Chapter 222 – The magistrate has arrived

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

After dragging on for an hour, the Prefect of Kingdom Zhen finally sauntered into the side hall.


By this time, Ma Hengdao had been waiting for quite a while.


"Greetings, Prefect!"


Ma Hengdao rose and respectfully greeted the official.


Old Hu also followed closely by the Prefect's side, attending to him. Without a word, the Prefect strode to the main seat and sat down.


Ma Hengdao stood respectfully below.


The Prefect picked up a cup and took a sip of tea, then slowly and deliberately spoke, "Your Caohe Manor is quite reputable on White Snake Path. Why leave there to seek an audience with me at Zhenguo Mansion? What is your intention?"


"Sir, I come to Zhenguo Mansion with a request," Ma Hengdao didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point, "On behalf of the Hua family, the Mu residence, and Caohe Manor, I wish to request the transfer of Li Hengsheng away from White Snake Path."


At these words, the Prefect showed no emotion.


As the historian of Kingdom Zhen, he was of course aware of the recent events on White Snake Path.


Even he was surprised by Li Hengsheng's achievements within Zhenguo Mansion. It was astonishing.


Originally just a martial artist of the Postnatal Completion realm, somewhat unruly, Li Hengsheng had managed to bring order to the chaotic White Snake Path. Now, even the three families were pleading to have him transferred away.


Such talent was indeed rare.




The Prefect scoffed coldly, "They are Inspectors, managing their respective areas as commanded from above, even tied to the sects behind them. Who are you to dare suggest I move Inspector Li Hengsheng from White Snake Path?"


"Do you take the rules of Zhenguo Mansion for child's play? Do you take the laws of North Cold Country for child's play?"


The Prefect was very angry.




At this point, Ma Hengdao didn't say much, just took out a small booklet from his bosom and respectfully handed it over with both hands, then said, "This is a joint statement from our three families, listing the reasons why Li Hengsheng is unsuitable as the Inspector of White Snake Path. I hope you will review it."


Old Hu quickly stepped forward to take it and handed it to the Prefect.


The Prefect glanced coldly at Ma Hengdao.


Then, he opened the booklet.


When he saw what was recorded, the Prefect's eyes gradually narrowed from their initial widening.


This was not evidence of any crime.


It was simply the greatest sincerity the three families could muster, hoping the Prefect would transfer Li Hengsheng away.


Ma Hengdao was well aware that Caohe Manor was not clean, and their deeds were no less than those of the Hua family and the Mu residence. Li Hengsheng seemed to have left Caohe Manor untouched, but that was only because Li Hengsheng was too occupied. Once the Mu residence and Hua family really fell, it would be Caohe Manor's turn.


Before, Caohe Manor didn't care.


In their view, Li Hengsheng was just a grasshopper, soon to lose his vitality and unable to last long.


Once the old ancestors of the Hua family and the Mu residence stepped in, Li Hengsheng would surely behave.


Who knew that everything changed on the day Mu Zhan emerged from seclusion and hosted a banquet.


Ma Hengdao had witnessed with his own eyes how Mu Zhan, an expert of Innate Completion realm, died at the hands of Li Hengsheng.


Burned to ash by a breath of flame from Li Hengsheng.


It was terrifying.


Ma Hengdao had lost his confidence, so he joined forces with the Hua family and the Mu residence, contributing many treasures from all three families.


Hoping the Prefect would transfer Li Hengsheng away from White Snake Path!


They still missed the previous Inspector.


So this time, the three families did not hold back, truly investing heavily.


Nearly half of the three families' assets were depleted.


Such a vast array of treasures, even the Prefect was tempted by the list in the booklet.


But still, the Prefect closed the booklet without changing his expression.


"I will have these 'evidences' investigated. You may go back for now," the Prefect waved his hand.


"Prefect," Ma Hengdao said, "In four days, Li Hengsheng is set to execute Hua Xianggu and Mu San. This matter is somewhat urgent."


