Chapter 200 – The story of Sadako in the painting

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

"Robin Hood of the greenwoods?"


Wu Santong couldn't help but ask, "Isn't that just a euphemism for bandits?"


"This Lin Qizhu is different. He's a man of bold spirit, always robbing the rich to aid the poor. He's caused trouble for the Hua family and the government before, but alas, their little arms couldn't twist the big thighs, and in the end, the government's strongmen swept through their stronghold."


"Many of his brothers died tragically, and only about thirty survived. To cover the others' escape, Lin Qizhu stayed behind alone. Later, the government wanted to make an example of him to show the folly of opposing them, so they handed Lin Qizhu over to the Inspector's office, imprisoning him in the dungeon, preparing for a public execution."


"I saw that Lin Qizhu was a real man, so that night I set a fire, creating chaos to help Lin Qizhu escape. Now he's living incognito, hiding somewhere in seclusion. My lord, if you truly wish to do something for the people of White Snake Path, I think it would be worthwhile to make contact with Lin Qizhu."


Yan Wanghou said to Li Hengsheng.


"Uh-huh." Li Hengsheng nodded, then said, "In a few days, Old Yan, take me to see this Lin Qizhu."




Old Yan nodded in agreement.


The twenty or so guards who came were given their salaries, and almost all of them were willing to stay and serve, for life in White Snake Path was hard, and to eat a government meal was not a bad thing.


Li Hengsheng arranged some simple tasks for them.


At least to keep up appearances for the Inspector's office.


Then he took Wu Santong to the backyard, where Li Hengsheng lived, next door to Yan Wanghou.


"Senior brother, why don't we make contact with Lin Qizhu right away?" Wu Santong said, "If we can recruit him sooner, our Inspector's office would have some real strength, don't you think? Look at the riffraff outside, what can we expect from them?"


While Li Hengsheng and Xu Kui were tidying up, Li Hengsheng said with a smile, "Junior brother, you're usually quite astute. How come you're so blind to many things after leaving the sect?"


"Are you saying… Old Yan doesn't trust us?" Wu Santong seemed to have grasped the crux of the matter.


"We've just arrived in Tusen City. How could Old Yan trust us right away? Although Old Yan is a bit paranoid, he's not a fool. The previous Inspector's actions have made him lose faith in the office as well."


"Even though Old Yan told us about Lin Qizhu, in the end, he only mentioned that Lin Qizhu is living incognito somewhere, without specifying where."


"So he also wants to see our attitude, to see what we'll do in the next few days. If we act like the previous Inspector, he won't tell us Lin Qizhu's whereabouts."


Li Hengsheng spoke calmly.


"I see. It looks like we'll have to go it alone for the next few days," Wu Santong sighed lightly, relying on those people outside.


"Don't worry, it will get better," Li Hengsheng still had confidence.




Ziwu City.


These past few days, a special guest arrived at Changqing Tavern.


He was a man with sparse hair, dressed like a beggar but not quite, speaking with an extraordinary demeanor.


When Li Changqing first saw this man, he thought of Xu Muhai.


Usually unkempt, looking like a beggar.


Li Changqing originally wanted to give the man a jug of wine to send him on his way, but after the man finished drinking, he surprisingly found the wine of Changqing Tavern to his liking and shamelessly returned the next day.


Li Changqing chuckled, considering it a good deed, and gave him another jug of liquor.


Until the evening of the third day.


The man came again.


"Hehe, shopkeeper, I want to drink," the man said with a grin.


There were quite a few customers in the shop, including Xiao Luo and others. Seeing this, Xiao Luo approached Li Changqing and asked, "Sir, is there trouble?"


"No, no, just a regular," Li Changqing said with a smile.


"If you need help, just call out," Xiao Luo said, eyeing the man's suspicious face, then returned to his seat to continue enjoying his snacks and wine.


"Look here, brother," Li Changqing said to the man, "I run a tavern, and I've given you wine twice, which is fine, but this is not how things are done. Once, twice, but not a third time. You can't come every day asking for free drinks. It wouldn't be fair to the other paying customers, would it?"


"Hehe," the man grinned, then said, "Actually, I didn't plan to drink for free today."


"Oh, if you have money, please come in," Li Changqing made a welcoming gesture.


"No money," the man shook his head.


"Then what do you intend?" Li Changqing sized up the man and frowned, "Are you offering yourself? Sorry, I'm not into that. There used to be someone called Peng Ning in this city who liked that, but you're too late, otherwise you two could have had fun together."


