Chapter 230 – The Mysterious Youth of Medical King Valley

Jiang Tianyun remained silent for a long time.


He just stood behind Yue Hanjun, silently watching him.


"What's the matter?" Yue Hanjun opened his eyes. "Are you already thinking of killing me?"


"Kill you?"


Jiang Tianyun shook his head. "Would killing you be of any use?"


"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


Upon hearing this, Yue Hanjun suddenly burst into hysterical laughter.


He laughed so hard that he seemed to be on the verge of tears, and the chains on his body clanked loudly.


He appeared utterly mad.


"Jiang Tianyun, do you have any idea how many years I've waited?"


"The expression on your face now is something I've longed to see. I want to see the look of someone like you, the once haughty Cangyuan Realm Master, reduced to this wretched state!"


"You once thought I was nothing but an ant in your hand, ready to be crushed at any moment, but now…"


"Ha ha ha ha."


As if venting years of repression, Yue Hanjun laughed until he cried.


His gaze, once at its peak, now held a deep sense of longing.


It seemed he was reminded of someone he had lost.


Jiang Tianyun turned to leave.


This might be his last visit to the Endless Prison.


"Are you going to look for him?" Yue Hanjun spoke up. "It's no use going now, the fruit has yet to ripen. How can you pick it?"


"You needn't worry about me."


After saying this, Jiang Tianyun left the Endless Prison.


Until the last beam of light was swallowed by darkness, Yue Hanjun's eyes once again turned fierce.


"The time… is almost upon us."


His final words also disappeared into the darkness.




Three days later.


In North Cold City.


Li Changqing returned from the Qing residence and had just entered the courtyard when he saw Zhang Fuguang approaching.


"Mr. Changqing, someone is looking for you."


"Looking for me?"


Li Changqing thought it was someone from the Changqing Trading Company, but when he saw the visitor, he was surprised to find it was a woman.


She looked just like a peasant woman from the countryside.


For a moment, Li Changqing had no idea why she was looking for him.


Moreover, it was strange that Zhang Fuguang would bring a stranger in.


The country woman raised her hand and tore off the mask on her face, revealing a stunningly beautiful visage.


Despite her plain clothes, her extraordinary beauty could not be concealed.


"Mu Qingge?"


Li Changqing was quite surprised to see her.


But Mu Qingge was pale, clearly having suffered serious injuries.


"What happened?" Li Changqing approached, having never seen Mu Qingge so haggard before.


Mu Qingge was an elder of Medical King Valley and the daughter of its master. Who would dare to harm her like this?


"This Buddha statue, it's broken."


Mu Qingge took out a piece of wood, which was a statue of the Earth Zang Bodhisattva.


Now, however, it was broken in two.


Li Changqing's pupils contracted as he took the broken statue, incredulous.


The statue was carved from Longevity Wood; how could it break so easily?


Seeing Mu Qingge's listless appearance, it must be due to the Ghost Resentment curse after the statue broke, right?


Recalling how Xu Muhai, that burly man, was tormented by the Ghost Resentment curse, and considering Mu Qingge, a woman, must have been tormented countless times to still be alive and seeking him out was no easy feat.


Li Changqing happened to have a small Buddha statue on him, carved during his trial in Ghost Devil, and he immediately hung it around Mu Qingge's neck.


Feeling the Buddha's power suppress it, the writhing Ghost Resentment curse on her neck was finally subdued.


At the same time, Li Changqing also lamented the difficulty of the Ghost Resentment curse; his own statue could only suppress it, not eliminate it.


Perhaps he should try the Taoist method?


Li Changqing pondered.


"What exactly happened?" Li Changqing looked at Mu Qingge and asked, not only about the Ghost Resentment curse but also noticing the many injuries on her body.


Clearly, she had been through numerous fierce battles.


Who could have caused Mu Qingge, the daughter of the Medical King Valley's master, to end up in such a dire situation?


"It was my father."


Mu Qingge's gaze turned exceptionally cold.




This answer was very surprising to Li Changqing.


The person who harmed Mu Qingge to this extent was her father?


"What happened?"


Li Changqing felt the situation was quite confusing.


"I saw that young man." Mu Qingge took a deep breath. "The mysterious youth in Medical King Valley, and I also discovered his identity."


"Who is he?" Li Changqing remembered Mu Qingge mentioning the youth in a letter.


From childhood to adulthood, the youth never grew up.


Initially, Li Changqing thought such a thing was impossible, but after witnessing the wonders of the Cangyuan Realm, he realized nothing was impossible.


"The leader of the Longevity Sect."


When Mu Qingge revealed the youth's identity, her face still bore an incredulous expression.