The deaths of Hua Xianggu and Mu San would only benefit Caohe Manor.


But if they died, the Hua family and the Mu residence would likely stop funding. By then, to contend with Li Hengsheng, Caohe Manor wouldn't be able to afford it.


So at this moment, the three families were truly in the same boat, inseparable.


Ma Hengdao could only protect Mu San and Hua Xianggu.




The Prefect said impatiently.


"Then, I shall take my leave."


Ma Hengdao had no choice but to leave.


After Ma Hengdao left, the Prefect handed the booklet to Old Hu beside him, finally revealing a smile.


Old Hu carefully took it, looked at the list of items, and also took a sharp breath.


"Master, these three families have really gone all out!"


Old Hu hadn't expected them to give so much.


The treasures contributed by the three families were worth more than five million taels!


It was indeed a huge sum.


"It seems they were truly frightened by Li Hengsheng," the Prefect said cheerfully, "But this Li Hengsheng is indeed beyond my expectations."


"What does the master plan to do?" Old Hu quickly asked.


"Hm? What else can I do?" The Prefect tapped the list on the table with his finger, then said, "As an Inspector, Li Hengsheng has been negligent in his supervision, and White Snake Path originally didn't belong to the scope of Dao Mountain Ancient Land. Since that's the case, let Li Hengsheng return to where he should be, and let White Snake Path return to its rightful owner."


Old Hu also smiled and didn't speak.


White Snake Path was previously managed by Fang Zhiliu.


Now the Prefect was planning to bring Fang Zhiliu back, and as for Li Hengsheng, he would be sent to manage Black Tiger Pool.


After all, Black Tiger Pool was now in a mess thanks to Fang Zhiliu.


If not for the sake of official camaraderie, the Prefect wouldn't bother with this Fang Zhiliu at all, but now…


What camaraderie could compare to five million taels of silver?


That's all nonsense.




In North Cold City, at Changqing Residence.


This afternoon, someone came to visit Changqing Residence.


When Zhang Fuguang brought the visitor, Li Changqing also showed a hint of surprise.


"Clan Leader Yan."


Li Changqing hadn't expected the visitor to be Yan Botao.


"Great Protector."


Yan Botao gave Li Changqing a respectful bow.


"Come in," Li Changqing let Yan Botao in, and Zhang Fuguang brewed some tea.


Yan Botao chuckled and then said, "Great Protector, the tea tree you researched in the back mountain of the Yan family has produced tea leaves. I've brought some for you to try."


Saying so, Yan Botao took out a box from his bundle, opened it to reveal the tea leaves inside.


Li Changqing picked up some and sniffed them under his nose.


Indeed, very fragrant.


This was a tea leaf that Li Changqing had grafted from a wild tea tree found in the back mountain, blending the aromas of two types of tea trees, with an effect even better than Li Changqing had expected.


In this world, no one knew the technique of grafting, so this tea could be considered a newly born tea leaf.


Yan Botao had already tried it at home and found it to be excellent.


Zhang Fuguang brewed the new tea, and Li Changqing tried it, finding it indeed very fragrant, with a taste faintly reminiscent of the Da Hong Pao from his previous life.


"It's a pity that not many wild tea trees were found, only about forty or so were grafted," Yan Botao said with some regret.


He even had people search the mountains near Changting Town but found none.


"No matter, forty or so is enough," Li Changqing said with a smile, "Although scarce, scarcity is precisely what makes it exquisite. Our Changqing Trading Company can make another big profit."


"Such precious tea, each branch of our Changqing Trading Company will receive very little, so we can't sell it lightly."


Li Changqing told Yan Botao.


"Not sell it lightly? Then how should we sell it?" Yan Botao was puzzled.


"Naturally, we should sell it to those with status," Li Changqing pondered for a moment, then said, "This tea shall be called Da Hong Pao, and we'll claim it's from a precious land discovered by our Changqing Trading Company, extremely limited in yield, containing spiritual essence, and only produced once every three years, hence the annual sales are also very scarce, after all, it takes three years to sell one harvest."


