Chapter 183 – Why are my junior martial siblings so violent?

Facing Su Zheng, Su Xianci had no intention of hiding anything.

So he recounted everything that had happened recently, including the fact that he had sent Chen Wangang to Changting Town to deal with a man named Li Changqing.

Su Zheng just quietly sipped his wine, listening to Su Xianci’s account without any change in his expression, as if the death of a Grandmaster had no impact on him at all.

It was as if a servant of the Su Family had died, and he didn’t care at all.

“Li Changqing?” Su Zheng asked leisurely, “Have you investigated this Li Changqing?”

“Yes, I have,” Su Xianci quickly replied. “But because this is not the Southern Wilderness, it took some effort to investigate him, and the information might not be complete. However, it should be mostly accurate. This Li Changqing is the father of Li Hengsheng, a painter in a small town.”

“Although he is a painter, he is only at the entry level, just a lowly figure. The Yan family probably valued Li Changqing’s son as a direct disciple of Dao Mountain Ancient Land, so they took Li Changqing in, hoping to benefit from Li Hengsheng in the future.”

“I intended to teach Li Hengsheng a lesson tonight, but for some reason, Uncle Chen died.”

Su Xianci frowned as he spoke, still unable to figure out what had gone wrong.

Chen Wangang was a Grandmaster-level expert. Even if he couldn’t defeat another Grandmaster, couldn’t he have escaped? How could he have died?

“For now, don’t stir up trouble. Put the matter of Chen Wangang’s death aside. I didn’t bring you to the Eastern Desolate Land to cause trouble.” Su Zheng’s voice was firm and commanding. Su Xianci didn’t dare to speak, standing respectfully to one side.

He was like a well-behaved child.

“Fourth Grandfather, are we just going to let Uncle Chen’s matter go?” Su Xianci asked cautiously. He had some affection for Chen Wangang, who had grown up with him.

“We’ll consider Chen Wangang’s matter after we’ve dealt with the affairs of the Eastern Desolate Land.” Su Zheng said leisurely, “No one from my Su Family will die in vain. Whoever it is, they must give an explanation. If it really has something to do with Li Changqing, my Su Family will definitely not let him go.”


Su Xianci nodded, “But Fourth Grandfather, since you’re here, are you going to accompany me to Guanglan Palace?”

“There’s no rush to go to Guanglan Palace.” Su Zheng said, “We’ll go to Dao Mountain Ancient Land first.”

“Go to Dao Mountain Ancient Land?” Su Xianci was somewhat shocked.

“Dao Mountain Ancient Land has produced another Grandmaster and is about to hold a celebration. Our Su Family naturally needs to go and congratulate them.” Su Zheng put his cup heavily on the table, “Besides, there are some old matters that need to be brought up.”

Upon hearing Su Zheng’s words, Su Xianci naturally knew what he was referring to.

The grudge between Dao Mountain Ancient Land and the Su Family of the Southern Wilderness was no secret within the Su Family. Everyone knew about it.

It was all because of Qianxue Sword Sovereign, Xue Qianbai.

Xue Qianbai had killed two elders of the Su Family. After the two were killed, the strongmen of the Su Family came to inspect the bodies. It was only after Su Zheng personally came that they discovered that the weapon that killed the two was the Qianxue Sword.

So Su Zheng went to Dao Mountain Ancient Land to demand Xue Qianbai.

However, Luo Xiaochuan was unwilling to hand over Xue Qianbai and protected him.

He persuaded Su Zheng to leave with just one divination, because the head of the Su Family was in a crisis at the time. The Su Family and Yin Shilou had a big fight, and the matter was temporarily shelved.

But this matter was not over.

Su Zheng came this time to demand an explanation from Dao Mountain Ancient Land. If this blood debt was just written off, wouldn’t the Su Family be laughed at?

The two elders of the Su Family couldn’t die in vain.

Even if Xue Qianbai couldn’t be taken away from Dao Mountain Ancient Land, Su Zheng wanted Xue Qianbai to tell the truth about what happened back then.

Why did Xue Qianbai kill the two elders of the Su Family?

They had lost two people, and they still didn’t know why.

The two were clearly killed by the Qianxue Sword. Everyone knew that Xue Qianbai was the killer, but Xue Qianbai had never given a proper response to this matter.

This was what made the Su Family extremely angry.

Knowing that Dao Mountain Ancient Land was going to hold a celebration, Su Zheng came uninvited, ready to stir things up on Dao Mountain Ancient Land.