"You misunderstand, shopkeeper, I'm not offering myself, I can tell you a story," the man hurriedly said.






Li Changqing's eyes widened as if he'd heard the funniest thing in the world!


You want to tell me a story?


You don't go out and inquire who wrote the most popular "Lu Zhishen Battles Nie Xiaoqian" in Changting Town!


Seeing the disdainful expression on Li Changqing's face, the man wasn't annoyed but chuckled and said, "How about this, I'll tell you a story, and if you find it interesting, you invite me for a drink? How's that? If you don't like it, you don't have to invite me, and I'll leave on my own."


"Come on, let's hear it!"


Li Changqing was curious about what kind of interesting story this man could tell to earn himself a drink.




The man pondered for a moment, then found a stool to sit on and began to recount the wondrous tale he had encountered.


The story wasn't long, but it was peculiar and bizarre.


As he spoke, there were twists and turns, and he spoke for nearly half an hour.


By the time he finished, the man looked at Li Changqing's face, hoping to see a shocked expression.


But he was disappointed.


Li Changqing showed no expression, even looking a bit sleepy.


This surprised the man.


His tactic had always been foolproof, how could it be that after telling a story, the listener had no interest!


This was one of the most exciting stories he had encountered in his travels across the vast lands, north and south, a story that had left others wide-eyed and eagerly asking, "What happened next?"


"Finished?" Li Changqing asked leisurely.


"Not interesting? Not bizarre?" the man asked, unwilling to accept it.


"Well, how to put it."


Li Changqing was somewhat helpless; normally, the story was quite bizarre and had narrative appeal, but Li Changqing was a transmigrator from Blue Star, from an era where the internet was full of all kinds of stories, so this story was really quite bland by comparison, nothing special.


"It's a bit boring," Li Changqing said calmly.


"I don't believe it, this time I'll tell you a scary one!" the man said defiantly.


"Oh, I have things to do. You came from somewhere, so go back there," Li Changqing really had no interest in listening further.


"This time I'll tell you a scary one, and if you don't jump out of your skin, I'll give you a piece of intelligence," the man said decisively.


"You know about intelligence?" Li Changqing looked at the man skeptically.


"Nonsense," the man snorted, "In terms of intelligence, I, Zhen Wanshou, am not known for nothing."


"Zhen Wanshou, what a name you've chosen. Why not call yourself 'True Beast'?" Li Changqing couldn't help but tease.


"Enough talk, I'm starting!"


Zhen Wanshou's voice also grew deeper: "I once traveled to a small city, the name of which I've forgotten, but it was said that the Ghost Clan haunted there…"


Zhen Wanshou's storytelling was vivid, and when he got to the part where the Ghost Clan's head emerged from the water, even he shuddered.


He then looked sharply at Li Changqing, eager to see a face pale with fright.


Instead, he was greeted by Li Changqing's snoring…


Li Changqing had actually fallen asleep on the table.


Zhang Fuguang was busy in the shop.


Zhen Wanshou's face turned ashen; he couldn't believe his horror story had put Li Changqing to sleep.


This gave Zhen Wanshou an extreme sense of defeat.


"Wake up."


Zhen Wanshou hurriedly shook Li Changqing awake.


"Ah? Is it over?" Li Changqing yawned and asked.


"Is it really that boring?" Zhen Wanshou looked defeated.


"It's not very scary."


For Li Changqing, who had seen countless horror movies in his previous life, Zhen Wanshou's horror story was kindergarten level.


"I'll just give you a piece of intelligence, then. What do you want to know?" Zhen Wanshou said, resigned.


"Any intelligence?"


Li Changqing couldn't help but ask.


"Pretty much," Zhen Wanshou said confidently.


Li Changqing pondered for a moment, then asked, "Who is my wife?"


Zhen Wanshou: "Are you sick?"


You're asking me who your wife is?


"Aren't you all-knowing?" Li Changqing couldn't help but ask.


"I'm not the Almighty, I don't know everything," Zhen Wanshou said, annoyed, "Besides, if you don't even know who your own wife is, I definitely don't know. Ask something else."


"Do you know Li Hengsheng?" Li Changqing asked about his son.


"Li Hengsheng?" Zhen Wanshou pondered for a moment, unsure, "Is that the new Inspector of White Snake Path?"


"You actually know." Li Changqing was surprised.


"I know a bit about the affairs of Zhenguo Mansion. After all, it's close by," Zhen Wanshou said with a smile.


