Chapter 193 – Dad, don’t believe Lu Qiaoqiao

Li Hengsheng found himself unable to continue his train of thought.

He sat with his head bowed, eating his porridge.

But his thoughts were in disarray.

“Don’t just eat porridge, there are also dishes.” At this moment, Li Changqing came out with two plates of side dishes and placed them on the table.

“Mhm.” Li Hengsheng hummed softly, then bowed his head without speaking.

Li Changqing naturally noticed the change in Li Hengsheng’s mood and felt a sense of inexplicable panic in his heart.

Did he say something wrong?

It shouldn’t be the case, but why did his son’s mood suddenly change?

Li Changqing suddenly thought, could it be that he had made some mistake? A serious issue dawned on him – he had always relied too much on Lu Qiaoqiao’s intelligence, never doubting it.

But on second thought, considering Li Hengsheng’s youthful nature, not everything Lu Qiaoqiao said might be true!

It was very possible that some of the information was exaggerated or even false. After all, who can guarantee they never lie?

If that was the case, wouldn’t he have exposed himself by speaking out?

Li Changqing’s heart was in turmoil, and he dared not say much more, simply accompanying Li Hengsheng in eating, occasionally serving him more dishes.

In the end, Li Hengsheng finished two bowls of porridge and then stopped eating.

“Father, I’ve had breakfast, and now I must leave.” Li Hengsheng looked up at Li Changqing: “I’m leaving Dao Mountain Ancient Land for Zhenguo Mansion to take up the post of an Inspector. It might be a long time before I can return.”

“Is it dangerous to be an Inspector?” Li Changqing quickly asked.

“It might be, but I’ll be careful. Don’t worry,” Li Hengsheng said with a smile.

At this moment, Li Hengsheng seemed to have regained some composure, no longer showing the previous dejection. This gave Li Changqing an illusion, as if he hadn’t said anything wrong.

Li Hengsheng’s demeanor was completely the same as before.

Had he actually not doubted himself?

Li Changqing was unsure.

For a while, both Li Hengsheng and Li Changqing were preoccupied with their thoughts, each unaware of what the other was thinking.

“Then go,” Li Changqing took a deep breath, “A man’s ambition lies in traveling the world. It’s good for you to go out more. Go ahead and do it, with your father as your support, there’s nothing to fear.”


Li Hengsheng nodded firmly.

“But can’t you stay a few more days? Why the rush?” Having only seen his son briefly, Li Changqing felt he hadn’t spent enough time with him.

“I’m afraid not, I need to take up my post as soon as possible,” Li Hengsheng said: “I also need to get acquainted with the affairs there sooner. If it weren’t for taking Zidian with me, I might have gone directly by riding a flying mount from Cangyuan Escort Bureau. Even with Zidian pulling the carriage, it will still take nearly a month on the road.”

“However, it’s good to travel. I haven’t left Dao Mountain Ancient Land for so long, and I really want to walk around outside and see the world.”

Li Hengsheng said with a smile.

“Mhm,” Li Changqing also said, “The destination is important, but enjoying the journey is equally important.”

“Father will pack some things for you.”

After saying this, Li Changqing hurriedly went to pack things for Li Hengsheng.

Li Hengsheng didn’t bring much luggage when he arrived, but to his surprise, when leaving, Li Changqing packed a lot of things for him.

Six or seven bundles left Li Hengsheng dumbfounded.

What’s all this for? What on earth did he pack inside?

“This one has clothes. I’m not sure about the climate changes there, so I’ve packed several pieces of both thin and thick clothing. Wear less when it’s hot and more when it’s cold. Inside, there’s a down jacket from Changqing Trading Company, very warm to wear.”

“This one has some self-heating meals for you to eat on the road. But you can’t carry too much of this, so eat at an Inn whenever you find one. If you really can’t find an Inn, then eat the self-heating meals. Never eat cold food; it’s bad for your stomach.”

“This bag contains some Pills – for healing, coagulating blood, detoxifying, invigorating, and so on. Keep them for emergencies, in case you get injured and need to treat it promptly.”

“This one has quilts. They’re too big and not easy to pack, so I’ve packed two quilts for you. I don’t know if the environment there is good, but at least with these quilts, you’ll sleep comfortably. Sleeping well is essential for doing good work; otherwise, where will the energy come from?”

“And that blue bundle, I’ve packed some valuables for you, including some Silver Tickets and some loose silver. Use them on the road. When you’re out and about, be careful, and remember the principle of not showing off wealth to avoid malicious intentions. If you run out of money, write home, and your father will send you more.”