"Moreover, those who wish to purchase Da Hong Pao must possess at least the cultivation level of Innate Completion, otherwise we won't sell it, and they must also register their real names, limited to two taels per person, and only after a year can they buy again."


Li Changqing said this, thought for a moment, and then waved his hand, "Let's just do it this way for now."


"So strict?" Yan Botao was dumbfounded.


Only two taels per person?


And only those with Innate Completion cultivation can buy?


Would anyone really buy it with such conditions?


Although Yan Botao had tried it, and the tea was truly different from any he had tasted before, even better than the teas previously produced by Changqing Trading Company, it was still just tea.


Could it really sell with such harsh conditions?


"So… Great Protector, what's the price of this tea?" Yan Botao quickly asked, since Li Changqing had made such a grand claim, the price surely wouldn't be cheap.


Like the roasted tea from Changqing Trading Company, it was already selling at a high price.


Two taels of tea could sell for the exorbitant price of two taels of silver!


"The price?" Li Changqing pondered for a moment, then held up five fingers.


"Five taels!"


Yan Botao frowned, then nodded. Although the price was a bit expensive, being three taels more than ordinary roasted tea, it was probably acceptable.


But the overall quantity was still too little, even at five taels of silver, not much money could be made.


"What five taels."


Li Changqing revealed a peculiar expression, looking at Yan Botao as if to say, look at your inexperienced demeanor.


"That is?" Yan Botao's heart skipped a beat, could it be fifty taels?


A robbery?


"Two taels of Da Hong Pao, five thousand taels."


Li Changqing said indifferently.


Yan Botao nearly spat out a mouthful of old blood.


Five thousand taels!


For two taels of tea!


Only a fool would buy!


If someone really came in to buy, Yan Botao would definitely call him a big fool.


But looking at Li Changqing's expression, Yan Botao felt that Li Changqing was not joking.




"Great Protector, really selling for five thousand taels?" Yan Botao really couldn't imagine who would be the sucker to spend five thousand taels on two taels of tea.


"Hm, sell it like that," Li Changqing didn't continue on the topic, but instead asked about the recent situation of the Yan family.


Yan Botao also answered, recently Changting Town was the same as before, no different.


This also reassured Li Changqing.


After all, he had a feud with the Su Family, and the Grandmaster of the Su Family died outside Changting Town, killed by Zhang Fuguang.


The Su Family would definitely blame him.


Until the evening, Yan Botao left, first going to see the Changqing Trading Company in North Cold City.


Li Changqing continued with his carving and also had Zhang Fuguang go to the black market to look for good wood.




A few days later.


Today was a special day for Tushan City.


Because today, the Inspector's mansion was going to execute someone again.


But the citizens were so excited that they didn't sleep all night, their eyes wide open until the cool of dawn, eager to get out.


Today was the day the Inspector's mansion was to execute Hua Xianggu and Mu San.


The place of execution, as always, was in the central square of Tushan City.


Not only Mu San and Hua Xianggu were to be beheaded today, but also Mu Jing and Hua Zheyu.


As well as some family members of the two families who had been involved in the investigation recently, a large number of people.


Their faces were ashen, never expecting that after basking in the glory of the Mu residence and Hua family for so long, they would die here today.


Walking on the streets, the surrounding citizens glared at them ferociously, wishing they could eat their flesh and drink their blood.


Some citizens even threw stones at them.


They never expected these citizens to be so bold. On normal days, they were polite and called them 'masters', but now they dared to attack them.


Today's executioner was Li Hengsheng himself.


On the execution platform in the center of Tushan City, all the people were neatly tied up and kneeling.


The executioner was also ready.


"Let me do it."


At this moment, Lin Qizhu came up and spoke to the executioner.


The executioner was taken aback, then handed the large knife in his hand to Lin Qizhu.