"Has he run into any trouble lately?" Li Changqing's main question was this. Although he had arrived in Ziwu City, he was only closer to Zhenguo Mansion, and the intelligence from Bai Jingfei's network was somewhat delayed.


He hadn't expected this Zhen Wanshou to know about Zhenguo Mansion.


"I don't know, but I can find out for you," Zhen Wanshou said, "I can get you news quickly."


"How fast?" Li Changqing asked.


"Two hours," Zhen Wanshou said confidently.


"That fast?"


Li Changqing was somewhat incredulous.


"There are too many eyes here, take me somewhere quiet, and I'll ask," Zhen Wanshou looked around and said.


Although Li Changqing didn't know who Zhen Wanshou would ask, he still took Zhen Wanshou to the backyard and instructed Zhang Fuguang to keep an eye on the front.


"No one's here, ask away." Li Changqing was curious to see what Zhen Wanshou was up to.


At that moment, Zhen Wanshou suddenly raised his head and made a strange noise from his throat, a gurgling sound that didn't seem like it could come from a normal human.


Before Li Changqing could figure out what was going on, a sparrow flew over from the sky.


The sparrow landed directly on Zhen Wanshou's shoulder, and Zhen Wanshou smiled, speaking in that gurgling language to the sparrow.


The sparrow chirped back a few times, then flapped its wings and flew away.


"Is this… beast speech?" Li Changqing was astonished.


Zhen Wanshou actually knew beast speech!


This was completely unexpected for Li Changqing; this unassuming individual turned out to be such a remarkable person.


"My little sparrow has gone to Zhenguo Mansion, White Snake Path, to inquire about Li Hengsheng's situation, and then it will come back to tell me. It won't take long to return."


Zhen Wanshou said proudly.


"That's some impressive beast speech!" Li Changqing gawked at Zhen Wanshou, amazed by this ability.


"Can you perform it again for me to see?"


Li Changqing asked.




Zhen Wanshou seemed finally satisfied to see a shocked expression on Li Changqing's face and decided to show off a bit more.


Zhen Wanshou made that strange noise again, and a squirrel ran over from a distance, stopping in front of Zhen Wanshou.


Then Zhen Wanshou said something to the squirrel, which nodded, said something back, and ran off.


"I told it about a place with lots of pine cones I encountered on my way here, suggesting it go there to look for food. Then it thanked me."


"How about that?" Zhen Wanshou said smugly.


However, at that moment, Li Changqing was closing his eyes, seemingly deep in thought.


"What's wrong?" Zhen Wanshou asked curiously.


Li Changqing opened his eyes, then looked up at the sky, just as a pigeon flew by. Li Changqing opened his mouth and made the same noise as Zhen Wanshou.


The passing pigeon, hearing Li Changqing's voice, turned and flew straight toward him.


Li Changqing extended his hand, and the pigeon landed on his arm.


This scene shocked Zhen Wanshou!


How could this be possible!


This ability was something Zhen Wanshou had developed in his youth while studying a painting of a hundred beasts; he hadn't learned any techniques and was deemed useless by his family and expelled.


But with the ability to talk to beasts, Zhen Wanshou lived quite freely. Initially, he traded intelligence for a living, but after being targeted for assassination due to his trading, and with his mediocre strength, he nearly died several times.


If not for the help of many beast friends, he would have been dead, so he began a nomadic life, no longer choosing to trade intelligence.


Instead, he enjoyed listening to the strange stories told by these animals.


Zhen Wanshou went around telling stories in exchange for drinks.


Until he came to Ziwu City and met Li Changqing. His stories hadn't impressed Li Changqing, so Zhen Wanshou had to show his special skill.


He never expected Li Changqing to do the same thing in an instant.


"Are you a Painter?" Zhen Wanshou couldn't believe his eyes.


But his ability had been seen by a high-level painter before, and that person hadn't learned it either.


Could it be that this person in front of him was a Painting Sage?


Li Changqing ignored him, chattering away with the pigeon in that gurgling language. Li Changqing thought that with this ability, he could ask little animals to help him gather intelligence about his son.


But Li Changqing was thinking too simply.


When the pigeon spoke in its gurgling voice, Li Changqing was dumbfounded.


He could communicate with the pigeon, but he couldn't understand what it was saying.


He could speak but not listen.


Seeing this, Zhen Wanshou burst into laughter.


He had thought Li Changqing had learned his skill, but it turned out to be only half-learned.


Eventually, the pigeon, realizing Li Changqing couldn't understand it, flew away angrily.