Li Changqing rambled on as he introduced the contents of these bundles to Li Hengsheng.

He was fussing non-stop.

“Take a look, is there anything missing?” After introducing these items, Li Changqing quickly asked Li Hengsheng, worried that he might have missed something.

Li Hengsheng fell silent.”Senior Brother, it’s time for us to leave. Uncle Xu has already parked the carriage at the entrance of the Yan Residence waiting for us.” At this moment, Wu Santong ran over to remind Li Hengsheng.


“Dad, I’m leaving.” Li Hengsheng picked up his things.

Li Changqing also helped to carry a few: “I’ll see you off.”


Wu Santong hurriedly stepped forward to take the items from Li Changqing’s hands, and then Li Changqing escorted Li Hengsheng to the entrance of the Yan Residence.

At this time, Zidian and Xu Kui were already waiting at the entrance.

Yan Botao did not come out to see Li Hengsheng off because he wanted to give the father and son more time together.

It was a rare occasion to meet.

So he did not want to disturb them.

After escorting Li Hengsheng to the entrance, Li Hengsheng said to Wu Santong, “Junior Brother Wu, you go ahead and move the things to the carriage.”


Wu Santong quickly started moving the items to the carriage.

Li Hengsheng turned his head to look at Li Changqing, then asked indifferently, “Dad, are you still unwilling to talk to me about mom?”

Upon hearing this, Li Changqing’s heart trembled!

Here it comes!

I freaking want to tell you too.

But I don’t know!

I’ve been inquiring for so long and haven’t found out anything. Only that Old Tao Luo seems to know, but he refuses to tell me!

Li Changqing was choked up by Li Hengsheng’s question.

Li Hengsheng’s gaze gradually became disappointed.

Then he let out a bitter laugh, as if he had understood something.

“Dad, you…”

Li Hengsheng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with struggle, as if he wanted to ask a very difficult question.

At this moment, it was as if time had come to a standstill.

Li Changqing, facing his son at this time, also felt a sense of panic.

But in the end, Li Hengsheng did not ask.

“I should go now.” Li Hengsheng turned around, also letting out a sigh of relief.

As if by not asking the question, he had spared Li Changqing, and at the same time, spared himself.

“Dad, I have a piece of advice for you.”

After taking a couple of steps, Li Hengsheng stopped.

“Speak.” Li Changqing understood very well at this moment that Li Hengsheng was already very suspicious of the authenticity of his fatherhood, but Li Changqing also did not know what to do.

“Don’t trust Lu Qiaoqiao too much.”

After saying this, without waiting for Li Changqing to recover, Li Hengsheng had already boarded the carriage.

The carriage slowly left the entrance of the Yan Residence.

At this moment, a thunderclap echoed in Li Changqing’s heart.

It seemed that his son really knew.

Perhaps Li Hengsheng did not know how Li Changqing had come into contact with Lu Qiaoqiao, but after the incident with the six bowls of porridge, Li Hengsheng could be certain that Li Changqing had contact with Lu Qiaoqiao.

Otherwise, Li Changqing would not have known about the incident where he bragged.

Inside the carriage, Li Hengsheng leaned against the compartment, his eyes closed, and at this moment, many things became clear to him.

If Xue Ye and Zhou Jun were really Lu Qiaoqiao and Zhou Jun, then many things would make sense.

Although Zhou Jun said that many orders were given by Lu Qiaoqiao, Li Hengsheng did not believe it, because there was a lot of information about himself that Lu Qiaoqiao could not possibly know, and Zhou Jun did not know either.

Sometimes Zhou Jun would be away from Dao Mountain Ancient Land for a long time after descending the mountain to complete tasks.

But there was another person who knew.

That person was his own father, Li Changqing.

If Li Changqing was in contact with Lu Qiaoqiao and believed her words, then it was very likely that he was being used by Lu Qiaoqiao.

His own information would also become well-known to Lu Qiaoqiao.

However, judging from Li Changqing’s behavior since he returned home, Li Hengsheng could see that Li Changqing’s concern for him was genuine.

It was truly a father’s love for his child.

The question Li Hengsheng wanted to ask before leaving was, “Are you really my dad?”

But Li Hengsheng still could not bring himself to ask.

Li Hengsheng was afraid to hear an answer he expected.

He feared the answer Li Changqing would give.

He had lost his best brother.

Lost the woman he loved the most.