Who would have thought that the leader of the Longevity Sect was hiding in Medical King Valley?


What shocked Mu Qingge even more was that her father had long been a follower of the Longevity Sect.


Medical King Valley had done many things in service to the Longevity Sect.


Upon learning this, Mu Qingge couldn't understand why and wanted to confront Mu Hengsheng. Unexpectedly, Mu Hengsheng did not deny it.


Moreover, he wanted Mu Qingge to join the Longevity Sect.


Mu Qingge refused.


Mu Hengsheng then attempted to imprison her, but with the help of two elders from her sect, Mu Qingge managed to escape, though severely injured.


And those two elders died with resentment while helping her escape.


Mu Qingge fled all the way and finally reached the territory of North Cold Country, finding Li Changqing.


After learning the full story, Li Changqing was also in disbelief.


The person hidden beneath the black robe of the Longevity Sect's leader was actually a child.


No wonder he always felt that the figure was not very robust; he thought the person was just short, but he never imagined it was a child.


Moreover, this child had not changed for decades.


Truly bizarre.


"What are your plans now?" Li Changqing looked at Mu Qingge and asked.


Mu Qingge's expression was desolate, and then she shook her head.


She didn't know what her plans were.


After leaving Medical King Valley, her first thought was to find Li Changqing, feeling that she would be safe with him.


Mu Qingge didn't dare seek out others because she didn't know where the Longevity Sect was hiding.


If discovered, being captured would mean a certain death.


It was clear that Mu Hengsheng was now following the Longevity Sect's orders, and if she didn't comply, Mu Hengsheng might indeed have the heart to kill her.


Mu Qingge realized that Mu Hengsheng had truly changed.


She was also unclear what benefits the Longevity Sect promised to Mu Hengsheng to make him so devoted.


"Do you want to come with me?"


At this moment, Li Changqing extended an olive branch to Mu Qingge.


Mu Qingge was a prized daughter of Medical King Valley, and having her join his team would be a good choice for its growth.


With her around, treating illnesses and refining medicines would be a breeze.


In the future, it would also add to his ability to contend with other powers in the Cangyuan Realm.


Now that Mu Qingge was at her lowest, Li Changqing naturally chose to seize the opportunity.




Mu Qingge looked up at Li Changqing's face, and seeing his sincere eyes, she blushed slightly.


"I… I'm not ready yet," Mu Qingge's heart began to race. "If I follow you, would Li Hengsheng have any objections?"




Li Changqing was full of question marks. What are you talking about?


"I invited you to join my Changqing Trading Company. Why would Li Hengsheng object?" Li Changqing asked, puzzled.




Mu Qingge's face froze.


Invited to join the Changqing Trading Company?


"Just to join the Changqing Trading Company?" Mu Qingge's face fell, thinking to herself what a dog of a man he was.


"Yes." Li Changqing explained, "As you can see, the situation in the Cangyuan Realm is becoming increasingly unstable, and it's only a matter of time before a major upheaval occurs. Without strength, it will be very difficult to survive in the chaos, and we could easily become pawns for others."


"So I need to prepare early. The Changqing Trading Company needs you. If you join us, we will be your backing and ensure your safety."


"I'm not exaggerating."


Li Changqing spoke earnestly, "Not just your father Mu Hengsheng, even if the Great Martial Sect came here wanting to take you away, they would have to leave empty-handed. If you don't want to leave, no one can take you away. This is my promise to you, Li Changqing."


"You don't need to say so much, I'm willing to join too."


Mu Qingge spoke softly.


"What?" Li Changqing curiously looked at Mu Qingge.


"I'll join," Mu Qingge suddenly said. "I wonder if you could do me a favor?"


"Tell me," Li Changqing asked.


"I left in such a hurry that my disciple is still in Medical King Valley. I'm worried about him, and I don't want him to stay there anymore. I want to bring him out."


Mu Qingge was concerned about Yin Changli.


"Okay," Li Changqing nodded in agreement, but he still paused before adding, "What about Medical King Valley? You know, the Cangyuan Realm is eager to eradicate the Longevity Sect. Given the close relationship between the sect's leader and your valley, and your father's deep involvement, what do you plan to do?"


"I don't know."


Mu Qingge lowered her head, her expression tangled.


If it were just the Longevity Sect, Mu Qingge would have spread the news in minutes, waiting for the sect to be condemned. But this involved Mu Hengsheng, her father, and she naturally struggled with how to handle the situation.


"Don't think too much."


Knowing this was a difficult choice, Li Changqing said, "You rest up first. Now that you've joined my Changqing Trading Company, leave everything to me."