Lin Qizhu weighed the knife in his hand, then came behind Mu San and sneered, "Mu San, you never thought you'd have this day, did you? I promised my brothers I'd use your head to pay tribute to them."


"Heh," Mu San just chuckled lightly, not even paying attention to Lin Qizhu. He just turned his head to look at Li Hengsheng on the platform.


"Li Hengsheng."


"Do you really think you can kill me?" Mu San's eyes were filled with intense confidence.


Hearing this, Li Hengsheng also smiled, "Otherwise, do you think I brought you here to sightsee?"


"Li Hengsheng, times change," Hua Xianggu also spoke calmly at this time, "Our lives are not yours for the taking."


Both had already learned that the Prefect of Zhenguo Mansion had agreed to help, and knew that the people from Zhenguo Mansion were coming today.


With the intervention of Zhenguo Mansion's people, what could Li Hengsheng dare to do?


Seeing the two so confident, Li Hengsheng was also somewhat surprised, then gestured to one of the guards.




The guard approached to inquire.


"What did you feed them this morning? How come they're hallucinating?" Li Hengsheng was puzzled.


"They didn't eat anything special," the guard was also confused.


"The time has come."


Li Hengsheng looked up at the sun.


The sun was already high in the sky, and in Tushan City, beheadings were always at this time.


"Kill them!"


"Kill them!"


The surrounding citizens shouted angrily, eager for the days of oppression by the Hua family and the Mu residence to end.


At this moment, Hua Xianggu and Mu San were also somewhat panicked. Why hadn't the people from Zhenguo Mansion arrived?


"Lin Qizhu, do it!" Li Hengsheng said indifferently.




Lin Qizhu chuckled and then raised the large knife in his hand.


"Spare them!"


Just then, a voice roared in.


The voice was penetrating, and an astonishing momentum pushed the surrounding citizens away.


Then, a troop of people came walking down the street from behind.


Leading them was a man in a yellow robe, followed by people in armor, also holding a large flag.


The flag bore a large 'Zhen' character.


"They're here!"


At this moment, Hua Xianggu and Mu San finally relaxed.


Li Hengsheng and the others were also surprised to see the people from Zhenguo Mansion.


Why had they come?


Li Hengsheng didn't move.


The yellow-robed man stepped forward, glanced at Li Hengsheng, then actually took out a scroll and declared, "Inspector Li Hengsheng of White Snake Path, heed the order!"


Li Hengsheng frowned and simply stood up.


The other citizens were also surprised, watching the scene unfold, unsure of what was about to happen.


"The Prefect's order," the yellow-robed man announced loudly.


"Hold on," Li Hengsheng interrupted the yellow-robed man at this time, then said, "Sir, I am currently executing criminals. Time waits for no one. After I've killed them, I will listen to your reading of the Prefect's order."


"Proceed," Li Hengsheng looked at Lin Qizhu.


Lin Qizhu nodded.


"No!" the yellow-robed man spoke again.


"Inspector!" the yellow-robed man pointed at Li Hengsheng and said, "You are now the Inspector of Black Tiger Pool, not of White Snake Path. You have no right to execute these criminals of White Snake Path. You must wait for the next Inspector to arrive before dealing with them, so you cannot kill them."


With these words, the citizens present also changed color.


"Ha ha ha ha!"


Hua Xianggu also burst into laughter, "Li Hengsheng, you can't kill us."


"Li Hengsheng, just roll back to your Black Tiger Pool."


"Take them back," the yellow-robed man ordered loudly.


Immediately, the many soldiers behind him were about to step forward.


"I'd like to see who dares."


Li Hengsheng stepped forward at this moment, looking at the yellow-robed man, "Let them take one more step and see."


"Whoever dares to step forward, I won't kill them."


"I'll kill you."


In an instant, Li Hengsheng's gaze filled with a mighty killing intent, sweeping over the yellow-robed man.

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