Moreover, Su Zheng had heard that Luo Xiaochuan, the troublemaker, was no longer in Dao Mountain Ancient Land and had entered the world. This was a good opportunity.

If Xue Qianbai didn’t give an explanation, Su Zheng wouldn’t mind making Dao Mountain Ancient Land pay a price.

The celebration of Dao Mountain Ancient Land was getting closer and closer, and the families and sects of the four continents who received the invitation were sending people to congratulate.

The date of the celebration was set for the twenty-third of August.

Those far away had set off early, while those nearby were not in a hurry.

Qingyu Mountain.

In the courtyard, Li Hengsheng was constantly trying to practice the Thunderbolt Vertical, but it was much harder to control than he had imagined.

One was the control of his own strength, and the other was the control of inertia. Both had given Li Hengsheng a hard time these past two days.

However, after two days of training, at least he wouldn’t bump his head as casually as before when using the Thunderbolt Dash. Fortunately, he had a hard head. Otherwise, if it were someone else, they would have suffered a concussion before even mastering the technique.

Although he couldn’t control inertia with absolute precision yet, he was much more accurate than before.

Previously, when he used the technique, he could deviate from his target point by about two meters. But now, he could control it within half a meter.

In terms of strength control, Li Hengsheng could now use the Thunderbolt Dash without causing the ground to shatter, only raising a cloud of dust.

However, even so, Li Hengsheng was still not satisfied. He aimed to achieve complete silence when using the technique. He was still far from achieving this effect.

Moreover, although the consumption of using the Thunderbolt Dash was not as great as the Overlord Immortal Spear, it was still significant. If it were an ordinary person, they would have been exhausted long ago.

Only Li Hengsheng, with the foundation of the Sun-Moon Immortal-Demon Divine Body, could last so long.

At this moment, Xu Kui came over and respectfully said, “Young Master, someone is looking for you.”

“Alright, I got it.”

Li Hengsheng guessed who it was, so he changed his clothes and went to the front hall, where he saw Wu Santong waiting.

“Brother Wu.” Li Hengsheng greeted with a smile.

“Brother Li.” Wu Santong quickly returned the smile, then got straight to the point, “I’ve found out about Xu Yueyue’s situation and came to report to you.”

“Oh? Let’s hear it.”

Li Hengsheng sat down and poured a cup of tea for Wu Santong. Wu Santong was somewhat flattered, accepted it with both hands, and then explained the situation to Li Hengsheng.

“Xu Yueyue’s family is in business, and she was betrothed from a young age to a member of a prominent family. The two families had always been on good terms, with no issues, and were very friendly.”

“But two months ago, the man Xu Yueyue was engaged to suddenly showed the talent of a Painter. The news shocked many people, and the family was flooded with marriage proposals, some from families with very advantageous conditions.”

Wu Santong laughed, “The result is predictable. With better options, Xu Yueyue was dumped. This was a great humiliation for the Xu family. They went to argue, and the two families ended up in a big fight. Moreover, the Xu family’s business was supported by the clients introduced by this family.”

“Now that the two families are at odds, all the clients have been withdrawn. The other family has some influence and has threatened that anyone who does business with the Xu family is their enemy.”

“Even their supply channels have been cut off, so the Xu family’s business has plummeted, and they are on the verge of bankruptcy. The situation is very troublesome. The Xu family is preparing to move, but they are reluctant to leave their old house. That’s probably why Sister Xu Yueyue is so distressed.”

Wu Santong told everything he knew.

“I see.”

Li Hengsheng understood, but he wasn’t surprised. After all, such things were not news in the Cangyuan Realm and happened almost every day.

It just happened to someone close this time.

“What’s the name of that prominent family? Are they powerful?” Li Hengsheng asked curiously.

“Their surname is Xu.” Wu Santong said, “They do have some influence in the city where the Xu family lives, but that’s all. After all, it’s just a small city, and it’s nothing compared to our Dao Mountain Ancient Land. If you want to help Sister Xu, I can take a few disciples from our Mu Haifeng and teach the Xu family a lesson.”

“No need.”

Li Hengsheng shook his head, “We can’t bully people under the banner of Dao Mountain Ancient Land. It would have a negative impact on us.”

“You’re right, Brother Li.” Wu Santong quickly shut his mouth.

“Alright, thank you for your hard work. Stay for lunch.” Li Hengsheng invited with a smile.

“Huh?” Wu Santong was surprised, then quickly recovered, realizing that Li Hengsheng was just being polite, and quickly said, “No, Brother Li, I don’t want to impose. I have something to do. Next time, I’ll treat you to a meal.”

