Chapter 186 – Divine Weapon Ranking Tenth, Heavenly Propagation Staff!

“Su Family?”

Upon hearing this name, the other sects and families on Lingxin Mountain didn’t show much reaction. They were just curious about who this Su Family was. Coming at this time, were they overstepping their bounds?

Moreover, they seemed to have never heard of this name before.

They were merely forces from the four continents of the Eastern Desolate Land, while the Su Family was the overlord of the Southern Wilderness. Naturally, few of them knew who the Su Family was, assuming it was just an unknown small family.

Su Zheng had arrived.

All the strong figures in Dao Mountain Ancient Land frowned. They knew exactly what Su Zheng, from the Su Family, represented.

On Lingxin Mountain, among the high-ranking members of Dao Mountain Ancient Land seated on the high platform, Xue Qianbai showed no surprise. Clearly, Xue Qianbai had known in advance that the Su Family was coming.

However, the fact that Su Zheng came in person was somewhat unexpected to Xue Qianbai. As one of the two old ancestors of the Su Family, Su Zheng had not left the Southern Wilderness for a long time.

Li Hengsheng also frowned. The Su Family had indeed come.

What was the Su Family doing here at such an important time in Dao Mountain Ancient Land?

They were definitely not here to congratulate. It was probably like a weasel paying a New Year visit to a chicken, with no good intentions.

At this moment, in the sky above, everyone saw a purple-robed old man, accompanied by a young man, riding on a cloud!

This scene made everyone present gasp in surprise.

Riding on a cloud!

What was this person’s background?

Such a method was extraordinary.

Those who could fly were almost unreachable masters to them, and he even brought another person, which was even more difficult.

“Su Family?” Someone seemed to recall something and exclaimed, “Could it be the Su Family from the Southern Wilderness?”

“The Su Family from the Southern Wilderness? What’s that?”

“It’s the leading family in the Southern Wilderness. It’s rumored that the Su Family has a strong figure from the Great Martial Sect, very powerful.”

“Is it that powerful?”

Everyone was stunned. A family with a strong figure from the Great Martial Sect?

The gap between them was like heaven and earth.

As Su Zheng and Su Xianci arrived, the high-ranking members of Dao Mountain Ancient Land also stood up one after another, their eyes full of caution.

The two elders of the Elder Group looked at each other, and then one of them quietly left.

Xue Qianbai just quietly watched Su Zheng, making no move. With so many people watching, Dao Mountain Ancient Land had to maintain at least some decorum.

“Did I intrude by coming uninvited?”

Su Zheng landed in front of everyone with Su Xianci, claiming to be intrusive, but it didn’t seem so at all.

“Not at all.” Xue Qianbai calmly said, “It’s an honor for Dao Mountain Ancient Land that Elder Su Zheng could personally come to celebrate our festival today.”

“Someone, bring chairs.”

Xu Muhai also spoke at this time.

At this moment, several disciples hurriedly ran out to bring tables and chairs for Su Zheng and Su Xianci.

However, Su Xianci, ever since he arrived here, his gaze had been fixed on one person.

Naturally, it was Li Hengsheng.

The murderous intent in his eyes was almost impossible to hide.

Not only did Li Hengsheng snatch his stuff at Changqing Trading Company, but he also caused him to lose Chen Wangang. Su Xianci had never suffered such a big loss at the hands of others, so at this moment, Su Xianci wished he could slaughter Li Hengsheng and feed him to the dogs.

Li Hengsheng naturally felt Su Xianci’s murderous intent, but he found it somewhat baffling.

What did I do to make you want to kill me so much?

Was it just because of a painting? Was it worth such a great hatred?

It was simply inexplicable. The disciples of these big families were all so petty.

Li Hengsheng had no idea that Chen Wangang, who was going to assassinate his father Li Changqing, had already been killed by Zhang Fuguang, the sweeper of his family, outside Changting Town.

If Li Hengsheng knew, he would probably harbor even greater murderous intent towards Su Xianci.

Su Xianci actually sent someone to assassinate his father.

If Li Hengsheng knew, he would definitely not let Su Xianci leave the Eastern Desolate Land alive!

Su Zheng and Su Xianci also sat down.

Su Xianci’s gaze remained on Li Hengsheng and never left.

Su Zheng didn’t show any expression, but at this time, most of the attention was focused on him.

A real Great Martial Sect figure.

They had never seen one in their lives.

“Everyone, please have some tea.”

