Chapter 209 – Darkness Beneath the Lamp

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

"What is that?"


Several guards stepped forward and squinted into the darkness, where it seemed a horse was approaching.


"A horse?"


Gradually, they began to faintly hear the sound of hooves.


But why would a horse come running out of nowhere?


And in the darkness, wasn't the shape of this horse larger than that of an ordinary one?


After a long wait, as the horse drew near, the city guards finally saw that it was Zidian, the purple lightning steed!


Since they were all from the Inspectorate, they were very familiar with Li Hengsheng's mount.


"It's the Inspector's horse, quick, find out what's going on!"


They hurried forward.


"It's the Inspector, the Inspector is on the horse!" the first guard to rush up urgently reported.


But he saw Li Hengsheng lying on the horse's back, and he quickly shook Li Hengsheng, calling out, "Inspector!"


"Sir, please wake up."


The guard shook Li Hengsheng's body, but there was no response.


"What's wrong?"


By now, several other guards had also run up.


"The Inspector won't wake up no matter how much we shake him."


The guard said anxiously.


"Sir, sir?" An older guard came up, shook Li Hengsheng's shoulder a bit too vigorously, and Li Hengsheng fell off Zidian's back.




They rushed to check on him, but as they drew closer, their faces turned as pale as paper!


Li Hengsheng's chest was soaked with blood, his heart pierced through.


Two guards collapsed to the ground in shock.


They couldn't believe the scene before their eyes; was Li Hengsheng really dead?


The older guard was trembling with fear, but still shakily stepped forward to check, touching Li Hengsheng's neck.


Even the last glimmer of hope had vanished.


Li Hengsheng was truly dead.


There was no sign of life left.


"Quick, go notify the Inspectorate," the old guard said, closing his eyes in resignation.


"Ah, yes."


Two guards scrambled away to inform the Inspectorate.


It was already the early hours of the morning.


Wu Santong sat in the courtyard, having not slept for two days since Li Hengsheng's disappearance.


He stared at the map, circling the areas they had searched, looking for any missed spots, and planning where to continue the search for Li Hengsheng today.


Xu Kui was also restless, the loss of Li Hengsheng making him even more anxious.


At that moment, Xu Kui came in from outside; he had gone searching alone again but still found no clues.


Just as Xu Kui was about to suggest Wu Santong take a rest, two guards burst in, panicked and stumbling, even falling as they entered.


"Something's wrong, sirs, we've found the Inspector," the guards said in terror.


"Where!" Wu Santong stood up sharply and demanded.


"Outside the city, but the Inspector has already…" The guard broke down, unable to continue. Since Li Hengsheng became the Inspector, the situation in White Snake Path had changed dramatically, and they, as guards of the Inspectorate, had benefited and were now respected wherever they went.


All this was thanks to Li Hengsheng, and now…


"What's happened?" Wu Santong's heart sank, his mouth going dry.


"Enough talk, take us there!" Xu Kui bellowed, grabbing the two men and dashing towards the city gates.


Wu Santong hurriedly followed.


When Wu Santong arrived outside the city, he saw Xu Kui standing there, silent. Wu Santong quickly approached and asked, "Where's our senior brother?"


Xu Kui remained silent.


Wu Santong looked down and saw a body on the ground, covered by a garment.


His pupils constricted.


He swallowed hard, then crouched down and slowly lifted the corner of the garment, seeing Li Hengsheng's face inside.


Wu Santong couldn't believe his eyes.


Was Li Hengsheng dead?


He sat down on the ground, speechless for a long time.


And at that moment, the rising sun slowly ascended.


Day had broken.


Li Changqing returned to the inn and locked himself in his room, speaking to no one.


Zhen Wanshou and Zhang Fuguang didn't know what had happened, and when they tried to speak with Li Changqing, he ignored them.


They decided not to disturb him further, letting Li Changqing have some peace.


Meanwhile, Li Changqing was pondering his and his son's future in his room.


Since crossing over to this world, he had been an ordinary citizen in his previous life. Even after arriving in the Cangyuan Realm, a land of fantasy, he wanted to live a low-profile life with his son, peaceful and unambitious, unaffected by the world's myriad changes.


But today, Li Changqing realized that such days might no longer be possible.


From the moment his son was targeted by the Longevity Sect, Li Changqing felt for the first time that living a peaceful life was difficult. However, if he had strength, no one would dare to provoke him.