“Alright.” Li Hengsheng nodded, “Then you go ahead with your business. If you need my help, just let me know.”

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

Wu Santong stood up, bowed respectfully, and then left.

Li Hengsheng was growing more and more fond of this junior brother. He was smart and knew when to advance and when to retreat.After Wu Santong left, Li Hengsheng pondered for a long time. He didn’t want to get involved in the affairs of the Xu family and the Xu family. It was better to do less of such things as bullying others with the identity of the Dao Mountain Ancient Land. However, he couldn’t just watch Xu Yueyue’s family go bankrupt, so Li Hengsheng asked Xu Kui to bring Yan Yuyun over.

He wanted to discuss something with Yan Yuyun.

Before long, Yan Yuyun arrived.

“Brother Li.” Upon hearing that Li Hengsheng was looking for her, Yan Yuyun quickly put on some makeup and came over.

“Sister Yuyun, I have something to discuss with you.” Li Hengsheng got straight to the point and told her about Xu Yueyue’s family situation.

“Xu Yueyue was a good friend of mine when I was at the Peak of Ten Thousand Slaughters. She helped me a lot back then, so I want to lend a hand now that her family is in trouble,” Li Hengsheng said seriously.

“That’s right, Brother Li is a man of great loyalty and righteousness, which is very good.” Yan Yuyun seemed to understand Li Hengsheng’s intentions, so she said, “But after all, you are the direct disciple of Mu Haifeng, and now that Mu Haifeng has broken through to the Grandmaster realm and the celebration is imminent, it’s not convenient for you to step in.”

“So you want me to take some people to the Xu family and teach them a lesson, right?”

There was a glint in Yan Yuyun’s eyes, as if some violent factor had awakened.


Li Hengsheng was taken aback. Why were all his junior brothers and sisters like this?

Did they come from a bandit’s den?

“Brother, you tell me, to what extent should we go? Should we take their lives or cripple their legs?” Yan Yuyun seemed ready to follow his orders.

After all, to be honest, Yan Yuyun had been exposed to such things since she was young. Otherwise, how could the Yan family become the number one family in Changting Town?

Yan Yuyun’s words made Li Hengsheng laugh and cry.

Did he look like that kind of person?

“Sister, you misunderstood. I don’t want their lives, nor do I want to cripple their legs. I want to give the Xu family some business to do, to help them get back on their feet,” Li Hengsheng said helplessly. “The Xu family has been suppressing them, and now the Xu family can’t even get any business. Many people are afraid of the Xu family’s power and dare not do business with them.”

“The Xu family’s business has plummeted, so I want to see if you can write a letter to your father and ask if the Changqing Trading Company can give them some of the tea business to do, as an agent in Path Mark City.”

“After all, Dao Mountain Ancient Land and Path Mark City are in two different directions, north and south, and they are very far apart. If the Xu family can act as an agent and do some business, it would not only make it convenient for people to buy tea, but it might also increase sales.”

Hearing Li Hengsheng say this, Yan Yuyun couldn’t help but be surprised: “Why don’t you write a letter to your father about this?”

“Ask my father?”

Li Hengsheng couldn’t help but laugh: “Business matters are definitely decided by the Yan family head. My father is just a dividend recipient. He doesn’t have the power to decide such things. So, Sister Yuyun, please help.”

“Uh, okay.”

Yan Yuyun could only sigh that young people are still too young. Your father is the real boss.

But Yan Yuyun didn’t say much and agreed.

After going back, she immediately wrote a letter and sent it out by carrier pigeon.

In the evening.

In Li Changqing’s small courtyard, three people were eating. After parting with Xue Qianbai, Li Changqing returned from the city of No Regrets. It was already late at night when he returned, so he went straight to bed.

However, Li Changqing was also worried about some things.

“Did any troublemakers come to the house yesterday?” Li Changqing looked at Zhang Fuguang and asked.

“No, everything was normal.” Zhang Fuguang said calmly, then glanced at Zhang Siyao, signaling her with his eyes not to talk nonsense.

Zhang Siyao lowered her head and obediently ate her meal without saying much.

“Oh.” Li Changqing drank his tea, thinking about Su Xianci from the Su family who had threatened to cripple him. He was worried that someone would really come to make trouble and hurt Zhang Fuguang and Zhang Siyao because he wasn’t there.

Since no one came, it must have been just a threat at the time.

It’s better that no one came, saving a lot of trouble.

Zhang Fuguang ate his food seriously, occasionally picking up food for Zhang Siyao, without mentioning the killing of the two innate martial artists and the Grandmaster realm Chen Wangang.