Zhou Tienan, an elder of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, said to everyone, “This is the fragrant tea purchased by Changqing Trading Company. It’s very popular in the Eastern Desolate Land now. Please have a taste.”

“I’ve heard of this, it’s hard to buy!” Someone exclaimed.

After all, even the pre-ordered dishes were already booked four months in advance, let alone the fragrant tea. Under Li Changqing’s instruction, the flow was deliberately controlled.

They couldn’t sell too much at once.

This way, the sales were even better.

They had already collected so much deposit that their hands were sore.

So when these minor families and clans heard that they could taste the tea from Changqing Trading Company, they all showed a look of curiosity. They wondered how good the tea that had swept across the Eastern Desolate Land could be.

The disciples from Dao Mountain Ancient Land went up to pour water into the tea bowls. The water used for brewing the tea was from the Spirit Heart Spring of Spirit Heart Mountain, which could stimulate the aroma of the tea leaves.

As the hot water was poured in, the aroma of the tea leaves wafted out from inside.

“Indeed, it’s good tea.”

Everyone nodded, just by smelling the aroma, they knew this tea was extraordinary.

Li Hengsheng, as Xu Muhai’s direct disciple, also came up at this time to pour water into everyone’s tea bowls.

When Li Hengsheng walked in front of Su Xianci, he didn’t say anything and just poured water into Su Xianci’s tea bowl.

Feeling Su Xianci’s killing intent at close range, which was even more intense, Li Hengsheng was on guard, fearing that this grandson would stab him while he was pouring the tea.

As for the gaze that wanted to swallow Li Hengsheng alive, Li Hengsheng didn’t pay any attention to it at all.

This made Su Xianci even more angry. Chen Wangang died in your Changting Town, but you acted as if you knew nothing, it was utterly despicable!

Su Xianci couldn’t hold back any longer.

Seeing the tea bowl in front of him and thinking about what happened in Changqing Trading Company, he angrily grabbed the tea bowl and threw it to the ground!


A crisp sound.

The tea bowl shattered.

“I won’t drink tea from Changqing Trading Company!” Su Xianci said angrily.

This statement startled everyone present.

Breaking a cup in Dao Mountain Ancient Land, the people of the Su Family were a bit too bold. This was a celebration of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, wasn’t this young man slapping Dao Mountain Ancient Land in the face?

Li Hengsheng’s face also turned cold.

This grandfather and grandson from the Su Family came to cause trouble, but he didn’t expect them to start making a scene so quickly.

Su Xianci’s action, Su Zheng on the side didn’t say anything, he didn’t even want to say a word to smooth things over.

“Since the young friend from the Su Family doesn’t like to drink tea from Changqing Trading Company, let’s brew him a different tea.” Zhou Tienan said indifferently.

He naturally knew that the Su Family came to make trouble, but he tried as much as possible not to make a scene in front of the families from the four continents. After everyone left, he would deal with them.


Just then, a voice exclaimed.

Someone stood up in fear and pointed at the ground.

Everyone followed the direction of the hand and saw the tea cup that Su Xianci had just broken. The tea flowed on the ground, and black smoke was rising from it.

It seemed to have a strong corrosive effect.

This made everyone’s face change instantly.

Even the people from Dao Mountain Ancient Land were shocked.

Was the tea poisoned?

Xu Muhai stood up abruptly, he looked at his own tea, then threw his tea cup out, and the cup smashed to the ground.

A moment later, black fog filled the air.

It was really poisoned.

This made everyone shudder, the tea in front of them was actually highly toxic.

Even Su Zheng raised his eyebrows, he originally came to make trouble, but he didn’t expect Dao Mountain Ancient Land to give him an excuse before he could find one.

“Someone poisoned it.”

For a moment, everyone was tense.

Li Hengsheng also didn’t expect things to turn out this way.

“Li Hengsheng, you want to poison me!” At this moment, Su Xianci stood up and pointed at Li Hengsheng, saying, “You poisoned it.”

“Are you talking nonsense?” Li Hengsheng said irritably.

“Everyone, don’t panic.”

At this time, Zhou Tienan came out and said, “Let’s end today’s tea party here for now. We will definitely investigate this matter and give everyone an explanation.”


Su Zheng laughed and said, “You Dao Mountain Ancient Land poisoned the tea, if you poisoned everyone to death, how would you explain?”

