Orient Loong God said, noticing Mu Qingge and the girl, then playfully added, "Lucky me, I didn't expect to encounter another beauty here."




The girl was furious. It was one thing for Mu Qingge to see her, but this man had come from the void to peep at her bathing!


How could she tolerate it?


With a cry of "die," the girl reached out and quickly draped a red garment over herself!


She hurriedly covered her body.


"Yo, nice figure!" the Orient Loong God ogled the girl, grinning.


Even as the girl covered herself with the garment, the Orient Loong God still made a lewd comment, "Yo, you even know I like red. That red garment suits you well."


The girl flew up, drawing a sword into her hand.


"Yo, you can fly too. I like a girl with some strength."


"Eh, nice sword, the Heavenly Maiden Sword. Looks like it's Li Xuanxi," the Orient Loong God said with a smile.


But as he spoke, his expression suddenly froze.


"Li Xuanxi?"




The Orient Loong God realized he had made a huge mistake; the girl he had just seen bathing was Li Xuanxi!


He turned to flee.


But Li Xuanxi's killing intent was already swirling with her red garment.


"Trying to run? Isn't it a bit late?"


Her voice was cold, and with a sword drawn, chilling intent spread for thirty thousand miles!


Li Xuanxi raised her hand and struck with her sword.


The sword cut through illusions and rules, and the sword qi made the Orient Loong God feel utter despair.


He was one of the four great protectors of the Longevity Sect, a Great Martial Sect member with no weak strength. If he had encountered any other terrestrial immortal today, he might have had a slim chance of escaping with his life. But he was too unlucky, having encountered one of the Four Saints of humanity, Li Xuanxi.


Li Xuanxi's sword was not something he could block.


His physical body and his path both crumbled, and everything returned to calm under Li Xuanxi's sword.


The mighty Orient Loong God of the Longevity Sect was killed by a single sword strike.




Li Xuanxi snorted coldly, the Heavenly Maiden Sword returning to its sheath. She landed by the lake, draped in red, her body still faintly visible. Water droplets fell from her long hair, glistening in the sunlight, making her exceptionally beautiful.


Her bare feet on the green stone, tender and fair, even Mu Qingge, a woman, was captivated by Li Xuanxi's beauty at this moment.


So beautiful!


Although Mu Qingge knew Li Xuanxi was reborn through Lu Qiaoqiao, Li Xuanxi's temperament made the already beautiful Lu Qiaoqiao even more charming.


"Aren't you coming up?" Li Xuanxi looked at Mu Qingge and said.


Mu Qingge quickly climbed ashore and respectfully said, "Thank you, Elder Li Xuanxi, for the rescue."


"I didn't save you; that guy was just too annoying," Li Xuanxi said coldly, "But if you insist on saying I saved you, you're not wrong."




Mu Qingge just nodded and then said, "I've disturbed your cultivation, Elder. I will leave now."


After speaking, Mu Qingge prepared to leave.


But before she could take a step, Li Xuanxi leisurely said, "I just saved you, and you're leaving just like that? Stay by my side for now."




Mu Qingge awkwardly said, "But I have matters to attend to."


"Either stay or die, your choice," Li Xuanxi said flatly.


"I'll stay," Mu Qingge felt Li Xuanxi was somewhat domineering, but she had no choice. Under someone's roof, you have to bow your head.


Her own strength was inferior.


A Great Martial Sect member was killed with one sword; how could she compare?


If she really tried to run, she would have no chance at all.


"Stay and help me tidy up the house, cook some food. I've been too busy to deal with these trivial matters recently," Li Xuanxi instructed Mu Qingge.


"Is it true that you will battle the Cangyuan Realm Master in half a month, Elder?" Mu Qingge cautiously asked.




Li Xuanxi didn't deny it.


"May I write a letter back?"


"No," Li Xuanxi refused directly.


"If I don't write a letter back, I'm afraid Mr. Changqing will worry. Elder Li Xuanxi, I beg you," Mu Qingge pleaded.


"Mr. Changqing?" Li Xuanxi raised an eyebrow, "Li Changqing?"


"Yes," Mu Qingge quickly replied.


"Wait until tonight, I'll speak to him. Where is he now?" Li Xuanxi asked.


"North Cold Country," Mu Qingge responded.


"Alright, go find something to eat for now," Li Xuanxi said, then sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, and seemed to be cultivating something.




In a blood-red cave.


Here, the paths were complex, and an ordinary person who strayed in would likely never find their way out.


Inside, countless people were busy with something.


At the very end of the cave, in darkness, there were faint roaring sounds that made anyone who heard them feel their souls tremble.


"My lord."


At the entrance of the cave, a person knelt down, nervously reporting, "The Orient Loong God is dead."




A voice inside expressed surprise, "How did he die?"


"Reporting to my lord, the Orient Loong God made advances on Li Xuanxi and was killed by her with a single sword," the person reported with a gulp.


Silence filled the cave.


Making advances on Li Xuanxi.


A daring act.


After a while, the voice inside said, "Orient Loong God's lustful nature ultimately brought him disaster."


The Orient Loong God was strong, but his lechery was well-known. He had been warned not to indulge in women, as it would lead to trouble.


But he never listened.


Eventually, it was ignored, as his strength was formidable, and he was unlikely to encounter danger.


But this time, he went too far. Who else could he make advances on but Li Xuanxi?


She dared to strike even the Cangyuan Realm Master!


Making advances on her was simply foolish.


As a result, the Longevity Sect lost a great general.




At nightfall.


Li Changqing stayed up late, not receiving any news from Mu Qingge, and he was worried.


But after Li Changqing fell asleep, he felt a familiar sensation and found himself by the lake of his Divine Soul.


Across the lake, a familiar figure was waiting for him.


The person was the same, but her aura was completely different.


"Mr. Changqing," Li Xuanxi greeted politely.


"A rare guest," Li Changqing looked at Li Xuanxi, not saying much, just curiously asking, "What brings you to visit me today?"


"I came to inform you that Mu Qingge is with me now. She's fine, but she has to stay by my side for now. She was worried you might be concerned, so she specifically asked me to notify you," Li Xuanxi reported truthfully.


"Ah, I see," Li Changqing understood. Mu Qingge had been detained.


"I've said what I needed to, so I'll take my leave," Li Xuanxi said, ready to leave.


But Li Chang Changqing suddenly spoke, "You're about to face the Cangyuan Realm Master in battle soon. How confident are you of victory?"


"My chances are high," Li Xuanxi glanced at Li Changqing, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken Brother Li's life to ensure my victory. Originally, even if Brother Li had died, once I became the Cangyuan Realm Master, I could have found a way to revive him. That's why I dared to do it."


"But fortunately, Brother Li is still alive."


"Yet his heart has died," Li Changqing said thoughtfully.


Li Xuanxi paused, silent for a moment, then said, "His heart will come back to life one day, it surely will."

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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