Chapter 229 – Meet Yue Hanjun again

"Do you know why you agreed to the marriage alliance with the Su Family?"


Seeing Li Changqing hesitate, Guangzu turned to him and asked.


"Just tell me."


Li Changqing was indeed curious about what terms the Su Family had offered to make Guangzu consider a marriage alliance with them.


Even going so far as to arrange a sham marriage with Lu Shiran.


"To borrow the Su Family's famous painting."


Guangzu said solemnly, "The Great Thousand Painting!"


"The Great Thousand Painting, huh." Li Changqing nodded, understanding it was for the sake of borrowing the Painting Treasure. But what exactly was the Great Thousand Painting?


Seeing Li Changqing's nonchalant demeanor, Guangzu was somewhat surprised.


Li Changqing was also a Painter, yet he showed no surprise at the mention of the Great Thousand Painting, seemingly indifferent to its significance.


Recalling Li Changqing's Zhenxian Platform, the power of that Painting Treasure was no less than that of the Great Thousand Painting.


Could it be that Li Changqing possessed the strength of a painting immortal?


"In terms of Painting Treasures, the Su Family's foundation is very strong. For instance, the Evil Ghost Scroll that Su Zheng used before is one of the top Painting Treasures, extremely powerful," Guangzu explained.


Li Changqing nodded.


That was indeed the case.


Su Zheng had previously been on equal footing with him, unable to escape his Seven Kill Green Lotus Sword Formation on his own. It was only a matter of time before he would be defeated, but once the Evil Ghost Scroll was revealed, Su Zheng immediately turned the tide.


Three thousand evil spirits appeared, breaking his Seven Kill Green Lotus Sword Formation in minutes.


Had it not been for his possession of the Zhenxian Platform, he might have really fallen here today.


"The reason I want to borrow the Great Thousand Painting is to prepare for the opening of the Black and White Forbidden Zone," Guangzu said with a heavy heart.


"The Black and White Forbidden Zone is opening?"


Li Changqing had discussed the Black and White Forbidden Zone with Luo Xiaochuan before, so he was somewhat familiar with it.


The Black and White Forbidden Zone was the most mysterious place in the entire Cangyuan Realm, located deep within Yunhuang, a world unto itself, rumored to be the birthplace of the Cangyuan Realm, hiding countless secrets.


It was even rumored that the method to become an immortal was hidden there.


That's why so many had coveted the Black and White Forbidden Zone, even the four saints of the human race had once banded together to enter in search of the chance to become immortals.


The Black and White Forbidden Zone only opened at specific times.


"You're going into the Black and White Forbidden Zone?" Li Changqing frowned and asked, "Then I really can't lend it to you. Where will I find you after you enter the Black and White Forbidden Zone?"


Li Changqing had no desire to enter such a dangerous place.


"You misunderstand." Guangzu chuckled and shook his head, "Of course, I'm not going into the Black and White Forbidden Zone. I just need to guard against those who come out of it."


"People coming out?"


"Anyone who comes out of the Black and White Forbidden Zone must have encountered great fortune there, but at the same time, many people become twisted after leaving, changing as if they were a different person. There have been many such incidents in history."


"For example, Hengyang Sword Sect was once a powerful sect. The sect leader of Hengyang Sword Sect joined an expedition into the Black and White Forbidden Zone when he was at the Grandmaster level."


"Then there was no news for over sixty years, and unexpectedly, when the Black and White Forbidden Zone opened, the sect leader of Hengyang Sword Sect came out and became a Great Martial Sect."


"It was a good thing for Hengyang Sword Sect to gain a Great Martial Sect, but unexpectedly, thirteen days after his return, he went mad and killed everyone in Hengyang Sword Sect, including his own daughter."


"It wasn't just Hengyang Sword Sect; many such incidents have occurred. Some truly went mad, while others saw things in the Black and White Forbidden Zone beyond their imagination, and based on cutting off karma and worldly ties, they wanted to do even crazier things."


With that, Guangzu slowly said, "If nothing unexpected happens, someone from Guanglan Palace will come out this time."


"Even if someone comes out, you don't need to be so nervous," Li Changqing found it strange, "After all, you're a terrestrial immortal. Are you worried that another terrestrial immortal will emerge from the Black and White Forbidden Zone?"


"Do you need to be so cautious?" Li Changqing couldn't help but ask.


Guangzu was silent for a moment, then said, "Perhaps someone who comes out will indeed be a terrestrial immortal."


Li Changqing was quite surprised, "Since when did terrestrial immortals become as common as Cabbage?"


