Chapter 212 – Tree of longevity, fruit of long life

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

Li Hengsheng looked down at Lu Shiran, her face smeared with dirt and her lips cracked from dryness.


She was holding a filthy steamed bun, still covered with sand and dirt.


It seemed she had dropped it while stealing the bun, but Lu Shiran had picked it up and eaten it anyway.


"Come have a meal with me." Li Hengsheng took the steamed bun from Lu Shiran's hand and tossed it aside—it was too dirty to eat.


Lu Shiran glanced back at the discarded bun, seemingly reluctant to leave it behind, but still followed Li Hengsheng into the restaurant.


"Tell the guys upstairs I've got something to handle and won't be joining them. Let them enjoy themselves," Li Hengsheng told the waiter.


"Right away," the waiter hurried off to pass on the message.


"Shopkeeper, prepare a table of dishes," Li Hengsheng instructed the shopkeeper.


"Of course, I'll arrange it right now."


The shopkeeper scurried off to make the arrangements.


Li Hengsheng had someone bring a basin of water and washed Lu Shiran's face.


Once the grime was washed away, Lu Shiran's stunning beauty was revealed again, but even so, Li Hengsheng could still see the hardships reflected in her eyes.


"Tell me, what exactly happened?" Li Hengsheng had Lu Shiran sit down and asked, "Where has your cultivation gone, and your divine body? I can't sense it at all."


"It's been sealed," Lu Shiran calmly stated, "by the Su Family."


"The Su Family from the Southern Wilderness?"


Li Hengsheng was taken aback.


"Yes," Lu Shiran continued, "The Su Family came to Guanglan Palace to discuss a marriage alliance. Initially, the marriage had nothing to do with me, but Su Xianci saw me and, coveting my divine body, insisted on marrying me."


"Didn't Guangzu object?" Li Hengsheng asked in shock.


"Guangzu was against it at first, but somehow the Su Family offered something that changed his mind. To prevent any mishaps, they used a secret method to seal my cultivation and divine body. But I still managed to escape."


Lu Shiran spoke as if recounting a trivial matter.


"There's a hidden river behind Guanglan Palace. I jumped into it and was swept away by the current, which is why they couldn't find me."


Lu Shiran blinked innocently.


"Jumping into a dark river without any cultivation!" Li Hengsheng couldn't believe his ears. "Are you mad? You could have lost your life!"


"I'd rather take my chances than marry that Su Xianci. I can't stand him, and besides, I have you as my husband. How could I marry someone else?" Lu Shiran looked at Li Hengsheng.


Before Li Hengsheng could respond, the waiter came in to serve the dishes.


"Let's eat first," Li Hengsheng quickly suggested.


Seeing the table full of food, Lu Shiran began to wolf it down.


Watching her eat, Li Hengsheng realized she must have suffered a lot on her journey. After all, the distance from Guanglan Palace to Zhenguo Mansion was not only vast but fraught with danger. It was no easy feat for her to have made it here without any cultivation.


Midway through the meal, Lu Shiran caught Li Hengsheng's gaze, swallowed the food in her mouth, and reassured him, "Don't worry, husband. It's nothing. I've lived like this for years before, so I'm used to it. Wandering is nothing to me. Even without cultivation, it's fine. After all, I've only had my powers for less than a year."


"It was just a bit troublesome finding you, my husband. I was heading to Dao Mountain Ancient Land, but when I was close, I heard you'd been reassigned to Zhenguo Mansion as an Inspector, so I came here instead. I didn't expect to actually find you," Lu Shiran chuckled.


"Eat up, there's plenty more," Li Hengsheng patted Lu Shiran's head.


He also wondered what secret method the Su Family had used to seal Lu Shiran's divine body.


Even the mighty Five Absolutes Seal couldn't contain a divine body, could it?


And what agreement had Guanglan Palace's Guangzu and the Su Family's Su Zheng reached that they would even send Lu Shiran to marry into the Su Family?


It was all a mystery.


Eventually, Lu Shiran finished two tables worth of food, finally satiated.


Li Hengsheng then bought her several beautiful dresses.


"Put on the clothes, and throw away those dirty ones you were wearing," Li Hengsheng told Lu Shiran.


"Uh, okay."


Lu Shiran's eyes lit up at the sight of the beautiful clothes.


"Where are you going, husband?" Lu Shiran curiously called out to Li Hengsheng as he was about to leave.


"I'm stepping out so you can change," Li Hengsheng was surprised.


"It's okay, you can stay. You're my husband, what's there to fear?" Lu Shiran didn't mind at all.


"Alright, I'll go out then." Li Hengsheng left and closed the door behind him.


Li Hengsheng decided to let Lu Shiran stay at the Inspector's residence for the time being, keeping her by his side.


