Chapter 234 – Non-existent intelligence

Li Changqing carefully pocketed the painting of the Three Lives Flower, unfazed by Yin Changli's words.


Without Mu Hengsheng's corpse, it likely meant that Mu Hengsheng was still alive.


The role Mu Hengsheng played in this annihilation was worth pondering.


"There's nothing left to see here, let's go," Li Changqing said, turning to Yin Changli.


"Oh, okay!"


Yin Changli hurriedly agreed.


After leaving the Ancient Medicine Cave with Yin Changli, Li Changqing summoned his flying sword, taking Yin Changli into the air and heading towards the direction of North Cold Country.


High above, Yin Changli looked back at Medical King Valley. His heart was a mix of emotions, having spent so much time there, how could he not feel attached?


But what comforted Yin Changli was that his master, Mu Qingge, was safe and sound.


That was the best outcome.


"Mr. Changqing, where are we headed now? To Changting Town?" asked Yin Changli.


"North Cold Country,"


Li Changqing replied, "I'm currently living in North Cold Country, teaching Yin Qing."


"North Cold Country!"


Yin Changli was stunned, his expression growing more complex.


North Cold Country was his home.


In truth, he was also a prince.


But his birth mother was just one of Yin Fengqi's less favored consorts, and Yin Changli, being only a prince in name, had no clout in the royal palace. When the princes fought for power, Yin Changli was easily sacrificed as cannon fodder, which was why his mother sent him away from the palace to Medical King Valley.


After so many years away, he was finally returning to North Cold Country, and his emotions were even more tangled.


Over the years, he had wanted to visit his mother in the palace, but she had written several times, urging him to stay in Medical King Valley and not to return.


So, Yin Changli never did.


He never expected to return to North Cold Country in this manner.


Yin Changli's heart was a mix of feelings, but he said nothing. With Medical King Valley gone, he would stay wherever Mu Qingge was.


The two of them cut through the night sky on the sword, and by dawn the next day, they were back at Changqing Mansion.


When Mu Qingge saw Yin Changli brought back by Li Changqing, she was overjoyed to tears and breathed a sigh of relief.


Her little disciple was safe.


Yin Changli was equally moved to see Mu Qingge.


When Mu Qingge asked about the current situation of Medical King Valley, Li Changqing and Yin Changli fell silent.


Still, Yin Changli recounted the state of Medical King Valley.


Mu Qingge was stunned to hear it.




Mu Qingge was dumbfounded.


Medical King Valley was gone?


If Yin Changli had said so, Mu Qingge might have doubted him, thinking he was drunk, but with Li Changqing saying the same, she had to believe it.


However, when Li Changqing mentioned that Mu Hengsheng was likely still alive, it eased Mu Qingge slightly.


But the thought of her sect, where she grew up, being slaughtered, and all the disciples and elders who were like family to her, was hard for Mu Qingge to accept.


Li Changqing took out the painting of the Three Lives Flower, saying it was found deep within the Ancient Medicine Cave.


"Gu Hanxi." Seeing the signature, Mu Qingge took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the name as she pondered the matter.


"How much do you know about the Three Lives Flower?" Li Changqing was keen to understand this.


"I don't know much, after all, it's something of legend, hardly seen by anyone," Mu Qingge admitted helplessly.


Li Changqing nodded, not pressing further. If he wanted information on the Three Lives Flower, the best place to look would be Cangyuan Pavilion.


Seeing Mu Qingge's distress, Li Changqing comforted her, and she decided to retire to her room for some quiet.


After Mu Qingge left, Yin Changli was also conflicted, knowing that he had to meet the emperor the next morning now that he was back in North Cold Country.


This made Yin Changli uneasy; he didn't really want to see that man.


From childhood, Yin Changli had seen Yin Fengqi no more than ten times.


Likewise, Yin Fengqi had little impression of his unremarkable son, and when Yin Changli's mother sent him away from North Cold Country, Yin Fengqi didn't pay much attention.


Perhaps to Yin Fengqi, Yin Changli was an expendable son.


But now that he was back, he had to meet the emperor before he could return to the palace to see his mother.


Seeing Yin Changli's melancholy, Li Changqing observed him closely.


Suddenly, Li Changqing asked, "Yin Changli."


"Hm? What is it, sir?" Yin Changli inquired.


"Do you want to be emperor?" Li Changqing asked with a smile.


At those words, Yin Changli was completely dumbfounded!


He quickly looked around, fearing eavesdroppers. If such words reached Yin Fengqi's ears, he would be doomed.