Later, after obtaining the Qinglian Seven Swords and controlling the Seven Kills Sword Formation, establishing the Changqing Trading Company, and earning the title of Qinglian Sword Sovereign, he still found that there were always higher mountains.


He was still trapped in someone else's scheme.


He didn't know when he might die without understanding how.


Luo Xiaochuan's words couldn't be fully trusted, but they couldn't be completely dismissed either.


Li Changqing felt he had underestimated this world and the masters of the Cangyuan Realm. Despite his strength, even matching the Great Martial Sect, it was only after meeting Luo Xiaochuan that he realized how terrifying a land immortal could be!


A land immortal truly transcended the world; in their presence, the Great Martial Sect was insignificant.


To have the power to contend with a land immortal, there were only two paths he could take.


The first was for his Divine Soul to break through to the realm of Great Freedom.


Only by breaking through to the realm of Great Freedom could he truly match a land immortal, but this path was too harsh.


Throughout the history of the Cangyuan Realm, there were only a handful of souls that had broken through to the realm of Great Freedom, perhaps even fewer.


The previous generation's Painting Immortal, Gu Hanxi, had broken through to the realm of Great Freedom, but soon met his end.


For Li Changqing, this was not a good option. Deep in a trap, he didn't know when someone might bring him great danger. He feared he might die before breaking through to the realm of Great Freedom.


As for the second path, Li Changqing thought his wood carving might open a new way for him.


No matter how skilled a martial artist is, they still fear a kitchen knife.


To others, a powerful Painting Treasure is a precious and rare find, a top-tier Painting Treasure can bring unimaginable enhancement.


Just like in the Ghost Devil, Zhao Juezong's strength was ordinary, but he managed to escape from his Seven Kills Qinglian Sword Formation and survive his pursuit, all thanks to a Painting Treasure, which said it all.


However, such Painting Treasures were extremely rare in the entire Cangyuan Realm.


But this was not so important to him.


Isn't it just a treasure?


Give him a piece of wood, and he could create a treasure.


If he had rare materials for wood, the treasures he created would be even more impressive.


Even with his wood carving, he could cultivate powerful warriors to serve him.


He had previously concealed his wood carving skills, wanting to live a peaceful life without attracting attention. But whether he carved or not, he was already being plotted against, so what was he waiting for?


Might as well go all out.


Recruiting masters to build the strongest Changqing Trading Company was not so simple.


The first issue was trust.


Trust between people is the hardest, especially after witnessing the methods of the Longevity Sect. The Longevity Sect infiltrated everywhere, making it possible for anyone to be their spy. This was really troublesome; even if he cultivated strong warriors, they might not always be loyal to him.


How to solve this issue?


How to ensure that there would be no traitors among his followers?


He had seen methods in his previous life where a curse was planted in someone's soul or contracts were signed, but such methods didn't exist in the Cangyuan Realm, and Li Changqing didn't know them.


At the same time, Li Changqing was also pondering what kind of magical treasure could achieve this?


But he couldn't think of any good ideas.


However, he first needed to recruit those he could trust into his camp.


The Changqing Trading Company needed to grow stronger.


It needed not only strong capital but also powerful intelligence.


Why was the intelligence of the Longevity Sect so formidable?


It was because of their brainwashing ability that allowed them to insert their people into various forces, the simplest and most convenient method.


Li Changqing prepared to study carefully to see if he could find a way.


As for those he could trust.


Zhang Fuguang was definitely the first.


Since Zhang Fuguang had left the Blood Shadow Sect, he should not refuse to join the Changqing Trading Company.


His assassination skills were indeed strong, capable of killing even a Grandmaster.


Such a person was definitely useful, and a great help to the Changqing Trading Company.


As for the second candidate, Li Changqing had already made up his mind.


Taking a piece of wood from the Acceptance of Rings, Li Changqing also took out his tools, ready to start preparations.


Since he wanted to recruit Zhang Fuguang, empty promises wouldn't suffice; a gift was necessary.


From morning until evening, Li Changqing was carefully carving the treasure in his hands.


"Knock knock, sir, it's time to come out for dinner, you haven't eaten all day," Zhang Fuguang knocked at the door.


As his voice fell, the door opened on its own.


Zhang Fuguang was startled, and then he heard Li Changqing's voice from inside: "Fuguang, come in."


Zhang Fuguang entered the room and saw wood shavings all over the floor, the room in disarray, and Li Changqing sitting on a chair, looking slightly weary.


"Sir, are you alright?" Zhang Fuguang asked cautiously.