People from Guanglan Palace and the Su Family were surely looking for her.


This way, she would have someone to look after her.


Li Hengsheng didn't want to see Lu Shiran wandering alone anymore, a girl who had lost everything.


He might be her last refuge.


Out of both emotion and reason, Li Hengsheng couldn't bear to send Lu Shiran away; after all, they had shared life and death together.


After a while, the door opened, and Lu Shiran emerged, dressed in new clothes, once again the breathtaking Lu Shiran.


Many in the restaurant were stunned.


Her ethereal charm deeply attracted many onlookers.


Li Hengsheng smiled slightly and then asked, "What are your plans now?"


"I have no particular plans. Wherever you go, I'll follow. I'm your wife, after all," Lu Shiran said naturally.


"I might have to stay in Zhenguo Mansion for a few years as an Inspector. If you're willing, stay with me here. I doubt the Su Family and Guanglan Palace will find you easily," Li Hengsheng proposed to Lu Shiran.


"I'll follow your lead," Lu Shiran nodded.


"Let's go back to the Inspector's residence."


Li Hengsheng paid for the meal and then took Lu Shiran back to the Inspector's residence.


The people at the residence were shocked that Li Hengsheng had brought back such a beauty, but he simply explained that she was his cousin, named Lu Shiran, and didn't elaborate further to prevent any leaks.


But such a beauty as Li Hengsheng's cousin?


It was hardly believable.


Yet everyone tacitly understood and didn't expose the truth.


However, the news of Lu Shiran's arrival reached Li Changqing in Ziwu City.


"Lu Shiran actually found her way here?" Li Changqing listened to Zhen Wanshou relay the day's intelligence.


Li Changqing had been wondering where Lu Shiran could have gone after running away from Guanglan Palace, and now she had unexpectedly turned up here.


But according to Zhen Wanshou's report, Lu Shiran had neither cultivation nor a divine body, which surprised Li Changqing.


Her cultivation was sealed, and even her divine body?


What kind of method was that?


"The Su Family's secret technique, the Immortal Binding Finger," Zhen Wanshou explained to Li Changqing, "Once struck by the Immortal Binding Finger, one's cultivation and divine body are both sealed. Unless someone from the Su Family lifts the seal, it's difficult to break."


"Such a formidable technique?" Li Changqing was astonished. "Does that mean it's even more powerful than the Five Absolutes Seal from Dao Mountain Ancient Land?"


"The Five Absolutes Seal?" Zhen Wanshou quickly shook his head, "They're not the same. The Five Absolutes Seal, when perfected, can fix heaven and earth, lock time and space, but the Immortal Binding Finger targets only individuals, not even on the same level."


"Moreover, the Five Absolutes Seal's lockdown is only momentary, but the Immortal Binding Finger's seal could last a lifetime if not lifted. Also, the Immortal Binding Finger is highly complex, involving many steps. In a fight of equal realms, the Su Family wouldn't use such a technique."


"To seal the opponent's essence, one might need to strike thirty-six times. If you can land that many hits, you might as well immobilize them with a knife, so why bother? But the Five Absolutes Seal is different; it can be concealed within one's attacks, using the profound laws of heaven and earth to seal, and may even be executed with a glance, something the Immortal Binding Finger can't compare to."


"So it seems, compared to the Five Absolutes Seal, the Immortal Binding Finger is not even close," Zhen Wanshou earnestly analyzed for Li Changqing.


"You seem to know quite a bit," Li Changqing looked at Zhen Wanshou in surprise.


"Of course, I've roamed the world for so many years, do you think it's a joke? I know some secrets about various forces," Zhen Wanshou boasted proudly.


"So, how would one lift the Su Family's Immortal Binding Finger?" Li Changqing inquired.


"Eh?" Zhen Wanshou was taken aback, "You'd have to find someone from the Su Family."


"Isn't that obvious? The Immortal Binding Finger is a Su Family technique, so of course, I'd have to find them to lift it," Li Changqing said irritably.


"Don't rush, there's another way," Zhen Wanshou said gravely, "It depends on the cultivator who used the Immortal Binding Finger. If their cultivation hasn't reached the realm of Earthly Immortals, just find an Earthly Immortal, and they can break the seal."


"Oh," Li Changqing thought this method was feasible.


But he didn't know many Earthly Immortals, only Luo Xiaochuan.


For now, he'd wait and see. After all, his daughter-in-law was safe with his son and probably wouldn't encounter any trouble.


Li Changqing wasn't too worried about Li Hengsheng anymore because after being reborn from the Phoenix True Fire, not only had Li Hengsheng's life been renewed, but he had also undergone a complete transformation. His roots had turned into those of a genius, now no less than Lu Shiran.


His path of cultivation would be smoother from now on.


He would become stronger and stronger in the future.