"Shh, don't talk nonsense, sir," Yin Changli whispered, his face pale with fear.


"Don't worry, there are none of Yin Fengqi's people near my Changqing Mansion," Li Changqing assured confidently, his Changqing Mansion was a place even Yin Fengqi wouldn't dare to spy on.


Li Changqing was a Painting Sage, and with his powerful Divine Soul, no one could hide from his scrutiny.


Yin Fengqi certainly didn't want to make a bad impression on Li Changqing.


After all, Yin Fengqi was very eager to please Li Changqing, who was not only the big shot behind Changqing Trading Company but also an independent Painting Sage.


Such a person was extremely important to North Cold Country, and if they could be won over, the country's overall strength could rise a notch.


"I've never thought about being emperor," Yin Changli shook his head, "I want to practice swordsmanship, to become a master like the Qianxue Sword Sovereign!"


Li Changqing raised an eyebrow, finding it odd that there had been no news of Xue Qianbai recently. He had received the gift Li Changqing sent, but perhaps he hadn't emerged from seclusion yet?


"Tomorrow you're going to the palace to see your father, I'll accompany you," Li Changqing offered with a smile.


"Is that possible?"


Yin Changli's eyes lit up, having Li Changqing by his side meant he had nothing to fear.


"Yes, I have some matters to discuss with Yin Fengqi anyway," Li Changqing said with a smile.


After making arrangements with Yin Changli, who then hurried to prepare for the next day, Zhang Fuguang walked in, handing Li Changqing a letter.


"Sir, a letter, it arrived yesterday."


Zhang Fuguang handed the letter to Li Changqing, who opened it to find it was from Bai Tu, detailing the problems encountered in Cangyuan Pavilion.


"Xie Yunsun?"


This person was a manager, and all the materials to be taken out had to pass through his hands?


Reading on, Bai Tu had sent detailed information about Xie Yunsun to Li Changqing.


By day, Xie Yunsun was a manager in Cangyuan Pavilion, and by night, he sold pancakes on the street.


Such an identity left Li Changqing speechless.


Day job and night pancakes, what a peculiar person.


Couldn't he find any other work?


But now that Li Changqing had Xie Yunsun's information, he considered whether to replace him outright.


But who to replace him with was a dilemma for Li Changqing.


As Li Changqing pondered in the courtyard, a voice came from outside: "You're back? Come on, continue the story. Last time you said Little Dragon Girl was acupointed by Ouyang Feng in the woods, and then someone came… Who was it? You haven't told me yet."




Seeing Zhen Wanshou, Li Changqing replied, "No rush, I actually have something to ask you."


"Ask me something?"


"What is it?"


Zhen Wanshou sat down, waiting for Li Changqing to speak.


"Do you want to join Cangyuan Pavilion?"


Li Changqing asked with a sly grin.


Hearing this, Zhen Wanshou was taken aback, then said, "Are you joking? Me, join Cangyuan Pavilion? How could the Cangyuan Realm Master ever allow that?"


"Although I'd love to go to Cangyuan Pavilion and see some of the top-secret stuff," Zhen Wanshou said with a smile.


He was in the business of gathering intelligence, and although he had a vast array of information, it was mostly trivial and not very substantial. If he could get into Cangyuan Pavilion, he would certainly want to go.


It was like a street vendor selling grilled cold noodles, exposed to the elements and chased by city management, with unstable work and income.


But suddenly, someone offers you a job, still selling grilled cold noodles, but in a government agency, with a formal position, benefits, and even a military rank. It's a whole different world.


So, to join Cangyuan Pavilion was naturally exciting for Zhen Wanshou.


Despite his nomadic life, if he had the choice not to wander, he wouldn't want to. Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to stay with Li Changqing.


Having stayed with Li Changqing for so long, he hadn't mentioned leaving.


"I can get you into Cangyuan Pavilion, but I'm not asking you to go there for fun," Li Changqing explained the mission to Zhen Wanshou.


"Oh, you want me to be an undercover agent?" Zhen Wanshou said in surprise, "In the entire Cangyuan Realm, countless forces have tried to plant spies in Cangyuan Pavilion, but so far, no one has succeeded."


"I can," Li Changqing stated calmly, "I've already gotten someone into Cangyuan Pavilion."


The matter of Bai Tu entering Cangyuan Pavilion was kept quiet to avoid attracting attention, so only a few people knew about it.


Hearing Li Changqing say this, Zhen Wanshou showed a look of astonishment: "Are you serious?"


"Of course," Li Changqing paused, then added, "There's something I haven't told you, and I want to make sure you're prepared to hear it before deciding whether to join Cangyuan Pavilion."