"I'm just making full preparations," Guangzu said quietly, "When he entered the Black and White Forbidden Zone, he was already a Great Martial Sect. Although the probability of becoming a terrestrial immortal is slim, it's not impossible. If he really becomes one, I need to be prepared."


Hearing this, Li Changqing didn't say anything more.


But Li Changqing vaguely sensed that Guangzu had his own worries.


No one knew the outcome of his battle with Jiang Tianyun.


Judging from Guangzu's current situation, it was possible that Guangzu had suffered serious injuries back then.


Perhaps that was why he was worried he wouldn't be able to cope.




After pondering for a moment, Li Changqing agreed to Guangzu's request and lent him the Zhenxian Platform.


"Thank you."


It was only then that Guangzu breathed a sigh of relief.


"When you need it, just come to me," Li Changqing wasn't worried about Guangzu not returning the Zhenxian Platform, because it wasn't a real Painting Treasure, but a wood carving.


It didn't use a scroll as a medium to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to nourish itself. If Guangzu really didn't return it, it wouldn't last many uses.


Because the power of the Zhenxian Platform was too great, Li Changqing didn't use any high-quality materials to carve it, just ordinary wood, which would be ruined after a few uses.


Besides, exchanging it for a Seven Treasures Crystal Pill wasn't a loss.


If Guangzu decided to keep the Zhenxian Platform and use it against him, Li Changqing wasn't afraid at all, because he had more than just the Zhenxian Platform.


When the time came, Li Changqing would definitely make Guangzu regret it.


Eating dumplings, Li Changqing also learned some secrets of the Cangyuan Realm from Guangzu.


After that, Li Changqing left.


Now, what Li Changqing wanted to know more about was Yue Hanjun.


Previously, Li Jinsong and the others said he resembled Yue Hanjun, which wasn't a big deal since it was common for people to look alike.


But now that Guangzu mentioned the strong karmic force on him and Yue Hanjun, Li Changqing couldn't remain indifferent.


It seemed there was indeed a connection between him and Yue Hanjun.


Where did Li Changqing come from before arriving at Changting Town?


Who was Li Hengsheng's mother?


All of this was a mystery, and Li Changqing couldn't find any clues. But now, it seemed that the original Li Changqing must have had a significant connection with Yue Hanjun.


However, finding information about Yue Hanjun wouldn't be easy.


The only way was through the Cangyuan Pavilion.


But the Cangyuan Pavilion was under the control of the Cangyuan Realm Master. If he actively sought information on Yue Hanjun, the Cangyuan Realm Master would surely find out.


It was obvious that Li Changqing had brought his son Li Hengsheng to Changting Town to avoid this catastrophe.


If he took the initiative to search, wouldn't he be exposing himself?


At this moment, Li Changqing felt more than ever the importance of having an insider in the Cangyuan Pavilion.


Unfortunately, everyone thought the same, but so far, no one had managed to do so.


"I wonder how Jiang Tianyun managed to make so many people in the Cangyuan Pavilion so loyal to him," Li Changqing shook his head, suspecting that even if Jiang Tianyun was taken into the Great Dream Soul Stone, he would still thrive inside, perhaps even running a successful pyramid scheme.


Returning to Changqing Mansion.


Li Changqing also observed the situation inside the Great Dream Soul Stone.


Primarily, Li Changqing wanted to see if the people from the Cangyuan Realm could adapt to life on Earth because he had thought about taking his son Li Hengsheng back to Earth, away from this dangerous world.


Life on Earth might be a bit difficult, but at least it wasn't as dangerous, right?


So for Li Changqing, Su Zheng and Su Xianci were essentially guinea pigs.


After some research, he would consider exchanging something with the Su Family.


As for the triggers he set for the two, Li Changqing had no intention of letting them out on their own.


Su Zheng's condition was to become the world's richest man before he could leave.


Su Xianci's was relatively simpler: graduate from a top academic institution, and he could leave.


These conditions were theoretically feasible but practically almost impossible to achieve.


Sitting down, Li Changqing observed the Great Dream Soul Stone and couldn't help but laugh.


Su Zheng's painting did sell in the antique shop.


But it was bought by Zhao Yong's son, Zhao Songzhe, for fifty yuan.


Su Zheng finally sold it with tears in his eyes.


And Zhao Songzhe and Su Xianci turned out to be classmates. After Su Xianci was beaten by his father with a Seven Wolves belt and came to school, he saw Zhao Songzhe's Evil Ghost Scroll and finally found a clue about his great-grandfather, which made Su Xianci so excited he was on the verge of tears.


He wanted to find Su Zheng quickly, feeling that with his great-grandfather around, all problems would be solved.


To make ends meet, Su Zheng had to find work.