"Li Changqing, you haven't finished telling me today's story. Hurry up," Zhen Wanshou eagerly pressed, "Last time you left off with Old Huang challenging Wang Xianzhi, what happened next?"


"Do you know where I can find some rare trees?" Li Changqing didn't answer the question but instead asked Zhen Wanshou about trees.




"Yes, like the Tree of Longevity," Li Changqing had been researching his wood carving lately. Ordinary wood could be carved into sculptures with considerable power, much like the mighty Painting Sage who could create powerful paintings even on regular paper.


But if there were better paper, it would be the icing on the cake.


Li Hengsheng also found that the difference between various types of wood was quite significant.


Sculptures made from ordinary wood first had less durability and would easily break with use.


Secondly, different types of treasures, if matched with corresponding types of wood, would receive special bonuses.


Just like the previous Tree of Longevity, the phoenix that Li Changqing spent so many days carving gave Li Hengsheng a chance at life.


It was precisely because the wood was a rare piece of the Tree of Longevity; otherwise, if it were just ordinary wood, the success rate would have been very low.


Before, he didn't realize the value of the Tree of Longevity and wasted a lot. Now, realizing how precious it was, Li Changqing felt some regret.


Recently, Fei found that Li Changqing's gaze towards him was a bit off.


There was always a feeling as if he wanted to slaughter and eat him.


So when Li Changqing asked Zhen Wanshou, he was trying to find out where he could get precious wood to prepare for making treasures.


Zhen Wanshou was completely baffled by Li Changqing's question.


The Tree of Longevity?


Was that something you could just find easily?


"Let me think…"


Despite not knowing what Li Changqing was up to, Zhen Wanshou still tried to recall.


"Oh, I remember now, I heard about a tree on an island in the Southern Wilderness. Rumor has it that the tree has incredibly vibrant leaves that sometimes even glow. I haven't seen it myself, but I guess it must be a decent tree, right?"


Zhen Wanshou's vague description left Li Changqing speechless.


What was he talking about?


"Brother Changqing!"


Just then, a robust voice came from outside.


Hearing the voice, Li Changqing knew it was Long Haocheng.


He stepped out to see, and indeed, Long Haocheng had arrived.


Not only that, but Long Haocheng was accompanied by a young man.


This young man carried himself with an air of wealth and nobility, and even his clothes were very luxurious.


But upon closer inspection, Li Changqing noticed that the clothes were from the Changqing Trading Company.


It seemed this person must be from North Cold Country.


"General Long."


Li Changqing approached and greeted with a fist salute.


"Why so formal?" Long Haocheng was already familiar with Li Changqing and replied with a smile, "I've come to introduce you to someone. This was once my student, named Yin Zixuan. Since he's come to Ziwu City, I thought we must try Brother Changqing's wine and those spicy century eggs."


Yin Zixuan sized up Li Changqing and nodded. In his eyes, Li Changqing was just an ordinary person.


"Yin Zixuan?"


Li Changqing smiled, "Seems like a prince."


Hearing this, Yin Zixuan raised an eyebrow and said, "I didn't expect the owner to figure it out."


"I do know a few princes from North Cold Country."


Li Changqing didn't care and just said it outright.


"Oh? Brother Changqing even knows princes?" Even Long Haocheng was surprised.


"Which prince do you know?" Yin Zixuan was also surprised. Could this small tavern owner know a prince?


"Let me think, I've met Yin He," Li Changqing said casually.


"Hmph." Yin Zixuan hummed dismissively, clearly not holding Yin He in high regard.


"Yin Changli," Li Changqing mentioned another name.


This name made Yin Zixuan pause, then he asked in surprise, "You know Yin Changli?"


"I heard Yin Changli is now in Medical King Valley, is that right?" Yin Zixuan couldn't help but ask.


"Yes," Li Changqing nodded, "And Yin Shuyu is currently at Zhanhe Residence."


Hearing these two names, Yin Zixuan had to believe that Li Changqing truly knew members of their royal family.


For a moment, he saw Li Changqing in a new light, realizing he had underestimated him.


This was definitely not just an ordinary tavern owner.


At this time, Zhang Fuguang also brought the wine and dishes.


Long Haocheng invited Li Changqing to drink together, and Li Changqing didn't refuse, so the three of them began to drink.


Yin Zixuan became more and more interested in Li Changqing and asked him some questions. Although Li Changqing's knowledge of the Cangyuan Realm was limited, his insights into other matters were very thorough, leaving Yin Zixuan quite impressed.


His address changed from tavern owner to Mr. Changqing.


"Eh, by the way, Mr. Changqing, your name is Changqing, does that have anything to do with the Changqing Trading Company?" Yin Zixuan asked with a chuckle.


It was just a casual question, thinking the names were similar.