Li Hengsheng did not want to lose the last relative he had in this world.

So by not asking the question, Li Hengsheng was also leaving himself a glimmer of hope.

Watching the carriage go further and further away, Li Changqing’s heart felt empty.

“Is the fake ultimately fake?” Li Changqing mocked himself with a laugh, thinking he had prepared so thoroughly.

Yet in the end, was he still found out?

The question Li Hengsheng wanted to ask him at the end, how could Li Changqing not understand?

He just wanted to ask if he really was his dad.

But in the end, Li Hengsheng did not ask.

However, at this moment, Li Changqing also thought of the words Li Hengsheng said before leaving, not to trust Lu Qiaoqiao too much.

This sentence also shook Li Changqing’s heart.

He knew very well what position Lu Qiaoqiao held in his son’s heart.

First love.

His most beloved Junior Sister Lu.

And Lu Qiaoqiao was also deeply in love with his son.

Why suddenly such a statement?

Li Changqing frowned, Lu Qiaoqiao has a problem…Thinking of his son’s exhausted and heartbroken crying in his arms, Li Changqing could almost immediately determine that this was definitely not just because of Zhou Jun’s people from the Longevity Sect. Could Lu Qiaoqiao also be from the Longevity Sect?

But wasn’t Lu Qiaoqiao taken to the Long Night Ancient Nation?

Li Changqing returned to his own courtyard and pondered this question.

According to Lu Qiaoqiao, she was able to transmit her Divine Soul and contact him through a treasure.

It was because his Divine Soul was strong that she could connect with him.

Wait a minute.

Li Changqing furrowed his brows; this was just Lu Qiaoqiao’s side of the story.

He had completely believed her.

If Lu Qiaoqiao was deceiving him, and she could contact Zhou Jun in the same way, wouldn’t that mean she had calculated both him and his son?

Another issue he had never considered was that Lu Qiaoqiao was taken back to the Long Night Ancient Nation to be imprisoned, and then they planned to have Lu Qiaoqiao seek help from the Qishan Ghost Lord after his emergence.

With many forces of the Ghost Clan watching, Lu Qiaoqiao shouldn’t have that much freedom.

Where did Lu Qiaoqiao get so much information about the Longevity Sect?

Was it really through investigations conducted by the Long Night Ancient Nation?

Upon further consideration, it indeed seemed illogical.

Moreover, although Lu Qiaoqiao had provided him with some information about the Longevity Sect, revealing their assassination list which included his son Li Hengsheng, Xue Qianbai, and several others.

There was also information about the assassin Ji Qingson.

And finally, she revealed that there was a spy from the Longevity Sect called Xue Ye in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land.

This information seemed very confidential.

But on closer inspection, it was all useless.

The assassination list included his son and Xue Qianbai, things he would know without Lu Qiaoqiao telling him, and as for the other names, they had little to do with him and were completely useless.

Information about Ji Qingson, a person from the Ghost Clan’s Ji family, but what use was it knowing?

He couldn’t go to the Yun Wastelands to find the Ji family and avenge his son.

The fact that there was an undercover agent from the Longevity Sect in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land was already known without Lu Qiaoqiao’s input.

Lu Qiaoqiao simply told him the agent’s code name.

But what use was knowing the code name?

No other information was provided.

So from beginning to end, it seemed like Lu Qiaoqiao had told him a lot of information, but actually, not a single piece was useful.

Instead, his son had told him many things in letters, which he, trusting Lu Qiaoqiao, had relayed to her in full.

“Unpredictable indeed!” Li Changqing slapped his forehead.

He had been tricked by a young girl!

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

As night fell.

Li Changqing drifted into sleep.

Not long after, Li Changqing heard a voice calling out again.

He arrived at his Divine Soul lake, and this time, he saw Lu Qiaoqiao again.

But this time, Lu Qiaoqiao gave Li Changqing a different impression.

Her aura seemed to have changed from before.

At the same time, Lu Qiaoqiao’s body appeared to be very weak.

“Senior Changqing.”

Lu Qiaoqiao asked, “Has Brother Li already gone to Zhenguo Mansion?”

Upon hearing this, Li Changqing narrowed his eyes and said, “How did you come to know this news?”

Lu Qiaoqiao was far away in the Long Night Ancient Nation, and Zhou Jun had long since left.

How could Lu Qiaoqiao possibly know the news of Li Hengsheng leaving the Dao Mountain Ancient Land?

Could it be, there was still a ghost in the Dao Mountain Ancient Land?

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