"Tell me, I'm listening," Zhen Wanshou said curiously.


Li Changqing then explained the Soul Transference Technique to Zhen Wanshou.


This time, Zhen Wanshou was even more shocked and speechless.


"Such a technique exists? How have I never heard of it?" Zhen Wanshou felt like a novice in Li Changqing's presence, with his stories, his wine, and even his techniques being completely foreign to him.


"The vast universe is full of things you've never heard of, but once you're in Cangyuan Pavilion as a manager, do you still worry about not knowing?" Li Changqing continued to tempt Zhen Wanshou.


"So, it means our souls will swap, and I'll take over Xie Yunsun's body? Even inheriting his cultivation level?"


Zhen Wanshou confirmed with Li Changqing.


"Yes, but we'll preserve your body well, and when the time comes, I'll let you…"


Before Li Changqing could finish, Zhen Wanshou jumped three feet high, excitedly saying, "That's great!"




Li Changqing was baffled by the reaction.


What's going on?


What's so great? Did you even understand what I said?


"I not only get to join Cangyuan Pavilion, but I also get to switch bodies and directly inherit Prenatal Realm cultivation. Why didn't you tell me about such a good deal sooner!" Zhen Wanshou said, beaming with excitement.


Li Changqing: "…"


This reaction was not what Li Changqing expected.


Normally, people would resist the idea of swapping bodies, but Zhen Wanshou was excited after hearing it.


Li Changqing was left speechless.


"Well, since you agree, then prepare yourself," Li Changqing said, "In a few days, we'll set off to replace Xie Yunsun."


"What preparation? I'm ready now!" Zhen Wanshou said eagerly.


"What are you prepared for?" Li Changqing asked, bemused.


"What do I need to prepare?" Zhen Wanshou asked, surprised.


"Do you know how to make pancakes?" Li Changqing inquired.




"I'll find someone to teach you. Otherwise, if you can't make pancakes, you'll blow your cover in a few days. Plus, I'll have Bai Tu send more detailed information about Xie Yunsun's daily behavior, so you can study it carefully and live a long life."


Li Changqing spoke seriously.




Zhen Wanshou nodded vigorously.


As long as he could join Cangyuan Pavilion, he was very eager for the wealth of information inside.


By noon.


After finishing his lesson with Yin Qing at Qing residence, Li Changqing went straight to the intelligence pavilion of North Cold Country. With the token given by Yin Fengqi, he could access first-hand intelligence.


The report stated that several experts from the Su Family had left and were heading towards the Eastern Desolate Land, expected to arrive in about half a month.


Among them was another Su Family ancestor, Su Shi Zhong, a Great Martial Sect master.


The Su Family, upon receiving Li Changqing's letter, immediately brought it to Su Shi Zhong, who was shocked that someone had kidnapped members of his family!


This was outrageous.


But to avoid embarrassment, they didn't make a fuss and hurried to the Eastern Desolate Land to negotiate with Li Changqing.


According to Li Changqing's letter, if they wanted Su Zheng and Su Xianci to return to the Su Family, the matter was simple.


Three drops of dragon blood essence.


Although not cheap for the Su Family, it was worth it to exchange for an ancestor of the Great Martial Sect.


More importantly, they first needed to see if Su Zheng and Su Xianci were truly in the hands of the Qinglian Sword Sovereign.


If they were, they would have to comply.


Back at Changqing Mansion, Li Changqing took out the Great Dream Soul Stone, ready to check the situation inside.


He hadn't checked in many days because the flow of time in Cangyuan Realm and inside the Great Dream Soul Stone was different, so he didn't know how much time had passed inside.


As Li Changqing focused on the fates of the grandfather and grandson, events took an unexpected turn.


Su Zheng had accumulated numerous high-interest debts, crushed by the burden, and with no real ability to earn money, he was tricked into becoming the legal person for a company to shoulder debts for others, only to be deceived again. Not only did he fail to make money, but he was also arrested by the police for economic crimes.


He was sentenced to seven years in prison.


As for Su Xianci, he faced his first College Entrance Examination, scoring only 202 points.


Forget about MIT, he could barely qualify for a technical school to learn something like sesame paste cold noodles.


But Su Xianci knew that without diligent study, he could never leave the Great Dream Soul Stone, so he began to retake the exam.


However, the subjects were incredibly difficult.


Especially the sciences, Su Xianci was driven mad.


Why were there no numbers in mathematics, only English?


And English made Su Xianci feel the urge to become a terrestrial immortal and slaughter the entire Western world.