Mu Qingge nodded.


Li Changqing had Zhang Fuguang arrange a room for Mu Qingge to rest.


Meanwhile, Li Changqing went to the small courtyard by himself.


He too was somewhat troubled. The Longevity Sect had been quiet lately, and Li Changqing had almost forgotten about this ambitious cult.


But he never expected the Longevity Sect to be entangled with Medical King Valley.


He also thought of the black-robed person he reluctantly let escape in Ghost Devil, the same person Mu Qingge had seen as a child. It seemed the Longevity Sect and Medical King Valley had been intertwined for many years.


"Things are getting more and more complicated."


Li Changqing felt a headache coming on. The Longevity Sect was like an inexhaustible cockroach, their presence everywhere.


And what were they planning now?


Having been discovered by Mu Qingge, who then escaped, Medical King Valley had already been alerted. They would not sit idly by.


It was almost too late to catch their next move.


In that case, he would wait and see.


However, he would first ask Zhen Wanshou to send some small animals to scout the current situation in Medical King Valley and check on Yin Changli.


After all, he had promised Mu Qingge to take Yin Changli away.


But when Li Changqing mentioned this to Zhen Wanshou, he flatly refused.


"Are you crazy?"


Zhen Wanshou couldn't help but say, "I usually use small animals like sparrows to gather intelligence. You want them to fly to Medical King Valley, so far away? You're trying to kill them!"


"They're just ordinary sparrows, not Spirit Beasts. What are you thinking?" Zhen Wanshou said helplessly.


"That makes sense."


Li Changqing realized Zhen Wanshou had a point.


"Then why don't you control some Spirit Beasts?" Li Changqing asked again.


"Spirit Beasts? Heh, with my little strength, a Spirit Beast could eat me alive." Zhen Wanshou rolled his eyes at Li Changqing.


"That's true."


Li Changqing suddenly thought that he could get some Spirit Beasts to keep for gathering intelligence. Wouldn't that be great?


Although Spirit Beasts couldn't speak human language, Zhen Wanshou could understand their language.


Li Changqing shared his idea with Zhen Wanshou, who also agreed.


If Li Changqing could get them, he could communicate well with the Spirit Beasts and then make them his own.


Li Changqing immediately sent a letter to the Changqing Trading Company, asking them to help him get some flying Spirit Beasts.


Yan Botao received the letter and quickly arranged it.


After a day of rest, Mu Qingge's injuries had healed significantly, and her spirits were no longer as exhausted.


She hadn't slept well during her recent days on the run.


After spending a night at Li Changqing's residence, she felt much better.


Zhang Fuguang was still diligently sweeping the yard, with nothing else to do. He sent his daughter to school in the morning, picked her up in the evening, and spent his days sweeping.


"Where is Mr. Changqing?" Mu Qingge came out and asked.


"The Qing residence." Zhang Fuguang glanced at Mu Qingge, his gaze indifferent, as if Mu Qingge's stunning beauty held no allure for him.


"Mr. Changqing is Princess Yin Qing's teacher; he'll be back soon."


"I see."


Mu Qingge had no choice but to wait for Li Changqing to return.


Just as Mu Qingge was about to head to the backyard, Zhang Fuguang blocked her path.


"The backyard is the master's private area; you cannot enter," Zhang Fuguang said.


"Oh?" Mu Qingge became curious.


But after thinking it over, she turned and left, her curiosity having brought her nothing but trouble in the past.


It wasn't long before Li Changqing returned.


"Mr. Changqing, you're back," Zhang Fuguang approached and said.


"Hmm." After Li Changqing responded, he saw Mu Qingge and asked with a smile, "Are your injuries almost healed?"


"Injuries are not a problem," Mu Qingge replied with a smile.


Li Changqing looked at the Ghost Resentment curse on Mu Qingge's neck.


Indeed, compared to the Ghost Resentment curse, those injuries were not a big deal.


Because when the Ghost Resentment curse acted up, the inhuman pain it caused was the hardest to endure.


"Come with me."


After speaking, Li Changqing headed towards the backyard.


Mu Qingge hurriedly followed.


"With so many changes happening now, I can't say what the future holds, so I can help you improve your strength." Li Changqing led Mu Qingge to the door of a room in the backyard.


"This is…"


Mu Qingge looked curiously at the room.


Li Changqing pushed open the door, and Fei inside immediately woke up, seeing it was Li Changqing, he relaxed.


Li Changqing had left Fei here to guard the place.


Because inside, there were some of Li Changqing's recent carvings.


Not Painting Treasures.


But truly insightful items.


When Mu Qingge entered, she too was shocked by the scene before her.