“This is the juice of the Soul Devouring Grass from the Ghost Clan.” At this time, Li Jinsong came out, examined the tea in the cup, and then said, “We Dao Mountain Ancient Land don’t have this kind of poison.”

“Do you think it’s hard for you to get this kind of thing?” Su Zheng said coldly, “After all, poisoning is not the first time for you Dao Mountain Ancient Land.”

Seeing the confrontation between the Su Family and Dao Mountain Ancient Land, the other minor families and sects didn’t dare to say anything.

Why should they, mere mortals, get involved in a fight between immortals?

But at this time, it was not good for them to leave or stay, right?

“Senior Su, your words are a bit too much.” Zhou Tienan said with a cold face.

“Am I wrong?” Su Zheng looked at Xue Qianbai, his smile not reaching his eyes. “Qianxue Sword Sovereign, I still remember the two blood debts my Su Family owes you. Today, I came to Dao Mountain Ancient Land to seek an explanation. But unexpectedly, you even poisoned our tea. What’s your intention?”

“We will give a perfect explanation for the poisoning incident.” Xue Qianbai glanced at Su Zheng. “As for the two lives from your Su Family, what kind of explanation do you want from me?”

“Come back with me to the Su Family, and everything will be clear.” Su Zheng said.

“What if I refuse?” Xue Qianbai leisurely replied. He was about to take a sip of his tea, but remembering it was poisoned, he put it down.

While Xue Qianbai and Su Zheng were confronting each other, Li Hengsheng and the others had no interest in intervening. Upon hearing that the poison was from the Ghost Clan, Li Hengsheng knew that the Longevity Sect must be behind this.

Li Jinsong went to investigate the Lingxin Spring.

The others were responsible for sealing off the scene to look for any suspicious individuals.

“Pavilion Master Li, is the Lingxin Spring poisoned?” Li Hengsheng came over to ask.

Li Jinsong scooped up some water from the Lingxin Spring, sniffed it, and shook his head. “No one has poisoned the Lingxin Spring.”

After saying this, he sprinkled the water on the ground. The water from the Lingxin Spring was still as clear as ever.

“The poison should be on the tea leaves.”

Li Jinsong stated with certainty.

“On the tea?” Li Hengsheng’s face changed slightly. The tea leaves were poisoned?

When did this happen?

He had personally purchased the tea leaves.

The Changqing Trading Company certainly had no reason to poison the tea. Could it be that the tea was poisoned after it was brought back and stored in the warehouse?

Doesn’t that mean the disciples of the Peak of Ten Thousand Slaughters are under suspicion?

Li Hengsheng also knew that the Longevity Sect had planted someone in Dao Mountain Ancient Land.

Who was that person?

At this moment, the atmosphere on Lingxin Mountain became even more tense. The thirty-six Peak Masters were all watching Su Zheng, and Xue Qianbai was coldly staring at Su Zheng.

It seemed like they were ready to fight at any moment.

“Since Qianxue Sword Sovereign wants to fight, then I, Su Zheng, will test whether the Qianxue Sword is really that powerful.” Su Zheng said with a smile.

After saying this, Su Zheng took a step forward.

Just this one step made all the strong people present change their expressions.

This step seemed to cross time and space.

For a moment, everyone felt as if the world had darkened. When Su Zheng took that step, they felt completely powerless to resist.

This was a strength that surpassed their understanding. At this moment, they felt like ants in front of Su Zheng. Was this the power of the Great Martial Sect?

“If you want to try, then try.” Xue Qianbai’s Qianxue Sword was also about to be unsheathed. Even in the face of the Great Martial Sect, Xue Qianbai was fearless.

However, at this moment, Su Zheng suddenly looked up. His eyes narrowed, revealing a hint of wariness.

From the void above, a golden light flew down in an instant.

The golden light landed on the ground with a loud bang.

The terrifying force spread out, forcing Su Zheng to take a step back.

But when this force swept over the people of the various families, it was just like a gentle breeze.

This couldn’t help but shock everyone. What was that?

In the deep pit, there was a golden scepter.

The golden scepter was still trembling, making a humming sound.

“The Heavenly Evolution Scepter.”

Seeing this weapon, Su Zheng’s pupils contracted.

The tenth on the Divine Weapon List, the Heavenly Evolution Scepter!

“Luo Xiaochuan, when did you start liking to play tricks?” Su Zheng looked around and said sarcastically, “Is the head of Dao Mountain Ancient Land too ashamed to show his face?”

(End of Chapter)

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