Then he wouldn't have to learn English!


The intense pressure made Su Xianci feel like jumping off a building.


It was too hard for him, and his great-grandfather was imprisoned again.


He had no one to confide in.


Su Xianci's father, Su Wei, found him a job in an electronics factory to screw in bolts, but Su Xianci refused, leading to a standoff between father and son.


After being imprisoned, Su Zheng, due to his defiant attitude and self-proclaimed Su Family ancestor, was beaten into submission by the inmates and finally became docile.


He lost all pride of being a Su Family ancestor.


Even one day while showering, a bar of soap just happened to fall at his feet…


This place destroyed a person's will, their Dao heart, and their dignity.


When Li Changqing checked, it was already the fourth year of Su Zheng's imprisonment.


By then, his hair had turned white, and he bore no resemblance to the once invincible Su Family ancestor.


He became another person entirely.


Submissive and silent, he even developed depression.


Su Xianci struggled to learn, and under the pressure, he became somewhat deranged.


He no longer had the demeanor of the Su Family's proud son.


Seeing this, Li Changqing took a deep breath.


He came from that world and didn't think much of it, perhaps because he was used to it, or perhaps life's hardships had already strengthened his heart. But for someone from Cangyuan Realm to suddenly live on Earth, it was truly not easy.


Li Changqing had thought about finding a way to take Li Hengsheng out of Cangyuan Realm and live on Earth.


But now, it seemed not feasible.


Su Xianci wasn't stupid, and as the Su Family's pride, even he couldn't learn math and English, so Li Hengsheng would definitely struggle.


Without knowledge or qualifications, should Li Hengsheng rely on food delivery for a living?


Li Changqing began to reconsider this, as the two Su Family guinea pigs had proven the point.


But since the Su Family was coming, Li Changqing also had to prepare early.


With the Soul Transference Technique, Su Zheng, the old man, definitely couldn't be replaced, as his strength was too great. Mu Qingge could only perform the Soul Transference Technique on those weaker than her, but Su Xianci was a perfect candidate.


However, Li Changqing hadn't yet decided on a suitable person to replace Su Xianci.


The next morning, at dawn.


Li Changqing arrived early at the intelligence pavilion, wanting to check the intelligence regarding Medical King Valley.


After all, nearly ten thousand disciples of Medical King Valley had perished, and it must have caused a sensation by now.


It couldn't have gone unnoticed.


Li Changqing wanted to see the reactions of various forces.


But when he inquired with the pavilion master of the intelligence pavilion, the master searched but told Li Changqing, "There's no intelligence about Medical King Valley."




Li Changqing found it hard to believe.


Everyone in Medical King Valley was dead, not a single person left. Could it be that no one ever visited Medical King Valley?


It should have been discovered by now, so how could there be no intelligence at all?


"Yes, none," the pavilion master confirmed, looking puzzled himself, and after searching again, he was sure there was no significant intelligence regarding Medical King Valley.


This truly baffled Li Changqing.


Could it really have gone unnoticed?


How was that possible?


But Li Changqing didn't say much more, leaving the intelligence pavilion and returning to the entrance of Changqing Mansion. There, a carriage was already prepared, with Yin Changli waiting.


Yin Changli was dressed formally today, as he was to enter the palace for an audience.


"Mr. Changqing, you're finally back. Shall we go now?" Yin Changli asked eagerly.


"Hmm," Li Changqing murmured thoughtfully.


He then boarded the carriage.


The coachman drove the carriage towards the royal palace.


"Mr. Changqing, are you troubled?" Noticing Li Changqing's preoccupation, Yin Changli asked curiously.


"The past two days have brought no intelligence regarding Medical King Valley, and it seems the Cangyuan Realm has had no reaction," Li Changqing shared his concerns.


"That's impossible!"


Yin Changli was equally shocked. How could there be no news when nearly ten thousand disciples of Medical King Valley had perished?


Medical King Valley was always bustling with visitors seeking medicine, apprenticeship, or connections. Not to mention, even the vegetable delivery people should have noticed the absence of people in Medical King Valley by now.


The extinction of a sect, especially one as prominent as Medical King Valley, should have caused a stir.


"I can't make sense of it."


Li Changqing indeed found it puzzling.


"It's too strange."


"Could there be a delay in the intelligence reaching North Cold Country?" Yin Changli speculated.


"If North Cold Country lacks even the basic speed of intelligence delivery, then their intelligence pavilion serves no purpose," Li Changqing said with a chuckle, "Let's not dwell on it for now. After handling matters, if need be, we'll go check it out ourselves."

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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