But Li Changqing casually responded, "The Changqing Trading Company is mine."


At this, not only Yin Zixuan but also Long Haocheng were dumbfounded.


The Changqing Trading Company was Li Changqing's?


Wasn't that a bit far-fetched?


The Changqing Trading Company was a huge business, now spread throughout the Eastern Desolate Land with booming business everywhere, and backed by the Qinglian Sword Sovereign. And the owner of the Changqing Trading Company was here drinking with them?


For a moment, Yin Zixuan and Long Haocheng were stunned, not knowing what to say.


"Eat up," Li Changqing urged.


"Otherwise, these cold dishes might get warm," he instructed.


Now somewhat reserved, knowing Li Changqing's identity, they didn't dare act rashly.


"I wonder what brings the prince to Ziwu City?" Li Changqing was curious about the prince's purpose.


Just to see his teacher?


Li Changqing didn't buy it.


"Actually, I'm here for my sister," Yin Zixuan took a deep breath and said, "I've brought several experts to search for a treasure called the Longevity Fruit in the Black Ancient Forest."


"Longevity Fruit?" Li Changqing asked curiously, "What do you need that for? To extend life?"


"To prolong my sister's life," Yin Zixuan said solemnly, "My sister contracted a strange illness a long time ago. She's only twelve but has already gone gray, and her life force is rapidly depleting. Our father has tried many methods, but to no avail. Now, she doesn't have much time left. I've researched ancient texts and bought a lot of information, only to learn that deep in the Black Ancient Forest, there's a Heavenly Longevity Tree with a Longevity Fruit."


"Eating one can extend life by five years," Yin Zixuan said gravely, "I'm here to enter the Black Ancient Forest and find that tree."


"Trees?" Li Changqing's eyes lit up at the mention of trees, indicating the possibility of good wood.


"But does this Longevity Fruit really exist?" Li Changqing expressed doubt, "A fruit that can extend life by five years, wouldn't it be picked before you get the chance? No matter how strong one's cultivation is, even reaching the realm of Earthly Immortals, immortality is unachievable. If such a thing existed, I'm afraid even the lord of the Cangyuan Realm would have taken it, right?"


"Not necessarily," Yin Zixuan hurriedly shook his head, "This Longevity Fruit only works on ordinary people who can't cultivate. Plus, the Heavenly Longevity Tree is in the Black Ancient Forest, guarded by fierce and evil spirit beasts. It's probably not easy to find, so it's not as scarce as you might think. Also, the first fruit extends life by five years, but the effect of the second is only to extend life by one year."


"A person can eat at most three in their lifetime, and the third one only adds three months to one's lifespan."


"My sister is a normal person. Although we can't cure her disease for the time being, I've always been looking for a way. Now she has less than a month left to live, and I hope to find a bit more hope by getting the Longevity Fruit." Yin Zixuan's expression was filled with sorrow.


This sister was his full-blooded sibling, his own little sister.


Watching his beloved sister deteriorate to her current state was truly heartbreaking for Yin Zixuan.


"How many experts have you brought?" Li Changqing asked curiously.


"I've brought two experts at the peak of the Innate realm," Yin Zixuan took a deep breath, "So I came to seek my teacher's help, hoping he could lend a hand."


"Three at the peak of Innate, venturing into the Black Ancient Forest?" Li Changqing raised an eyebrow, "I'm afraid you might die in there before you find what you're looking for."


While the peak of the Innate realm was indeed impressive, they were talking about the Black Ancient Forest. Deep within it lurked many powerful spirit beasts.


Some were comparable to human Grandmasters.


If they encountered just one, it could mean total annihilation for them.




Yin Zixuan knew it was a risky venture.


But with Zhang Yuan in closed-door cultivation and Zhao Beiming required to guard North Cold Country and unable to leave, his sister had less than a month left. There wasn't enough time.


He had no choice but to take the risk.


"Does the sir have any ideas? If the sir can help me get the Longevity Fruit, I am willing to offer a generous reward," Yin Zixuan looked to Li Changqing.


"What kind of reward?" Li Changqing asked seriously.


"This…" Yin Zixuan pondered for a moment, then said, "If we can find the Longevity Fruit, my father, the king, will value it greatly. At that time, you can pick any item from North Cold Country's treasury."


"Is that so?" Li Changqing was surprised, "In that case, why go yourself? Just announce a bounty, and I'm sure many experts would go for it. After all, North Cold Country isn't poor."


"We can't publicize this matter widely," Yin Zixuan shook his head, "Otherwise, the Longevity Fruit could become a threat to North Cold Country."


Hearing this, Li Changqing nodded, understanding the situation.


"In your North Cold Country's treasury, do you have Dragon Blood Essence?" Li Changqing suddenly asked with curiosity.

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