"I'm fine," Li Changqing looked at Zhang Fuguang and said, "I have something very important to ask you, and I'd like to hear your opinion."


"Please tell me, sir," Zhang Fuguang said seriously, sensing the gravity in Li Changqing's voice.


"The Cangyuan Realm is tumultuous, no longer peaceful. To survive here, one must prepare early or choose a side, but I, sir, don't like working for others…" Li Changqing paused, then looked at Zhang Fuguang and continued, "Do you understand what I mean?"


Zhang Fuguang pondered for a moment, then nodded.


"The Changqing Trading Company is my creation, but it's still weak. Whether it can survive in this turbulent Cangyuan Realm is uncertain, so I want to ask you, Fuguang, are you willing to join the Changqing Trading Company? I need your help," Li Changqing asked.


Hearing this, Zhang Fuguang didn't immediately agree.


After a long pause, Zhang Fuguang shook his head and said, "Mr. Changqing, I left the Blood Shadow Sect because I was tired of that life, so I don't really want to get involved with any forces. I just want to live an ordinary life with my daughter."


"I understand," Li Changqing didn't expect Zhang Fuguang to refuse.


"I stayed by Mr. Changqing's side to repay a debt of gratitude," Zhang Fuguang said earnestly. "After leaving the Blood Shadow Sect with Yaoyao, we fought countless battles along the way, enduring much hardship, and Yaoyao suffered along with me."


"We were so hungry we had nothing to eat, and I didn't want to use my strength to kill and rob others. I didn't want Yaoyao to eat food obtained that way. Later, when we arrived in Changting Town, I didn't expect Yaoyao to steal food, and at that moment, I was at a loss."


"In that crisis, it was Mr. Changqing who saved us."


"That day, you gave Yaoyao twelve buns."


"So later, when I found Mr. Changqing, I cleaned your yard at the Yan family's house, actually wanting to find an opportunity to repay your kindness, to repay the kindness of those twelve buns."


"I made up my mind then that I would kill twelve people to repay you. Once my debt of gratitude is repaid, I will take Yaoyao to a quiet place to live a peaceful life, and the affairs of the Cangyuan Realm will have nothing to do with me."


"Hai Songtao of the Hai family, two innate masters from the Black List, and that Grandmaster from the Su Family were all killed by me. I have already killed four people for you, and I still owe you eight lives. Once these eight lives are repaid, it will be time for me to leave, sir," Zhang Fuguang said respectfully. "Please forgive me, sir."


Hearing Zhang Fuguang's words, Li Changqing was stunned. He hadn't expected Zhang Fuguang to have such a purpose. He had thought Zhang Fuguang was following him, but it turned out it was just to repay the kindness of those buns.


But everyone has their own aspirations, and Li Changqing couldn't force someone to do something they didn't want to do.


"That's fine," Li Changqing's gaze softened, and he smiled, "Actually, there's no need to repay the kindness. It was just some buns. If you can take Yaoyao to a secluded place and live an ordinary life, that would be quite good."


"I must repay kindness; it's my life principle."


"And please forgive me for taking the initiative to kill some people who wanted to harm you, sir. I know these people were no threat to you, sir. It seems I was being redundant," Zhang Fuguang knelt on one knee to apologize to Li Changqing.


"No, you can't say that," Li Changqing shook his head. "You really helped me. I didn't expect that Grandmaster from the Su Family to die by your hand. At that time, I wasn't at the Yan family's house. If they had come looking there, the Yan family might have suffered. You did well. Now, don't kneel, get up."


"Thank you, sir."


Zhang Fuguang stood up.


"I respect your choice," Li Changqing felt a bit regretful, but it was normal for someone to have their own desired way of life.


"I hope you will allow me to repay the remaining kindness," Zhang Fuguang said earnestly.


"Alright," Li Changqing nodded. "If there really is a need to solve some trouble, I will tell you."


"Here, take this."


Li Changqing picked up the wood carving he had been working on all day and handed it to Zhang Fuguang.


Zhang Fuguang looked at the object Li Changqing handed over, surprised as he took it. It was a Buddha lamp carved from wood by Li Changqing.


Li Changqing's exquisite carving skills even made the flame on the Buddha lamp look lifelike.


The moment Zhang Fuguang took it, his expression changed.


Because Zhang Fuguang realized this object was a treasure!


"A Painting Treasure!" Zhang Fuguang exclaimed in surprise.


"Yes, it's for you," Li Changqing said. "This Buddha lamp is for you, very suitable for you, and even more for your abilities."