Unfortunately, Su Zheng was good at nothing. Luckily, kind-hearted Old Huang felt they were both in the same boat and helped Su Zheng find a job in sanitation.


Getting up early to sweep the streets.


And picking up trash to sell.


Meanwhile, Su Xianci skipped class every day to look for Su Zheng.


But how difficult was it to find someone when neither looked like themselves anymore?


After a month in sanitation, Su Zheng learned how to compete with his peers, using his years of experience in the Cangyuan Realm to fight for bottles.


And cardboard boxes.


Together with the money Old Huang made from odd jobs, the two of them could earn four to five thousand a month.


The old ancestor of the Su Family from the Southern Wilderness had almost forgotten his identity.


Back in the Cangyuan Realm, he wouldn't even glance at a heavenly material or earthly treasure, but now he was thrilled to find an empty water bottle in the trash.


After being beaten by his father, Su Xianci resolutely left home and became a little beggar.


Finally, after two months, Su Xianci and Su Zheng met.


The two fought over an empty cardboard box.


Su Zheng cursed the kid for not respecting his elders.


Su Xianci accused Su Zheng of fighting with a child for things and punched him, bruising his eye.


Eventually, both were taken to the police station.


They continued to quarrel bitterly at the station.


The police helped them register their names.


"Su Zheng."


"Su Xianci."


They stated their names.


The officer recorded the names, and when he looked up, he found the old and the young were hugging each other and crying.


He was completely baffled.


They had just been fighting fiercely, and now they were crying like family.


Grandfather and grandson reunited.


Su Zheng also felt a sense of meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land.


And Su Xianci finally found his grandfather, escaping the days of hunger.


To celebrate, they had a meal of California beef noodles.


Only then did Su Xianci realize that his great-grandfather, who seemed omnipotent, was also living so miserably.


Su Zheng told Su Xianci that to leave this world, one of them just needed to reach a certain point.


If he achieved financial freedom, he should be able to leave.


And since Su Xianci arrived as a student, he probably needed to get into the best university to leave.


So Su Zheng's advice to Su Xianci was to go back and study hard.


Then get into the best university, and he could leave.


Su Xianci thought Su Zheng's words made sense, and he was confident, as he was always the fastest learner in the Su Family.


It was just studying; how hard could it be?


So the grandfather and grandson parted ways, and Su Xianci asked a few students about the best university before heading home.


After running away for many days, Su Xianci finally returned home. He was beaten severely and then argued with his father, Su Wei, claiming he wanted to attend the best university.


Su Wei and his wife thought their son had changed for the better, perhaps realizing the hardships of life after leaving home, so he decided to study hard.


Su Wei excitedly asked Su Xianci which university he wanted to attend.


Without hesitation, Su Xianci said he wanted to go to MIT.


Su Wei nodded, admiring his son's ambition. His son, who barely scored over a hundred points on all subjects combined, dared to say he wanted to go to MIT.


Then, using Su Xianci's bragging as an excuse, he beat him again.


Seeing the grandfather and grandson living well, Li Changqing was also relieved.




The next morning, Guangzu came to Zhenguo Mansion and took Lu Shiran away.


Lu Shiran looked back at Li Hengsheng reluctantly but left with Guangzu.


Before leaving, Lu Shiran said to Li Hengsheng, "Next time we meet, I'll be able to help you properly and won't hold you back."




Li Hengsheng nodded.


Lu Shiran felt that both times she met Li Hengsheng, she had been a burden and hadn't helped him at all.


She thought if she didn't practice diligently, Li Hengsheng would despise her in the future, so she resolved to practice seriously after returning to Guanglan Palace.


After Lu Shiran left, Li Hengsheng suddenly felt something was missing in the Inspector's mansion.


But Li Hengsheng also gathered his thoughts and began to busy himself with the affairs of the Inspector's mansion.


Father and son resumed their previous lives.


Li Changqing taught Yin Qing every day and then returned home in the afternoon to carve wood.


Every day, he told stories to Zhen Wanshou, who helped Li Changqing gather some intelligence in return.


Days passed, and the premium tea from Changqing Trading Company was launched.


Two taels of tea for five thousand taels of silver.


Such a price caused an uproar in the entire Eastern Desolate Land.


They couldn't believe the price.


What kind of tea was this? Could it grant immortality?


To sell for such a high price?


Moreover, Changqing Trading Company didn't provide any special explanation for Da Hong Pao, keeping customers guessing.


This made many even more curious about Da Hong Pao.


Finally, when a merchant couldn't resist the urge to spend a fortune to try it, Changqing Trading Company actually refused to sell!


And only those with Innate Perfection realm cultivation could buy it?


This rule shocked many, and at the same time, Changqing Trading Company finally told the story of Da Hong Pao.