It seemed that for Zhang Fuguang, these were not big deals.

“Grandmaster, may I come in?”

At this time, Yan Botao’s voice came from outside.

“Come in.” Li Changqing said.

Yan Botao walked in and said with a smile, “Grandmaster, I’m sorry to interrupt your meal.”

“It’s okay, I’m almost done.” Li Changqing didn’t mind.

“Siyao, have you eaten enough?” Zhang Fuguang looked at his daughter, and Zhang Siyao nodded.

“Then let’s go play somewhere else.” Knowing that they had something to discuss, Zhang Fuguang quickly took Zhang Siyao away.

Yan Botao came up, took out a note, and said, “This is a message from Yuyun.”

With that, he handed it over.Li Changqing glanced at the note and chuckled, “This kid actually thought of finding an agent for our Changqing Trading Company.”

Li Changqing naturally understood the concept of agency. Having agents in various places indeed made business easier and more profitable. However, the reason why Li Changqing hadn’t done so was due to a significant drawback of the Changqing Trading Company.

That was, the company had risen too quickly, and production capacity was a major issue.

There simply weren’t enough goods to provide for an agent.

However, finding just one was completely feasible.

Li Changqing suddenly laughed and said, “The news about Yan Leisheng in Path Mark City was given by you, wasn’t it? You must have known early on that Hengsheng was going to Path Mark City.”

“Please don’t blame me, Grand Priest. I just wanted to provide good service to your son. I was worried that he would be offended when he arrived at our company, so when I learned that your son was going to Path Mark City to make purchases, Yuyun sent me a message by carrier pigeon to inform me of this matter,” Yan Botao quickly explained his intentions to Li Changqing.

“I’m not blaming you, you did well,” Li Changqing nodded.

“Let’s do this according to Hengsheng’s wishes,” Li Changqing said, “You will send someone to the Xu family to negotiate tomorrow, make it a big deal.”


Yan Botao understood Li Changqing’s meaning.

Just the next day, a piece of news was spread throughout Wanguan City.

Changqing Trading Company was going to choose a tea agent in Wanguan City, responsible for selling Changqing Trading Company’s tea in this region.

This news shook the entire business circle of Wanguan City!

What was Changqing Trading Company?

Who in the entire Eastern Desolate Land didn’t know about Changqing Trading Company now?

It was almost everywhere in the Eastern Desolate Land, and their tea was popular throughout the Eastern Desolate Land. Wasn’t that a money-making opportunity for anyone?

To put it bluntly, as long as Changqing Trading Company could squeeze out a tiny bit of profit for them, it would be enough for them to live on for a lifetime.

So when this news came out, all the companies were excited.

They all dreamed of being that lucky person.

Even the restaurants and cloth shops in the city wanted to get involved. If they could sell Changqing Trading Company’s tea, what else would they need to run a restaurant for?

The news said that people from Changqing Trading Company would come to Wanguan City for an on-site inspection, and then decide who to give the agency rights to.

This made all the business families have their own little plans.

“What a great opportunity! Such a great opportunity!”

At the Xu family.

Xu Long was extremely excited. Recently, their Xu family had been very lucky. His son Xu Jing had actually awakened as a Painter.

They were now looking everywhere for a Painter to teach their son how to paint.

If a Painter could emerge from their family in the future, their Xu family would have a place in the entire Minghong Prefecture.

And now, people from Changqing Trading Company were coming for an inspection. Xu Long always felt that this opportunity was given by heaven to their Xu family.

“Hmph, it’s a good thing we didn’t marry into the Xu family. It would have just hindered our Xu family’s rise,” Xu Long couldn’t help but snort coldly when he thought of the trouble-making Xu family. Once they got the agency rights, they would find someone to deal with the Xu family.

At this time, in the Xu family, Xu Yueyue’s father, Xu Liheng, was not so excited when he heard the news.

Because Xu Liheng never believed in pie falling from the sky. This matter definitely had nothing to do with their Xu family. Moreover, after weighing the pros and cons, Xu Liheng was also prepared to sell the ancestral house after a while, make up for the company’s losses and the debts owed to others, and then leave here with his wife.

Leave this heartbreaking place.

Early the next morning.

The entire Wanguan City became incredibly lively. Many people gathered at the city gate. They had received the news that the people from Changqing Trading Company were coming today, and of course, they wanted to make a good impression on them.

Everyone waited until almost noon, and only then did a luxurious carriage drive into the city from outside.

The carriage even carried the emblem of Changqing Trading Company.

(End of Chapter)

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