With a wave of his hand, Li Changqing made the Buddha lamp in Zhang Fuguang's hand fly out.


The Buddha lamp soared into the sky, entering the boundless void above.


The next moment, the entire Zi Wu City underwent a huge change!


Suddenly, the whole world darkened as the power of the Buddha lamp turned Zi Wu City into day and night!


It was engulfed in endless darkness.


The people of Zi Wu City looked up at the sky, puzzled. It was still noon, so why had it suddenly turned as dark as midnight outside?


Zhang Fuguang was also astonished by this scene. This treasure was so powerful.


Could it reverse the yin and yang of heaven and earth?


"This treasure is really…" Zhang Fuguang didn't know what to say.


This treasure was perfect for him.


His ability was to hide in the shadows. If someone who understood his ability encountered him during the day, his ability would be as good as none, making it very difficult to assassinate someone, and he could even be targeted for his weakness.


When he hid in the shadows, if the shadow he was hiding in was attacked, he would be injured.


But with this treasure, when the world was plunged into darkness, it would be like entering his realm.


Finding his traces would be nearly impossible!


Such a treasure was tailor-made for him.




The sky brightened again, and the Buddha lamp flew back to Li Changqing's hand. Li Changqing handed it to Zhang Fuguang, saying, "With this treasure, your strength will rise to another level."


"But sir, such a precious treasure, I…" Zhang Fuguang hurriedly declined.


Zhang Fuguang knew the value of a Painting Treasure. It could be said to be worth a city. Even a slightly ordinary Painting Treasure was very expensive, and a treasure like the one Li Changqing gave was a rare gem. How could he accept it?


Seeming to understand Zhang Fuguang's hesitation, Li Changqing didn't insist, simply saying, "You need it for now. When you have one day completed the task for me and want to leave, just leave this Painting Treasure behind."


"Alright then." Since Li Changqing had said so, Zhang Fuguang could not refuse any longer. If he was to seriously work for the sir in the future, he would definitely encounter trouble. With this treasure, his success rate in assassination would be higher.


And Zhang Fuguang indeed liked this treasure.


"Sir, what is the name of this Painting Treasure?" Zhang Fuguang quickly inquired about the name of the Buddha lamp.


"The name?"


Li Changqing was taken aback. His Painting Treasures were different from others. Others' Painting Treasures evolved from paintings, while his were carved from wood. It would be more appropriate to call them Carving Treasures, but that sounded a bit unpleasant.


As for the name, he hadn't had time to think of one.


This Buddha lamp was just a lamp from a Buddhist altar he had carved, to which he had given power.


"Let's call it 'Darkness Beneath the Lamp,'" Li Changqing said casually.


"Darkness Beneath the Lamp…" Zhang Fuguang's mouth twitched. Wasn't the name a bit too casual?


"Great name!"


Zhang Fuguang praised.


The citizens of Zi Wu City saw the day brighten again, all very surprised. What exactly had happened just now?


Even Long Haocheng was puzzled as he looked at the sky. What was that strange occurrence just now?


Meanwhile, in White Snake Path.


The news of Li Hengsheng's death had already spread, causing a huge uproar.


At this moment, Wu Santong could only accept the reality of Li Hengsheng's death.


Lin Qizhu was even more furious, vowing to avenge Li Hengsheng.


In the main hall of the Inspectorate, a coffin was placed, with Li Hengsheng's body lying inside.


The citizens of Tusen City, upon hearing the news of Li Hengsheng's death, came in droves, wishing to see him off on his last journey.


Wan Guifeng had not expected to be assigned to temporarily protect the Inspectorate, only to be greeted with the news of Li Hengsheng's death.


A disciple from the ancient Dao Mountain had died in White Snake Path.


This matter was probably not so simple, was it?


The entire Inspectorate was draped in white cloth, and Yan Wanghou sighed lightly. He was already old and had not expected to witness the departure of another Inspector.


But when this news spread, the Hua family and the Mu mansion were overjoyed.


They had been worrying about how to deal with Li Hengsheng, and now he was dead.


This was great news for them.


In the future, White Snake Path would still be under their control.


They were also preparing to completely destroy the Inspectorate once Wan Guifeng left, turning the Inspectorate once again into a puppet department in name only!


They did not believe that the next Inspector would be as tough as Li Hengsheng.


"No matter who the next Inspector is, we must let him know that offending our Hua family and Mu mansion will end up like Li Hengsheng!"


Mu San of the Mu mansion was in a very good mood at this time.

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