The room had rows of shelves, and on the shelves were all sorts of bizarre wooden carvings.


There were strangely shaped fierce beasts and people whose names she didn't know.


There were dozens of them.


These were Li Changqing's recent works.


Some Spirit Beasts were carved by Li Changqing based on the Classic of Mountains and Seas, while the figures were all gods and Buddhas carved by him.


To build his own force to contend with the turbulent times in the Cangyuan Realm, he had no other skills, but he could help them improve their strength.


Otherwise, what basis would he have to survive in these times?


Mu Qingge was trembling at the sight of these items.


She naturally knew the power of Li Changqing's wood carvings. With so many carvings before her, each one was a priceless treasure, and any one of them could make countless people covet them.


She didn't expect to find so many here.


"Pick one you like and try to comprehend it. You might be able to perceive something," Li Changqing wasn't sure what could be comprehended from these wood carvings, but if Mu Qingge could perceive something, there was a good chance she could reach the Grandmaster realm in the future.


That would be a huge boost for the Changqing Trading Company.


"Really? Can I?" Mu Qingge walked up excitedly.


"Yes, but you can only contemplate one." Li Changqing said seriously, as contemplating multiple at once would easily distract a person.


And it was highly likely that nothing would be comprehended.


"I understand."


Mu Qingge nodded.


"Alright, then try to comprehend on your own." Li Changqing didn't stay to disturb Mu Qingge.


Li Changqing closed the door, and Mu Qingge's gaze was deeply drawn to the numerous wood carvings before her.


Mu Qingge walked up to each one, admiring the lifelike figures. Each one seemed alive.


Although she didn't recognize these people, Mu Qingge guessed they must all be very powerful figures.


As for the monsters from the Classic of Mountains and Seas, they were terrifying to behold.


She didn't know where Li Changqing had seen these creatures, but they looked very scary.


Finally, when Mu Qingge came to a female figure, her eyes lit up.


She felt this woman had a certain charisma and was very beautiful.


So Mu Qingge decided to choose this woman as her object of contemplation.


She stared into the woman's eyes and immersed her thoughts.


A world of yellow sand.


At this moment, Mu Qingge felt she had arrived in a mysterious place.


"Where is this…"


Mu Qingge felt as if she had come to an unknown world.


It seemed she was in a mansion, and Mu Qingge faintly heard someone speaking. She approached and heard a woman's voice: "When you used to watch the moon with me, you called me 'Little Sweetie,' and now that there's someone new, you call her 'Madam Niu'!"


Mu Qingge looked in the direction of the voice and saw the woman, the same one from the wood carving.


"Madam Niu?"


Mu Qingge was momentarily baffled.


Li Changqing didn't know what Mu Qingge had chosen.


But he left it all to fate.


With nothing else to do, Li Changqing decided to check on the grandfather and grandson in the Great Dream Soul Stone.


But after watching, Li Changqing was somewhat speechless.


Su Xianci, who he thought would easily learn, couldn't grasp the many subjects at all.


Math, English, Chemistry, Physics, he completely failed to understand them.


The idea of getting into MIT was even more out of reach.


Su Zheng also realized that collecting bottles and sweeping streets would never make him the richest man in the world. After learning that the world's richest man had wealth in the trillions, Su Zheng understood that no matter how hard he worked, it was impossible.


So, Su Zheng decided to start a business.


Lao Huang advised Su Zheng not to chase such unrealistic dreams.


But Su Zheng was determined to start a business; how else could he become the richest man in the world?


He took out all his savings, borrowed money from Lao Huang, who lent all his money to his old pal.


Su Xianci also contributed all his pocket money.


But together, they barely managed to scrape together less than seven thousand yuan.


Su Zheng felt this amount was far from enough to do anything significant.


So, Lao Huang suggested that if the money wasn't sufficient, they could take out a loan.


After explaining the loan process, Su Zheng and Su Xianci applied for numerous loans on online lending platforms. Su Zheng also used his ID card to get a credit card from the bank and withdrew all the money from it.


Even Lao Huang helped find some private lending institutions, and together, Su Xianci and Su Zheng amassed over four hundred thousand yuan!


Su Zheng's original plan was to open a restaurant, and eventually, he found a place.


Su Zheng wanted to take over the business, hoping to earn his first pot of gold.


Lao Huang was responsible for contacting the owner and paying the deposit.


Su Zheng already envisioned himself as the world's richest man, but what he didn't expect was that Lao Huang didn't return for a long time.


When there was still no sign of Lao Huang the next day, it became clear.


Lao Huang had run off with all their money.


This revelation sent Su Zheng plummeting to rock bottom.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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