"Quite impressive," Zhen Wanshou praised.


After all, just learning to speak was already quite remarkable.


"Do you want to stay? You'll have wine every day," Li Changqing thought, since he couldn't learn this convenient skill, he might as well have Zhen Wanshou stay and work for him.


"I'm used to being lazy and don't like staying in one place too long," Zhen Wanshou declined outright.


"Even the best wine gets tiresome after a while," Zhen Wanshou said with a smile, "You're interested in my ability, wanting me to gather intelligence for you, right?"


"Yes," Li Changqing didn't hide it.


"Though wine may get tiresome, stories never do, right?" Li Changqing said with a smile, "You like listening to stories? Then I'll tell you a story. If you think my story is good, you'll stay, how about that?"


"You can tell stories?" Zhen Wanshou looked at Li Changqing doubtfully.






You can go to Changting Town and inquire who wrote the story that made all the lords blush in Shi Yanzhai, "Zhao Zilong's Long Spear Thrusts Seven Times In and Out of Pan Jinlian."


"Then I'll tell you one," Li Changqing took a deep breath.


"Alright, I'll listen to your story," Zhen Wanshou sat down on the ground, his face showing little expectation, for he had heard all sorts of bizarre stories over the years, and whatever Li Changqing could come up with, he doubted it would impress him.


"Alright, shall I tell you a slightly more unsettling one?" Li Changqing's voice calmed down.


"Go ahead, I'm listening," Zhen Wanshou said cheerfully.


Li Changqing pondered for a moment, then asked, "Have you ever heard of a painting called 'Sadako'?"




Zhen Wanshou shook his head in confusion, clearly unaware of the name.


"It's a portrait."


"The person in the painting is a woman named Sadako, who is actually a member of the Ghost Clan."


"When someone acquires this painting, upon contemplation, they'll find Sadako crawling out of the painting…"


"The only way to escape is to find another painter to copy the painting and pass it on to someone else to contemplate; otherwise, after seven days, death is certain…"


Li Hengsheng slightly adapted the story of "The Ring" and told it to Zhen Wanshou with vivid detail.


Zhen Wanshou's expression went from curious at the start to serious, and finally, his eyes widened in horror.


A curse that kills.


And the victim would hear Sadako's screams in their sleep, causing many to fear sleep.


When Li Changqing finished telling the story of Sadako, Zhen Wanshou sat there, stunned, his face covered in sweat, even his palms trembling.


He had heard many stories.


But he had never heard a story as bizarre and terrifying as the one Li Changqing told.


"How about it, is the story interesting?" Li Changqing looked earnestly at Zhen Wanshou.


"Good, it's interesting," Zhen Wanshou got up, his face filled with fear, and asked, "That painting, it doesn't exist anymore, does it?"


"Do you want to see the painting?" Li Changqing asked indifferently.


Zhen Wanshou shook his head like a rattle-drum.


He certainly didn't want to die!


At that moment, the little sparrow that Zhen Wanshou had sent out earlier flew back, landing on his shoulder and chirping into his ear.


Zhen Wanshou nodded and then let the sparrow fly away.


"Got news?" Li Changqing couldn't help but marvel at the convenience of this intelligence.


"Since Li Hengsheng became the Inspector, he's had few reliable men under him. Tonight, it seems he plans to make a move against the government. They're about to transport a group of women to Dahuang City to be sold into prostitution," Zhen Wanshou said with a smile, "It was supposed to be under the assistance of the Inspector's office, but it looks like Li Hengsheng is planning to take them down."


"This kid…" Li Changqing shook his head lightly.


He knew some of the affairs of Zhenguo Mansion; indeed, the forces in White Snake Path were up to no good, and Li Changqing was just worried that Li Hengsheng might suffer a loss.


"Alright, you can stay now, right? If you stay, you'll have wine to drink and stories to hear, how about that?" Li Changqing tempted Zhen Wanshou.




Zhen Wanshou was truly tempted.


Li Changqing's story was indeed extraordinary, and he wanted to continue listening to what other stories Li Changqing had to tell.


"Alright," Zhen Wanshou agreed.




Tushan City.


The sky gradually darkened.


As time passed, the streets became deserted.


At this moment, a line of large carts headed towards the docks, each carrying huge wooden boxes from which occasional noises emanated.


Leading them was a man from the government named Muxiong.


A dozen or so government thugs of various sizes followed behind.


Just then, Muxiong raised his hand, signaling the convoy to stop.


Because he saw someone ahead.

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