Tales of an immortal tree, how it only produced so much every three years, and had to be sold in limited quantities.


The audience was baffled.


But they understood one thing: this tea was hard to buy, had high purchase requirements, and since it came from some sort of immortal tree, it might benefit one's cultivation.


Thus, an Innate Perfection powerhouse finally spent a fortune to buy two taels of tea.


Once one person led the way, others followed.


More importantly, after this product started selling, its nature changed.


It seemed to become a symbol of status.


"Have you tasted Da Hong Pao?"


"No, I haven't."


"Oh, then we're not on the same level."




Or Li Changqing's story also caught some people's attention.


"Does drinking Da Hong Pao really help with cultivation?"


"It seems to have some effect. Not only does it taste really good, but after drinking it, I do feel like my cultivation speed has increased a bit."


This word of mouth spread, and many who didn't think much of it at first felt that their cultivation speed indeed seemed faster after drinking it.




Changting Town.


Yan Family.


"Clan leader, Da Hong Pao is selling like crazy, many stores are running out of stock, should we restock?" a Yan Family elder said anxiously.


Da Hong Pao, two taels for five thousand taels of silver, was indeed making Changqing Trading Company a fortune.


But as many stores were running low on stock, the Yan Family elder began to worry.


"Don't restock," Yan Botao shook his head, "The Grand Protector has instructed to sell only this much, the rest can be sold next year."


"I don't know what the Grand Protector is thinking; we have enough tea trees. If we increase the supply now, wouldn't we make even more?" the Yan Family elder sighed softly.


"What do you know?" Yan Botao glanced at him, "If you understand, wouldn't you be even more impressive than the Grand Protector? If you can think of it, can't the Grand Protector?"


"The main issue is that recently, too many people have come to Changqing Trading Company wanting to buy Da Hong Pao," the Yan Family elder said with a wry smile.


"However, clan leader, can Da Hong Pao really increase the speed of cultivation? I wonder if I can have some." The elder asked cautiously, "I can pay, but can the price be a bit cheaper?"


"Where did you get the idea that it increases the speed of cultivation? That's just a rumor," Yan Botao laughed.


"But everyone outside is saying that," the Yan Family elder said, puzzled.


"The Grand Protector said it's called psychological suggestion," Yan Botao explained, "The people who initially spread the rumor were from our Changqing Trading Company, from Bai Jingfei's intelligence department."


"When many people say it, some believe it, and then they slowly feel it might be true."


Yan Botao admired Li Changqing to death for this move.


Even in the past few days, Yan Botao almost believed that drinking Da Hong Pao could improve one's cultivation.


In just one month, Da Hong Pao sold like hotcakes.


Now it was almost sold out.


At the same time, Da Hong Pao appeared on the black market, with prices soaring to eight thousand taels of silver for one tael of tea.


But even so, it was still in high demand.


Other trading companies couldn't keep up with Changqing Trading Company's money-making speed.


Li Changqing was also making a fortune.


Money had become just a number to Li Changqing.




Tian Hai City, Endless Prison.


Endless darkness swallowed everything.


When a beam of light shone down from the void, illuminating the figure of a man in tattered clothes, bound in chains, the man paid no attention to the light.


"Cough, cough."


A violent coughing fit echoed as Jiang Tianyun, clad in a white robe, entered the depths of the Endless Prison.


"You're not dead yet?"


Yue Hanjun chuckled, "I thought you would have coughed yourself to death by now."


Bent over, Jiang Tianyun made his way down to the bottom of the Endless Prison, his gaze sweeping over all the chains binding Yue Hanjun before he spoke slowly, "There's no need for such harsh words between us."


"What's there to talk about with a beast?" Yue Hanjun didn't even open his eyes, "I will never forget Qianrou's death in this lifetime."


"Cough, cough, you dare bring up Qianrou?" Anger flared in Jiang Tianyun's eyes, "If it weren't for you, Qianrou wouldn't have died."


"You're mistaken," Yue Hanjun spoke calmly, "If it weren't for me, Qianrou would have died even sooner. She never would have guessed that the person who wanted to kill her was her own father."


"I could have saved her!"


Jiang Tianyun shouted, "I could have brought her back to life! You didn't give her a chance."


"A chance?"


"What chance?"


Yue Hanjun slowly opened his eyes, "Are you talking about that thing you saw at the end of the Black and White Forbidden Zone?"


"You can't gamble with Qianrou's life!"


"You came to see me today, I'm not surprised," Yue Hanjun sighed, "It seems you've discovered it, but unfortunately, it's too late. Li Changqing has already become influential, and it won't be easy for you to achieve your goals now."

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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